Georgetown Pl/FP-CS 840619Jeffrey D. Stone (Giller Land Corp) 8131 LBJ Freeway #815 Dallas, Tx 75251 214-644-1025 e CITY OF COPPELL P.O. BOX 478 COPPELL, TEXAS 75819, ,~OBDIVISION APPLICATION Subdivision Name Preliminary Plat Applicant .J~6q~ Street City Phone ! ~4- ~- Final Plat State zip Firm Preparing Plat Address l G ~_%~0 Street Ct ty State Phone { P}operty (~ner. ~J4t~-r<F__ Address SiS) Street Phone ! ~L~ - ~4--~OZ~- City State Zip Developer Address Phone Street City State Zip All Correspondence relative to this application should be direoted to whom: City, State, Zip Phone General Location of Property I1.55~ Ic~ ~ Hair OF Sa~1 c4~ ,zo~ { ~~$ . e 10. What is the present Zoning District? ~ Are you requesting any zoning change? ~3o If yes, what is the Case Pile Noi? Zoning district requested?, Proposed Subdivision Contains~ Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for each use) Single Famtl pUplnx Multi-Family .,. Commercial Public Street R/W Parks, ~ubli¢ Condominium (specify new or converson) ~otal ~1 dIS]ON APPLICATION PAGF, 2 Filing fee check made payable to the CITY OF C0PPELL is enclosed in the amount of $ , (See Fee Schedule Below). Residential Preliminary ................... ~eml~+ ~ per lot ?inal ........................ .'~+~per lot Industrial, Commercial, Apartment or Other P~ellminary.. ' .~e~+~ per acre ....... :::::::::::::::::::::: p,, certify that the.a~ve info~ation ia correct to the best of my knowledge. PAID Signature Property Owner ( A~h~rized Agent For ~//~oper ty Owner FOR STAFF USE ONLY 1) Filing Fee 2) Previous Cases 3) Plats Review Committee 4 ) Docket Date STAFF CO~ENTS