Hollows/FP-CS 980916SEP I 6 1998 STATE OF TEXAS j bd . J lOqOW ALL ~ BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF D.&~ I&S J THIS ASSI~ AI~ ASSUMPTION OF DEO.ARANT'S BIGHTS UNDEi AMI~IDED AND P, ESTATED I:IECLAIIATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS · Auisnor') ~ ~ ~ 1~ Ltd., a Teus Smited pI~ner~_ ' (d~e 'Auisnee'). C.-,ra~ mi ~ ~ml m ~'Ja~i'~, 1993 md recoebd oa Jura 21, 1993 in Volume 93119, Pup 6111 0r~be Deod J~rds d'Ddln Coup, T~u, md fbr~ minded by dar RfslliclhxIs dIted ii or J,~,, 23, lggS Ifd IlmIded Apr~ 4, 199S Jn Volume 95065, Page 03437 c~ tho D~d glqmfds of' Dobs CoumT, T~Bs, herehdf~ eOGec:lLvdy rd'erred to u the 'Dedarmjmt', tbo Auipor ~ d of*dm aal property timauzl in b City of Dsn,,. Dslhs Coln~, T~ml ~ a Kd~it A ~ hlllm IM nm~ I pitt htrmf (tl~ "Proplrty~ m 2.. pummm to the tram or da Dochrmim, tho Auip~ wu srz:zod all of the in ~.. Dedarmioa. 1717 MMII ~llmal DA972M0.11 97220. O' Z 8 AND ASSUMPTION: ortbe '*Decisrm~ set f~h h tbs Dechrmioa md AGJt]~.S TO DISCHARGE ~ dl oftbe dter th efreaive date bereofby AMgnor n ~lmm" uMer md pursum to the terms or the came or mloa occurfin8 or amuin8 prior to the date la.of ~xl ~ om of the li,bilities. oblismiau md duties or "Dechr~" under md purmmt to the ternu or the Dechr~o,, ob~ismiom md dutie~ or 'Dechrum" under md pursun~ to the teans of the Declm'~tiou. m~mssora, pn'soml r-~uentativ~ and assigns md shall inure to tl~e benefit of the Assignor and DA972860.1112 97220 0h2t~9 llq WITNF~ ~3~:C)F. this Auisamm is mule mi enteml ~o ~o be ~ective u of tbs clite tint minm ibove. ASSIGNOR: RPG F..STATE~ LTD~ a T~ms I~m~d pmum~ B~ 793~.00004 D~Il13 97220 0 250 ;7. · i'ATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAU.~S CO~.INTY OF DAI..LAS { D~.ll14 97220 0h251 97220 0~25Z ~.Z220 0t~253 253 I"q.]r~.lbdbmdsd'O,.bdCd..,r.?.mt . . .'14LMCL S F IF si; W. q,,G6 m~ lB rrm Tp & L m a b d 1613 ~t fm to i t 0~' kw md "d THi~CL ~l M' .~,' 11' w'. m~4h~l h,d Ib&,~d idbnmn d~ fm I~. Id~' inn mi Immd. d 9218l ' ~bd--d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.a &mL L ~.~ ~dm ~. ll)43. Idid Jqi,nfded ii mbwlm~ ~ D~ ~. T~ ~ · 92161'332~ 97220 ..- .~% .$2181 97220 01~256 3325 i 92181 3327 o o ~40 ~1 n ( $21813330 92101 $331 Assigument and Assumption of' Dechrant's RilbU Under Amended mai Restated Dechration or Covefmnt~ Conditions and Restrictions 97220 U~2G~ FXHIBIT ' ~" PROPERTY D£SCRIPTION BE~Ga ,,xact o=' l~m ~tu~te~ m me 5in~eton Thompson Survey..-t. bstract Numi~er 1493 ~nd t~.~e We~on Pe~'y Sur~... Abstract Number ! i $2, in the CitT. of Coppeil. Dallu CounW,-Te~as. znd ~ part or' that certain tract conv~ed to 'l'erra Corporaze Joint Venture u recorded in Voksme 850~,_ P~ge 4454. Deed Records m' Dallas CountT, Te,~. and bein_~ more particularly Jescnhed as follo~: BEGI~,'~q_NG at a IR' iron rod found at the intersection of the west line of Fairway Drive (60'. ri_eht-of-~.. } x~,ith the south line at'RixTrchase Drive i60' right-of, way THENCE. South _~? .,it,~.~cts 02 minutes 25 seconds East. along said west line. for a distance of .'1.98 feet to a 1t2' iron rod found for comer. THENCE, South i4 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East, along said west line, for a distance of 3.~9.14 feet to a !~" iron rod found for the beginning ora circular curve to the right; THENCE, continuins -tons said circular curve to the risht, havins a central angle of 17 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds. :, radius of 480.00 feet. and a tangent length of 75.20 feet, t'or an arc length of 149.19 feet to a !/2' iron rod found at the point oftansenc% THENC,~. South 03 de~'_ ecs 38 minutes 42 seconds West. along said west line. for a distance of 337.38 feet to a i/2' iron rod found for comer on the north line of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit right-or=way ( loft ri_tM-of-way}; THENCE, North 86 de~r_ ecs 2l minutes 15 seconds West. along said north line. for a distance of $ ! 8.94 feet to a 11'~' iron rod found for comer, said iron rod being the southwest comer of said tract, ~CE, North 03 degr_ ecs 38 minutes 42 seconds East, departing the north line of said Dallas Area Rapid Transit fight-of-Way, for a distance of 727.82 feet to a !/2' iron rod found, said iron rod beins in the south line of Riverr. hase Drive; THENC~ North 80 degrees 04 minutes 51 seconds EasL alons the south line of said Riverchase Drive, for a distance of 383.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNINC} and containing 8.74 acre~ (380J63 square feet) of land, more or less. BEING a tract of land situated in the Weston Perry. Survey., Abstract Nol 1 i$2, and the Singleton .'rboatpson Survey, Abstract No. 1493, in the City of CoppeiL Dallas County, Texas, and bein$ a [,art of that certain tract conveyed to Tetra Corporate Joint Venture as recorded in 97220 'FHENCE. South 57 de~r_ ees .i'/minutes 08 seconds Eut, departing said south line of Riverchase Drive and along a we~t IL,~e of said Golf Emerprises tract, for a distance of 318.3S feet to a !~' ima rod form_d_ ."or comer. TI-IL:'NCE.-South 0 ! d _e~'ees 07 minutes Og seconds East, continuing' along said west line, for a ' ~ or' $95.00 feet to · i/Z' ~ron rod found for comer on the north line of the Dallas Are~ Rapid Transit right-of, way (10ft fight-of-way); THENCE, North 86 ~rees 21 minutes 18 seconds West, along said north line, for a distan¢o of 500.00 feet to · I/2" iron rod found for comer, said iron rod being the intersection of said north line with the east line.0f said Fairway Drive: THENCE, North 03 d~.~ 35 minutes 42 seconds East, - along said east line, for · distance of 337.35 feet to a 1~" iron rod found for the _beginning ofa circu~ curve to the left; THENCE, contimJing along said ch-cuing curve to the lei~ having a cenu'al an_tie of l? de~r. ecs 45 minutes 30 seconds, a radius of 540.00 feet, and a tangent len_t~h of 84.60 feet. tbr an ng¢ len~h of 167.$4 feet to a I/? iron rod found at the point oftangency, THENCE` North 14 de~rees 09 minutes 4'/seconds West, continuing along said east line, for a distance of 336.17 feet to a !/2' iron rod found for comer, THENCE` North 30 de~ees 26 minutes 'i? seconds East, continuing along said east line, for a distance of 21.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNXNG and containing 10.935g acres (476,365 FILED FOR RECORO : TM$~day_of~ ~lrl Bullock, County Clerk 9722'0 0t 266