Heartz Road/PP-AG 890214SUBMIbSION DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. Monday - 8 Days Preceding City Council Meeting R%~.: Effective 1/20/88 AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Feim~14, 1989 I. REF/FILE NUMBER : Heart*- Road - Preliminary Plat II. ITEM CAPTION : To c~mside~ al~ of a ~ plat fx l~eartz Road, located south of Parkway Boulevqrd and north of C red.Lake Road~ fat the request of ABQ Development _ III. ACTION RECOMMENDED : Date oIPI*--i-M and Zonin~ Meetiml~. Januar~ 19, 1989 __~/.~ attached cop~ of plat~. T~e Constructio~ items w~ ~ ad~ at f~,~ ~t s~ ~ IV. V$ REP. IN ATTENDANCE NOTIFICATION TO METHODDATE OF CONTACT :: . VI. FINANCIAL REVIEW : I. BUDGETED ITEM : YES NO 2. BUDGET AMOUNT : 3: ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM : 4. AMOUNT OVER OR UNDER BUDGET : 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED : YES A: STAFF - Russell R. Do~le, P.E., Cit~ ]~ee~ ! Ke~ ~ff~, P~, A~ P&Z ~t~- I B: OTHER - NO SOURCE OFFUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS (Series or year authorized) OPERATING BUDGET (Account Number) OTHER AGENDA REQUEST FORM DMEMOI APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER : ITEM NUMBER/~~_~ Date: ~January 19, 1989 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT RE: Heartz Road, Preliminary Plat LOCATION: South of Parkway Boulevard and north of Sandy Lake Road APPLICANT: ABQ Development Represented by Jerry Parche of Jerry Parche Engineers SUMMARY: Applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat and variances. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the preliminary plat with variances. 2) Approve the preliminary plat. 3) Deny the preliminary plat. ATTACHEMI~TS: 1) Plat 2) DRC Comments 3) Letter from Jay Chester 4) Partial copy of agreement between the City of CopPell and Univest. 5) Letter from Jerry Parche, P.E., Dated December l, 1988 HEARTZRD. STR Minutes of January 19, 1989 Planning and Zoning Commission Pa~e 3 returned to the Con~ission by the City Council for reconsideration. Nathan Maier of Nathan Maier Engineers was present to represent this case before the .Planning and Zoning Commission ..... Following discussion, Commissioner Redford moved to approve the preliminary plat for Shadow Woods Estates with the requested variances. Commissioner Green seconded the motion; motion carried (4-0) with Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford and Thomas voting in favor of the motion. Item 7: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for Heartz Road, located south of Parkway Boulevard, and north of Sandy Lake Road, at the request of ABO Development. Russell Doyle introduced the item to the Commission. He stated that the applicant is requesting two (2) variances; (1) radius of the curb from 425 feet to 209 feet, and: (2) one-half right-of-way and roadway on the northern half near Sandy Lake Road. He further stated that any outstandii~g construction issues will be addressed during the final platting process. ~l~/ 3'~W~-;~ /~//;c ~$c~ ~ S Jerry Parche, ~onsulting Engineer for ABQ Development, was present to represent this item and answer any questions. ._~ Following discussion Commissioner Redford moved to approve C.~law the preliminary plat for Heartz Road with variances. -/-/~/5 Commissioner Green seconded the motion; motion carried (4-0) with Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford and Thomas voting in favor of the motion. ~/. Item 8: To consider approval of a final plat for Northlake ~~ Woodlands East #12, located at the northwest corner of Mockingbird Lane and the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad, at the request of Don Tipton Engineering. Commissioner Thomas stated that the applicant has requested that this item be withdrawn and placed on the February, 1989, Planning and Zoning Agenda. He then called for a motion. Commissioner Green moved to deny the final plat for Northlake Woodlands East #12. Commissioner Redford seconded the motion; motion carried (4-0) with Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford and Thomas voting in favor of the motion. Item 9: To consider approval of a final plat for Parkway Boulevard (West), located west of Denton Tap Road, at the request of ABQ Development. City Engineer Russell Doyle introduced the item to the Commission. GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS January 4, 1989 Taryon Bowman City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Heartz Road Preliminary Plat DRC - Engineering Dear Taryon: We have reviewed the above referenced subject and offer the following comments. We have no objections to the variance request for a centerline radius of 209 feet based on our review of the plans and the items noted in their letter of December 1, 1988. The Water, Sewer and Drainage plans will be addressed during the construction plan review process and any issues resolved at the time of final plat submittal. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kevin Peiff~.E. cc: File 88305 17103 Preston Road · Suite !00 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 ·%B l)cvclopm mt December 12, 1988 Ms. Taryon Bowman Planning and Zoning Coordinator city of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Heartz Road Preliminary Plat ABQ Development Corporation 625 S,,,er %',re 200 PO Bo, 25625 4 buquerque, NM Te 505 242 3330 Dear Ms. Bowman: Please find attached information regarding partial assignment of the City contract between Univest and ABQ. As you know, the City of Coppell entered into a contract with The Parks of Coppell Joint Venture on December 30, 1982. When ABQ purchased the property from the Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II, a partial assignment of the above referenced City contract was executed. The documents are attached. In this City contract, more specifically Article 4 paragraph 2.d, there is allowance for the Heartz Road to be built with 24 foot of paving. This 24 foot width of paving shall be sufficient until such time as the final plat is filed of record for the property on the opposite side of the road. Therefore, it is the request of ABQ that the city of Coppell honor this City contract and allow for the Heartz Road preliminary Plat to proceed on through the approval process with the half section as it is proposed. ~ ABQ understands the City's reluctance to approve half section streets and ABQ will do everything in their power to contact and convince the owner of the Ruth Perkins Tract to donate or dedicate the right-of-way required to complete the paving width of Heartz Road. ABQ will update the City of Coppell as to the progress of this effort. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, J~ A. Chester, P. · P~oject Manager Enclosures A. MuniciPal Center Site. The p~rchase price for the :.!unicipal Center Sire shall ~e Ti:tee Hundred Sixty-Gne Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-Two and .0u. The number of .-ross s..-.uar~ feet ~-~ been {$36!,292 ' ~'. . ---- determined ~' 3urve'.' as orovided in 'r=!ci~ Vi hereinafter. ~v ~%-.. %o ~$wner em the Closinc Date, as hereinafter defined, in cash or by cashier's check payable to the order cf Owner. '3. ~,k._. Site =~s=...= . I. TSe .purchase .orice for ~nase ' cf =ne Park Site _ha.1 De Two Hundred Th:try-Three Thcusand Seven Hundre~ ~ifty and No/100 Dollars ($233,750.00) fo'z the asDrox~ma%eiy 51.34 acres designated "Phase I" on Exhibit "C". T~ purchase price for Phase i of the Park Site shall te ~aid ~n c._n .= cashier's check Davabie ARTICLE iV .... D..:~N. PRECEDENT TO OBLIGATIONS ~'f OWNER The obligation of Owner to consulate this Agreement shall, ~: the opticn of Owner, be subject zo the following renditions precedent, any or all of which may be waived in wno!e or in part by Owner in its sole discretion. It is a:reed, however, that City shall perform any particular waived c~nd~tion feliowing Closing upon Owner's request, any such item being a covenant which shall survive closing. !. The Zoning Plan shall be in full force and effect on the C!eslng Date. 2. The City Council ef the City shall continue a:ree that the proper interpretation of the Sub-Division 0~dinance with respect to the Property shall allow for the ProDert? to be developed as follows, it being agreed that such interpretation and the resulting application of the Sub-~vision Ordinance is the normal and reasonable course in light of all relevant circumstances: (a) No perimeter alleys shall be required ~etween deve!opmen~s in different .zoning classifications; [~) Residential lots may front on Moore, Deforest, Lodge, Heartz, Sandy Lake and Denton Tap Roads and Parkway 9ou!evard, provided that rear access driveways are provided for ~uch lots: {c) Moore, Deforest, Lodge and Heartz Roads and Parkway Boulevard shall have sixty foe: '(60') rights-of-way with forzy-four foot (44') wide pavin~, provided that Parkway Boulevard shall be a divided thoroughfare from Denton Tap Road to H~z Road with {24') paving sections in sev~n~y-fouz feet (74') cf (d) On Moore, Deforest, .~eartz and Lodge Roads and Parkway Beulevard, paving of only twenty-four {~4'1 in width shall be required ug~.~_.~n time as a final ~ %lac of" ~c~ 'r-6~?--- ~ -2- Jerry Parchd Consulting Engineers December 1, 1988 Ms. Taryon Bowman Planning & Zoning Coordinator City of Coppell P O Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214/462-0022 RE: JP No. 88009; Heartz Road Preliminary Plat; Coppell, Texas Dear Taryon: Enclosed are six prints of the Preliminary Plat of Heartz Road from Sandy Lake Road to Parkway Boulevard and two prints each of the Water and Sewer Plan, Drainage Plan, and the Conceptual Landscape Plan showing proposed facilities in the Heartz Road Right-of-Way. Also enclosed is a copy of a letter report to Mr. Jay Chester of ABQ Development Corporation dated November 17, 1988, giving the results of a study prepared by our firm of sanitary sewer facilities in the platted section of Heartz Road. An exhibit showing the sanitary sewer service area is attached with the aforementioned letter report. This letter and the enclosed drawings are submitted to the City in response to comments on the original submittal that were provided at the Development Review Committee meeting on October 25, 1988. Following is a summary of the major issues and our responses. 1. West half of' the proposed Ri~ht-of-Way for 621 feet north of Sandy Lake Road. The centerline of Heartz Road north of Sandy Lake Road coincides with the east property line of the Town Center Site. Survey studies have determined that a strip of land of unknown ownership lies between the Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II property and the Ruth Perkins property north of Sandy Lake Road. This strip of land constitutes most of the remaining 30 feet of Right-of-Way required for Heartz Road in this area. The balance. of the eastern half of the Right-of-Way between Sandy Lake Road and the ABQ property must be obtained from the Perkins tract. 320 Vv'estway Place, Suite 501 · Arlington, Texas 76018 · Metro (817) 467-2418 · (817) 465-0259 Ms. Taryon Bowman JP No. 88009 December 1, 1988 Page 2 of 4 ABQ Development has requested the Coppell office of Ticor Title to research title to this strip of land north of Sandy Lake Road and to establish current ownership of the Perkins tract. A copy of the letter report received from Ticor Title is. attached to this letter. ABQ Development and the Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II (PCJV II) have committed financial resources to construct Heartz Road where the proposed roadway is located on their respective properties. Since only one-half of the roadway Right-of-Way is located within the ownership of either PCJV II or ABQ for 621 feet north of Sandy Lake Road, and since no legal authorization has been secured to construct any improvements outside of the limits of PCJV II or ABQ property, a vari~mnce to..~onstruet only the west half of Heartz Road is requested in this area. ABQ and PCJV II will provide sanitary sewer, water and storm drainage facilities in the proposed half street section. In addition, if either the property owner or the City of Coppell will agree to pay for construction of the west half of the roadway adjacent to the Perkins tract, ABQ will provide engineering to design the full roadway section in this area. 209 feet centerline radius south of Parkway Boulevard Development Review Committee comments indicate that the Subdivision Ordinance requires a minimum radius of 425 feet for any street within the City. This minimum radius is based on a design speed of 30 m.p.h. Many streets, however, have centerlines with a radius considerably less than 425 feet. A variance is requested to permit a 209 foot centerline radius in Heartz Road south of Parkway Boulevard in order that the roadway centerline may coincide with the property line between the PCJV II and ABQ properties. Technical justification for this request is based on the location of the radius in question and traffic flow in the proposed intersection. Ail traffic on proposed Heartz Road just south of Parkway Boulevard will be in a "Stopping" or "Accelerating Condition". No through traffic will occur since Heartz Road will not be continued north of Parkway Boulevard. Therefore vehicle speed in the proposed 209 foot radius curve should be substantially Ms. Taryon Bowman JP No. 88009 December 1, 1988 Page 3 of 4 less than the design speed typically used for collector or even local streets since the location of this curve is at an intersection where traffic is required to come to a complete stop or execute a 90 degree turn upon entering or leaving the 209 foot radius curve. 3. Sanitary Sewer Capacity We have prepared an analysis of the sanitary sewer facilities in Heartz Road north of Sandy Lake Road in the Right-of-Way being platted. A copy of our letter report and exhibit showing the sanitary sewer service area is enclosed. The results of our study indicate that the capacity of the existing eight-inch sanitary sewer from approximately 1000 feet north of. Sandy Lake Road to Parkway Boulevard is deficient with a fully developed service area. We have sized a parallel sewer pipe for this area such that the total capacity of both pipes exceeds the design loadings. Conceptual design of the parallel sanitary sewer facilities has been added to the Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan enclosed. Please review this study and advise us whether the parallel sewer facilities are acceptable as shown so that we may proceed with the final design. 4. Water Main Twelve-inch valves have been added to the proposed water main at 600 feet intervals. Five hydrants have also been added at 300 foot maximum Spacing. Compliance with other comments regarding required easements, construction details, brick pavers at Parkway Boulevard , etc. will be addressed in preparation of the Final Plat and construction plans. Analysis of the linear park channel will also be addressed in the design phase. I trust that the information presented herein satisfys the concerns of the Development Review Committee and will permit the Preliminary Plat approval process to proceed. It is our understanding that this Preliminary Plat will be on the Planning & Zoning Commission agenda on December 15, 1988. Ms. Taryon Bowman JP No. 88009 December 1, 1988 Page 4 of 4 If you need any additional infOrmation, Sincerely ,~,~  Jerry Parche' , P.E. JP:ch 'Dlease call. Thank you. Enclosures: Six copies of Heartz Road-Preliminary Plat As Revised Two coDies Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan As Revised Two copies Drainage Plan As Revised Two CoDies Conceptual Landscape Plan As Revised Copy of Sanitary Sewer Report & Exhibit Dated November 17, 1988 Copy of Letter from Ticor Tittle Dated November 1988 w/attachments cc: Mr. Jay Chester, P.E./ABQ DeveloDment Corporation Mr. Mike Allen/Parks of Coppell-jOint Venture II w/encl. Date: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT January 19, 1989 RE: Heartz Road, Preliminary Plat LOCAT ~: APPLICANT: SUMMARY: South of Parkway Boulevard and north of Sandy Lake Road ~O Development Represented by Jerry Parche of Jerry Parche Engineers Applicant is re~estin~ approval of a preliminary plat and variances. 1) Approve the preliminary plat with vari~ces. 2) Approve the preliminary plat. 3) Deny the preliminary plat. 1) Plat 2) DRC Co~ents z_, ~ 3) Letter from Jay Chester/ 4) Partial copy of a~reement between the City of Coppe11 ~d Univest. ALTERNATIVES: ATTACHEMNTS: HEARTZRD.STR GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS January 4, 1989 Taryon Bowman City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Heartz Road Preliminary Plat DRC - Engineering Dear Taryon: We have reviewed the above referenced subject and offer the following comments. We have no objections to the variance request for a centerline radius of 209 feet based on our review of the plans and the items noted in their letter of December 1, 1988. The Water, Sewer and Drainage plans will be addressed during the construction plan review process and any issues resolved at the time of final plat submittal. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kevin Peiff~~/. E. cc: File 88305 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 Development December 12, 1988 Ms. Taryon Bowman Planning and Zoning Coordinator city of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Heartz Road Preliminary Plat ABQ Development Corporation 625 Silver SW Suite 200 P0 Bo~ 25625 Aibuquerque, NM 87!25 Te~ 505 242 3330 Dear Ms. Bowman: Please find attached information regarding partial assignment of the City contract between Univest and ABQ. As you know, the City of Coppell entered into a contract with The Parks of Coppell Joint Venture on December 30, 1982. When ABQ purchased the property from the Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II, a partial assignment of the above referenced City contract was executed. The documents are attached. In this City contract, more specifically paragraph Article 4 2.d, ~there is allowance for the Heartz Road to be built ~i~h 24 fo~t of I ~ving. This 24 foot width of paving shall be sufficient until such ~ time as the final plat is filed of record for the property on the % opposite side of the road. Therefore, it is the request of ABQ that the City of Coppell honor this City contract and allow for the Heartz Road preliminary Plat to proceed on through the approval process with the half section as it is proposed. ABQ understands the City's reluctance to approve half section streets and ABQ will do everything in their power to contact and convince the owner of the Ruth Perkins Tract to donate or dedicate the right-of-way required to complete the paving width of Heartz Road. ABQ will update the City of Coppell as to the progress of this effort. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Ja~F.a. Chester, P. . P~oj ect Manager Enclosures A~TICLE ~URCH~ A. MuniciPal Center Site. The ~rchase price for the Municipal Center Site shall be ?h~ee Hundred S~xty-One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-Two and No'lOC Zoiia:s ($36!,292.0¢~. The number of gross squat{ feet has ~een determined by surves' as provided in Article Vi hereinafter. The purchase ~rlce for the Municipal Csn:er Site shall h~ ~a:d by C~ty to Owner on ~he Closing Date, as hereinafter defined, in cash or by cashier's check payable to the order cf Owner. B. Park Site Phase I. The purchase price for Phase ' of ~ne Park Site shall be Two Hundred Th:try-Three Thousand c=ven Hundred Fi~t'.' and No/100 Dollars ~e~3,750 00) :~- the approximately 51.34 acres designated "Phase I" on Exhibit "C". The? .... ..... ~se orice, for Phase I of the Park Site shall he cold. :n cash or -" cashier's check payable to the order of Owner. ARTICLE iv 2C~:D!TTONS PRECEDENT TO OBLIGATIONS OWNER The obligation of Owner to consulate this Agreement shall, a: the option of Owner, be subject to the following cond::ions precedent, any or all of which may be waived in whole or in part by Owner in its sole discretion. It is agreed, however, that city shall perform any particular waived condition following Closing upon Owner's request, any such item being a covenant which shall survive closing. !. The Zoning Plan shall be in full force and effect on the Closing Date. 2. The City Council of the City shall continue to a=ree '.hat the proper interpretation of the Sub-Division *0~dinance with respect to the Property shall allow for the Proper'-y to be developed as follows, it being agreed that such interpretation and the resulting application of the Sub-Division Ordinance is the normal and reasonable course in light of al1 relevant circumstances: :a) :;o perimeter alleys shall be required between deve!opmen~s in different .zoning classifications; (b) Residential lots may front on Moore, Deforest, Lodge, Heartz, Sandy Lake and Denton Tap Reads and Parkway Boulevard, provi-ded that rear access driveways are provided for such lots; (c) Moore, Deforest, Lodge and Heartz Roads and Parkway Boulevard shall have sixty foot '(60') rights-of-way with.~o'~. y-~our_ foot (44') wide paving, provided ~hat Parkway Boulevard shall be a divided thoroughfare from /Denton Tap Road to H~ Road with two twenty-four ~[2~') paving_sections in seventY-four fee---~(7%') ef (d) On Moore, Deforest, H~ and Lodge Roads and Parkway Beu!evard, ~l~vin~ of only tw,nty-four f.e_9_~_ (24') in width sh__a~.._b__e__r__e_~Lqi_re__d__until such. _t_i_,~.__e_ as a final =~'~"fi'q.. '~-d~'(::~- record for %he_ 9~op~./~n_t-_~_ '~ide of such roa'~Y -2-