Heartz Road/PP-DR 881228 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Case : Heartz Road, Prelirnir, ary Plat Reviewed by: Taryor~ Bow~nar,, Plar, r~ir,g &. Zor~ir~g Coclrdir~ator Date: Dece~nber 28, 1988 What happer~ed to the proposed r.o.w. Perkir, s tract? alc0r~g the fror,tage of the if correctior~s are r, ecessary fo~ this project, please revise ail plates arid sub,nit to the Plar~r~ir, g Depart~er,t, prior to Tuesday~ Jar, uary 3, 1989 before 5: 00 p.~n. This will er, sure that the DRC will be able to address your project ri, r, Wedr~esday, Jar~uary 4, 1989. 7'his ~te;~ is scheduled for the Plar, r, ir~g ar~d Zor, ir, g Co;n~nissior, ~neetir, g or~ Thursday, Jar, uary 19, 1989 ar,d also for the City Cour, cil or, Tuesday, February 14, 1989. Both ~eetir~gs will be held at 7:30 O.~n., ir~ the Towr~ Cer~ter Cour~cil Cha~bers.