Gatew-1.1/PP-CS 900410.,,~ ~ also tile reco~e~d&tio~ .~f the Planning and Zontng Commission. Those property owners affected who were present to discuss this item with the Council were Mr. Weldon Davis, representing Santa Fe Realty and Mr. Peter Staks, representing Thompson Realty. Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson opened the public hearing and asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of the proposed amendments. Those persons speaking were Mr. David Hardin, 777 Freeport Parkway, who feels that the medians in industrial sections do adversely affect traffic as far as tractor trailer vehicles are concerned. Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed amendments; there were none. The public hearing portion of this item was closed. Discussion was held by Council. Council adjourned into Executive Session as allowed under Article 6252-17, Senate Concurrent Resolution #83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client at 8:45 p.m. and adjourned back into open session at 8:47 p.m. Following further discussion on this item, Councilman Smothermon moved that the Thoroughfare Plan be amended to include the red-uction of right-of-way from the Denton ?ap/Beitline intersection west to Freeport Parkway from the current 110 foot right-of-way (six-lane divided thoroughfare) to a 90 foot right- of-way (four-lane divided thoroughfare); to reduce the right-of- way requirements from Freeport west to Royal Lane from 110 foot right-of-way (six-lane divided thoroughfare) to 70 foot right--of- way (fcur-lane undivided thoroughfare); thac the entrances at Gateway and Freeport as well as Gateway and Royal Lane include a divided median for at least 125 feet with the median being heavily landscaped. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion; motion carried 4-2 with Councilman Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favo~7 of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilman Morton voting against the motion. Item 9: Consider a preliminary plat for the Mockingbird School Site Addition, located at the northeast corner of Mockingbird Lane and Falcon Lane, at the request of Coppeli IndepeDdent School District. Director of Planning and Community Service Gary Sieb made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb stated that the applicant is requesting two variances which are that the distance between the existing exit ano the new proposed entry to the elementary scP.ool be approximately 60 feet rather than the approximate 90 ~eet required by ordinance and that all fees other than inspections ~ees be waived. Mr. Robert Howman, representing the school and Mr. Buddy Echols, School Superintendent, were also present to disc.uss this item with the Council. Mr. Echois stated that tke school is requesting that any fees be waived where the City would not be incurring cost, such as in inspections. Discussion was held concerning the possibility of cost being incurred through the water and sewer availability fees. Following discussion on this item, and the possibility of additional discussion concerning the traffic problems at Austin Elementary, which are to be discussed at the joint City Council/School Board meeting, scheduled during the month of May, Councilman Robertson moved that the preliminary plat be approved as submitted with the variance for the distance between the existing exit and the new proposed entrance, as previously stated, be approved and any fees other than inspection fees or any direct cost to the City, such as cost of water meters, be waived. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 10: Consider a final plat for the Mockingbird School Site Addition, located at the northeast corner of Mockingbird Lane and Falcon Lane, at the request of Coppell Independent School District. Page 4 of 8 Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the Director of Planning and Community Services Gary S[eb made the presentati, on ~o ~he Council. Conditions requested under this plan are that the final construction plans and traffic study have not v~t been delivered These two documents ~re ~ be dei~vered as soon ~s possible. Fo[iowing discussion by the Council, Councilman Smothermon moved that ~he final pia~ be approved wi~h the two documents being transmitted as soon as possible. Council_man Rober~son seconde~ the motion; motion carried (.)-0 with M~yor Pro Tem Wi[ke~son, and Councilmen Morton, Smothe~mon, Cowman, Robe~tson ~ ~ .. -'~-~'~ Ln ~vo~ of the ~o~on item. '' : Consider a preliminary pla~ for Gateway Business Park Addition, alona. '~m~h~.. variances, located at ~..~ northwest c .... e. o~ Freeport Parkwav~ and I.H. 6')~,_~ at the reauest . o~ San~a Fe Realty. Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the ~~t~ ~o ~e Counc~i Mr ~eb [pformed ~h~ Council that ~d::=~ ..... tract [s a iC,~ ~cre development. ~,.~a~ roadway through th~s · q~el.~.m~.~.,... ~_, ..... ~.~ af~'ected: by the g~e~,~ou~,.~ .. , ~ ~ecis[on of the Council under I~em,.~ and, therefore, would show a ~h-~,~.~,.~,~h~re with a c-ur-lone undivlded 7n - ~ r],~'. -.- ..... ~ ~,.~,: the foul-lane az.v~d~d thoroughfare as shown on the pre!imlnary i.. ~a~_,.,_ !andscapina, o¢ ..... ~arkways shal~ be completed, __..as individual l. oxs are deve-oped: 2~ ali appl~cabie fees shall be paid by "et owners as zhe ~ n.:J [vidu~ ! 1 ots are .-'Jove icped; 3 ' altheuah ~.. ' ~' ~"~ '" ' the '; permitted along ~he west rL~ht-of-way ~,e ....... e o~ ex ...... cverhead e!ec~r[cai mransmission line', and 4.'~ nemporarv_ ,-~:.~inace~.. to be carried bv arass-'. !ned channels without a ......... ...,..,., .... ..~e~- [nver~ ~;';r~ck facinc on hendwaiis. The channel is ~c. E.e an enclosed pipe ..... ~ ~.e_g was . system as individual lots ~re developed. Co~,- r expressed :he ....... '~'~'~ ]. on "~:-.~ .......... anco ~4 reqard;~g the eEa;~-'-,~e channel . .,~c~'- [me. n~,...:=~ u~cineer~ _ . bP. onre"' - ................... [~.~o~-~d stated that Var~_amce ~a will ge ..~:]d~==e~-~ p~~.~ ~,c :ne f[naz miat c~.~[nq before the C'our, c~; ;+ J.s determined nh~t the ve!ccity of the water is hLgh, so.~e neaps ,..~ou.~ u ~'~ usei to reduce :h~ ~; Ve_l_OC ~ e,: ;:'~: ~ ] c:.%: [ ~ ~- : d:scussion on th~s item, Councilmen Rober'tson moved that tP~e fi. hal nie~ ue ~,pp,-,-',~-i wi.~h ~he fsur variances =~ requested ;-,~ we!., u"~'~'~=~ep~_ ~ ?arKw~v. The me,u'[;~ is to [-,o at [eas*d ~'~':~ ~o~r i.r ~ .... ~tg. Counciimnn Oowman._. ... seconded ~he~ motion; mo~'[r}n .... ";,-~i. .... es :,--1' '~-,=' ~': ikerson, and -"-,,,n'' ~ ~ Mo~ton em,-~h~mon C:owman . ..... ~Cl .... e .................. Mayor Pro Tern z~z , Robertson a~.~ "..,~':~son -/ot;n~ !n favor ot '-h~ ~,~{ i~em 12: Consider a fina~ e'-, ~,.~.. ....... on .~.~.ut for the Meadc, ws -' '~'~ ~; '~ce; Bouiev~r! and Samuei Boulevard, at the ~-aquest ........ .-,e r,~,"-'¢~',w~:.=.,... ..... u=o_ o:. Pi and Community Ser~,ices Gary SLob made ~resente~ion =n the Co,,m~4 i m~ =re ~. v~l inces Fequeste~ ~ ~ ~-. ' ~ ' , .. ~.} ....... ~on moved that ri:is p ...... ~o~ [.ow,~c d~scuss[on, Counc{ Iman ~', ~.... f~n~.~= ~.=~'~ =~ be npprcved as submizteQ. (iounci'i~;~_,.....,. :.~. seconded ~ mo~ion cart ' MP~VoF ~:h-o Tern _.~e : motion .led 6-(', w!~h . _ .. ~.~, :{~n ~ncl Councilmen Mor~on Smothermon, uewm~F_, ,~,~ ...... ~ ...... Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Imem 13: Consider a final plat for Park West Commerce Center, and a request to vacate the previously filed plat for Gateway Park at Coppell, located at the southwest corner of Beltline Road and Southwestern Boulevard, at the request of Prentiss Properties. Director of Planning and Community Services Gary Sieb made the presentation to the Council. Eleven conditions are being requested by the applicant. Mr. Sieb read those conditions which are filed as a permanent part of the records of this plat file in the Page 5 of 8 / / / - ,.-~ ,~ ~-~;.: ,l_/ ~..'"-'' "'