Georgetown Pl/FP-CS 850228ao Be Date: 2-28-85 Rev. No: 1 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT ANALYSIS GEORGETOWN PLAZA General 1. Development Name and size: Georgetown Plaza, 11.338 acres 2. Owner: Giller Land Corporation - Attn: Jack Stone 3. Engineer: Threadgill-Dowdey - Attn: Don Dowdey 4. Current zoning: 5. Current status of development: Final Plat 6. Location: NE corner Samuel Blvd./Sandy Lake Road 7. Proposed density: Commercial 8. Annexation or land study required: none 9. Issues resolved: N/A 10. Issues to be resolved: Construction plan approval - drainage 11. Dedications required: Shown on plat - Sandy Lake Rd. and Samuel Boulevard dedications Impact 1. Traffic: a. Off-site collector streets: Samuel Boulevard b. Off-site arterial streets: Sandy Lake Road 2. Sewer: a. Proposed mains: 8" main on-site and along Samuel Blvd. 38,000 gpd b. Proposed connections to existing mains: 12" main at Samuel and Parkway Boulevard 3. Water: 8" main connect to 16" main on Sandy Lake Rd. 57,000 gpd 4. Drainage: On-site storm sewer to ditch at Sandy Lake Road, overflow to Samuel Boulevard 5. Schools: a. Primary school: Not affected b. Middle school: C. Approvals and Fees 1. Fees: Item . Final Plat Construction Permit Fee Water Availability Fee Sewer Availability Fee Park Development Fees Required $ 496.90 $11,623.50 $11,338.00 $11,338.00 N/R Paid to date 2. Assessments and Pro Rata Charges: to be determined ae Item: Sandy Lake Road, $75/1.f. Summary: $75 x 796.5' = $59,737.50 be Item: Samuel Boulevard, $75/1.f. Summary: $75/1.f. x 600' = $45,000.00 Approvals a. Annexation b. Land study: P&Z, City Council c. Zoning: P&Z, City Council d. Preliminary Plat: City Engineer: Planning & Zoning: City Council: e. Final Plat City Manager: City Engineer: Planning & Zoning: City Council f. Construction Plans: City Manager: City Engineer: g. File approved plat: h. Letter of acceptance: i. Receive as-builts: j. End of warranty period: 11-29-84 1-23-85 2-14-85 2-21-85 Submitted: John V. Wankum, P.E.