Heartz Road/PP-CS 881116ABQ Development Corporation 625 Silver SW Suite 200 Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-242-3330 CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Date November 16 , 1988 1. Subdivision Name Heartz Road 3. . Appllcang ABQ Development Corporation Address 625 Silver sw, suite 200, Albuquerque, NM 87102 ..... ~ity ......... ' Street SLate Phone.I 505/242-3330 4. Flrm'Preparing Plat Jerry Parche' Consultin,,g' Engineers : ' Address , 320 Westway Pl, ace, Suite 561, Arlington, Texas 76018.. ,. ' Street. City State .Phone I 817/467-241 8 Zip .Zip ..... ~roperty Owner.,ABQ Development Corporgtion and Univest Development Co. Address Same as ,A, pplicant : S t~eet" City State · Phone I " ; D~veloper Same as Pro~ert~, ,Owners , ,' , ,, - zip Address ?hone I Street' City State All correspondenoe relative, to this app~lcatio9 should be directed to whom: ". " Name Jerry ~arche' ('New Address as 'of. 11/21/88) Address 3,20.Westwa~ Place~ ,Suite 501 , City, State, .'lip Arlington, Texa's · P'hone I 81 7/467-2418 76018 ~ocs~ion o! Property ·General Lake. Road approximately J400 ~t. east o~ Denton Tap Road Between Parkway Boulevar~ and Sandy What is the present Zoning District? TC zoning change; No' Zi~yes, "' z0niff~ district. req6ested? N/A Proposed Subdtvl~ion Contains~ Land Use No. o[ Lots or Units Are you ~at ts the requesting any or co,,verson} Total AcC-es If~or each use)