Gibbs Stat P1/Re-NR 941114 (2)PLANNING & ZONING MEETING: ~ COUNCIL The City of Coppell Planning and Zonin~ Commission would like to receive your comments on this case in order that they may nmke a better inforn~d recommend~tion to the City Council. If you desire to express an ol~inion, pique complete this reply form and return it to the following address by tim dltte of l~e public tsstriq: This reply form in no way affects your ri~hts to attend the lmblic hnntin{ ae, d we encour~e all interested parties to attend nnd ~t if they wish. If you heve any questions pertalnin$ to the case, ~ call the Piannin~ and Zoning Del~'tment at 462-/)022. I n.m in favor of this plan. ( ) I ~n oppo~ml to ~is phm. ( ) I am undecided about this plan. My commeots are as follows: