12/5/97 zoning verif. ltr. 214 953 5901 [~-~-1~'~ 1~:~ SACk{S0~-I ~ LIALK~R 214 955 59~1 P.~I ~01 Mien Strelt ~ite 8000, Drolly, Tex.s 75202 [214J 653-6000, Fez (214) 953.5622 Me.er of Glo.JewTM JAC ON L.L.E FACSIMILE OATE: December 5, 1997 TO: Pert Virtanen FACSIMILE NO: 972/304.3570 MAIN Np. OF RECEIVING FIRM: FROM: Norma W. Bledsoe NO. OF PAGESINC. COVER SHEET: 2 PLEASE CALL 214~953.5944 IF YOU DO NOT This feesirrdle is intended only for ~e use of the eddreosee. If the addressee RECEIVE ALL PAGES. of this facsimii~ is I client o~ agent for one of our clients, you Ire further advised that the facsimile contains legally privileged and confidential FACSiMILE-INTEROFFiCE USE informatioA which we intended to send to the addressee only. CUENTIMATTER NO: 104153.00008 1. any IV~lst, it you erI not thl intended recipient of 1he facsindli, you ere lwreby notif'md thlt you hive received tld~ facsimile i~edvettently end NO. OF PKGES: 2 in errar. Any review, di$~mJnatiQn, distribution or coping of this is &trictly probated. If you have received this facsimile in Ir;or, please immediately ATTORNEY: N .W_G1 notify us by telephene aM return the original facsimile to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. We will reimburse any costs you DATE: inGur in notifying us I;Id returning the facsimile to us. MESSAGE: A~stin · Della! · Fort WorTh * HousTon * ~afl Antonio JACKSON WALI(E R rro.. s cou.sao, s 9D1 Main Stroet, $oitn 60D0, Dallas, Te]~as i L.L.P. {2141 §S3-6000 fax {214t 953.5822 ~W. ~ December5,1997 VIA FAX NO. (9721 304-3fi70 Mr. Pert Virtanen Zoning I: part ent City of Coppell! P_ O. Box 475 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Zoning Verification of Lot 2, Block l, GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, according to the Revised Map recorded in Volume 96129, Page 3135, Map Records of Dallas County, Texas (the "Property") Dear Mr. Vertanen: We request a z~ning verification letter regarding the Property addressed to the following party: 1NVESCO Realty Advisors, Inc. One Lincoln Center 5400 LB~J Freeway, Suite 1200 Dallas, Texas 75240 Attention: Ron Ragsdale The Letter shou/d be sent to .me along with the appropriate zon/ng ordinance attached. Th~mk you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. V~ly yos~s, NormaW. Bledsoe Legal Assistant NWI~16722~1/10415:3.$ cz'. I-Iow~rd B~kin. Esq. Dallas · Fort Worth o HOUNTOll + :San Antonio TOTAL P.02 Coppell, Texas 75019 //~'--~/~ The City With A Beautiful Future 972-462-0022 k__// //_~.." ~,.o. 8ox 478 December 5, 1997 INVESCO Realty Advisors, Inc. One Lincoln Center 5400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200 Dallas, Texas 75240 Attention: Ron Ragsdale re: Zoning of Lot.2~,Block 1, Gateway Business Park, Coppell TX Dear Sirs: The referenced property is within the "LI" Light Industrial District of the City of Coppell, as described in the Coppell Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. A copy of the district regulations follows, as well as a copy of that part of the Official Zoning Map which includes the property. If you have further questions, you may call me at (792) 304-3676. Sincerely, Pert Virtanen Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services Enclosures The approxt~_te location of Lot 2s Block Gateway Business Parks an addition to the City of Coppell (¥.96129s1%3135 HRDC~) sho~ SECTION 25 "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT General Purpose and Description: The LI Light Industrial District is intended to provide for commercial and light manufacturing uses. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-1 Use Regulations: The following uses are permitted in the "LI" District, provided that such manufacturing or industrial operation shall not disseminate dust, fumes, gas, noxious odor, smoke, glare, or other atmospheric influence beyond the boundaries of the property on which such use is located and which produces no noise exceeding in intensity at the boundary of the property the average intensity of noise of street traffic at that point and provided that such use does not create fire hazards on surrounding property. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 1. Any use permitted in any of the "O" Office, "R" Retail, and "C" Commercial Districts. , , 2. Apparel and other products assembled from finished textiles. 3. Bottling works. 4. Carting, express, hauling or storage yard. 5. Contractor's yard. 6. Cosmetic manufacturer. 7. Drugs and pharmaceutical products manufacturing. 8. Electronic products manufacturing. 9. Fur goods manufacture, but not including tanning or dyeing. 10. Glass products from previously manufactured glass. 11. Household appliance products assembly and manufacture from prefabricated parts. 12. Industrial and manufacturing plants including the processing or assembling of parts for production of finished equipment where the process of manufacturing or treatment of materials is such that only a nominal amount of dust, odor, gas, smoke or noise is emitted and not more than twenty (20%) per cent of the lot or tract is used for the open storage of products, materials, or equipment. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition SECTION 25 - "LIGHT INDUSTRIAL" 13. Musical instruments assembly and manufacture. 14. Plastic products manufacture, but not including the processing of raw materials. 15. Sporting and athletic equipment manufacture. 16. Testing and research laboratories. 17. Housing prefabrication. 18. General warehousing activities (including convenience storage or "mini warehouse"). 19. Veterinarian clinic (outside kennels). 20. Any uses permitted by Special Use Permit, Section 30-12. Above section (Ord. 91500-A-129) except where noted. 25-2 Height Reeulations: Office or industrial use - None except limited to thirty-five (35) feet on any portion of the site within one hundred fifty (150) feet of property zoned or used for A, SF-ED, SF-18, SF-12, SF-9, SF4, SF-0, 2F-9, TH-l, TH-2, MF-1 or MF-2. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-3 Area Reeulafions: 1. Minimum Size of Yards: (A) Front Yard: Thi,ty (30) feet with no front yard parking. If front yard parking is utilized then sixty (60) feet front yard setback shall be observed. (Ord. 91500-A-129) (B) Side Yard: Ten (10) feet unless adjacent to property in residential district; then a minimum of fifty (50) feet shall be observed. (Ord. 91500-A-129) (C) Rear Yards: Ten (10) feet unless adjacent to property in a residential district; then a minimum of fifty (50) feet shall be observed. (Ord. 91500-A- 129) ZONING ORDINANCE CODE I~OOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 63 A~ SECTION 25 - "LIGHT INDUSTRIAL" (D) For structures requiring railroad access, setback requirements from the center line of the Railroad Right-of-way shall be in accordance with applicable state laws. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 2. Minimum Size of Lot: (A) Lot Area: Five thousand (5,000) square feet. (Ord. 91500-A-129) (B) Lot Width: Fifty (50) feet. (Ord. 91500-A-129) (C) Lot Deoth: None. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 3. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than f'dty (50) per cent of the lot area be covered by the main buildiag and accessory buildings. An additional ten (10%) per cent coverage is allowed for parking structures. (Ord. 91500-A- 129) 4. Floor Area Ratio: Maximum F.A.R. 2.0 to 1. (See Appendix Illustration No. 15) (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-4 Parking regulations: Required off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the special uses set forth in Section 31. All parking shall be located at least 30 feet behind the front property line and 5 feet from the rear property line. Parking may be allowed 15 feet behind the front property line provided that a landscape plan has been submitted and approved by the Planning Commission that clearly indicates the parking front setback reduction. (Ord. 91500-A-30) (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-5 Tvoe of Construction: Exterior wall construction in districts permitting' non- residential uses shall be of such material that is required to conform with the City of Coppell Building Code for the particular non-residential use or occupancy involved. All structures shall be eighty percent (80%) masonry exterior exclusive of doors and windows. Glass may be counted in place of masonry. (Ord. 91500- A-30) (Ord. 91500-A- 129) 25-6 Landscaoe Reauirements: Landscape areas shall be provided according to Section 34. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-7 Areas used for open storage shall be screened according to Section 33-1, 5. Open storage areas shall be confined to the rear 2/3 (two thirds) of the lot. (Ord. 91500-A- 129) ZONI3/G ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 915(X}. Amended Threagh 91500-A-129) 64 AGC_OJ(~