Gatew-2.1/SPRv-CS 970801The Monument The Lucent Technologies monument sign is the most versatile member of the~ primary identity sign family. A wide variety of sizes, configurations and materials allows this freestanding sign to fulfill a range of signing needs. Small, medium and large monument signs are based on an expanding grid of square panels. The scale of both the architecture and the site will determine an appropriatdy Armatures Proprietary cast-aluminum armatures have been engineered to hold the sign panels to their supporting structure. To ensure consistency of fabrication, a cen- tralized source has been established to provide these armatures. See "Approved Vendor S upplemeflt." Glass Glass panels for the monument come in 2-foot- and 4-foot-square sizes and have a translucent frit applied to the back surface. To ensure consistency, a centralized source has been established to provide this glass. See "Approved Vendor Supplement." Aluminum Painted white aluminum sign panels are recommended as an alternate roarer'iai for facilities that, because of their location, do not require premium materials for primary identity signing. This material is especially useful m applications for which security may be a concern. Division identification Use of the division identifier module on the monument sign is restricted in its application. Some divisions, such as Microelectronics Group and Bell Labora- tories, are authorized to promote their name on primary signing. Requests for division identification should be directed to Advertising and Brand Management. Lighting The monument is lit by external ground lighting fixtures. See "Lighting Supplement." PRIMARY IDENTI[TY SIGNS 2 0· AUGUST 1997 The Street Address Monument At some sites, it is necessary to include the street address as a part of the sign program. There are a number of options available for incorporating this information. The best place for the street address is on a separate secondary sign. (See page 3.3.) This prevents functional information from detracting from the primary identity. An alternative location is on the site marker. (See page 3.2.) if there is a 4'- 0" 4'- 0" site marker on the site, the address , numerals only (not the street address) may be placed on the sign panel. A site marker should not be specified building address. Top View If no other signing opportunities exist for the street address, a painted white aluminum panel may be added to the bottom of the monument sign, as shown on this page. · Lucent Technol0gie~ ~ ' ~ Bell Labs Innovatiom ',align Side Elevation Front Elevation PRIMARY IDENTITY SIGNS 26 AUGUST 1997 · The Level 2 Skyline Tl".is sign uses glass panels for the , 6'-0" entire Lucent Technologies signature, 2' - 0" typical floating the identity off the building structure. The level 2 skyline is used onbuildingsthathavearough, i! ' i' ! uneven or low-contrast surface. Detail Elevation Front Elevation PRIMARY IDENTITY SIGNS 12 AUGUST 1997 · The Primary Sign Colors d In the Lucent Technologies signatures, the Innovation Ring appears in re Lucent Red and the Iogotype and Bell Labs Innovations line appear in black. *For offset printing with PANTONE® Color inks, in lieu of Lucent Red you For Lucent Red, use ma,/use PANTONE 186, the standard for which is shown in the current edition PANTO N E 186' of the PANTONE Color Formula Guide. or 3MTM ScotchcalTM 7725-263 film Signing applications use opaque color film applied to a substrate. In lieu of Lucent Red, you may use 3MTM Scotchcal~.',~ 7725-263 film. For black, you may use 3MTM ScotchcalTM 7725-12 film. 3MTM ScotchcalTM film and 3MTM black Sc°tchlite'rM film c°l°r samples are pr°vided at the back °[ this manual' The colors shown on this page and throughout these guidelines are not intended to match either the PANTONE Color Standards or the specified 3M opaque Use 3MTM ScotchcalTM co/o,-films. 7725-12 film PANTONE is a registered Irademark o[ Pantone, thC. Scolchcal and Scotchlite are registered tradelnarks o[ 3M. AUGUST 1 997