Hollows/FP-CS 980916 (2)_1 ATCOD %%' 2S~S&9-R FIP~T AMENDW~WT TO AMLeNDZD ARE RESTATED DEC~TIO~ OF C0~1~5, CO~ZTZON~ ~ ~STRZ~IO~ DIE0 76.~] FOR RI~R~E TOTL ~6. O0 AO0: 9138 ~0000 3379 3:49P~ 6/21/93 This ~men~en:, is made and en:ered in:o as of =he ~ day o~ June, 1993 by RPG ESTATES, LTD. , a Texas limi:ed p~r:ners~ip ("Declaran:"), S~Y/~C D~TNERS, LTD. , ("SMP") and NORTH~K WOOD--DS JOINT VENTURE III (.~JV"). ~ECITALS On or about September 1~-, 1992, RPG executed and filed an Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Res=Fictions for Riverchase (the ,,Declaration"), which Declaration is recorded in Volume 92181, Page 3258, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, cov,.~Lng a~proximaUely 611.213 acres of land more particularly described and re fei'red =o =herein as the "Property". B. Declarant, SMD, and N~, each own substantial po:-:ions of the Property and hold, in the aggregate, in excess of sixty-seven percent (6 '%) of the outstanding votes of the Association, and therefore have the right and authority under Section 14.02 of the Declaration, to execute, acknowledge and record this First Amendment to the Declaration. NOW TiIER.~.FORE, the 9ar=ies ~ureto hereby modify and ~mend the Declaration in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. 1. Section 1.14 is hereby a~ended in its entirety to read es follows: "Section 1. I4. -Cc.~mercis! Esta:e" shall mean and refer to a commercial building, Trac:, parcel or any other interest in real property that is limited hereby to Commercial Use and contained within the Proper:y, and shall include and be limited to that portion of the Proper:y which is zoned for a Commercial Use under :he zoning ordinance of the Ci=y of Coppell applicable to such ~ortion of the Property, from time to time." 2. Section 1.26 of the Declaration is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "Section 1.26. ,,Fesidential Es:ace" shall mean and refer to a'Lo:, Condominium Unit, Condominium,. Building, Apartment Complex, Trac-- or other interest in real property limited to Residential Use and contained within the Property, and shall include and be limited to that portion of '.he Property which is :oned for a Residential Use under the zoning ordinance ~f the City of Coppe!! applicable :o such portion of the Property from ti~e to '.ime." 3. The Declaration it hereby amended by the addition o~ Sections 1.30, 1.31, 1.32 and ~.3~ which shall read us follows: "Sectlon 1.30. "U~" shall mean and refer to any Apartment Unit or Condominium Unin located within the Property." -- ~ ' 31 ,,w_9_~~', shall mean an~ re,er to those ~ect.on -. . · ~ - ~ ~ ~he exis ~n~ TU Electric ~' e Pro er: ioca~ea wa~ .... -- - or.~ons of th P.. Y - -~- ~-~ tv are more particularly ~asements, which portlons o= ?'T .ttL5%=~%d ~a~e a pa== hereof by described on Exhibit "A" attacnea reference for all purl~oses-" ,,Section 1.32. ,,Besidentiel Unit' shall mean and re!er to any s~ructure, or a segregated portion thereof (such as an individual apartmen~ unit), which has been constructed for Residential Use, including, but not limited to, single-f=mily attached and de=ached residences, apartments, residen=ial condomini~s and duplex housing. "Section 1.33. -~ndeve!oDed parcel" shall mean each subdivided ~rc~l or =fac= o~ land si=ua=ed within =he Prupe~y which is res.rfc.ed =o a Residential Use hereunder and wi=h ~o which a building peri= ~or =he construction ol a Residen=ial Unit has not been ob=ained. "Section 1.34. -Develooed p~cel" shall mean each tract or parcel of land, or Lo=, si=uaned wi:bin =he Prope~y with :o which a building peri= for =he cons=ruction of a Residen=ial unit has been issued by the City of CoppeL! ~ for which Cer%i!icate of Occupancy hau no= been issued. ,,- ~---~ pa-ce~,, shall mean and re,er =o eac~ ,,Section 1.35. ~mo.o~ ~:-~---~ within =he Proper=y Certificate of Occupancy has been Issued 4. The ~irst sentence of Sec=ion 2.05 of the Declaration is hereby ~ended to read as follows: -Declarant or =he Association upon uhe wri%=en approval or assent of seven=y-five percent (75%) of =he outs=ending votes of Me,ers, shall have =he right op=ion =o cause =he Associa=ion =o merge or coDsolida=e with ~y similar associa=ion or associations-" 5. Section 4.03 (a) of =he Declare=ion is hereby ~ended in ins entirety =o read as follows: (a) Notwithstanding anything ~o =he con=ra~ contained herein, recogni=ion of the facn =ha= the West Tracts do not enjoy subs=an=felly all of the benefits of =he Associa=ion as do the remaining portions of the Property {the ,'~ast TraC.S"), the West · 33119 6112 accordance wi=h uhe following pcovieion~: (!) For each Improved Parcel in =ho wes= TraC=s, $8.00 per Improved Parcel, in which laC=or oven= =he main=eh&ncc assessmen= for Improved ParCelS in =ha shall be 75~ of ~ho firo~ $8.00 plus 60% o~ any excess of =he mon~hl~ main=chance osaessmen= for each ~o~ ~d in ~he Ess= T=ac=s (as se= ~o~h i, 4.~(b) =hFough (e) below). (ii) For each Developed Parcel in ~ho We8~ Trac=s, a monthly miin~enance assossmen~ equal ~o S0~ of ~n~hl~ ~in~enance aesessne-~ for each l~roved Parcel in =he Wea~ Tree=s; (iii) For each Undevelo~d Parcel in =he wes= Trac=s, e~n=h~Y ~in=enance aosessmon= equal to 60~ of the ~n~h~ hain=chance asgessnon= assessed for each Develop&d Parcel In =he Wes= Trac=s. (iv) For each Developed Parcel in ~ho Ess= · ~n=hly main=chance assessmen~ equal =o 60% of ~n=hly main=chance assessmen= for each ~nproved Parcel in =he Ess= Trac~s. (v) For each Undeveloped Parcel in =he Zao~ Trac=s, a mon=hly main=chance assessmen= equal =o 60~ o~ main=onance essessmen~ for each Developed Parcel in 6. Sec=ion 4.03 of =he Declare=ion is hereby, ~u~her, ~ifi~ =o reduce uho ini=ial~im~n=hly main=e~ance assossmen=s ~rom $12 per ~=/Uni= ~o $8 per 7. Sec=ion 4.08 of =he Declare=ion is hereby ~nd~ change sSep~e~er 1, 1992w to Janua~ 1, 1993. 8. Sec=ion 9.01(a) of =he Declare=lan is hereby ~ondod in ice on=Story =o read as fellers: '(a) The Res~denCial Es=aCes, including land an~ imp~vemen~l, shall be ovned as Residen=ial Es=a~el and be used~d occupied for single-f~lly residential pure,es, Apor~mon~ Complex purees Condomini~Building pu~ses only, ex=ap= as hereinaf~or p~vided- No o~er or ouher setup&n= shall use or occupy his Re~iden=ial Es=are, or peri= the s~e or any par= =hereof ~o be used or occupied, for any 9urpose o=her =hen =he rosiden=ial re~ersncsd £~ ~£a Sec~£on 9.0~, e~c~p~ as hereina2ter provided. Noch£ng provide~ herein shall prec~uae any Owner ~rom s=e~£nq or obta£n£nq from the ¢~¥ o~ Coppell a change £n ~he zonin~ o£, or special usa per~£c for, ~ny porc£on or-the Proper~¥ ovnad by such Owner, under the zonin~ ordinance o~ ~he C~¥ oZ CoppeLL. preclude an¥Ovnec ~rom Fucche~ce, no~h~nq conCa~ned hece~n ihlL~ fo~ ~n~ ~1~ 4~oved ui~nq ~ny~c~on o~ ~he pcopec~Y which he undue ~ht zoning ordinance ot ~he C~y of Copp4~ al I~e ce~aCel ~o such ~c~on of ~hI Pcopec~Y'~ 9. Section 9.02 ot ~he Declaration ~s hereby ~ended ~n ~nc~ud~ng Lind en~ LmpFove~en~-, ...... states and shall ~ used and occupied ~oF co~e~c~aL Y' - 11 be deemed ~o prohi~x~ aAA s pur~ses aha .... .=._. business, business park, e~eemos na~, ~e~a~Z sa~e~, ces~au~an~, ~nanc~e~ co~e~c~al, . Y~ .......... d~caL. ~L~ course o~ co~ banking, research mna aey~A~p~_--~ ~Clude any ~er from c~ub use. ~h~n~ P ..... '--- o~ Co~LL * change seeking or o~ ~ - ---'- 'or any ~ion o~ the Pro~e~y zonin~ of, or a specxaA u~e ~~--~I. ~[~ance o~ ~he owned by such ~er, un~_~n~_~d herein shall preclude any Co~pell. Fur~he~re, no~n~ng_~-~ ...... which he ~r i~oA usinq any portion ox ~ne r~u~-~-:. - ......... rider ~h~ zoning ordinance ol the cxcy o~ coppeAA use alloyed u ..... -- ~-~-e~v The Cl~Pro~Y s~e rela~es ~o ~ ...... ,- --~ zce~c ~o ~he e~en~ considered a ' ' ' e~ec~." 10. Section 11.13 o~ the Declaration is hereby a~ended in entirety to read as fo.llovs: . __.~.. ~ ~ .x~£ncmanc and DesignationS. The Committee =aT, ro=-tire to t= e, an- its duties or 11. HotviChstand£nqany~h£nq ~o the contrary provided herein, or in the Declaration, the terms and provisions of ~he Declaration, as they relate ~o ~he West Traces shall no~, hereai~er, be .odilied or ~ended, vi~hou~ Ch~ prior written consen~ of Ne.ers ~oc&~od w~h~n the Went T~&cCs, wh£ch consent sha~ floc be un~eaoon~bl7 w£~hheld o~ delayed. P/)G.ESTATES, LTD. By: ~ ~ Arthur E. He~e~, President SANDY/MAC PARTNERS, LTD, By: SLJ COMPARe, NORTNLAKE WOODLARDS JOINT VENTUR~ 1 STJ~M~iqD. ~ 93r 19 6~15 DemripLiOa ,~( · 103.355'; ~n tract o( ~ ~ Of ~ J~ P~ S~y, A~ ~o. o~ ~ ~ ~ ~W' R. ~. ~ ~ m~'l- ~Y. ~ ~ 2l. 1942. ~, ~C~. N lO' ~' 37' ~ ~ b ~ b of~W~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ,~. N 89' 03' 24' ~ ~g ~d W~d~ ~ 4 a ~ d~ ~ ~1.~ for ~ ~NCE. S ~* ~' 36' W. adM of ~6.t9 f~ ms 1~* im~ m ~. MbIoA~~MS 19003'24' ~~°fi~'~ ~ of ~i.1O ~ ~ m m Im~ of 1~3.65 f~ m t l~' i~ ~ m f~ ~ ~N~. S ~' ~' 19' E. · d~of 12.~ f~ ~a t~' i~ ~ ~ f~, ~CE, S ~' 13' 41' W, d~[ ~ ~ ~ of~ ~ & L ~t · d~ of'l~.~ ~NC~, S 33° 43' 4~* W, ~g ~ ~ ~°f~d ~ & ~m~ 8~ ~ ~N~, S 7t * 41' 41 ' W, ~g ~ ~d ~ & L ~ ~ lb a di~ ~. N ~e ~. ~1' W. ~ ~d old ~ ~ md doug ~ ~ ~ o~ md 1~ 2. ZSt.42 ~ m b P~ OF BaO~O V~ 2~. h~ 317 of M ~ X~ ~ ~ ~. T,~. ~ ~f s ~ of s t~ ~ ~ ~ P~ 488 or ~ ~ WK~ of D~b C~Iy. T~u. ~ ~t of 1~ ~f ~ ~Y ~ blt ~F) t~ (~ ~I~I-~Y ~ ~ ~ lb of~ ~.1 ~n ~t u ~ b Vd~ ~, ~ ~ b b ~Y b of i 1~ ~ ~ & L ~ u ~ h Voi~ 31~. P~ 110. ~ P~ OF DA.A4~ I A 93119 $117 6! 'I'R~CT III Aht~t NO. 1493, Vol~ 2~S, P~t Pn~ 418, ~d t~t BEO~O~a..l'~mb~b°f~~u~bV~'~l~' ~NCG N ~' ~' ~ ~t ~ b ~NCG N 33' 43' 41' E, ~g ~d m f~ ~r ~ m mgic ~bt: ~NCE S ~' ~' 19' m ~ m~, ~d ~bt of T6S.~ f~: ~, ~ ~ Pap ~ tO, ~ ~, ~ ~' Tim; ~NCE S 29' 13' 41' W. ~NCE N ~' 21' I1' W, ~l ~e ~ I~ of ~d St. ~uis ~ ~mm ~ a ~ ~ 110.~ ~ENCE N 29' a i~-~ ~ ~ 62 T1~NC:~. $ ?l° 41' 41' W. w~b the mu~ lira of ~-id T. P. & L. ~z~m~! ~z r~.ord~l · dis~ of Ze.54.44 f~ ~ t~x P~ACE OF BEGII~NING: m:d ¢oe,-~,,~,,~ 740.$?3 ~qu~m of~. II i II I ,~ ~ (con~uecl) TRACT Descril~iml of a 16.~ ~ ~ of 1~ ~t of Iud bm[ pti of 1 20.80 un ~y. ~ Nove~r 29. 1943. ~ h Volum 20~. Past 2~ of ~ ~cularly ~ u ~~ ~ (C~ bit ~Y t~ f~t ~f~f.~y ~ ~ ~ h Volu~ 45~, Pep 3~, ~CE N 29' 13' 41' E, ~ ~d ~ 55' 47' 52' W, s d~ of ~.~ f~; mile of 6~* ~' OS', m ~ dM of 818.~ f~ ~NCE S 27' 08' 01' W, ~ ~d ~ 1~* ~ ~ ~ for ~. ~d ~t ~ ~ ~"";~g t di~ of ~7~.~ f~ ~ a I~* 1~' ~ ~ ~ for ~, ~d ~NCE N ~* 21' IP* w, ~ ~d 93119 ' F,2~cXXIIZ:X-: ),' T l~J~ C"X' V 69.2813 KN trKt of I~d out of ~ Dmvid ~e~ Su~ey, A~t No. No. 1~2. ~d ~ ~ PI~ Sudsy. A~ No. ! 239. Dsilu C~. I~ ~ ~ of, ~.lS ~ ~ ~ ~ Volu~ 2112. Pqe 262. Vol~ 2~, Pill 481, ~ I ~ of I 2 ~ ~ ~r~ ~ Vol~ 69.2113 ~ ~t hbg ~n ~icui~y ~ u foilo~: ~ I~ of I 130 f~t D. P. & L. Co. ~lbt~f'~Y u ~ of D~ ~. T~--; ~ ~ ~ for m~. ~d ~t ~g I~ h b ~ b of M~ M211. P~ 9~. ~ ~r~. D~ C~W. T~* ~d ~ht ~ ~g ~ ~Mr ~ S ~* 13' 27' W, n di~ of ~0.~ f~; ~9' ~*. ~ ~ di~ of 214.62 f~ m a 1~' i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~* ~' ~9' W, ~ ~d ~ ~fbt~f-~Y I~ of M~ ~. ~ f~ ~. ~d ~ ~g ~ ~g of n ~e m ~ fi~t ~ ~ of 9SI.~ f~t: ~d ~e m ~ ~gbt ~?b · ~t~ ingle of 61* 42' SS'. ~ ~ m for ~ 13TTg,'P~ 3~, ~ X~. ~ ~' Tezu: 19' 03' 24' E. ~ ~ ~ ]be of W~ ~ 4, t d=~ ~f~~ 89'~'34" E.d~f~b°fl ~tof~veY~m~ f~ f~ ~ ~' ~'27' E. ~e ~bofMid L&N ~Co~~ ~bf b~f m a ~e ~ ~ Hfht ~ ~Mr ~ S t3' 3t' 33' W. DA~4FJ3 IA Sf2J for ~r; ~NCE S 53" 3t' 19' E. ~at~u~l ~1 ~e mu~ 1~ of ~id T~Iy ~er Au~ty'~ t~ & d~ of 3~.~ ~ m · I~' ~ ~ f~ for =~c ~ S 33" 31' 1~' E, ~ ~d ~ t~ of ~Y ~ ~' ~ d~ =f~'~ f~ m ~ ~ OF B~~G; DAA~'Z~ lA ~,,2~GRKT-.~.~ (coat~nuKI) 'TINCT VT Deacrip~io~ o( & 36T.3106 ~ ~t o( ~ ~ of ~ D~vld ~y~ S~y, A~ No. ~, W. P~ ~, A~t No. 1152, Smlle~n ~owG S~ef, A~t No. 1493 ~ ~ S. A. · M. G. ~y, ~ ~o. ~ ~ b~ b o( · 130 f~t DP~ ~lht~f-~Y u ~ ~ Vol~ ~, Pap ~, ~ ~ of D~u ~, ~NCE S 53' 3l' 19' E, ~ md ~y ~e R~ s di~e of 2T6.0S fmm · 3' ~ ~ f~ ~ ~NCE S ~: 43' 05' G, ~ · ~ Wi~ F~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ of ~4.~ fm ~ · 1~' ~ ~ f~ ~NCE S 19' 4T' ~' E, & di~ o[ 2~5.42 ~ ~ & ~bt b ~ Elm F~ of ~ T~ ~ ~NCE ~ ~ ~ of ~ Elm F~ u fo~: T14~NCE 'T'r~NCE S ~0' 2t' 41' £. w~th mid ~ ~lb ~ a d~ of 5~.~ f~ m a I~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o( ~ ~. P~ S~y, A~t No. 1152: ~NCE S ~' S2' 12' E, ~ ~d ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ Su~ey. s di~ of kJ2.~ f~ ~ i l~' ~ ~ f~ f~ ~ f~ ~ a f~ ~, ~d ~c ~f ~ ~ ~ of ~ Ci~ of ~'s ~ ~ ~ ~: 6'/ 93119 6!23 TI. fl~NC£ N 16' 2 I' ~1' W, commuial .:eel ~d ~ortl3 line of t~m St. Z.ogis mid of ~31.63 f~ m ~ i~' i~ ~ ~ for ~r. ~ ~ ~i~l ~ ~ ~lht~f.~y, ~o~M ~ Volu= 14221, pnge 9~, D~ R~o~. D~lm C~Iy, a ~' ~r~ for ~NC~ ~ 08' 34' ~' W. ~ ~ ~d ~ dgbt~(-~Y t~ o( ~u~ ~l~, ~ ~ ~' ~ Nt for ~r ~d ~b& ~l ~ ~""~nS of a ~e to ~ ~ E. a ~s~ of 120.~ fmc; ~NCE, M~ ~ ~u~l m ~e ~ght ~ s ~tr~ msle of lS' 18' 41', I~' ~ ~ ~ for ~NC~ N 27' ~' 0t' E. ~ ~d ~ ~gbt~f-~Y ~ of MK~ ~' I~' ~ ~ m ~ ~' ~d ~bt ~bg ~ ~g of a ~ m~ W, a di~ of S~.~ fM4: ~, ~ ~d ~ m ~ i~ ~gh n ~ mgl~ of 63' 14' I~' i~ ~ m for ~r, ~ ~b~ ~S I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~CE N 29' 13' 4t' ~, ~ ~d ~ t~ of ~P~ ~Y ~ght~f~Y, 3ll9 6t2 TRACT Oeect~p¢icaa of i 1.~ ~ t~t of I~ ~t of ~ W. P~ S~ey, ~t No. I t~2, ~ ~ i.~ t~tof~bmg~ofi~m~ t~t~ W. a di~ of ~320.~ fret f~m ~ ~ ~r ~ S~llem ~o~ Su~ey. A~I No. 1493, D~ ~, T~; m ~r ~t. ~ ~t ~l ~"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Elm F~ of ~ T~ ~';~ ~NCE N 19' ~' 41' E, ~v~l ~ ~ ~lb ~, a d~ ~ ~~ 6~,3M ~ fm ~ t.~ ~m of ~ 93119 6125 E.~4TBIT 'A' (cootioued) 'I'P,A~ Vii! ILo~nl · 12.4'1 ecru trm:t of hod 8it~mmd m ~be JiM ?u. ri~ 5urvoy, Abes. rue· No. 11139, C~ty of C. oppt41, Cmmry, Tezaa. and beinl · peri of · UlC~ deed to W.T. Tn)ch ss rucorded in Volumt 82239, PAl· 433S, o( ~ Deed Records of DillaJ Co~m~/, Texu, and be·n1 moru pmiculerly described as follows: ~ ~t the southwest coM of 'Wc~dridl,. Sectioe 'three.' · mlxiivhlon or mSdu~oa ia lb0 ~y ~ Co,mil. u filed b Volumo 1tlS0. pale 3301. of t2m Deed iecoed0 of l:)dlm Courtly. T·Lec; mid eaeu~r mbo boifq ~be mom wmm. ly uoflbwem comer of 'B. ivercbde.* '" m~difioa to tim Cit). o~ C.0~pell. ss recmded h Voiumo L~072. pqe 4454. of die Deed P. ecords o( D~lhs Caen- ".:.ss (D.R.D.C.T.); ~. Soulh 00' OS' 58' ~. &lone dm we~ line o( mid *J~vor~J~ue* u'lc~ · disuoce o(211.~9 fmc '.o lbo ~q~, Sou~ GO' 0~' $l' ~,:st, cocltinuJog do~g saki 'J~jverchec~' went lbo. ab· being lbo ~dd/t bofb &fomammbon~ u'tct owned by W.T. Tn:ch. u recorded in Vohnm 82239, Pqe 4331, D.ICD.¢.T., · clbfdoas 1741.79 feet Io · pc)bt o( ttnjemcy for · CLU~O IO lbo left, having · cb·ed bem4~ of NoflJ141' 0~' :SI' Wolt, ·fid · cb·rd Ionfth of ~6.:S'/ fmc: ~[~, LIong saki curve Io Lbo left. h~uf · concrzl angle of 90* 00' 00', · tldiUs of 443.00 fee~, a um&q~ iu , of 40.00 r,,t. ror · of 62.1:3 fe.c m · point or ,..foncy; ~ South 89' :14' 02' West, · dis~uce of 122.99 feet m · point for corner on ~be east lbo of'M-'~'+i"- lane (60 fora P..O.W.), &s dedicmd on Lb· pi~t of 'Noty~ak· Woodhnds Ea~ No. 6', mid poins be~nl ae · cur~e to tim left. having · cb·rd bem"ing of' North 07" 31' ti' F.&st, and · cb·rd lmlth of 123.$1 fe4~ ~d~,~[.C~, ~long said curve to the left, havLng · ce··mi angle of l:s' I'/' 28'. · nd·us of. 464.4'; feet. · tan&q~t Jenf~b of 62.311 feet, for an a~ dLst'nce of' 123.96 feet to · point of ~,,H-..~. Nort~ 00' 07' 21' West, con6nuiol ~ionl said en~ tine of ~ackinlbird !~oe. · disuoce o(429.13 f~ft m :ha bet~'"'i"l of · cu~e m dm left. ha',~nl · chord bern'hi of Noflh 19° :36' 07" Wm~. mss · r. bo~ ber~ of ]:S].41 fmc; ~l~E.q~, donl ~d curve to tim left, hav~nf · cmtr~l mile of 31* S?' 32% · ru~ius of 530.00 fem. a t'nZq~ lehigh of 117.47 feet. for an &rc ctist, u~e of 360.31 fbet to · pobt of L~. I'ncT; ~ North 39' 04' 53' Wes:, coatinuing &toog said emi right-of'-wuy, · dls~nc~ of.140.17 feet so an point in ssld rigbt-of-wuy ).in~; ~. North 37' 29' ~0' Wet, · dl..,~nc~ of 176.?S feet ~o · point for corn~, nld polnt beinf b soufb.m,t comor o( th. ·foe,mm6cod Mockin;bt~l v. joe md F-Jcon L.an. (6G' lt.O.W.) ~ and tbs beibning of · cuf've to ~ rip·, having · chord belting of No·th 70' (30' 36' Fist, and · chord clLstaoc~ of ?:S$.29 ~t:~,,~, donf si, id J:~icoo l.,ane sou(b right-of.way on · curve m b rifbt, bay·ns · c(mtrd -nile 0(39" 46' · rudiGs of 1 ! 10.00 fee(. · ranicut leasth of 4OI.60 fmc, for -n irc ciisunm of. ';'70.6~ ret to · pobt of ~. Nm'Lb 89' 54' 02' ~mK. 'toni I~d sa4J*h line. · disuoc~ of2. II feet m ~be POLH'Z' OF ~ 12.4'/49 m:r~ (5.~3.~05.47'7 squm~ feet) of' I'nd. ?0 GOLf CO~,~SC T.q~c~. o&olo ~.:?.,I.q.;.ll~]~S. at ~ke lntlroor, tlnl ir faa Illrtk 1.0.¥. J l~o If IIIver~h&lo ~rlve II,° I.~.~.$ -Irk the I~alt JI.~.W. ]lee el' Noc.'.~-tk,,r ~dlov,.rd I IUO' R.O.V.I. dlltlnCl et t.lt foot: '~-.-,4 · IJ*~c to:d curve tn the ]irt INd laid X.O.V. line on ifc lenc~ s( clreer: IOivlhf told I.h.V. line. Suvtk 81' 41' }l' riot. · distance o~ SOS.t: ·eeint ~of a cermet: ~er%~ OS' la' ll" Voit. a distance IO0,OQ roe~ to i nel#t ~-- a. !;~[~C- ~erth AZ' 14' :1' vest. a dlotenco e¢ 430.00 r~et to · ~elnt ref a f·o~ %e · ~eln% ~or 8 corner: !~[~[. ~nrth SI* Il' 00' Kelt. JlaVlnf illd TPI~ 1.0.¥. · dtttenCl ar radius o~ I.??O.lO feet. ·tal, d~nt ur $&.lZ ~OIt lad aa Irt ~eef%~ er 11~ ~ · · 'yeller: c~rAer: ~e~k ~ ~'~'~e for I dlltancl ~ ~.~l ~%. ti I paint ret carnet: ~f~ ~'~' %1' ~ast fer I dIItI~CE ef ~ 4~ ~t. ti I ~J~% fee ceraer: S~vth :1' ST' Si' East. a dlttiflCe ar 60 27 feet 'u i meant ~rner: curncr: C erh~ I': COt/be I': e f 14' Ii'PI%. I dii%6ia<~,, ,,? JIP.04 fo.:.*% %1 I peill% fi~r : cathie: cirBer: Suu%h 12' 41' 07' Yemt. · dlutince ~r 140.92 rt~% to · pelp~ for · ~rth ZT' $3' ~' Wpl~, · dlt%om,~e ~( 3~.Ct tee% %0 · 0ol~% for · !;; ~arner: ~nr~mr: cor~er: cof~er: ~. ~ort~ ~:* 41' 00' West. I ~lo~ce ~ 109.UO FL'et ~e I ~osst For A C~tJe r: , c,,rner: cerncr: ~. Se~h la' ~' 11' Ve~. I dltt~nce I~ 4l.S~ ~¢e~ ~o i peint (o~ 1 ~. ~er~h 10' 41' ~3' we~f . i dii~AnCff e~ I!I.:1 fe~ to I pelnL ~r i c~r~er: . II~.~t~'d iii ~,t~ T"~C ..~. ~:r.h ?se 48'4t' ~s~, {oc a dtscanc~ o( 14.30 ~t. to a ~fl~ S~' ~'X~' rJst, loc I dlAt. d~ce o( iX.iS ft. to 4 ~:nc rcr ~u:h At. 4~'I~' C~t, for a d~stance of 40.99 l:~r~h ~' 43'20' r~st, loc ,N ~:~ta~CO ~f 104.)) ft. South )l' ~'~S' ~st, for a dLstaece ~f S~.t~ ft. to A ~:flt for So.th ~' 4]'4f' East, for a d~ita~t of ~.'l'/ f.. co a for a ~-.an~- o~ ~.33 ~t. t.~ ~ ~;r.t .'~r ------ S~ :4' ~'~3" t'Aqf, for a NGt~J~ ~4- ~t'd%' ~i~* ~r a d~s:d~e ~f 14~.?~ f~. '~ d [~.l~'. ' NO~T~ ?4e S]'~' f,~. fO~ ~ ---- ~.ufh k~' ~1'2,' r_~.. for , ?3~r~h S~' 49'~7' Cast. ~ot d distance ~f 31.0% ft. t~ 3 r~:nt ~:~ 40' 47'09' gist, K&' IS'G2° rJnt., for · dt~:4.~.e o~ c. 4.&3 ft.. %c a r~lnt [OL'I .'~.~.~' )~rl.~ bt' %$'$3' ~ls~. ft~r A dixLance oC 43.~t ~, tud ~tn~ for ~ sold ~Lht ~Lm Lfl t~ ~t ]~M O( Rlver~se ~ IS0* ~, ~tvJ o~ 2,070.00 t~., i ti~i~t ~t~A o~ i~.&? f~., I~ iff dfc 3e~h o~ Ger~ff; · T~r. WCE ?NIiC~ TX~NC, TN~NC~ TNC~rC[ TwO,C! T#C~CC tlr ~t~ ¢ir~ef: tot (or. ri for terler: ~er corner: ~Ir~h lo 3~'43' Cai% ftc Zorlk Il $0'1t' Celt foe I dllll~Ce If JO& &l r~. %a I point fty carter: · ger%h S? SZ*3O' tie* rot e dlk%a~ce of ?t $4 ft. to a I,elAt for car*er:' et ~$e.2Ott. to & pdjit for ¢oraef;' fop c~r~er; · fee c·P~er; Cop ¢~pner; '; Tk£wCl Nlr~h 35 S$'11" ~el~ flr fee ·ef~eP; J$ J$ ~.0 .,~ .K.I. 3.'12 t177,$17.S0 13. P~.) of o? r ~r~h 0S ~'00' b'e~t. A cffn~r~l angle Jef~: ~ln~ of a ~rlp~e~d ].~e and a~on~ Ja~d ~r:x 12 I2'~t' ~',.t fir a dlul::n~f et A3 fir Clrllf: for coffer: f., c~r-.: · ~ ,. , ~..,.,, .... "'~ "" * ' ":~'~'" '~' B~~: tif carper: for ct~uer: lertk IO il'01' fw~ ~1~ ~er s (~ttance oC S80.00 rt. to I ~l~t ~*r I I I ~tr /ether: TXCXCt ~.rtX S3 2t'04' vf~ Set i iisi&ace er )013.54 ts. tei r.r clrnef: rot COf~df. ~9r for for (er,el: ;' ~IItlKCl l( 1~l.i~ f~, te & · .. -fee ceraert. ~ ~: .... '? ~ ."~ . .:'-~.. ~/.... .;T~.-~ ..... -.~._. '" ~'~ ' :':"~' : ....~ ...... G~.~ ' f~r cer~er. ,.. · For cermet: for ~er~ef: for eor~eft re, ceeMt.. · · c ~.--" ~- ~...~_ . .b ..~. . . · ~, ~..d, . ~' . - · ~'" . --. /.'.~ '~.s..~.~~'.~'~( .i ~ ~ .'~ . .;~, ~-.. -.- ,..-~ ,-M ~~;' · . . rvr ~urner. · elf eerier! Seuth Z1ZI'40& ~4s~ ret · 4ls~l,~cf er 30t 41 ~. ~e ¢l.e4l.l)O.~l Sq. rt.I mi Im,d. AFl'El& II.ECORDZHG PLEASE ~-I'Ult~I TO: REPUBLIC PROP~ GROUP, INC. 8~60 ~A~T HILL ~E D~, ~ 7~291 .._~.. :.. :._.,~:.. . . ~-~: Jz~ · .~.~-.=~ .... :...~.[~ ~:~ '.~ .::. - 369~