Application & check SUBD!VrSiON APPLICATION FEB 2. Preliminary Pla: =iNAL PLAT ~5AT Street City State Zip 4. Firm Preparing Plat ~l&& C. ~~.~ ~~ Pkcne ~ ~- ~,~ ~3 Stree~ City State Zip ~ Property O~er ~%~i~ ~,;~o~ Street City State ZiB . Stree~ c~ ~y State Zip 7. Ail Correspondence taler:ye to this application should be directed to whom: - ,.~- Address & ~ ,~, ~~_ ~~ City, State, Zip ~,~ .~ ~~ 8. General Location of Property~~ ~. l_~a 9. What is the present Zoning, District? ~e you re~esting any zoning change? ~ !~ yes, what is the Case File ~ Zoning diszric~ Re~ested? 10. ~roposed Subdivision Contains: g~d Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for ea. use) Sinale F~il¥ Duplex ~lti-F~i 1¥ C¢~ercial Indus~ria! ~.- ~. Public Street R/W Parks, Public TOTAL: '--~ SUBAPP · CASH' RECEIPT Date~-.~/ .',, ~a. 002 91 8 8 Received From 0 ~ Dollars $ ~T. OF CASH ACCOUNT ~"~'" ilo ~ ~"~ ~ANC~ ~ON~V ~ .