Heartz Rd Elem/PP-CS 930118CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION ~ DATE: 1-18-1993 · .1. Subdlvxslon Name COPPELL I.S.D. 5. Property Owner Address 4. Preliminary Plat ~x~ FINAL PLAT REPLAT Applicant Address Street City ~tate Zip Phone ~ ~q~- Firm Preparing Street City State ~'Zip Phone ~ Street City State Zip Phone # Developer ~--~.¥1.~3 ,¢_ . N~%. Address c-~(~o t ~. ~,~_v~o~ ~ ~o,v~ ~ ~ ~~o~ Street City State ~ Zip Phone ~ ~O- oqoo 7. All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to City, State, Zip %~%~ i~wA~ ~ ~ 8. General Location of Property ~~ ~ ~~ o~ 9. What is the present Zoning ~istrict? ~ Are you requesting any zoning change? ~ ~ If yes, what is the Case File ~ Zoning ~istrict Requested? 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use Single Family Duplex Multi-Family Commercial Industrial ~-~4] Public Stree~ R/W Parks, Public TOTAL: No. of Lots or Units Acres (for ea. use) SIGNATURE: _ ?- ..... ( PROPERTY OWNER) SUBAPP