Heartz Road/PP-CS 881019Univest Development Company 12770 Coit Road, Suite 1215 Dallas, Tx 75251 214-233-5771 CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Date October 19 19 88 m Subdivision Name Heartz .R.oad ,,, Applicant.. Univest Development Company~ ~o,.~%, ~~, , Address 12770 Colt Road~.Suite 1215, Dallas, Texas 75251 ' Street Phone .~ . 2~4/233-~771 .... . m. Flzm. Preparl~ Plat ..Jerrym Parche' Consulting Engineers Address . 6001 w. ~nterstate 20~ Suit~ 209, A~lington', Texas · . ' Street. City State m, zip 76016 ' . tp .... .Phone ! _ 817/.572-34.58 froperty ~ner. Same as applicant '6. Address : ' street ' Ciiy "Stat~ · ' Phone I "' ; Developer Same az applicant ,',, Zip Address l, hone I :. street ' ' City S'~ate All Correspondenoe.zelative. to whom= this app!lcatto,n should be directed to' ~a~e Jerry Parche' Address 600} w, Inters~a~e 20{.~ui~9 209~,LB_32 Cl fy, State, ! ' l~hone Arlington,.Tex~s, y.6016 817/572-3458 · General Loca(ion of Property .,Between Parkw,ay Boulevard and Sandy T.ak~ Road aDDroximate!¥ 1400 ft. e. ast .Of Denton Tap.~°ad What is the present Zoning District? ~C - zoning change? ~ lf'yes, , ' . ed?reques N/A ~roposed $ubdivl~ion Contains~ ' ' Land Use No. of'Lots or Units Ac~es ([or each use) l~re you requesting ~hat ~s tho Case File 3.45 AC,. Address_