Gatew-2.2/PP,SPRv-CS 981119 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK, LOT 1 & 2, BLOCK A AND LOT 1, BLOCK B, PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SITE PLAN FOR LOT 2, BLOCK A P & Z HEARING DATE: November 19, 1998 C.C. HEARING DATE: December 8, 1998 LOCATION: Along the north side of I.H. 635; east of Freeport Parkway. SIZE OF AREA: 32.82 gross acres, platted into three lots: one of 4.72 acres, one of 7.31 acres, one of 18.36 acres, and common area of .28 acres. The remainder is platted into a dedicated street The 7.31 acre lot (lot 2, block A) is proposed to contain a 103,611 sq. ft. general office building. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Preliminary Plat and Site Plan review. APPLICANT: Engineer: Architect: Halff and Associates Omniplan, Inc. Todd Jackson D. Michael Hellinghausen 8616 Northwest Plaza Dr. 2711 N. Haskell, Suite 1340 Dallas, Tx. 75225 Dallas, Tx. 75204 (214) 346-6200 (214) 827-9206, Ext. 135 Fax: (214) 739-0095 Fax: (214) 826-7016 HISTORY: There has been no recent development on the subject tract. TRANSPORTATION: LBJ Freeway is a full-service freeway built to standard. Freeport Parkway is a C4D/6 built to standard. The proposed Dividend Drive is contained within a 75 foot r.o.w. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- vacant; "LI" Light Industrial South -Interstate Highway 635; "A", Agricultural East - vacant; "A", Agricultural, and "C", Commercial (on school site) West -vacant; "LI", Light Industrial Item # 11 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for Freeway Commercial and Office use. DISCUSSION: We support the construction of an office building along LBJ Freeway and the extension of the proposed Dividend Drive east from Freeport Parkway. This road will provide access to the interior of the tract, open the area to future development, and complies with the thoroughfare layout contained within the Comprehensive Plan. Provided the applicant complies with our sign guidelines, utilities are placed underground, and some detail regarding the low entry and end walls is presented, this project can be endorsed by staff. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: The planning staff recommends approval of both the preliminary plat and site plan subject to the landscaping plan conforming to the provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, utilities being placed underground, the understanding that monument signs are limited to one per street frontage, additional detail regarding the low walls is forthcoming, and the attached comments from other Department's review of this request. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat 2) Site Plan for proposed office building 3) Site Plan calculations 4) Landscaping Plan for proposed office building 5) Elevations of proposed office building 6) Irrigation Plan 7) Other Departmental comments (Fire and Engineering) Item # 11