Gatew-1.1/PP-CS 900227 !;, / ............. //,%',: c:.T'.~ ~,z £.~,,~z ..... I/,,,.I,' ""-:~..-..'.. [//,::-:~-.~ .... EI.,~GT. NEF. RTI~G DiViSiON ' ' ":'"(~:' :"'"" BY: Shohre Banenhm n~ ~/' 4fi2-E495 · cot.._ Q ...... o... ~X Please make the follow.Lng ~dd:~.'t:Lons and/or ~ ~"*': ~,~ to 'the 1) - The names and zoning of adjacent properties, names on record of owners of adjoining parcels. 2 ) - The ~ .... :' exis'Lin~ and ~oc~ .... on, widths aha n&mes of all proDose~.. $'treo-ts, easements, ._.L~e lanes or other pub ways within or adjacent to the 'trac'u. 3 ) - Existing and proposed zoning o [ the s itc and the surrounding properties. ' : -" ~ ,- ~,- of 5 feeu or ].ess, 4) - Topograph~/ of the site ~n..e..% ::eferrecl no seci .=e_ve.~ clatum). 5) - Per 17~=ooc.p~.~.,.n~ ~ "'~ !.~anagement Ordinance :i[~390, .... (~r~. ~, Sec. C, Item 4, Page 34), al~ subdivision proposals mus'u have the following note placed on tko ~" p ......... na~y and fl..am plats. "Floodplain Development Perrd." i,,~~ ica'Lion ~o has been -~ ~ec[ wi'uh ,-be City cf Coppell ~",-~'~-" Administrator on , (Floodplain >'~d:uin!strator) (Date) - No Com~,ent. The following information, as marked, is required ~o be contained in the ~re].iminarv ~ ~;~ ~ ena_,~ee ....... aris - Submit preliminary e~%cLneerin~ ~La~q - The plans ~ ~ ~ ~ show existing structures, uti2.~t~ .... ~ - ~ -r ~a. ~'T~'~ ~'0 ~ ~ ' lines, gas lines, and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto winh pipe sizes and locations, provide dimension controls for ail utilities and right-of-ways. 3) - On appropriate plans, provide a legend iden'tifyinq the utilities, such as water, sewer, gas line, stoz~?., sewer ...etc 4) - Preliminary plans of proposed water distribution system · . . sewage collection system . and their relation · to the existing utilities in 'uhe area, and-to the Utility Master Plan. 5) - Provide a Drainage krea l.[ap, covering two parts: a) show On-site Drainage I~ap, on a scale of I"=20', 40', 50', etc. . ; with all details as required in the Subdivision Ordinance. b) show the Off-site Drainage Map, on a scale of i'=I00', 2u~', etc . . Delineate the project s boundary on it, plus the less detailed drainage system, to clearly demonstrate 'the affect of such activities, drainage outfalis, on the adjacent ./ properties and the Drainage Master Plan. 6) - I~ the applicant is requesting any variance to the Subdivision Ordinance, he/she must submit a letter specifically outlining his respective requests. This letter shall be submitted along with corrected ~lan. 7) - Show the boundaries of the i00-year Floodplain and Floodway ~ ~ . cmea~zy on the preliminary and final plats B) - kll above commen~ms must be addressed, prior -to s'taf£'s recom.mendation for approval of the preliminary plat and  plans. 9) - Prcvide a .written response on al! co~ents, wSth explanations provided on items not addressed as requested above. Page 212