Heartz Rd Elem/FP-CS 930523 SUBDIV!StON APPLICAIION l.~,~,~l.' ~ ~ DATE: MAY 23 ,1993 Phone # COPPELL I.S.D. 4. Firm Preparing 5. Property ~,~er ~o.~,~m ~ ~~-- Address Phone # Preliminary Plat__ FINAL PLAT ~ REPLAT Street City ; e Zip Street City State ~'Zip Street City State Zip 6. Developer 5.'.~,'- v~'.~ z~;~- : .Loc. Address 5~:~ ~ .,./~,a c_ A~-.._',~ '~V~ ~ ~.. ~. ~e~ ~ :~ ~ q ~D :'_.~ Stree~ City - ~ st~'' ~ ZiP All Correspondence relative to this application should be whom: ' " Address City, State, Zip Phone General Location of Property -.~ directed to ! What is the present Zoning ~istrict? '-?~--- Are you requesting any zonin9 chan~e? ~ = I~ yes, what is the Case File # Zonin~ ozstr~ct Requested? 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use Sinole Family Duplex Multi-Family Commercial ~ Industrial Public Stree{ R/W Parks, Public TOTAL: No. cf Lots or Units Acres (for ea. use) SIGNATURE: (PROPER?Y OWNER) SUBAPP