Grand Car/Re2-CS 970328 3-27-1997 ! : 30Pr-1 FROI'J ROFDW ARCH I TECTS 21 zl.9.S,:lOg.S.S OGDEN FIGUEROA DICKSON WELLS PLLC March 28,1997 Mr. Pert Virtanen .Assistant Director of Planmn8 an~ ~ommunit¥- Services ~ity of Coppell P.O.Box 478 Coppell, TX. 7~019 EE: Grand Carwash, 2nd Replat of Eiverchase Pbza. Phase 1, Lo~s B-D ARCHITECT5 Dear Mr. Virtanen, I am enclosin§ manufacture's literature on stainin§ cone;ere for the referenced project. As you recall, our use of stained concrete was in response to staff request. The color selected., based on the product literature is CS-1 over A-50. a black-brown color. YVe may need to change this co]or pending on site tests. Should you have any questions or need additional mfom~atio[~ please contact me. Sincerely yours, ~n, A. l_A. Principal DALLAS McALLEN HARLINGEN 703 McKinney, Ste. ,401 Dallas, Texas 75202 (214) 871.061 6 Fax (214.) 954-0855 A19 03010/S BuyLine ~ .~ ~' ~a.,~ ~ an engineered systems appr~ech ~o architectural concrete construction "' ' CONCRETE "'-'- SYSTEMS 3-27-1 997 1 : 31 Pt.1 FROM ROFDW ARCH I TECTS 21 -495.413855 p. - L. M. SCOFIELD COMPANY ~ CHROMIX~'; Admixtures for ~lor-Conditioned Con- ' *~ROM~X :'~ adm~xtureScrete are forC°l°red'arch~le~uralWater'reducing' sel-conlrotl:n0 · ~, concrete. Coloring con- ~'., cast. tilt-up, or cast.in-place buildings of natural ~auty. ~ -~OM~X .~ · Permanent. nonfad~ng, uniform color ~'~ ~' · sound, cost eflechve, and versat,le ~~ ' '~e'"a:er'rec~'aPPto' ~.. Structurafly i ,, ~94and -~,;· increased concrete strengths at all ages ..... , · Im~'oved workability and f~nishing charactedst~cs - ~" - Reduced color breeding. ~aitance. and effiore,cence ~.~ - ' · Time-tested and proven 1or more than 35 years s~cks · P~cduct umform~ty, batch-to-Dutch, jobdo-job  - FormCated exclusively for use in concrete .:.. i~c~ th , Packaged for easy botching and to eliminate afro's ._- ~¢. - - ~her C~-- ~R~OUCT DE~lON AND U~E~ LITHOCHROME~ Chemstain" is a chem,ca;'y reactive ~'~'~ &va~!eble, s:a n des gned for adding variegated co;or to new or old * ' cc~crete hardscapes and floors, decorative ven;ca~ e[e- .L- ........ . .""'., ..... .. ,.,. ..... ,.,;:' .." : *- * *.< ~ ;~:i~a of. ments, and water or rock ~eatures. The result is unique - . each sudace and cannot be duphcated by o~her Color. /~-'-~ ..~ tO ~n9 materialS_ LtTHOCHROME Chems~ain blends eye- ~ bw ..... · and re¢laces commonplace concrete wit~ surfaces of " .... · · -I ~-';'"-~"~:'--- %;--. '3 ¢rese-v ~,u,~. · :ally sta,n~ - Dis:,nctive an~ tashng - A umque material for today's design --~ - A reactive stain, not a coahng or a paint - · Su0erior durability, wsl[ not chip, crack. Or peel .. · Wears onty es the concrete wears ' "- -. .- LITHOCHROME~ Color Hardener and EMER- ~'~av~ .a~ CHROME'~ Floor He~de~r (for heavie~-duty use) are ;~,te. C~ cry.shake Eardeners for freshly p~aced concrete flat- work. Often used to form unique ha~dscapes, a~racbve ~ha%c. ,: c~mmerc~al or industrial floors, and imprinted-concrete '~e cee~e paving, they add vibrant or subtle color whde prowding :0:or se'e( a durable, abrasion-resistant 5udace for pedestnan an~ vehicular traffic. ;.:ar, alp! 'al c07,: f -- -'~ 3HRCME · Permanenl. un,form, streak-flee color and f~' d~ - Endunng attramiveness, t~me-tested for over 60 yea~s ~.Onal cha - Consistent color ~hase-to-phase, proje~-tO-projem ~ · Structurally hard, dense, abrasion-resistant sudaces 0rices ar. · Cost-effective, long-wearing, and easy-to-maintain ~' fleroener - Reduced scaling from freeze/thaw cycles a~ salts ~ 3-27-1997 1 :~2PH FROM ROFDW ARCHITECTS 21~95~8SS P.S CRETE COLORING SYSTEMS BuyUne 5027 6HROMIX ~'Admixtures are available in a natural range of eaCh-tone colorS--from rich grays to warm reds to Sand-colored buffs---and in cus- ~. :: s~.,; s~ ~. ~;3. s~-~.. tcr~.matched Colors at no extra COSt with minimum orders. Scofield wiil prepare colored and textured concrete samples for individual designs. cH~OM~X AOm,xtures meet ~he requirements of the Uniform Building ~ ~e br use in re,nforced concrete. AS formulated Type A or Type O .~ water-reducing admixtures, they conform [O ASTM C 494. ~SHTO :,3:.:-...*~... c ,- ~,... M 194 and CRD C 87. As colonng agents, they conform ~O ASTM C 979 '~- ..~-~:,... .-. - ~e approximate addibona] material cost/rom Scofield's regional ware- : :~ ~-. ~.. ::.. ~ ,~ v,,, hw~s for CHROMIX Admixture in a cubic yard of concrete containing five ~ck3 of cement J5 $31 -$56 depending on the co~or selected. For bur mc~ * ck concrete ~l adds approximately. . 380- B~ .Der square foot. : ~' :,.~:.c~ ,...- c '3 ',--, H~he~ cement contents pro~ona~ely increase the COSt. Requ~t Tach-Data ~ullet~n A-304 for additional ~nformat;on CO~O~ '-' '-;~ g~'b~'$TM '. ~-~. ~D '0 w%C¢' ,~5- .!'.'..'~% Av~ble in e~ght ediCtS LITHOCHROME Chemsta~n" produces a~ uneven, mottled co;or effect much like the shadings of s=one Or ~he ~tina ¢ - -eworn coccrete. For new concrete ~ns:a[:abons. a w=de, ~ge of c;-ors ~s ~ssibfe when the concrete is colored w~fh LITHO- :~:-"'"'"-: * - -- cs .. ,~.-:..-. CHROME C¢cr Hardener befope aO¢hca:~on ct the Chems~am soJu- ~on. The cof3r d,ffers o¢ each concrete scdace Expenmentet=on w=th ~ and appl,cat~on techmques ~s re~u~red To ~eserve :he vanegate~ a~Deara~ce a~d Dro~ect :he sudace, ch=em,- -- -. - '.'.. ~..[.'~-~-. ~ ~llystainedfla%,,orkmus:besea'edw,thCEMENTONE C'ear Sealer ~~ '~'~'-:'*_'~.,,:. :.' 0, ~r a mc= 3Daque. coated appearance, finish.cpa,ed w,th COLOR- :"~~ -' CURE~C 'e:e Seater z:~~~~ ..- For most aDphcat~ons the materral cost pt L1THOCHROME C~emsta_r Sapproxima~ely 49c-660 per square foot for two appl,cat:ons. co~.o.s ......... UTHOCHR,":'.~E COlor Hardener and EMERCHROIvlE ' Floor Hardener '-'""'. ' ';~ ~flh, ite, Caut,cn Yellow. and ail colors of CHROMIX Admlx'.ure. TO .... ~ha~ce indiv;dual designs, custom Colors -- from the l~ghtes! pas;et to , cc~.,r selection of any permanent cohere!e-coloring method. - an app 60 -120 100 fee:. pounds per square the mate- rial Cost f;c"' Soo;reid $ warehouses for standard colors of LITHO- ~ 10r des:ccer colors 466-766 per square foot. There is no add.- ~c~ g custo co o s n a..ounts o 3.000 oc~ .ds o g eale¢. ~ · - .'.' j s are higher for ID;LIes and blue.greer~s. EMERCHROME Floor "" '- ' ..... C ' ' a a BulFet.~s A-104 and A-204 ~or additional reformation and OIOr (~h&r'( A-112 fO~' more a¢¢ur-~to Color regro4~gct~ons. L. M. $COFIELD COMPANY 3-27-1997 1 : 33Phi FROht ROFDW ARCHITECTS 21/19-%z[l~aB-~ P. 6 LITHOCHROME *` CoiorwaxTM anO COLORCURE ~ Con- LITHOSEAL'"' Sealants are a complete system of loins, $e$1 crete Se~ler are water based cudng ~nd (inish~ng materials, ants optimized for spec~f~ ap~hcat~ons. All LITHOSEAL~ s~cialty formulaled for colored concrete flatwork. Available lhree-component sealants are color-matched Io the Scofieid m matching colors for all ScofieldTM concrete-coIonng prod- concrete colonng systems and are available in over 100 stan- ucts, they ensure proper curing and tull color development, dard Co~ors. LITHOSEAL~Traff,calk.3G~ ~s a premium. produce more undorm color, and provide surface protection, quah~y conslruction sealant for archile~utal COnCrele hard. LITHOCHROME¢ Antiquing Release is a powdered, col- scapes and f~oors, prowd~ng high-performance ~n areas OreO, ~nd breaker used when imprinting with ma,.type con- ject to Pedestnan and vehicular traffic. The LITHOSE>._~ crete texturing tools Io create colored antiquing effects, Buildin~caJk=~ sea~ants are generar-use sealants for Available in most Scolield standard and designer cc~ors, r[ ings and structures. The LITHOSEALTM Watercalk~ seal- adds an attractive, variegated, timeworn, a~ molded patina ants g~ve supenor ~dormance when frequenlly Or constantly t0 the surface of freshly placed concrete hardened w~th submerged in water and are les~ed and ce~,fied by NSF. LITHOCHROME> Color Hardener. LITHOTEX FormlinersTM ~re reusable elas~omer[c or rigid CEMENTONEe Clear $ealer is a durable, water-based, form liners for molding red,cai architectutal concrete sudaces environmentally compatible, clear coating designed for to crea~e v~dually unhmi~ textured or ~ufoted eff~ts. sealing new or etd. interior or exlerior, concrete f:atwork LITHeTEX:~ E!aslohnerTM form liners, designed for h~Ch- where a clear, sem,-gross finish is desired. It ~s especially reuse 8p2hcabons. have a umque caDab~li!y for faithful '.-x- effective for protect~ng and brightening antiqued.imprrnted ture reproduc:ion, ease of sir pp ng. and dimensional slab:- :y. mulJtcofored, chemically stained, and exposed-ag~regale LITHOTEXTM R,gidf~nerTM form liners, offer a cost-~avi~g hardscapes and floors, altemabve ~n ;ewer-reuse situat,ons. LITHOTEXTM Colorstone'"' scapes and floors w~th a textured, flecked, stone-like ap~ar- ,.:*~:.~ t'-.~c.~--.~> .:-~ .~ colored, cementilious material. When incorporated into the 5ur- . face of freshly placed concrete and exposed by sandblasting. A remarkable collection of premium appearances ~s poss,ble. [~.I.-2¢'~¢:~ from the look of EnghSh granites t0 that of Roman marbles_ ,- ,.~" ..... . As m nalure, the beauty of lhe surface fe~ulls from the ,nter- ,~%-.~'...~-- weaving of a variety of materials, colors, and textures. Cus- :~,-,.~ s., ~-. ,om selecl,on$ c~n be ,ormulaled ,O f~l padicular d~,,,~,. Seidman C~A~ A-~2 f~ ,~ore acetate sel~ re~u~ons,_ SOOFIELD:" Overlay'"' and SCOFIELD" Underlay'" Sell-leveling. cementit~ou~ matenals for leveling and resurfacing i~fenor floors. Scofield OveHay i~ a se f. eveling ~ high-strength topping ~o' resurfacing ~ ~cofield Underlay ~evels f~oors baler: . the installation of floor coverings. Placed concrete floors sub~ect :o ~deStrian 0r in depths from featheredge to six inches. vehicular tragic. Instatled3tdepthsfrom ~ts sell-leveling formu!a~ion provides a one-foudh to six inches. ~: w~[l supped long work;rig life for ease of installation. heaw loads withoul dam.~e and when and its rapid strength gain allows Iloor used w~h LITHOCHROME Chemsta~n. -~ ~. coverings tO be installed as early as creates unique and decor.c-ye floors.. - -2'-'; ~:~'~_ 24 hours a~er placement. -