Heartz Rd L1-2/MP-DR000427 (5)05×11×00 10;46 CITY OF COPPELL ~ 9?2 ]04 ?092 N0.116 D02 I ._Il Ill I I J_lllll I I Ill [ Illl DEVELOPMENTP~VIEWCOMMITTEE ~ ~M: W~sburch Addiffo., Minor Plat ~ '~f ~A~ i ]~ DRC DATE: Ap~127, 2~0 CO~A~: Brad Reid, Park Planning and LaHdscape Manag~ II I I II Jllll II I I 1111111 I I I I I The location of improvements are not indicated, therefore, no tree removal is shown. At the ~ime the specific trees to be removed are known, a free mitigation plan must be submitted. The de~eloper should be made aware that the proposed development is affected by the Park Dedicaffon Ordinance stipula~ng $1,285.00 per dwelling unit. DRCO42?OOb