June 28, 1999
Mr. Gary Sieb
Director of Planning and Community Service
City of Coppell
255 Parkway Boulevard
COppell, Texas 75019
GTE Shared Sen,ices Center
Proposed Landscape Revisions
Dear Mr. Sieb:
This letter is in response to our conversation on Friday regarding the request and acceptance by
the City to replace the Red Oak trees with Aristocrat Pear.
Mr. Sieb, again I would like to say thank you for allowing GTE to make this change and if you
need to discuss this matter further please do not hesitate to call.
Mr. Gillett Berger
The Beck Group
Ste. 3800
1700 Pacific Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75201
[~IES~I_NTOI~/IE;~ PROJECTS198 PROJECTS~98094-Oc~g~,gl~dence~Letter City of Coppell 6-28-99. doc
3100 McKinnon Street / Suite 905 LB 152 / Dallas, Texas 75201
214/871-0568 Fax 214/871-1507