Heartz Road/PP-CS 890412Jerry Parch Consulting Enginccrs April 12, 1989 214/471-2251 RE: JP No. 88009; Heartz Road; Parkway Boulevard to Sandy Lake Road; Coppell, Texas Dear Russell: Enclosed are three sets of construction plans for Paving, Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage Improvements in proposed Heartz Road between Parkway Boulevard and Sandy Lake Road. This current submittal contains revisions of the plans that were originally submitted on March 22, 1989 as requested by the Development Review Committee. In addition to the revised plans, attached is an investigation.of proposed and future grades in Heartz Road through the Sandy Lake Road intersection. This data is provided in response to a request from Mr. Kevin Peiffer. Major adjustments in the plans from include: the original submittal 1. The plat has been revised to include corner clips at the Parkway Boulevard intersection. o o o Proposed easements for utility improvements in areas adjacent to the dedicated Right-of-Way are shown on the plat. A type "Y" inlet has been added at the upstream end' of Storm Sewer Line C on the west side of Heartz Road. This inlet can be removed and the 48-inch pipe extended west when this area develops. Vertical curves have been added in the roadway profiles at 1% grade breaks. The 60° bend in Storm Sewer Line A near Sandy Lake Road is deleted and a curve using bevelled pipe is designed to turn the flow north in Heartz Road. The profile in Heartz Road near Parkway Boulevard is adjusted to Soften the grade break at the intersection. 320 V~estway Place, Suite 501 · Arlington, Texas 76018 · Metro (817) 467-2418 · (8!7) 465-0259 Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. JP No. 88009 April 12, 1989 Page 2 of 3 The method used to abandon the four existing sanitary sewer manholes in Heartz Road is revised to comply with comments received from the Department of Public Works. The proposed sanitary sewer is concrete encased and ductile iron pipe specified under the proposed box culvert. A 12-inch valve is added at the connection to the sixteen-inch water line in Parkway Boulevard. 10. Encasement pipe on the sanitary sewer bore Parkway Boulevard is deleted. under In addition to these revisions, the following sheets added to the plans since the March 22, 1989 submittal. have been Sheet No. 15 which shows proposed grading on property owned by Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II necessitated by proposed improvements in Heartz Road and in areas adjacent to Sandy Lake Road. Sheet Nos. 18-21 showing cross sections of proposed Heartz Road. The following issues are still under review. Trench Safety - Upon receiving preliminary approval of the proposed roadway grades and utilities from the City, we will authorize the project geotechnical firm to proceed with a site specific design of proposed utility trenches and include this information in the construction plans. Facing Material on currently studying facilities. Box Culvert Headwalls - We are various options for these C o Easements for proposed utilities outside of the dedicated street Right-of-Way will be submitted to the City following execution by property owners. At this time, we are anticipating starting construction of Heartz Road in May, 1989. Due to the amount of fill required, the initial construction effort will consist of a grading contract for clearing the Right-of-Way and preparing the roadway subgrade. Therefore, on behalf of my client and Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II, please provide me a letter containing the following information: Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. JP No. 88009 April 12, 1989 PaGe 3 of 3 City approval of the proposed street Grades and authorization to proceed with construction of Grades in accordance with the plans. Your schedule for City acquistion of of-Way outside of the platted area. remaining RiGht- Your earliest response to this request is appreciated. have any questions, please call. Thank you. If you Sincerely, P.E. JP:ch Enclosure: Previous Public Works Markup Set 7G ~}%/ '~-' Previous Ginn Markup Set -re ~4 £J ~ ~, Three Sets of Construction Plans - Revised Analysis of Heartz Road Grades at Sandy Lake Road cc: Mr. Jay Chester, P.E./ABQ Development Corporation Mr. Mike Allen/Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II Mr. Dan Dowdey, P.E./Roberts & Dowdey Civil EnGineers EVALUATION OF SIGHT DISTANCE FOR PROPOSED HEARTZ ROAD AT SANDY LAKE ROAD INTERSECTION COPPELL, TEXAS This data is presented to the City of CoDpell in compliance with a request by the DRC from their review of proposed construction Dlans of Heartz Road extending north of existing Sandy Lake Road. Existing topography drops very steeply in the proposed Heartz Road alignment north of Sandy Lake Road relative to the typically mild to flat slopes found in the City of CopDell. Enclosed is a copy of Exhibit A - "Heartz Road Profile at Sandy Lake Road"- which was prepared to review sight distance considerations in Heartz Road at this intersection. Since no adjustments are planned in Sandy Lake Road at this time, current sight distances in Sandy Lake Road at the existing intersection will remain unchanged. The proposed profile of Heartz Road extending north of Sandy Lake Road is shown on Exhibit A as is the existing grade in Heartz Road extending south of Sandy Lake Road. In addition an anticipated future grade is shown across Sandy Lake Road at Heartz Road when Sandy Lake Road is improved. Evaluation of Sight Distance is based on guidelines provided by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in A Policy on Geometric Desiqn of Highways and Streets, 1984 hereinafter referred to as the "manual" Two cases were studied. Case 1 is an evaluation of sight distances in Heartz Road based on the proposed improvements north of Sandy Lake Road with existing Sandy Lake Road and existing Heartz Road south of Sandy Lake Road. Case 2 is an evaluation of sight distances in Heartz Road based on an anticipated grade of Heartz Road through the intersection when Sandy Lake Road is improved. Case 1 - Existing Sandy Lake Road For sight distance calulations, the manual states that the height of the drivers eye is considered to be 3.5 feet above the road surface and the height of the object should be 6 inches above the road surface. Stopping sight distance is a combination of Brake Reaction Time and Braking Distance. Design values for the Stopping Sight Distance relative to design speed are shown in Table III - 1 of the manual. Prior to construction of improvements in Sandy Lake Road, all traffic in Heartz Road should be required to stop before Going through the intersection. Therefore all speeds on Heartz Road through the intersection will be very slow. Exhibit A demonstrates that sight distance from a vehicle travelling in Heartz Road that is stopped on either side of the Sandy Lake Road intersection is not limited by the roadway profile. Case 2 - Heartz Road with Future Improved Sandy Lake Road With future improvements in Sandy Lake Road, the intersection with Heartz Road may be signalized. This will provide opportunities for traffic in Heartz Road to proceed through the intersection at design speeds. Drivers should be able to see through the intersection a sufficient distance in time to stop before reaching vehicles exiting future or existing cross streets or driveways. According to Table III - 1 of the manual, at a design speed of 35 mph, minimum stopping sight distance is 225-250 feet. From Exhibit A, with proposed Grades in Heartz Road north of Sandy Lake Road, existing Grades south of Sandy Lake Road and anticipated future Grades through the intersection, the minimum sight distance is approximately 275 feet, based on AASHTO criteria. The anticipated future Grade of Heartz Road through the Sandy Lake Road intersection is approximately 34. Raising the roadway elevation on the south side of Sandy Lake Road in order to flatten the future Grade through the intersection in not advised since this will result in decreased stopping sight distances. Please let us know if we can provide any additional information. By: Jerry Parche' Consulting EnGineers ; i