Heartz Road/PP-CS 881117dP Jerry Parch% Consulting Engineers November 17, 1988 Mr. Jay Chester, P.E. · ABQ Development Corporation P O Box 25625 Albuquerque, NM 87125 505/242-3330 RE: dP No. 88009; Parks of Coppell; Heartz Road; Sanitary Sewer Study; Coppell, Texas Dear Jay: Pursuant to the City of Coppell's review comments for the Heartz Road preliminary plat, we have prepared a study of the sanitary sewer in Heartz Road from Sandy bake Road to Parkway Boulevard. The purpose of our study was to evaluate sanitary sewer flows in Heartz Road with fully developed conditions of development in the service area based on existing land uses in developed areas and current zoning in undeveloped areas. These discharges were then compared to capacities in the existing eight-inch sewer line. If existing capacities are deficient, we determined sewer pipe sizes necessary to obtain the required capacity to adequately serve the area upon full development. Enclosed is a table showing computed design flow and pipe capacity determined between manholes in the existing sanitary sewer line in Heartz Road. Also shown is the additional sewer pipe needed to provide total capacity in excess of the design flow, where required. It is assumed that a parallel pipe will be constructed on the same slope as the existing pipe.. Manhole locations are shown on the. service area exhibit also enclosed. The design flow at each sanitary sewer manhole (SSMH) on the existing sewer line north of Sandy Lake Road was established based upon "Ultimate Development" conditions using Harmon's Formula for Peak Flow with an additional infiltration factor of 750 gpd/ac. This design method is used by the City of Fort Worth. The infiltration factor is adopted from methods used by the City of Plans. The results of our study indicate that the two upstream sections of the existing sewer line in proposed Heartz Road between SSHH#6 and SSHH#4 are adequate to serve the upstream service area. However, the remainder of the existing system, approximately 1930 L.F., from SSMH#4 to Parkway Boulevard, is inadequate and will require the construction of a parallel line. The size and lengths of additional pipe required for ultimate development of the service area are listed in the table. A single pipe equivalent has also been calculated for each section in case you 6001 W/. Interstate 20, Suite 209, LB 32 · Arlington, Texas 76016 · Metro (8171 572-3458 · (8171 561-2108 Mr. Jay Chester, P.E. JP No. 88009 November 17, 1988 Page 2 of 2 elect to remove the inadequate sections and install a single sanitary sewer line having the required flow capacity. We have also investigated whether the existing sanitary sewer in Heartz Road is sufficiently deep to permit service laterals to serve your property on the east side of the channel that parallels Heartz Road without requiring aerial crossings. Using surveyed channel bottom elevations and sewer pipe flow line elevations obtained at existing manholes, it appears that the existing sewer pipe is slightly higher than the adjacent channel bottom. Therefore, lateral pipes crossing the channel will be above the existing channel bottom. We will proceed with an evaluation of the sanitary sewer extending north across the 27.5 acre tract north of Parkway Boulevard. This sewer receives flow from the Heartz Road sanitary sewer and sewers in Parkway Boulevard. We will submit this evaluation of the Heartz Road Sanitary Sewer to the City of Coppell following your authorization. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. 4P:ch Enclosure: Table of Discharges and Pipe Capacity Service Area Exhibit HEARTZ ROAD SANITARY SEWER DISCHARGES AND CAPACITY DETERMINATION FULLY DEVELOPED SERVICE AREA EXISTING SANITARY SEWER IS 8" I.D. EXISTING PROPOSED DESIGN DESIGN EXISTING PIPE PROPOSED PARALLEL POINT FLOW PIPE CAPACITY PARALLEL PIPE CAP. LOCATION* (MGD) SLOPE (MGD) PIPE (MGD} PROPOSED & EXIST. PIPES TOTAL CAPACITY (NGD) SINGLE PIPE EQUIVALENT SSMH#6 0.61 1.88% SSMH#5 O.82 2.43% SSMH#4 1.14 1.52% SSMH93 1.41 0.50% SSMH#2 1.81 0.50% SSMH#1 0.93 NONE N.A. N.A. 1.06 NONE N.A. N.A. 0.83 6" PVC 0.53 1.36 0.48 10" PVC 1.18 1.66 0.48 12" PVC 1.92 2.40 Refer to Exhibit Attached ASSUMPTIONS: 1. Existing pipe has n-0.015. 2. New pipe will be PVC with n=0.011. New pipe to be layed at same grade' as existing pipe. Design flows were calculated using Harmon's Formula. Infiltration - 750 gpd/ac. N.A. 8" PVC 12" PVC 12" PVC TICOR TITLE INSUItANCE November 8, 1988 Mr. Jay Chester ABQ Development Corporation P.O. Box 25625 625 Silver SW Suite 200 Albuquerque, NM 87125 Re: Ownership gap/Abandoned Heartz Rd. Coppell, Texas Dear Jay: As a follow-up to our telephone conversation, I have been unable to locate any "formal abandonment" action pertaining the portion of Heartz Road north of Sandy Lake Road. I contacted the City Secretary, Dorothy Timmons, (214/462-0022), who stated that there is no abandonment ordinance on record regarding this portion of Heartz Road. I contacted a Mr. King in the Public Works department of Dallas County. He could find no record of abandonment by the County. His number is 214/653-7151. It is possible that this road was established by use with no formal dedication. Your attorney might want to investigate this matter further. With respect to the 5 acre tract east of the proposed Heartz Road, I have enclosed a copy of a deed from a MARK PERKINS to JOAN SOKORA BLAKE, JACQUIE STUBBLEFIELD, MARY BETH SHIELDS and TIM SOKORA. According to the City tax records, tax bills are sent to MARY BETH SOKORA SHIELDS, 145 Centennial Dr., Lewisville, Texas, 75067. The Lewisville tele- phone directory lists J.W. Shields, Jr. at that address, telephone number 214/436-5708. Let me know if I can be of further assistance in these matters. Branch Manager encl. JST/sai RECi? 'rlcor Title Ineurance Company of California 102 Meadowcreek, Suite 106, Coppell, Texas 75019 (214) 462-7420 ti.O0 3320 0 I C8/22/ll0 THE STATS OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL ldF, N BY THESE PRESENTS: That l, HARK PERKINS, end State of or the County of Dis 11 a s condderation or the sum oF TEN (S10.00) end other vMu~ble consideration to the underaJsfled paid by the grantees which ia hereby Icknowledled. · Foxes for and in DOLLARS herein, named, the receipt of hove GRANTED. SOLD AND CONVEYED. and by these pretenls do GRAHT. SELL AND CONVEY unto JOAN SOIOOP. A BLAI~, ~lE STUBBi,~FIELD, 14MIY BE1TI SHIELDS, and TIN ~ · all of si' the County of' Dallas end Stx,e of Texas the followifll described real property In I)aLIIas County. Texas. to-wit: ao~nS · port. of · 7.87 KFo t-rect of l.tnd out o.~ the S~.b.m'~ itenderso, n. Su~v. eY, Abstrict 1620, ,·id ?,l? ecru heine taft sm ~rect o~ ~.mu.c. onv~y_ e~ CIJAton Holt ~nd wife, Tlllio B, Holt, by C. J. WLlsm~ ann wife, ~ri ~z_~o _ ViLlain, by deed recorded July 7, 1948_, .in .VoLume 301.1, P,8.o of hllu County. Trams. s·id part of f. ho 7.e~ re:re trac~ oe~ng ae. ec.~,o~,_,,, ,,,*,.-,-~.. BBG~14~iNG it th~'tn~ors~ctJon ~)f tho North l/ne of Send,/ Lib P.c~d v~th tho BAst line of Hearts Road (8 3S fa, rend), vhtch is 17. S :o-. ~dst of the Bt)it;t; 196'~ (Admewbde,mm) TH! ~I'AT~ OF I~XAf } ' COUKI'Y OF Bale# me, Illo mulenlgM4 MeIkMRY. mi tide day I.-~.-.JllY eplmMNd knowlm to me lo be the peCeMI .......... whose liam. .................... elbocdtmd to tho (o~l ~dmmont, I~ Kk~w~ 1o m ~y of A.D. It (Coqwm, edmouidpum) , ~.J I.. ~ .... THE rrATI oP TEXAS COUNTY O!' ~ mo. ,bo dMmlpd SUthat~, ee rid d~ pnumdly ,pl4md ii( ........ -- fON--d-., imtmment, ami oekno~idpd lo me thai ~ to me to be tko imm wbea, tume ,- w~c.,,- [.~ :-:~ .-_"/:. ........ ,d .,du tM m ,nd d#d ot I .O,/MItMI~ ...... ,~ ,k,.--d. ,..,~d. m m UFIGNF imm -- ..... 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EXECUTED this / ~/~"J" deyof . A. D. 1910 'THE STATB'OF TEXAS CQUNTY OF ~ (A,d*~owbdlme.t) }