Gatew-1.1/PP-CS 900308 (3) GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK WATER AND WASTEWATER DEMAND ANALYSIS I. POPULATION FORECAST FOR LIGHT ENDUSTRIAL LAND USE A. Assumptions 1. 85% of gross land area is developab!e land. 2. 50% of developable land is gross floor space. 3. 50% of gross floor space is office area. 4. One person per 150 square feet of office area. B. Calculations 1. For one acre of land zoned light industrial: 43,560 S.F. (0.85) (0.50) (0.50) 1/150 = 61.71 people / AC ~ 62 P/AC. 2. Tributary area population: 103 Ac Onsite 30 Ac Offsite 133 Ac Total (62 P/AC) = 8246 People H. WASTENVATER DF~MAND FORECAST A. Assumptions (Source: Texas Department of Health and Texas Departa~ent of Water Resources) 1. Daily Demand = 20 Gallons per day per persov 2. Peaking Factor = 4 3. Infiltration = 150 Gallons per day per acre B. Calculation of peak flow plus infiltration Qr = 8246 P (20 gpd/c) (4) + 133 AC (150) = 659,680 + 19,950 = 679,630 gpd = 0.68 MGD HI. WATER DEMAND FORECAST - (Onsite area only) A. Assumptions 1. Daily Demand = 24 Gallons per day per person (Source: Texas Department of Health). 2. Peaking factor for conversion of average day to maximum day = 2. 3, Peaking factor for conversion of maximum day to maximum hour = 2. B. Calculation of maximum hour demand: O,~n = 103 AC (62 P/AC) 24 gpd/c) (2) (2) = 613,056 gpd = 0.61 MGD