Gatew-2.1/SPRv-CS001128 T H E C I T Y 0 F COPP-ELL MEMORANDUM November 28, 2000 To: Mike Hodge, Building Inspections From: Andrea Roy, City Planner Subject: New Avaya Signage to replace Lucent Technologies Review of the proposed new signage for Avaya Communication by Planning staff indicates that the new attached signage does not conflict with any conditions of the site plan as approved by City Council on February 24, 1998. Specifically, staff does not object to the revised locations of the attached signs to the north and west facades, nor does staff object to the noted colors of the signage; PMS 485 C Red. With full compliance of Section 22 ("HC" Highway Commercial) and Section 29 (Sign Regulations) of the zoning ordinance, staff has no objection to the new signs. NoV-21-O0 10:37A City of Coppell ' 972 304 3514 P.01 City of Coppell 2000 Building Inspections Department 500 Southwestern Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Phone: (972) 304--3500 Fax: (~72) 304-3514 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: NO. OF FAGES: ('mdudiag cover) 7 TO: ~r~ ~ FAX #: ~o~:/~ I~v_ 44 tgfv~' ~ NoQ-21-O0 10:37A City of Coppell ' 972 304 3514 P.02 No~-21-00 10:38A City of Coppell ' 972 304 3514 P.03 Nov-21-O0 10:38A City of Coppell · 972 304 3514 P.04 iLLUMINATED WALL MOUNTED LETTERSET /V'~9~ ¢'/-/' Z¢'/-/4//4 ,~,,,,.,:,,.:, ..... . ..... ..,.., .~... ~ v,:.,,: Avaya Inc. ....... .. ,.,. . Avaya Inc. · ',,,,f, .','. ..... . '. 211 Mt. Airy Road 1111 Freeport Pk-wy ,'il,. ',','u,:. Rmckinm I~irin~, N.] Coppell. TX Noe-21-O0 10:38A City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.05 -LUMINATED WALL MOUNTED LETTERSET ~U~¢.~'~' ,~(..~6/,,~- ? /20' ,ll~;~'..'c'~l.,:'l.: '::-.;,',',.';! ' Ii. ~ ' ;~'~,'; ~ ' ~:' "~"~ "' .... .,- Avava Inc. Avaya Inc. "'" /~ ...... "" " 211 Mt. Airy Road 1111 Freeport Pkwy ~.,, Basking Ridge, NJ Coppell, TX - ,N'~'.< ' . Nov-21-O0 10:39A City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.06 ILLUMINATED LETTERSET N.T.S DETAILS F'DR PLATE LETTERS 1/2'-~-'---~l/ 1/2° FLAT CUT OUT ALUM, PLATE ---'~-~ EXlERNG [ LETTERS, PAINT ~4ATTHEN,/~ A£~YLIC POLYURETHANE ~ 41-225 ~LA£K II DRILL & TAp LEI'FER FOR #t0-24 'J-)F-) THREADED STUD. INSTALL )hFFO .. · "' W/ S~UCONE ADHESIVE OR ~4ETMOD ' I' NUT & STAR ~OCK~ASHER ~' BACK II / LETTER, !~"A V A Y I A OF ,.L.~F_R , SPACE STUDS FOOTAGE ~_~ ~_~. ~¢_~- ~'-~- ~m'-~ REQ D FOR SECURE A'FFACHUENT TRANSF' ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ 30 UA-NPF N.T.S NOV-21-00 10:39A City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.07 · , ~ ~72 .0~3' THK. AJ_k~hIINUM RE'~JRN$ ~ Iqo~ ~ l~ldt~ vr~ TA~qC UNCTIOhl BOX ~ ~C~T ~N~ dUNC~ BOX ~8~1- 1/2 WA~ ~ .UNC~ON BOX. I ~N~ H~U~ NOT I/2' ~ R~TAIN~NG ~CREW ~ N~: ~ 120 ~T ~ ~ NOT BY DIA. ~ H~ ~ ~Y P~NT OF ~ ~ ~ I~ i"' i I '--I ~IS SiGN TO BE R { ~ ~HT~RN~)~;NAE. Underwrfters Labe~ NO~CE TO ~ON INSTA~R E V~TAGE AT ~IS ~ON MUST B ~ - 120 ~L~ FOR ~IS :. ~.;~ ':::~ , f ..... T H E C I T Y 0 F COPiSELL Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 PROJECT: AVAYA Signage!!! PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Andrea L. Roy DIRECT DIAL: 972-304-3677 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: November 28, 2000 PAGES: 2 (including cover) TO: Mike Hodge FAX: 972-304-3514 Items Transmitted 1. Memorandum re: new attached signage Remarks Per our discussion, I have attached a memo on the new signage. I believe that this should cover you. Gary and I discussed and he told me to go ahead and do the memo. I wanted to bring the zoning of the property to your attention. The property is zoned HC-Highway Commercial. The max signage is 300 sq. ft. total and with their area of 168 sq. ft. x 2= 336 sq. ft. -they're over, but we'll leave the size interpretation up to you though. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 972- 304-3677 or e-mail: aroy@ci.coppell.tx, us.