Gatew-1.1/PP-CS 900119 ALBERT H. HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS · SCIENTISTS · SURVEYORS DALLAS · ARLINGTON · CHICAGO · FORT WORTH 56'5 '.O-~---'2,'ES- -~_.~Z~. Er'T-,.-- · Dt~_LAS. -EX.z~ 75225 2,~ ~-.:.:e4 Janua~ 19, 1990 AVO 10564SS / PP01 Ci~ of Coppell 255 Par~ay Coppeli, Texas 75019 Attention: Ms. Ta~on Bowman Re: Gateway Business Park - Prelimina~ Plat Dear Ms. Bowman: Please find attached the above referenced prelimina~ plat and support data. We are requesting that this plat be scheduled for the March 15, 1990 Planning Commission Meeting. We are submitting at this early date in order that we might start worhng with the Ci~ Staff on the various aspects of the project and get a schedule of the tkes that will become due throughout the project. Please note that a revision to the master thoroughfare plan has already been requested thru this project. In addition we are requesting the following: 1. Overhead power to be allowed along the back and side proper~ lines of the project with the understanding that no overhead power will be constructed across or within street right-of-ways within this project. 2. The landscaping of Parkways shall be completed as the individual lots are developed. 3. ~1 applicable fees, shall be paid by io[ owners a~ the individual lots are developed and replatted. 4. That open channel drainage will not be allowed without a concrete pilot channel. Yours ve~ truly, ~BERT H. ~FF ~SOC~TES, INC. Patrick ~e Acker, P.E. 'Fz',~z~:=-z- C'. ,'.'~-F= :ESZ:...FZE~ _-'.'.2. DE.F. 'Z'z'.'5 . '.'_'. ,, F.'.. _'.. =Z,'.'.'F','-'-_ :-'~ .:.] .:-~ ~-~'.E'- '.3 G:L';5~ FC5 T 3'.'r.-i; %. 5'r'.' ~ z S =Yr.~C 'k -:- '.::~ '.3 -'-'&: r.'-:-::' '.L :: '.2:~'] M:E ~7;C- -EC- .F5 :. zt:'.