Gibbs Stat P1/FP-AG 920609ITEM CAPTION: CITY COUNCIL ~T1NG CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA REQUEST FORM / June g. / Consideration and approval of a final plat of Gibbs Station Addition, Phase I, located at the northeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Allen Road, at the request of Gibbs Station, Ltd. 15¥ALUATION OF ITEM: Date of P [ Z Meeting: May Z1, 199Z STAFF ~-: Gary L. Sieb. P anning~ Director, OTHER REP.: DATE: Decision of P ~ Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with the following conditions: 1) that no alley requirements on Lots 1-13, Block E, 2) all appropriate conditions of affected City departments be complied with, including needed sewer and drainage easements on Lots 1-2, 9, 10, 11 & 12 in Block E, 3) that the provisions of the March 17, 1992, letter be met, that letter is attached, 4) that the requirements of the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association be met APPROVED f~rt]~eardetails.CiTY ~le~ ~e attached staff ~,t f~ DATE N/A ~. E~ BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET FINANCIAL REVIEW BY LEGAL REVIEW BY: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT GIBBS STATION ADDITION, PHASE I - FINAL PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: May 21, 1992 C. C. HEARING DATE: June 9, 1992 LOCATION: Along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard, and south of Allen Road. SIZE OF AREA: 26.4 Acres; 97 single-family lots. REQUEST: Approval of a final plat. APPLICANT: Gibbs Station, Ltd. (Owner) 5539 Yale Boulevard Suite #100 Dallas, TX 75206 Dan Dowdey & Associates (EnGineer) Mr. Bill Anderson 16250 Dallas Parkway Suite #100 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 931-0694 HISTORY: No recent plattinG activity on this parcel. TRANSPORTATION: MacArthur Boulevard future development, will serve as an arterial and is designated a P6D. to this SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Park Land: SF-0 South - Vacant: PD-SF-7 East - Vacant; PD-SF-7 West - Vacant; TH-1 (PD-SF pendinG) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The master land use plan shows this area to be developed as medium and high density residential. ITEM 12 ANALYSIS: Because this plat is basically identical to the earlier zoning case site plan and plat which granted PD-SF-7 on the 27 plus acres, staff would recommend approval of this subdivision with: 1) no alley requirements on Lots 1-13, Block E, 2) all appropriate conditions of affected City Departments be complied with, including needed sewer and drainage easements on Lots 1-2, 9-10, and 11-12 in Block E, and 3) provisions of March 17, 1992 letter be met. 4) the requirements of the Lakes of Coppell Homeowners Association be met. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the final plat 2) Deny the final plat 3) Modify the final plat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final Plat 2) Letter to Sam Wyse dated March 17, 1992 GIBBSI.STF GIBBS ST~TIO~ PHASE ONE Improvement Plan and Impact Fee Study. Councilman Robett~on moved to approve the 1991 Water and Wastowatex C,~pital Improvement Plan and Impact Fen Study. Councilman Mermn seconded the motion. The motion canal 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelsen voting in favor of the motion. Item 24 Consideration and approval of an Ordinance to rapince Impact Fee Ordinance ~90478 to adopt Impact Fees as set out in Sehedules 1 & 2 as recommended by the 1991 Water and Wastewator Impact Fen Study included as Exhibit *C# to the ordinance. Councilman Morton moved to approve Ordinance ~91533.1 to replace Impact Fen Ordinance ~90478 to adopt Impact Fees as set out in Schedules 1 & 2 as ~commended by the 1991 Wate~ anti Wastewater Impact Fee Study included as Exhibit 'C' to the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion can'ied 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smo~hermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Mor~n, RobetUon, and Nelson vo6ng in favor of the motion. Item 25 -- Consideration and approval of a final plat (secondexy plat) for Sandy La~ Addition, Lot 1, Block B, located along the west side of Samuel Blvd., 335 feet north of Sandy r~lr~ Road at the request of Dr. Stephen King. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sie~ made a pre~ntalion. Following discussion, Councilman Nelson moved to approve a final plat (secondary plat) for Sandy lake Addition, Lot 1, Block B, located along the west side of Samuel BI~I., 335 feet on~h of Sandy r~lr~ Road at the request of Dr. Stephon King. Mayor Pro Tern Smo~erman soconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 26 PUBLIC HEARING: Conside~tion and al~ of a zoning change for Case t~PD-121, (Gibbs Station Addition, Ph~e I), f~om MF-2 to PD-SF-7, lnc~t,",~ along the east side of ManArthur Blvd., and North of Parkway Blvd., at the request of Heath & Knight Propetfiea. Planning and Community Services Director Gery Sie~ made a preaentution providing information about the development. Hammond ~ of Heath and Knight prope~ea made a Ix~entation further ex4~lalning the subdivision. Ma~l' Woffe declared the Public I. teatin~ ppon and asked if the~ were any persens who wisbed to speak in f'avor of or in oppceition to tbe pfan and fen~. Rick Earl of 607 Allen Ro~l on bchalf of the homonwonrs a~aocintion ~oln~ in favor of the Hearing closed. Discussion followed. Councilman Moron moved to rst~lnove ~ ~ change for Case/~PD-121, (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase 1), from MF-2 to PD-$F-7, ~ along the east side of ManArthur Blvd., and North of Parkway Blvd., at the n~queat of ~ & Knight Properties with the following four conditions: 1) Front 1o~ be allowed on Village Perk-way which is a collector street, 2) Gibbs Cro-~ng between blocks A and B south of Villa~n Parkway be aBowed to have a length of +/- 1~00 feet, 3) lots 15-19, Block A en~ c~o,l~ed withont alleys in the rear, lots 1-42 in Block E are a~roved without nHeys in the n~or, and 4) prospective buyers be provided a single p~ge 8-1/2 x 11' sheet diselo~ing the e~ist~ce of the T a~--s of Coppell Homeowners Association indicating the tax rato at the time and this be provided to them at the time the earnest money contr~t on th~ home is ex~u~:l. Mayor I~o Tern Smothermon seconded the motion. ~on mo6on carried 6.0, with Mayor Pro Tern $ mothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Rol~'tson, and Nelson voting in favor of the mo6on. Item 27 Smothermon moved to approve a pralimin~ry plat for Gibbs Station, Phase I Addition, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. north of Parkway Blvd., at the request of Heath & Knight Properties, with the following four cenditionsas approved in item ff26: 1) Front lotsbe allowed on Vinage Parkway which is a collector street, 2) Gibbs Crossing between blocks A and B south of Village Parkway be allowed to have a length of +/- 1600 feet, 3) lots 15-19, Block A are approved without alleys in the rear, lots 1-42 in Block E are approved without alleys in the rear, and 4) prospective buyers be provided a single page 8-1/2 x 11' sheet disclosing the existence of the Lakes of Copper Homeowners Association indicating the tax ram at the time and this be provided to them at the time the earnest money contract on the home is executed. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Ray Warren ot'2215 I.*Jceland in Carrollton, owner of the land made presentation regarding street names. The motion carded 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 28 PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of a zoning change for Case #PD-122, (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II) from MF-2 to PD-SF-7, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. and north of Village Parkway, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Planning ani[.Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation. Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing open and asked if there were any persons who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the plan and fees. There being no persons who wished to speak, Mayor Wolfe declared the Public Hearing closed. Discussion followed. Councilman Morton moved to approve a zoning change for Case #PD-122, (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase I1) from MF-2 to PD-SF-7, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. and north of Village Parkway, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties, with the following five conditions: 1) 20 foot front yard building line on lots 1-5, Block G, 2) 55% lot coverage, 3) 5 font side yard side building line (interior lots), 4) 62' minimum lot width on Block G, Lots 1-15, 5) prospective buyers be provided a single page 8-1/2 x 11" sheet disclosing the existence of the homeowners association indicating the tax rate at the time and this be provided to them at the time the earnest money contract on the home is executed. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion. The motion can'ied 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 29 Consideration and approval of a preliminary plat for Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. and north of Village Parkway, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to approve a preliminary plat for Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II, located along the east side of MacArthur Blvd. and north of Village Parkway, at the request of Heath & Knight Properties, with the following five conditions as approved in item t/28: 1) 20 font front yard building line on lots 1-5, Block G, 2) 55% lot coverage, 3) :5 foot side yard side building line (interior lots), 4) 62' minimum lot width on Block G, Lots 1-15, 5) prospective buyers be provided a single page 8-1/2 x 11 · sheet disclosing the existence of the homeowners association indicating the tax rate at the time and this be provided to them at the time the earnest money contract on the home is executed. Councilman Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0, with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Robertson, and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 30 Consideration and appwval of a final plat for the Big Cedar Addition, located along the west side of Bethel School Road (north/south) and north of Bethel Road at the request of Matthews Southwest. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb made a presentation. Tim House representing Matthews Southwest made a presentation, requesting waiver of park fees in lieu of donation of lark property, and stated that the developer does not feel changing the line from overhead to underground should be their responsibility because the road change will benefit others besides their development. Bob Ma~loch represeoting Paragon Cable, made a pr"',~ontation stating their position, that if the City requests them to move the linc they have to do it under franchise, but that the cost would be borne by the subscribers, while thc direct Red Ribbon Committee Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon announced that the Metrocrest Area Group will have a meeting August 12, 1992 and reminded Council to respond to the memo from Chief McKinney looking for ideas and thoughts from the Council. Economic and Business Development Board Councilman Morton announced that the Board has met and discussed the issue of the request from Prentice Properties will be coming forward to the Council to look at the feasability of DART access to their property. DART is requiring authorization from an entity instead of a private investor. Mayor Wolfe requested the status of the study of what other cities do for their Chambers of Commerce. Councilman Morton announced that the Board did not accept a proposal from Booth for $500 for the Ninth Annual Commercial Real Estate Expo. Also the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber has hired a company to collate and then print out their small business retention study and then follow-ups will be done. They are also looking at extending dividends out to generate more funds. MUD Board Councilman Weaver attended the MUD board meeting of th morning. Issues coming before the board included Mr. Saul and the Villages of Cottonwood Creek are trying to reinact a project agreement done in 1984. Councilman Weaver also stated that the Magnolia tract has been dropped. CONSENT AGENDA Item 24 A. Co Do Consideration and approval of a final plat of Gibbs Station Addition, Phase I, located at the northeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Allen Road, at the request of Gibbs Station, Ltd. Discussion and consideration of approval of a resolution to pay capital expenditures in connection with the design, planning acquisition and construction of the Fire Administration Building/Capital Equipment (the "Project") prior to the issuance of obligations to finance the Project. Award of bid for the construction of the Fire Administration Building to Dal-Tech Construction, Inc. for $254,580.00. Consideration and approval of new and revised Employee Handbook Policies and establishment of effective date. It was requested that Items 24-B & 24-C be considered separately from the Consent Agenda. Councilman Morton moved to approve Items 24-A & 24-D. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion Following discussion, Councilman Robertson moved to approve Items 24-B and 24-C. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Morton, Mayo and Robertson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Weaver and Garrison voting against the motion. EXECUTIVE SESSION Item 5-ES A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e), Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with city Attorney C~060992 Page 9 of 10