Hollows/FP-CS 980916 (3)I CE,:::tT/F¥ TH:$ .'PO BE A T'~UE ,~,ND C. OP.f~Ef, T CCPY O~' THE O~Lx ,E,~iF. CyTED DOCUM'EN*f. AMERIC I~, TLE COMPANY AME. NDED AND D~CI..ARATION OF COVE.NAN'S, CONDmONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR RIVERCH^SE Amending, mstatlng end ~placln; in Its cn~y the D~cL~mtion of C~u. Conditi~s ~ R~i~ for ~v ~sc ~l~ Ma~ 2.':~, ~ in Volume ~, at ~gcs 4039, e~ ~. o~ ~ R~s of Dzllu County. ~ F~ Su~l~ D~l~ti~ ~t~ July 10, X9S7. e; ~.. of thc D~ R~s of Dailu County, Text. ~;) ~;~ August 4, 19~, ~d ~ ;n Volumc R~ of DalIu C~my, Tom, (iii) a ~i~ Sc~?:cmc~l D~mtlon ~t~ 198S. ~rd~ in Volume SS~6. = ~agcs ~756. T~., of thc D~ R~s of Dall~ County. Tcz~. ~ ~v) a ~m Am=,dm=~t to D=cL~on Riv~ ~ July 13, I~2, ~ :c~:d~ in Volume TABL~ OF CO~ ART/CLE I DF.=-Ih"ITION$ ............................ .' ....... 2 ARTICLE II PROPI~tTY ...................................... Section 2.01. Properly Subject to Dechratim~ ...................... 6 St=t{on 2.02. Annexation of Additional Proptny .................... 6 Sm::ioa 2.03. Aoncxatlo~ to Pm~ny Subjem m I:kcltm;on b~ P~r~onl ~ r ~nfities CXher Th~ Dmlamnt ....................... 7 Section 2.04. Suppltmtattl Dcclamloni ......................... 7 $~oa 2.05. Mcr~rs or Consolidations ......................... 7 A.R'TICLF. nm lv,'~lvl~F.{tZHIP ~ VOTING ~OWi"$ LN TH£ ASSOCIATION ·.. 8 SK~on 3.01. Membership .................................. Sectto...~.C}2. Tramfcr ..................................... Scctlon 3.03. Class of Vofifig M&mbcnhip and Voting Rights ............ 8 , SolOn 3.{M. $usp,..nsh~a of Vming Rights ........................ Section 3.OS. Multiple Owner Vm~ ............................ 10 Section 3.06. Quorum, No~i~ and Vo',in$ Requir~cnu ................ 11 $~,ion 3.07, Additiom] Voting Requimmonl~ ...................... 12 ARTICI~ IV A~$~SSM:~TS ................................... 13 Section 4.01. Sec:ion 4.02. $~-:k)n 4.03. Stc~;on a.O.t. Section 4.0~. Section 4.06. Sect;on 4.07. station 4.0L Sectlou 4.0~. Section 4.10. Sccfion 4.11. Sa:tlon 4.12. Section 4.13. Cove,- ms for Ass~smcms ......................... 13 PU:1 ~: of Amie. umonts ........................... i4 M~mthly A_~sm~ntS ............................. Spec~l Asse.umcms ............................. Special LMivldutl Asstmsmcnts ....................... 18 Yom R~uL-u:I for Inc~.tr~ in Rate of Mtxlmum Monthly ~',-,-,,m~nt ................................... 15 Vo~ Rm:lutmd for Special ~,m~.~mem .................. 18 Dine of Commencemcnt of Monthly A,,-~,smcms and Due Date of Ass~.smems ................................ 19 Division of Spes:L~l Asstumcnu.. ..................... 19 No Offsets ............. .. ..................... 19 Re, ryes .................................... 19 Nonp~u~: of ,&~*~mcnts ........................ 19 ~m~ P3~'~r~ .............................. 21 9218l 3259 Section 4.14. F. stoppcl Inf.ormnt;on ~'rom Ik~rd of Dir~tors with Respect to ARTICLE V GENERAL DUTIF. S AND DLrFI .ES OF .-q.in 9OARD OP - --- DIRECTOIC~. OP TilE. ASSOCIATION ........... . .... .-'-. ~ . . 2:2 $cction $.0!. Po~ets and Dm;cs .............................. 22 ART'/CL~ 'VI PRO;ER"rY IUGHTS L-~ T'.-I~. COM:MON AILF. A. .............. 24 Section 6.01. Members' ~asement$ of t=,,,ayment .................... 24 Section 6.02.. Title to the Common Ama ......................... 24 Section 6.03. ~c~nt of Member~' ~asemcnts ...................... 24 A.R'T1CI..~ V1~ INSLf/LA2qC~.: IM~PAZR A,~rD RESTORATION .... ? ......... 2~ Section ?.01. Insurance s ion .............................. 25 Section 7.03.' ImutTiclent Pmcneds ............................. 27 Section '/.04. Mort~ Protection ............................ 2'/ $ cuon '/.03. Destruction of' Impmvc:nenu on Individual ~ .......... 28 ARTICI.~ ~ U-~E OP COlv~lOlq ARP_A. ........................... 28 Section 8.01. Rcst~cmd Actions by Owners ....................... 28 Section 8.02. Dtmale to the Common Ann ....................... 28 Section 8.03. Rules of th~ Board .............................. 28 Section 8.04. Suspension of RiGhts to Usc Common Ama ...' ............ 28 ARTIC. L~ IX U$~ t"'-. PRtJPERTY AI~'D ;STATES - PRO'r~.'TI~ COVE'..~.I~'"I'S ....... .. ............................. 29 $cction 9.01. Section 9.02. Section 9.03. $cction 9~04. Sec:ion 9.0~. Smdon 9.06. Soc..ion 9.07. Section 9.0~. Section 9.09. Section 9.10. Sec~on 9.11. Sec'.ion 9. J2. RcsldentM ;rotes .............................. 29 Commcn:ial Estates .............................. 29 Prolu'bimd Uses ................................ 30 Other Us~ LL'nltations for all P. states ................... 30 L~u~lscap~g. W~lls :md ;:trices ...................... 35 SLme~ $ide~al3u ~ ~xter~or L;ghting ................. 36 Commercial Cmutruction ~tnd~'ds .................... 36 P.f:side~tl Construction Stand.ds .................... 38 Additlo~l Const~vct~e~.. $ctnda.-ds for Ccna~n Alton.merit Comics nnd Con. dc.--..inlum Buildln~s ................. -tO Pa~u~ to .~.~..~n £,'..'ue .......................... P.a.s~mer~ ................................... 41 BuiJdlng Pc .n::..i..s ............................... 41 Scction 10.01. Dut), o~' 2vll. imcraac~ ............................ 41 Secliorl 10.02. F...tforccmcn! .. ................................ 42 ,e,RT'/CI~ XZ ,~cR~/~J?vTEW COIvD42i ~r.E .... . ............. 42 Section 11.01. ArchiLccturil P. cv|cw Comminee. 42 $~lon I !.O2. B~sis of Approv~! ..... 43 5~"don ] 1.03. Dr~nltlon of' "Improvement' ' ' Section ! 1.04. Prclimlmry ~ Submi,~..,es ...................... 44 Soction I 1.0S. PLIn Submissions Soction ! 1.06. Approv~J Proc~ur~ ............................. 44 Sec'don 11.07. Dc~ln Guidelines ............................. 46 S~m I 1.0L V-ri~w:es ................. · · ................ 4'/ Soction I 1.09. Nonco~'ormlng ~nd Unapprovod lmpmvcmcm, s ........... 47 Section i I. IQ. No Liebilhy .. ' 48 Section i 1.12. Nmk:~ of Noncompliance or Noncompl,~ion ............. Section 11.13. Appointment L~d Designation ...................... 48 $ ~ i1.14· P. gvicwFogAndAddf~,ss ......................... 4g Section II.I~S. Inspection .................................. 49 .~octhm II. 16. G, vcrnmcnlal Autlmritl¢l ......................... 49 S~ctlon 11.17, No LiAbility for ARTICL.~ XII MOR'I'GACJH PROTBCTION ......................... . 49 Section 12.01. Priority of'),fortple ................... soc~on 12.02. z~cx~ to ~sti~tlo~ z~,~.rs ............~ ~ ~ ...... 49 ...... $0 Section 12.03. --us,racial Ioform~don .......................... '. :SO $cction 12.04..eights of ~/igt'bl¢ Mortgqe Holders &rid I~;gible Insurcrs or Guu-,.mors ' · .............. Section 12.C)~. FH/.~IC Pmvlslon ............................. ,A.R'FICL~ XZIZ E,J.S~"I~ ................................... Section 1:3.01. l. Jt~ity .~.scmgnts .............................. :SI $oction 13.02. tngrcu ,,nd F. grcss by $oc~lon 13.03. Eucmcnts for ~cro~chmc. m ....................... A.~TIC/~ XI'V G~ PI~OVISIONS ............................ SecLioa 14.01. Duradon ................................... Sectiou 14.02. Ameodme~ts ................................. :52 Sec~on 14.03. P. rLt'OrCCmCnt ........ , ........................ '"'"" " 1S 2 17'3 "0.." 1 ,7- '~. Section 14.04. Limlmion of Rcsuicfions on. Dechr~nt ......... : .......$3 $ocdon 14.05. Termin~on of a~d Responsibility or ::N~b.mnt ' 54 Section 14.06. Owngr's Complhnc~ ............................ 54 Station 14.07. $cvc~blL~ ................................. 54 Sect. ion Sa:llon S~.ion Section Sect, io- 14.13. Condcmn~ion ol'Common. ~ ..................... 55 Sccllon 14.14. lnzpc~on of Documcms. Goo~ ~mcl ]~cords ............. 55 S~c~io- 14.15. Own~'z Agr~.mc~ ........... '. ................. 55 ARTICT I: XV $P~:CIAL PROVL~IONS APPLICABI~ TO 'I'rI~: CLUB PROPF. RTY Secllon Section Sm:ion Sec:ion $c~,ion Jnsurm' ............... $4' ' 14. I I. Compllincc with PHLdMC. ~'NMA. VA nnd ~A Regulations .. 55 14.12. U~ ofWo~ *~!~' . ....................... 5~ I$.01.' GoU' ~-%scmcnt; Etc. 15.02. As.scssm~nts ............................ 55 15.C)3. Use .,- ....... 15.04. Temporary Club House ................. 57 15.05. Archite~uml Review Commlnm .......... '. ' ........ $7 ,I AMENI:}ED AND RESTATED DEC?~P.A'flON OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND ~KIC'T~ON$ FOR PJVERCHASE ~ · This Amended'~l Restated ~ech.~tion of Covet~%nts, Conditions and Restrictions for Rivetchase (this °DeClL.--,t|en*), is n~de this ... l~'a~'~day of September, 1992, by RPG ESTATES, LTD., · Te.u.s llmiled pa.rmer~ip ('Declarant"); A. Riverehse Joint Venture, · Texas jo'mi venture (the '~-). heretofore enterM into a c~ain Decl&rMinn of Covenants. Conditions and Restrictions foe RJverehase (the °~*}, dated Ma~h 2, 198.~. re~rded in Volume 85073 at Pales 4039. et 31~., oftAe Deed Records of Daltu County. Tcx.u. The Original I:)ec~tlon covers seven certain tracts of l~d sltuated in Dallas County, Te_v. aa, and containing approximately ;59[.743 a~tes of land (the °~'}. The Ori~inxi Declaration has been supplemented and amended by (i) · cr.n~n Fire Supplemental Declaratfon (the '~t ,~t:tSl~. ".t") dated July 10. 19r/, end receded in Volume 82174 a~ Pa&es 339~. et ~., of the Deed R.a:ords of l:)alh~ County, Te_~n_!, (~ · certain Second SupplcmentaJ Declaration (the °Second Sut~temem") dated August 4, 19r/, a~d recorded in Volume S7174 at P'ages 36(58, et ~.. of the Deed Recon~ of Dallas Count3,, Texas, (ii~ a c~rain Third Supplemental Decl~on (l~e 'T'h:'.d _~,t~_ lemem'} dated as of March 3. 1988. md recorded in Volume 88046 at P~ns 17;56. et alJl., of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Teaas (collectively the 'Stmplements'}, and (iv) a certain First Amendment to Declaration of Cover. ants, Conditions and Rcstt~ctinns foe ~ (the °l~tst Amendmem') dated July 13, 1992, :x~cuted by Declarant ~d recorded in Volume 92144 at Pales 3.5T7, et ~:Q., of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. The F'&.'~t Supplement added to the Ori;if~! Pmpony i cer~n tract of land ~tuated in the.tames T n4.sh Survey, Abstra~ NO. 1139, City of Coppell, Dallas County. :)nn.~.'.'.m_~ 12.47 IC,.-.-S (the °Addt~ P~K~,~,_'), ~ 'mote p.~t~g'dl.&-I....~,~ cJes~"0ed therein (t~¢ gznaJ t'mp~rty nad the Added P~y are collectively called the ~eeny'). The Original Dechtation. aa supplemented by the Supplements &nd amended by the First Amendment, Ls hereb~ftet f~.ferred to ns the '~°. Unless otherwise indle~ted, capitalized terms het~n ~ have the de.t'med meanings g|ven to them in the B. Tcn'~ Coq~r'a~ Joint Ventu~ (thc '~') s~,~_-.Jed to thc righu and int~em of thc OfiL, bM Declarant u 'Declarant' und~ the Original Dechrztion arid has a.~gned znd transferrud such r~ghta znd interu%s :o Dechrant pu~mnt to: cer~n Assignment dared ~une 26, 1992, and rumrded in Volume 92131 at P~gns 09~$, et ~., of the Dend Ra:ords of Daltu County, Texaa. C. l~chr~t des/ms to herd~ cl~fy en'N:lln tmbiguides and inennsistencles in the Z:X~-l·a~o~. to amend ~ pr~,ishms ther~f, an_4~_ k,,_ __.,.~,.~ ~.,~ ,..~.,,, .,nd r,,ntaee *V amendments ;ncx~m~alm:l h~. ~Z~eeL%raat` aa the owner of a substJ, ntJal port]on of the 3263 l:~'ope.~y, bolds i~ exctss of sixty-seven ix:z~.~t (6';S) of thc ouLst~cfing vc4~s of t~ Associzgon, &nd the=fore hid 1.~ rilht Ind luthor[ty under S~ction 14.02 o;the l~x:laJ~ion to ex~*utc, Icknowledg~ Ind r~:ord this DeclarMion. ....... NOW, T/t'ERE~ORF., l:~eclar~nt hereby Mncnds ~ rcstales the Declaration ts her~inaAcr set forth and her~.by covena,.~ts, nL, mCs and declares that the Pz~y sul~ect to the l::~:la.,ztion shall be owned, held, tra~sf'erred, leased, sold. conveyed and occupied subject to the covcrd, nts, conditions, resections, cn.scmcnts, ltcns and clurzts her~in set foflh. ARTICI~ ! Scion 1.01. *~* ~ mun Ind r~f'cr to a ru/estaM a~mem ~pl~ p~ ~m~ ~ ~ or ~ ~m~ ~h~h ~ ~n~ ~ ~) or mom pm~ ~ ~ ~ a.l~, ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~te wi~ Comp~ ~ al~ ~ ~ ~ lo ~ such p~]~ t~ h ~fl~ M Co~inlum BuiMbL r .~ t~ h ~ ~io. ~ ~ ~ ~is ~t~ dupl~ ~idcmid ~. ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ ~m~ f~ ti~ m time ~ ~t~ of C~fl, T~. s~ ~h ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~m~t Comp~ ~ uch single f~ ~i~ unit wi~n thc dup~ ~II ~ ~m~ to S~ !.~. 'A~flm~t ~Vn;t' ~ m~ ~ ~ h an A~mm C~pl~ J~t~ within thc ~i~ 1.03. 'A~hh~l ~;~ ~ommi~* ~11 ~ ~ refer to ~t ~mmht~ ~m~ of ~ ~) mm~ a~im~ h t~ ~ ~ roflh h this ~ti~. ~'hich ~miflm h a~ · p~ for ~M(~ ~ w hvc ~ ~ ~ ~r ~wc~ ~or duti~ u ~ mo~ ~ifi~l~ ~ ~oflh in this S~-tion i.04. *Articles of' lncon'~rat;ofl* shall mc&n aAd r-.f'cr to the Articl~s of Incorporation of' the Association ts the saJnC may from time to tim,- he duly L-ncnded. s~-~o~ 1.0~. *~=~m.3' sa~i mun ~nd ~fer to the *~-.m~nts d~scn'bcd in Sec~on 4.01 of Article IV of ~ D~l.~tion. $anJco 1.06. *A.3.1f:~hli~' shall mean Riverchase Owners Association, Inc. (cl~wtcr number 01236966-01), a Tcxa.~ non-profit corporation compos~l of Z)ecla.-~,~t &nd thc Members of the Association. T~ Assochtion ~ he the entity ruponslble for cotlo:'.ing t. nd disbursing the -~,,,,~ ~ ~Ze= hereln~A~ crc,~ted, enfor=ing the cov~.,'m~s ~d restrictions hercinLfter set fot*.h, estabtlsl~G L~ dh'~::~G the en~'oiT~n,cnt of the a=~EJlen~zrz~ controls by ~ throuih the Azchi~c~lrd Review Commluee, nod m~nt,~ninl nod ~m|nisterin~ Common A~u ~ fgiliti~s u set tm'ih he~n. Section 1.07. '~:t.~' or ']k~.T~' shil mcan end r~t'cr to the ~ of' Directors of the Assochtion from time to time. Section 1.0S. 'l~vl~ws' sha~ n.= and rder to thc Bylzv,.s of' thc-Assoclztion es the nme rAzy from time ~o time be d~ly amended. Section 1.0~. 'Ce~ific~te of' ~;~' ~11 mun nod mfcr to tn}, ~:luir~ c~.ifimtion issued by relevant pvernmen~l au'-,..~tics es a prcru:luisltc to thc ,~.'cui~flcy of all or noy portion of any Es'ute. Section 1.10. 'J::ZuJZ.(:I~.Z" shaJl mean the owner(s) of the Club Prc~rty from time .to time. Socdon !. 11. '~tpb ~e.~," shall mcan the n~l pr~x~y descn'bed on ?.,ThJJZtL~, attached he. to &nd mede · pail hc,~f for zll purpos=, and alu·Stated es the '~ Se -on I. 12. 'Ko2nl~m=~:~' shall m=A nod rder to: (8) the linear p&rks situated within the Propcr'~ nod de.~n'l~:~ mom p,~iculLrly in ~,tLL*]RL~--._ hercto; (b) scteeAinI walls IJonS the I)o~on of MacA.-,.hur Bo~lcvird l)u.r~nI thtouf, h the l~ly ~d ~fJa=nt I~nl, nod sct=fllnI for the w~t~ pump sts~on of the Clt7 of C. oppcll located on hndy Take Rc~d nod 8dja=nt to the Property: (c) r .Jinos in the portion of MacArthur ~lvd. pa,ssins thmuSh the (d} noy =try~ay that may heflnf~' be conveyed to Association (h f= or by cn.~rnent) nod on~/Inodsc:~ping, signs, monuments, or other improvements s~tuau~l t,l~reon; C. cmh oF the mmmon ~ de~'bed above ~y ~'~ ~y ~ ~ one ~ ~ ptau of ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ h ~ pl~ ~ of ~ County, T~ ~m~ A~ ~ ~lu~ ~ ~ pro~ ~d ~c ;mp~cm~u ~n, ~, ~ ~ ~Is ~ ~ ~ ~ f~, ~ ~ ~ ~t, I~ ~ ~t of ~ M~ 92181.:'3265" . Section I. 13. '~12~,~h~' shill mun ~ r~'cr to a hi]dinE compos~ of' one or morn struc~uru cructed on · Commerchl ~te within the Pmpor~. Section 1.14. '~,l~zz~.~..lLl~" shall mcaA ~nd mr'er to · commcrc~ building. Tr'dc~. pL-~el or &ny other interul in r~il pmporty that h Ilmited hc~..by to Commercial Use &nd. conulned within thc Pmpcrt),. and shall includ~ lnd Ix: limited to that portion of th· Pmpcr~ which is zoned for · Comrne~hl Use under the zoning orcllr~ncc of the City of' Coppcll npplic~ble to such portion of' the Prol~c.-ty on thc c~tc hereof'. Scion I.IS. '~-~' shall m~·n &nd r~f'cr to &n), 10vernrncn~l. prof'csslu~Al, of T~cc. business, business l~rk. cot,,mer~hl, ¢lecmosyflt~, rCLtll .~.~icS. msUur&nt. f'm&nciaJ and haAking, rcsc~n:h L~d development, medlc~l. ~olf' cours~ or countr~ club use. Section 1.16. *'~fldom~ytium ~uildine* shall mcan &nd mr'ct to · rul ·sure condominium project, composed of. one or more~ructums erected on · lot. tract or pon:el of' ~ c~to out of' or · p~ of' the Pzopurt~ cofltaininE two (2) or more Condominium Un~ &nd which pm. jeer has bee~ specifically e..-~cted end dcslrfl~ted es · condominium In ·cco~ with 'Thc Condominium Act of' the ?c:cts l~cvlsed Civil St~mtcs or othar appllczbSe ?c~s laws. c.-~ion 1.17. °(~oridom~J~ium ~ni** shall mc&n end r~f'cr to one (1) ind|vldu~! unh for which .ntt a cortific~te of'occup&ncy has been hsued by the ·ppmpri~te L, ovcrmnc-................~ autheritlu ~nd which unit h located within a Co~dombflum Bull~in~, toEcthcr ~'ith &n.undivided interest in ~d to the com~m clements Lu~chted with such unit. TI~ term *Condominium Unit' shall have thc same mcnnln~ as thc term 'apaz~ment* as used in ~ Condominium Act oF thc Texas R~vl.qucl Civil $Lutut~. which ~rmlts the crc~tlon of' condominium ~cEimcs, as .~mc rosy b~ ·rnended or supplemented in &ny succ~uor s~tute. Scctlon !.18. '~F.~EZj3I° sh&ll mc~ and r~f'er to RPG F. st~e~. Ltd., · ?cxas limited p~mcrship, its succorers az~d on)' assignat whe shill rucci~ e by )ssi~nmcm lmm &ny l:~cl&r&nt hereunder, aJl or · F ~ion of' its rights hez~undcr as such I:~:~t. by &n instrumcm cxprusl). ~ssilnln~ such riel.., as Da:~ to such assirflee. Section 1.19. '~* shall mc&n :md mf.er to s~nd&rds, rcstrlctlons or speci~c~tions published f'mm time to time b)' thc Architecrur~J Review Commltloc &nc[ ~overnln~ the consLruc~.ioa, phccmen~, loc~Liou. Lltemtiofl. nuiflte.'~nCc or desiL'n of' &ny improvements to thc Pmpur~. Scion 1.20. *Z~.~.al~* shall hcruflcr mc&n &nd ret'ct to ~ Amcnc~ L~ R~'s~ted Da:ILl,on of' Coven&ms. Condi~ons ~.~f P.~ctions. sh.~lI mcan ~d r~cr to: ~ in the c~se af.~n ~li~'ble .~or~L'z~ Holder. the bol6er of'· first ~ on &n ~ w~ich Icoc~ hs ruque~ed notice of' those nun·rs set forth in Article XII &nd Sec:ion 14.09 bm'col.; ('u') L~ thc ~ of' &n ~2i~'bJe L~sur~r or ~li~'ble Guaz&ntot. the insurer or L, ovcrumemz~' Du2'&ntor of'· £~s: t~cn wLich insur~ ~ ~'.LLr&ntor has mque~ed no~ic~ of'tho~ 197 man·rs set forth in $(t'~ion 12.04 and Section 14.09. hereof. Pdpqu~ts for notict from pmspoctlne ~ligible ~ortgagdt l'~okfcrS, lmut~rs or Guimuors is provided herein must bt sent in writing to ~he Assoc;adon. must spa:fly the name &nd address of the lender, insurer or genrimor Ind must clearly idenLU'y the. pn~x~t~ in which t~ Ulig~le ~oflgage, Zn~urer or Guifutor bolds u in~ which ~ntltlu b to - ' I~mve ~ Is pR)vidal he:tin. Such ~ig~" Mortptge Holders. l=t;gt'ble ~munn tndYor Pqgibit Gutrantors shill only bt iKoRIOd rilhts of netic~ or rights to vote as provided ~roin for so long tS such rights must be provided to Comply with Fcderzl Horric Loan MoRpge Corporstion, F. Odc~ Natlonzl Mortgqc Association, Vctcrsas Admi~stmtion. or ]:odersJ Hous~g Adminlstrztion ~Eulitinns &nd/or ~. idellncs. Section !.22. ?..~,tl~* sheJl mcen m.J collectively refer to · Ce"'.~uminium ~Jnit.' Apaflmont Complex. Commercial BuildinG. Lot. Trsct L'xI any other interest in r~J properly contained within the Property. the ownership of'which, by the terms of'this l:X:c¼rstion, c~usas the Owner thereof to be · Member of' the Auochtiofz. Section !.23. *Lfx" sh&ll mcan and rd'er to any lot. plot. parcel or trsct of' red esme shown on any recordnd subdivision nup or phi ·s amended from time to time ~ ·pprovcd by the zppmprlzto g.ovcrnmentzl ·utbori6es. to the ~tent such Jot. pkx. p~recl or tract is · pm of' thc Propers. which is desigmted z· · lot therein nad which is or will he improved with one (1) stable Family attached or detecbed ~sidemia] d~.elfinG in conformity with the boiidln~ rzstric..~:s contaJand herein nad in this Declnrstion: pr'Jvldnd, however, the term "Lot" dull not include (i) any portion of. the Common Ar-~ or any rul property or*nod by or lr..und to the Assachtlon for the common usa and enjoyment of' the Members. (it') any Condominium Unit in · Condominium BuildinG. (ih') any lot. ir·ct or plrccl of' ~zl esme out of' or · p&rt of' the Prop'~y which is or will he improvod with a.-~ Apaflment Compien. or (iv) &ny Commen:ial Bu0ding. Lot sA·Il also mcan and rof.er lo ~ny s~'pm-~te plxrlod lot which is improved or is to he improvod with · singk family residential townlmmc structure which ti joined to another dwelling unit on one or mo:~ sides by p.~t7 wall or abualng w·ll. $~c:ion !.24. °l~emher° or °Ow~ shtll mcan and refer to each and cve~ person or enti~ who is tloor .~- to[ether wi:h other pcrs~Rs or cotltles a ret'oM title owner ot · f~ or undivided f'~t imm in any Lot, Condominium Unit. Aptrtm~.K Complex, Tnt't, Commercial Building. or any lot, tact or ptt~l of. rezl cstat~ out of' or ptrt of thc Propc~; provided. however, thc terms °Mtmb~" or 'Owner' sl~li not include zny t%-rson or entity holding · bom f'u~ Hen or secur/t~ intt..T~st in a Lot. Condominium Unit, Aptrtmtnt Complr. x. Tract or &ny lot. tr·ct or ptrc~! of md cmto out of. or · p~ of thc Prope~y ts security for the pc:TormIJzct of' &n obligation but may include Doclz.q~. Section 1.~. *P~'~t' shtil mcan and rc£er to tb existing rml property, dcscribod on ~ ~¢_~ked btmo and made a pa~ IP. mof' for zll put~s includL~ ·ny end ·Il improvements themxt, and any additions of t~l property, u tre sub.~ec: to this Decltratlon, or · ny $upplunun~! Decisj~on pre~xJ~f and £dcd of record pureu~t to the provisions of AAicle ~ of t~s Z~x:Lt..'d~on or ·ny c~'.lzrefion of any ~__,~izt.ion which h,M merged or consulJdatcd with the AIsoclatlon purnam to the provixlnes of Jd'~i¢lc 1~ he,of.. · ' 92 i.81' 326'7 Sec'.~on 1.2& "~=]~" ~ mun and n-.let to · Lot, Condominium ~nit, ~ty ~ C~ n~H~ m ~ch ~fllon of ~ ~fly ~ the ~t~ ~.. d~chM h~s~g, ~m~, ~cnt~ ~ndominlums ~clu~ ptfab~ntM h~s~g, mobile h~, is ~;M ~m~ BuB~g, ~m~t ComplR or CoMomi~um BulldOg. PROPERTY Section 2.01. J)~Y~.~v Sub;eot t(~ C~ls~t;(~. The ~ p~fly ~ by th~ ~c~ b dmn~ h ~ l~c~ ~o ~ ~ a ~ ~f rot ~1 ~ uy ~ ~. :~ to t~ ~ti~ ~ ~ ~, ~itlons, ~ions, 199 ex~'uted and recorded b}' D~:lamm ts provided herein. Moreover, Z3~:Im-~nt r~.serves th~ right to subje~ any Additlon~! Property or an}, ~ theroof to the plan of one or more separzte dm:iarmlons of covenams, conditions and r~trictions whk:h subjects aid re~! property to the func~ioes, powers and.iurisdlction o1' ~n ~__,__~ciation or other entity with pov~crs and obligations ..... '-' similar to the Association and v, hi.:h may or ma}, not he subjoc~ to the provisions of this Sec~;on 2.03.··.' ~ ~~Z. Upon approval in writinlr (~¢ ~embm. s holdin~ 67S of thc outstanding votes of the Association, any person or entity othor than Doct~mnt, which own~ and desires to add portions of the .Addltiorml Proi~t;ty (as de.treed in Section 2.02. above) whether or riot such Addltiona/Property LI contiguous to thc Propert}', to the plan of this DocL~ration and subject such Additional Propcrt}' to the functions, Powers and Jurisdlc~ion oF the Association, may execute and tm:oaf in the off"~c~ of' the Count}, Cleric of l~alia.q County, Texas, ·..~pplemcntal Soc~ion 2.04. Suoc)lementn! ~e~h~.i .~e.~. The ~t~ ~utho~ by th~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~p~s~ ~ ~ ~ fii~ oF ~M ~ ~ o~ o~ ~ G~nty ~ of ~ ~my. Te~. a S~I~ ~~ or sim~ ~mm~. with ~ ma../ ~ ~ w~ ~ c~ ~ p~ ~ th~ ~~ !o ~ ~ p~ny. ~y m~ ~ ~ti~ ~p~t~ s~ ~y ~ ~ ~itio~, ~l~io~ ~or m~s of t~ ~v~, ~, ~~, ~U, li~ ~d c~ · ~ h t~ ~tlon ~ may ~ ~ to ~fl~ I~ diem c~er, if any, of ~h ~x~ ~ p~ay z~ ~ ~ ~ ~nt~ly i~s~t whh t~ p~ of this ~mli~ ~e, ~ify or a~ m ~ ~. ~ndltlons. ~ns. ~ments. l~ns ~Y P~y mbj~ to this ~ti~. ~r. the rote of~m~ for ~ mm~ ~ d~l ~ ~ ~ion of ~e ~ p~ s~ ~ ~lt in an ~sm~t m~t~y lm .~ t~t ~ ~ ~y u~m such ~ex~ p~ay ~d t~ Ownc~ ~f ~ ~ ~j~ mb~ly ~! of the ~fits of ot~r p~y ~ t~ Ow~ thc~f. ~y ~i~, mc~ or ~11~ ~de ~ to ~ ~~ wh~ made. ~1 autonomy ~ ~ ~n~o~. ~wem ~d ju~i~ion of t~ ~tlon to the ~ P~y ~ a~ $oction 2.0~. kTerre.-.s or Con~ol;dz~.~t~nl. ?')oClkr"uJt or thc Association, upon the wrlttcn approval or a.sscm of 6'; 5 of the onts:znd~nI votes of Mcmbe.-s, sl~ have the right and option to c:nus-, the Associ~on to mc:~e or conmlid.~te with any similar association or ~_e__~,~_iatlons. Upon · merger or con.*olldafion of the A~_MCiation with aJ~her association, tho prop~ies. rights and obliratioes of t]~ Association, may, by operation of Lxw or ot.Nc."wise, be trxnJferred to tl~ survivinE or comoUdated asso~aLion or, ~llcrr~tiYely, tho properties, rights &nd obllrltlons of aootl',cr *~-"~'-iation nuy, by operation of law or other'~ise, be added to thc pmJ:~rtleso rights and obg~r, ions o£ the Assoc~f~on a~ · ~urvivln~ corpomLion pursuit to · mer~er. The .'vrvlvlal or consoU~Lxted tssociation s,&tU adminia~ the covenants, conditions. ru~ictions, ~a.semcnu, Hens and cl,~ cs~blished by this Association within the Pr~pc~y. 92181 together with the covenants, ~nditions. restri:tions, easements, lle. ns and cha~es es~bHshed upon any other re. al property as o~ plan. VOTING RIGHTS IN TI-I£ ASSOCIATION Section 3.01. Mem~er~h~. ~ach and every Owner slull automiticzlly b~ and must rcrnz~n · Memher of the A_~__~,~h_' tion in ~ood stanrfing, sub.~ect to thc tcrms of this l::McLzrztion. thc Articles of lncoq~oration and thc Bylaws o! the Assoeiation and the Assc-'.iation's rules. M~nhetxhlp of an Owner in the Assoeht~m shall be appunerant to and may not ho from the interest ~f su~ C~ner in and :o an}, portion of tho l~p~Ry. Owne~hlp of an}, portion of th~ Pmpe. fly shall he the sole quzlii'matlon for helng · M~'mb~, pmvlcled, however a Mem.~w.r's prlvil~ges in the Common A.'za ma}, tm rz'~late, d or suspended ts pmvidnd in this D'~:hmt|on, tim Bylaws of thc Assoehflon and/or thc Assoehtion's rui~s. An}, person or entity iht holds an ;nler"~t in and to all or any part or the Properly me.~ly zs socur~ty for the pe, rfo~ of aA obgg·tlon shall not tx: a .e-'-tlon 3.02. T~nn~l'er. Mcmhershlp of an C)~,n~r in the Asscx:htion may not be from o~ in any way tnnsfen~d, pl~d~d, mon[·gM ot -licr4tnd ~te~ upon t~ ~ig~em of hid ~r's ~t~ ~ ~I or my ~ of t~ ~y ~ t~ o~y to c~mb~ by an ~r of M! ~ ~y ~ of t~ ~ny. ~y a~m~ to ~ a pmh~h~ ~'~c, t~. p1M~ monga~ or al~Mtion ~l ~ ~id ~ of ~ ~fl~r 21Ell 3270 0':!c fo) One (l) vote for O) each aad ever). Condom~um Unit owned by ~uch Cizu A Maabor ia · Condominium Bm'ldh~l for wh(ch a ezrLif"a:ate ofoccupanc~ ~ boca issued by the appropr~xte Zove. mmaa~ authorh~es or, ffi) each and every Condomini3m Unit nilowable upon an), Esme oM~d by such ~ A h4cmber,' -- pursuant to ·ppllcable ord'mances of.the City of ~, Te. ns orianinL~on I~s been esLIMhbed wid~ rupecl to I Condominium Building, lhe be&rd of dbuclot3 or othc~ loveminI body so cmpoweJ~d under the orl~etnl~l gu~uments of'such or ortlnlntlon slul! no~ be entidaf to cast &Il of the votes cxemlsable hetmmdu, with rupeet to such Condominium Buildinl or permlt~ under this l:hsdar~.*~ or the A~clu oflncorporat~on or Byttws of thc ~ Such ·uochtion or o.'~znintlon shnil not be entMnd to cut the'votes exercis&Me hcr~ndct in one block on behalf of such Coedomln~m BuildlnE or condominium m~ime. ~ individual ~ ora Condominium Unit slull be entitled to cut the vote alkemd to such Owner's Condominium Unit~ (c} Oee-hnif (1/2) voM for (i) each and evc~ ApL-tment Unit owned by suc.h Chu A Memb~. within aA AIM.~tment Complu for which · cc~fic32 of'occupancy has beon ~ by the ~2 ~ovcmmenz,M &uthoritles, or (j~ each ,~d evc~ Apa~ment Unit aJlowable upon any Estn~ owned by such CLL~ A Member pursuant to appllmbJe ordinances of the City of Cop'~l, then in ef'fe~'t, whichever ~s ~ ~ ~ B Me~Aber,s shnil ~e 8110wne..-3 of Commerc|ni Estzt~ with the e~cept~on of 13ef:hr~ut. Subj~ to the pfl~vlsions of' 3.05, Chss B Members shall be emlded to one (1) vote per Five Hundred Thousand l:}ollM3 ($500,0{X}.00} of the then currcnt app~is~l vniue of the Comme~.jni F=sL~e owned by such Member, ~s ~ete~mlned by the Dnib.s County Appr-~sad l:)istHct (and its successo~ aj~-~sln~ ~uthori~es) to es~bllsh v~iuatlons for City of' Coppe~ ad vtlofun la~ pu~oses. TAe detc,-miflatlen of the numbe~ of vot~ · CLus B Member is entidad to shall be ~.~_ on thc then cu..-rent valuation and ~ not be ~f'ecled by In unr*.solvod chtJlenle or d|s~u~c vniLUtiOn between ssid Chss B Member and the a~q~-alslns ·utAority. YaJuations shnil be roundnd to the nenr~ number that is divin'ble by 92181 (~ Ten (10) votes for e~ch ~nd evcr~ phnM Lot enistin~, ~1 for c~ch ~ every Condominium Unit, Apartmam Unit am/unphnad L~x allowable pursu.~nt IO appl;c~bl¢ ordina~'as of the C~ty of Co~, Texas, in effect u of the d~tc of this ]:}eclarat|on, upon ra~ cstate ownod by Jt within thc Property; (il'} Ten (10) votes [x=r ~v¢ Hundred 'l'houstnd Dollan ($$00,000 JO) oft~ th~ ~ ~t, u ~~ by t~ D~ C~y A~ D~ (~ ~ ~r zut~d~) to ~bli~ ~u~ for Ci~ of C~H ad ~ ~ ~ V~uations ~ ~ ~nd~ to t~ n~ ~m~r ~t ~ d[vis~ 02) Real astate owned hy DechraAt and dcsignatcd as Common Ama slall not bc include! in dcterminlng thc vines to which ~'clL~nt iS cntitlcd. (c) The Chss C l~¢mbcrship sl=l! cc3sc and be convenad to CLus A and B Lfembership when thc to~l number of votes ouutamilng in thc Cfm A n.nd B Mcmbenhip is ten (10) tlmc~ gl'c~tcr tl~n the tot&l number of' votes outstanding in the CLus C ]~cmbcrship. (d) t'-~n the termination of the Cl~ss C Mcmbcrs~dp, Z::~ecla~ .,t sl~ll therctfter be a Cl,~u A and B Member. (e) Notwithstanding tim forcgolng, with rupect to F.s:3tas owned by l:~:lm"tnt end developed or being dcvaloped by DeclL"ant as an Aptnment Complex, Condominium Butlding, Commc~izJ ~uUa"mg, or L~t, D..~cl&r"4nt slull bg dogmed to be · CLus A or B ]~cmbcr f'or purposes ot*cnJcuhdng votcs aa.n'butxbla to the -E~ta~u beLn~ dcvclopo~ as &f'oruaid. Sac~on 3.04. ~u~-ns|on of %'otlne R]t, htq. The voting rlthts of' my )~lemb~.r s~ forth in rt~s Decl,u~don ma:), be~suspgnded by d~ ~ of:Dinectors ot't~ A.uoc~don for ~ny pcriod dur:m~ which a~y ~ ~m~.'~s put duc, unless t~ ~4cmbcr is in ~ood f'~ith contc~in~ tl~ valldit~ or ~mount ot",~e A.~.ssm~. Section 3.0~. ~V~uk~le O~.ne: Vote~. ~!otes Iv'~Jndcr m~y not be c3.~ on · fr~ctional ba~s betw~ tb~ cnd~s ~ coUcctiveJy n~.kc up D~x=~t or betwea= multiple Owners of (a) a Lot, (b) · Condominium Unit in a Condominium ~uilding (c) tn Apzrtment Complex or (d} Commcre~l ~uilding. Further, where there zfz multiple Owners of tn Estate h is ~ intended by Sorth)n 3.03 that each of s~id Owne~-% sh~l be enfiflnd m ~ast the votes tUoc~ted to such E.~ate. As an example, whe~ three {3) persons own · Condominium Unit they entitled to vote the one (I) vote allucst~ to such ~statc a.,rJ shall not each be entitled ~ cast full vote. When more then one p~rson or entity owns the Interest or [nta~..m in and to &ny of the iw. ms dear·bed in {i} through (d) of this .gecflon, as nzluimd for Membership in the Association, each and every person or envy shall be · Class A Member, and the vote for tny of the items d~cn'bed in (·} through (d} of this Section tl'~ll be exercised ax they, among themselves, oniloctiveiy datermlne. If such O~..~ers are unable to agree zmon~, '.hemselves u to how their vote or votes shell be cast, they sl~ll forfeit the' vote or votes on the question. Zf mom than one (I) perm· or entity puflxms to eze. rei~ th~ voting rights with re. spe~t to any of the items _-te__,erlbed in (a} through (d} of this Section on &ny matter in question. none of such votes shell be coumod In tabulating the vote on such ma·er and such votes shall be doomed void. Thc Association shell not he requlmd to ~z:ogntze the vote or ~,ritt~n a.~,ent of &ny such multiple Owners excep( the vole or written assent of the Owner dcslgnat~d In wrhing ez~-'uted b~, zll of such multiple Owners and delivered to the ~iation. · ~ectlon 3.06. Out, rum_ .~o~;ce and Vml,e (a) Sub.h~-t to the provisions of Paragraph (¢} of this Se~:tlon. any action author·xed by $eetlons 4.06 or 4.07 of Article IV of thls Dee. later·on n~quLre the assent of Mr. mb~rs hoidin~ 67S of the outstanding vines of the Axs~:iatiogh which Members &~ voting in person or by proxy at · meeting duly called for that purpm~, written notlce of which meeting shall he'given to a~l ]~4'emb~rs not ~ then ten (10) days nor more ~ s~ty (60) days in adv&n~.~ and ~ scs l'onh the purpesu of such moetin~. (b) The quo·am n~lui.,a~d for any action re£ema:! to in Ptra&-raph (·) of this Se·al ,, shall be as follows: At the first mccting c~led, the pre..ncc ~ ~ ~l ~ Mm~. or of pm~. ~!~ to ~ t~ ~ (10~) of ~ of ~ ~ of ~ ~~ ~1 ~c · ~o~m. l~ t~ ~u~ q~m ~ ~ p~ at ~ ~ m~. ~ ~ifi~ ~g ~ ~ o~-~ (1~) ~ ~ ~ ~omm ~ ~ P~g ~; pmv~, ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ m~g. (c) As a~ &hen~five to the pt~xazhre s~t forth above, any ~,~ion relic'ed 'o in Par~'apb (·) of thh Section ma-_. be t.O~n with the tuont given in writing and slgnnd by the Members who hold at sixty per·mt (6(}.$) of the II 218 I 3273 outstandlnl vot~ of ldcrahers or the Association; so Ion; as -I! Mtmlx=s ere ~.iven prior wriRta not;c~of the action to bt ttkea in ·cco~nce with this Sic:ion ~ .0~¢), Scctioa 3.07. Addlt;on·lVo~in ff Rennin. 'Notvithstandin[ anyth/nl to tht contrary .conuiaod in this Declaration, ctmscnt of the Members to ~'hlch at least 675 of' tht votts or Mcreb~s in thc Association art allocated and the approval of ~lir,~ln Moa;ale Holders. hokfin; monpics oa ~stltts. which hav~ at Itast $1% of the votes of P. sta[ts subjan to l=~i;l'blt Monpp l. Iold~r monp~,c:,' shell b~ ~,Ji~d to Idd or emend uy m~ttrial provisions of this Der. hr~oa or the Miclts of Zncorpontion or Byia~ of thc Assdclatlon which csublish. pruvklt hr. govorn or .m~ulite lay of the hllowing: (~) votln% r~chts; to) tsstssmcnts, assessment llcns or subordination of such liens; (c) i-.serves for mtintcnancc, rcpt;r end ~¼ccrncnt of the Common (cf) n:slxJns~illty for maJntcntnct and (e) rtmUocat~on of. inte~ ~ t~ ~ or ~imit~ Common ~;hu to ~ ~.-a: · (%) convtrtJ'bili~ of. ~statts into Common Aries or vice vtr-.a; to) explnslon or contraction of the Pro~rty. or tM ·dditlon, tnntxa,;on or withdfltwnJ of' propcrt), to or from thc (0 in~.~c~ or fid¢0ty bonds; (j') lea~in% of. (k) imposition of. ~ny r~ictlonz on · unit Owner's right to se. ti or transf.~r his or her unit: 12 ' '0 (I) · dochJon by the Assochdon to utabllsh self' mL'u;cment whcn profuskml mannlemcni hd been mqulned previously by ~n glJgJble ]~orlgn£o Il·Id·r: (m) ' rtstoratiofl Or repaT: of't~ ~x:rty (after · Ju,,Jrd ChLmiSc or ptrThl condemnation) In a maAner other t~.tn tlut speclf~ed in iht documents; (n) any action to terminate thc lcgtl s~ms of. thc Preen3' a~tcr subs~zfltia] destruction or condemnation occurs: or (o) any provisions that =xpressl3' benefit ~;~ibi¢ 2vfoflp~c Holdcr~. In·ur=rs or GuL'tmOrs. Any ;2;$i'olc MoflpL, c Holder, E];~lc Insurer or Gu~nmtor who recclves · wrlncn ruptu to ·ppmvc additions or amendments or · mquut For some other rtsponse Iff ·cco~ whh cms Soctlon 3.07, Article XTI. or 5octlon 14.02 ~cl who do~ sq~t dcllvcr or post to.thc A_,__-m'_latioa · ncpdve response within thin3, (:30) d~3's of' such request dull be goemed tO have approved such rcque~ ~'.4Jble Mort~t~e= Holders slu,I! only be .~uJtied to vote those votes u arc Illoc·ted to the ~tate covered by their flee. Further, ~ notwithstanding anything implied to the contr,~7 in this S~ion 3.07, ~ibk Moil;ate Ho~ l~ o~y ~ ~itl~ ~ v~ on ~ncn which w~M ~ t~ cff~ foflh h 5~ 3.~ (a)-(o). - As in example, it' this Dochmioa ruqu;ms · majori:y vote or tho Mc:nbcrs to ;·cruse t~e me or ~anutl ~ ~ ~ such :'ate may he incrused by · major/fy vote of thc ~cmbcrs without thc vote of ~! .,:bio Mor:Bigc Hoidors. On thc other h~xl, if' the issue prt~'meo hr · me is one intended to reduce the mount of votes ~lUi~d to incre~ ~c att of tnflu~l · ssessn~at by amtndin; those provisions of this Docltmion. thin such/ssuc must he approved by 67S of' the votes of thc Members of the Ass·cbt·on Lnd 51 · of the ~llgible Monra~e Holders. Eli~ibJc MonL, qc Holders shall, in &n3' ev~, be consisted Ls one (I) cl&u of voters with all of thcir votes to be ttkcn to~c~her to dc~e:mL.~e whc~er · $1 S majority of' such persons or entities lus approved such emendmcflt. ' SocLion 4.01. Coven~flts ('or .~smentq. ';ach Owner by ~ oft ~ or ~ ~nv~ ~m~ c~[ ~ ~ch O~'~ ~ ~t~ ~ to ~ ~ ~ ~'nor, ~=r or n~ it z~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ =cb ~ or ~cr ~nv~ ~m~. s~ ~ d~ ~ ~t ~ ~ (~ such ~vc~ ~ a~t s~ ~ ~m~ to S218l 3275 1'1 cortnimlo · poflJon of' the consideration and purcJuse money for the "cquisicio~ of* such property) to p~y m the ~Lssoclaxlon (or to any entity or collec~ion :~ency desi~nxmd by the A.uoclax~on): (l) monthly as~ or ch·fits (as specif'mclln .Secxlor. 4.02 of thlS~.Afllele XV), such assemuents lo be f~_,M_, e~blishnd and. co~ from time K, tlmeu 'hcrcin provided; (2) special Kseumems bt capiul improvememsand ofl~' purpo~ (as rpq=cified in Section 4.0.4 of thls Article IV). such a.u~ssments to I~ fixed, uxabllshed &nd collected from time to timcas heretn provkled: and O} indivlduai spachl Luessmcnu levied egainst individual Owners to rclmburs~ the Association for ~xtrl costs for mtlntenance znd re, in caused by willful or negligent acts or omissions of zfl individual Owner and not c~used by ordiflL~ wear end tear (as specified In Section 4.05 of this Amcle IV), such assessments lc :Jo f'uted, established and collected Imm time to timo ts here. in pmvlded. The assessments ('Assessments') descn'bed in(I), (2) &nd (3) of this Section 4.01 of Article I'v*, together with intex, ut thereon, attorneys, fees. coufl costs and other costs of collection thcrnof, as he~.tn prov;dnd, shzll be a ch·rio on thc land and ~ he · continuing llen upon each Lie ag·lint which each such assessment is made.. ~lch su.-h assessment, toge,'her with intcrut thcr-.on, attorneys* f~, CWdrt COSTS &nd other cosl~ of collection the~z~f', as hcrcin pmvlded, sla]l zlsu bc thc pc.'xoflai obligation of the Owner of such ~staxe &ga·nsf which such Assessment is mad~ at the time when thc.&~,,,_~*,tent fell due. No Owner may ~cmpt hinu~ from Ihblllty for such Axsessmcn~ -r waive or othcr~be eseap~ liability for the AssessmenU for non-use of thc Common ~ or abandonment of his ~.~ate. The person&l obligation to pay any such Assessment. together with interest thcvenn, ·tMmeys' fee·, court cogs and other cogs of collection thennof, as ~rein provided, shall not pass to thc succcsso.-s in title of such Owner unkas expressly assumed in writing by such succ~son. Notwithr..nAding any~hlng above to the contrary, the rate of assessment for &nd method of dctermtning *.h~ assessed valuation of any portion of the Pmpcfly ~ not result in an assessment substxnti&Uy less than that alTec·inI the Prop·fly unlex~ such portion of the Pr~J~y a~! Ihc O~nor(s) thereof do not enjoy subsuntla/ly zll of the bencfiu of tl~ rom·thing Prope~y and the C~nc~) thereof. Suction 4.02. 1~1, 0W~X~a;d2~ The Assessments levied by the A~-y~'htlon shall Ix~ used. in paA. for th, pu~ of: (1) promoting thc r~cr'~tlon, comfort. IM:aJth. stfety and welfL.~ of the ~lemb~i. the users and/or the r~klents of tl~ Property: ('2) rfumglng ·nd main~nlng thc Common AJ~a: provided, IAtt the m~imer~a,~c~ of thy Common Arc· sh~l! b~ undev, zken ax thc ~ of the Ass0chtion only to thc extent deteflnLM:l by the Boa~f from time to time in its aole ~: O) enhcncing the quality of life tn the Prop·ny and th· vLlue of the Propers. &nd in par. lcuhr for thc improvement &nd malmeMJ~ce of' the pn:q:e~ies. .., servlcm Ind facillt.~ devoted to thc purpose MM:I Ee. hted tO Lhc use and cn. joyment of the ,=~= AINU, msuran~ m connoction with the Common A~u ,-.--:- ....t. ""'~ s mc po~ers and dutics oz thc An:hltectura3 R'---'vlcw Commiaee. In no event shaJl any Assessmeats b~ used for thc impro~ernont of that portion of thc Common Arc~ a~ line~ paz~ with sidcwsJks, l:~ce tr~s orzny ocher improvements, and n~ch linotr pt.:ks r~xxin as unimpm,,ed open spac~ unlex..d ot.*~c.-wlse d~'~n'nined by Lhc ~ in its sole 92181 327 o~ ~sM~ ~ ~ ~ t~ Cit~ oF C~ll For ~ ~ ~ ~ wish S~ 4.~). o~m~ ~ m ~ oF ~ ~um ~ntM~ ~m~ Iht ~. u ~ ~ to t~ p~h;~ ~ Foflh ~iow ~ S~ 4.03 (c) (b) ].i~. 'Ibc Owners of c=ch Rcsldcmial ~.~at¢ ihs co·st·lutes I phned Lot upon which · sin·lc t&mily dc~tched dwelling f.or which I ¢cnifictte of Occup.mc7 has bean issued shall pay · monthly malntenaz~ca assessment. The initial maximum monthly malntcflL~ca assessment shcll bc $12.00 pcr Lot. (c) Ad2M3~~. The Ow·an of c~ch Rasldcntlal Ketute upoa which aa Ap~tmeat Complex is Iocxted for which · Ccflificase of Occupanc~ h~ botm issued shaO pay · monLMy maintemanc~ msmcnt. TI~ in·tint maximum monthly maimcmnc~ us~,sm~.~t for each such FLUte shall b~ c~lcuhsed by multi. /lng the maximum number of' allowable ·p&runent units per acr~ (u der'reed by Mains ordinzncc of the C~ of' Coppel] es of' thc date of' this l:~lL.'4Lkm) times the number of' acres in nid ~SLtSe SO M'rive it thc nun,~er of to'~l allow&hie Apartment Units. Tba initial mtxlmum monthly auimam2,ce Kse. ssmcnt f'or the year 1992 $1u.ll equal the number of' torn· nilowablc Ap~rtmcns Unto times $12.00. Units. Th~ |nidal maximum monthly maintenance assessment for 1992 shall eot,,** the number of total allowable Conclomlaium Unlts times S12.00. (i) Subsoclucnt m ctmdon of · Condominium Owners Associ~,tioa. thc ~ondominlum Own~ Assoc~L~ for c:lch Rcsidmdal ~ta~ upon which t Condominium BuildinI is located shaft pay · monthly n~intcna,-~ ab, ,mem. The Condomi~um Owne~ Assochdon may collf~ the -*,,'-?merit from itt Membcrs uslnt any formul~ or method of calculation desired by such ~ondonlinium Ownc~% Association. The inRi&! mulmum monthly malntcnmc~ a.~cssmmt for each such Condominium Owne~ Association si.ill be caJc~hted by m~Riplylng the ma.~imum number, of sdlowable Condominium Unlt~ per Ic~ ffrn~ the number of lcru o~ntnlne~[ In the trnct or plr~.l or ru] estate upon which ~ Condomlnlum Bu~ng and all it~ common a-us md amenities il Iocllod. The in;.~ nuximum monthly nulnt~mflce a.q~ssment shall equ&! lac numbcr of ~ &llowabl¢ Condominium Units times $12.00. (ii) In thc event aA), Condominium Ownc:s Association shzll fail to pay the ususment provldocl for ia Section ,l.03(e)(i), thc Ownen of each Condominium Unit included within said Condominium Owners Ane~do~ ~ ply · monthly nulntc~J~e use~ment. This Luelsment shall be mlculatad by tn~ins the IOta] a3sgssment due under Section 4.03(c)(T), divided by the num~ 'r of nt'ttml units contained in such Condominium Buildint m L'Tive Zt t~e :.mount of'zue~mcnt per Condominium Unit. The Owncfl of otch such Condominium Unit shaJl pay such uscssmcnt for cs~h Condominium Unit included within nonpayin~ Condominium Owners Anc~adcm owned by ~d Owner. £vc~ remedy lxovMed for in ~s Da:hmion for non- i~yment of a.uc~mcnts shaft apply to fao Owners of ~ Condominium Unit 3hould they fY to IX}' aA 3ssc~rncnt duc under this Secdo~. Whc:~ there Im multiple Ownm of · Condom~um Unit, they shaft be jointly L,:d s.*verzlly liable for such a3.scssmmt and all rgm,",41es shall apl~ly to Otem jo'mtly and (0 ~. ,';'nc O~.n ofe~.A Commc~l E~mte shall l~y · monthly Fr~n~n~nc~ u.~,~ment. The inlti~ maAimurn mommy n~int~.t~ ~u~.~ment shLll be t~o cents (2¢) pet One Hundred Dofla.,'s (St00) of ~hc ~en current z.Tpmis4:gl value oi' the Commcrci~l Es..3~a owned by such 3278 !6 20'2 15 Owne':s, u d~ermLqed by thc Da.Hu County Appr~sal DLstrlet ~ its suc~.ssor appraLs~ng authorit~.s (thc °A~..~;~;.~, Amhorit?) to estzbl~h valuation for City of Copl~ll ad vaJorcm tax perix~, lA thc ovent · challenlrc or dispute arises betwnen zn Owner and the-Al~rahlr4 Authorlt7, such Ownc~:shalI~'~hhLq thlrty. (]0} days of I'dLqg thc dEspute neo£y the AssneiztLqn of the dL~Jte ~ dlselos~ thc purported comet -pprZbL-d value.. The. Owner sh~ll furthcr notify the AssocL~tLqn Lq thc cvont such Owner prevails over the AppraisLqg Authority and furnish ratls£actc~ eviclcnco of thc &djusmd appraised v'dJue accepted by thc Appra~Lqg Authority. Such Owner will he given cmdlt ngaLqst futura monthly ma~ntentn~ uscssmcnts for excess sum, ~id for ~ zssusmcnts t.~.~ based on thc com~l~d Ipprahed value. Z:ailum of an Owner to comply with noti~ m~Jiz~ncnts of this pangraph sh~ constitute · rorf¢itur~ of the credit he,Lq provided for. (X) ~ozrd May A_~e~ T.e~_~ Th~n Mnx;m~n Asses~meflt, The Board of Dimct6n of thc Assoc~tLqn n~y, a~cr consich:rat~on of cur~nt maintenance. operation Ind other costs and thc fumm no:ds of thc Association, fix the net~al montMy assessments for any ~ :zt an s. mount Ir. ss thin thc mnximum sot forth (h) Diseff_.~o~s.v An.u~! 15~ lne~ in ~z~;mum ~onthly A~.m~. ~ ~ ~ 3~ I of ~ ~ ~lely followLq in whiGh ~imum mommy ~mems ~mme~ ~t IO S~Lqn ~ of D;~o~ ~ iu ~le d~ion may o~ ~ch y~ ~imum ~ly ~ ~ 13 % ~ 1~. ex~ t~t such ~i~ ~11 ~ ~mu~ ~ ~y ~ oft~ di~Lq~ znn~ 13% exe~ by ~ ~ ~ D;~o~ ~ any of t~ Ih~ y~ ~m~;ately p~or to t~ t~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~d~ m ~ch ~ y~'s d~io~ ~n~ 13 % ;~ ~ith~d~; ~n; ~;~ I~cm;n to thc cont~, to cxt~ t~ fl.c ~y ~~ f~ ~y ~ ye~ cxc~ t~ m~imum ~h of di~ ~ m8~ ~ t~ ~ u~ t~ pmv~io~ ~ ~ ~f, ~ ~ ~w 'm~imum monthly u~nm~t' ~pH~blc ~ch ~ 2:[0 92181 3279 extension of any expiration date under this parusraph, the expiration date set forth in Section 4.~ shttl be or shall have been extended for thc sL-ne period of time. (j) Mo A~e~_smeflts ('or P~v ('~.ned by ~12~M- Un~l ~i~ by ~t u · C~in~m Bu~dln~, ~. A~t~ Compl~ ~i~, to ~ the Audi !, !~7 ~im~ ~te For five (~ ~ti~ ~ ~ or ~o~ ~ ~ a~i~blc ~ ~ (For ~ ~ ~ of 1~8 ~ ~to ~ ~~~ ~ Aura I. 1~: pm~ the cxpiml~ ~ m fo~ h S~io~?.03(Q s~l hve ~ or s~ h~ ~ cxic~ fqr t~ ~e ~fi~ of ~e. S~ction 4.04. ~s:~..f~,Y,~32~ In addition to the monthly xssessm~nts M~thor~nd by $cc~ion 4.03 of this Article IV, the Assuchtion may lev). in &ny ~leAchr 3m&r · spa:id LSSeS: .,.nt for thc purpose of' dcf'myinl, in whole or in p~. the cost of' any construction or ruconstructlon, unexpected rcpuir or ruphcemc~ of · crop·Ltl improvement upon the Common AJu~ includinz thc nocess~y flxturu and personal property ~ehted than:to, or for maimenance of the Common AJU &ncl improvements the.,~n, or for carryin~ out other purposes of the A.~sociation as stated in the Aniclcs of Incorporation of the Association: provided, Iht, any such special assessment levied by thc Assocladon shall have the affirmative approv~ of tbe Bou~ of Directors of the ,A:.v. ciation as provided in Section 4.07 below, All mounts colJaned by the Assochtion, as specbd asseasmcnu levied by the Association, may only be usod for the improvement and maim~sance of thc Common Aru and shall be daposJted by the Board of Dim.'tors of the Aso'a~ation in · sepu:Me hank ac~ouot to be held in trust by the Asmchtion for such purpose. Sa'. funds shl] not be commingled with any other f~nds of the Ass,~iatlon. Sccgon 4.0~. ~DL"~ tndTvMutl ~se~smeme. 'I'AC Association n'3y, upon tbe majority vote of' thc ~cmhen ic~ specLsl assessmcnLs ·L,~nst individual ~nen for rcimbers~ment to the Assechtlon for rupalr3 to the Common A.ru or an)* impt~vemcots theruto GG~sioncd by the willful or nc~llEc~t ic~s of' such Owflcr(s) Lnd not thc rusult of or~ir.M'~ wc3.r i:~ tr.~r. SeCgO~ 4.06. Vf~e Rebuild for ~ncrezse Incr~.,e.z in the ~ of thc mz~mum mon~.ly asses~"~ent in exce~ of that an~bozized by Section 4.03CA) of thls Afllcle must be approved by Members holdlnI 67S of'the outstindin~ votes of' thc A.~ociation, votifl~ in person or by proxy, at · zncctinl duly called for such ~he Assoc~3Lic~n ;,, 3cco~-~cc wkh Sec'don 4.G4 et' mis Article IV, taus: be approved by 211 92181 3280 ~cmhers holding 6? · of the out.v, anding voles of'thc Ass~clatlon, voting in person or by proxy. it a meeting duly cnJied for such purpose. SC~Ofl 4.08. ]~ale ~f {~ommen~emeM Of .Iv~omhl_v A~es,~mefll~ ~d ~le l~nte oir - _~e_~m~m~. The monthly L~.umc. nts pmvidM ~for in tl~:Decltmtinn S~ commcnce and be d~d payable, in ~lvancg bel~nn~g on S.--ptemher 1. 1992. an mount for each ~tale eqml to the product of the total Specld A.u, essmtnt times · fraction,, r...., ..:.- thc numerator of' which is thc total oumhet of allowable Units of such F. state (as determined iR .... - accoahac~ with Section 4.03 or'this Article IV)-,,,: the denominator of which b L~,e total number of* after, able Unlta for all P. states within thc Pzopcrty. Section d. 10. NO Off~. Al! Assessments shaJJ be payable in the amount spccif3ed by the AssucL~tiou and no offs~.s against such amount sl~l be paflnined for any rr. ason. $cc~ion 4.1 !. Re~..ve~. Thc monthly assessments shall inelude ruaormble mounts as detcrmined by thc BoLd of the Assochdon collected u rc.qm, vcs for the furu~ pcrlcxlic malntemnce, r-~ and/or n:phcemont of all or · portion of the Common A~L All amounts coile~ed as rcsc..veS, wheth~ pursuant to thts Secdon'~r otherwise, dull he __,__4,~;_;_slted by the Assochtion be . -gpa~ate bark ~ccount to be held in trust for tb,. purposes for which thcy wcm collected a~d uc to he seimrated from ~nd not coa'..-ninGled with &ny other funds of the Association. A.ucssmcnts collected u r~crve, s shall not he considemd to be advtnc~ paym~tts of* tT~ULLr a.ucssmcnU. scctlon 4.12. (a) ~ An~ Assortment pmvlded for in this Declaration which is tax paid in full when due shall he delinquent on thc date ('delinquency date*} specLrmd in the '~otlce oFsuch Assessment. In the event tn}, Condominium Owners Assouhdon .,ts to pa}, its uscssment as pmvlded for in Section Owners of Coedommlum Uniu within such Condominium Owners Association shall have an addidoml ten (10) day period to pay the assessment, after which ttm¢ it dull he delinquent. The entity levying any such Assessment shnil lure the rilbt to fL'inet pa,-.bJ payment of' an As~_,_-_,~t ~ demand full payment the. n~f. Lt'any A.~cssmcnt ot ~ thereof'is Isot paid wilh]n ten (10) days aAor the delinquency ~hte, thc unpaid amount or such Assessmont sAxll ~ inte~ aAcr the dcrmqnenc~ a,t~ until paid at · 1"~t¢ cqual to thc le.,,s~ of parc~nt (IS%) pe~ ~nnum or the mu/mum lawful m~. Xn addidon to the f'or~g~g. U'any Assgssment or pag there0f Ls not pzid within ton {10) days aAer t~ delinquency d~te. i hte ch,'Be shaft Ix: duc aAd payablc with n=pect to such dellnquont ~_~__u~__~nt in s~ch amount as m·y be determined fn~n time to time~ · ~..~- .-- by the ~ u beln~ nppllclblc uniformly to all deUAqucnt ,&,~_,_,ments. Such" '" Lu~ cha~c may be ~,~",~'~ by thc Boa-d, in its sole discrction, in Ucu of' or in 92181 3281 ~ldiLJon to imcrcst on clcllnqucm Assessments u s~t forth above, sub.~cct to ~.:y limitztions impos~ by applicable laws. (b) T_;eft. The unpaid 2mount of* any Asscssmcfli not p~:l by the delinquency dMc shaJl, to;ether with thc in·crest the:-,on as provided in Section 4.12(:) or this An·cie TV' nnd thc cost of' coilec~ion thereof, including re.un·able attorneys' fees. as hcr~in providcd, thereupon become · contifluinc lis and cha,-%c on thc J:~tatn of. thc non-paying Owner covcrnd by such Ass~,mnent, which shell bind such property in tho J'~,,Js of' thc Owner, and his executors, ·dminlstrztors, devisees, pe.:sontl rcprucnutlvcs, succ~_,~3 and assigns. The aforesaid lieu shaJ! he superior to nfl o:hcr liens and chzr~cs tho ·id ru] properly, except only for ~ lieus ,,nd the lien of any bona fide mortpL, c or daxJ of trust now or he:uf~ placnd upon ·id rul property subjm~ to aA Assessment ~.d which mofl~ge or dcx:d of' t~st is r~eordod prior to rccor'J-~tlon oF wrlo~n notice oF past due ~meutL ~ny s.~Jc oF the property of. · sale sh~ not rclleve thc Owner oF such r~l ptopcr~ from llabillty for any .... ~A~?_~_,neut thcrcsl~er L,:c~ming due nor imm the ~ of ~y such subsequeut · ._~$rneut. Thc A~socladoa shall h~vc thc power to subordinate tho lieu seeu,~,g tho payment of~ny ~.,~ment rendered by the Azsocladon to an), other lien. Such power shall bo entirely discrctionu7 with thc Azs°~ti~. As hcrclnbof.om stMccl, thc personal obli~tlon of. the Owner, at the tine of. such Ass~ssmen~ to 1~? such A. ss~.s~t~ shcU ~ thc pcrson~J obliK~tlon of' such Owr~r ~cl shall not pass to such Owner's successors in tltlc unless e. xpmzsly assumc~ by thru in wring. However, thc llen for thc un~d Ass~..umehts shAH bc un.~fTecmd by any sale or assignment of' any intcrut in thc property covered by thc Assessment tad shU continue in full force and cfr'net. To cvldence thc M'orc.~d llen. thc ~latlon shtll prcpu~ z wrench n~ o~ lien ~r Foflh thc ~nt of~ u~d i~bt~ss, the ~e oft~ Ow~r oF ~ pt .~y ~vc~ by such H~ ~ z d~ption o~ t~ ~te ~ve~ by such ii~ Such ~i~ s~ll ~ cx~t~ by o~ of thc o~; o~ t~ ~hdoa ~ s~ ~ ~ in the o~ce of ~c C~nty ~c~ of ~ C~my. T~. (c) ~. ~ lien s~curlni the payment of'the Assessments ~ · t=~ch to the inUre, st ~l~g m such ~-~y~g ~ wi~ ~ ~o~ty ~ fo~ ~~on. Subduer to t~ ~ of~ ~dcc~e H~U ~ ~ ~ ~ly ~pt~ to My t~ ~t ~or ~or tho T~ ~ ~vff ~mtm or ny a~ ~U~ble le~hti~. ~ ~y L~ ~le zao~s' f~ ~ by t~ ~hdon. ~ ~e ~t ~ a~on ~ ~m~ ~ s~ ~ ~ to ~e ~nt o~ ~y such ~m~t ~ 9218 I 3282 2O interest provided in this $cction. thc costs of' Ping ~nd fiZin[ the complzlnt in such action :mci thc rc~,son,~bl¢ zttorneys' f'ee~ inenm:d in conncct;o,~ ~i~ such action; and in. thc event a judging, ut is ob~ined, such judgment ~ include interest on.thc Assessment u provided in this Sectionand · rca.gm~blc ~ttomeys' fcc to bc £txc~.by thc court, together wlth the.cosas of thc action.. ~.ach Mcmhcr vests in the-ma.~cr Association or thclr'~Ss~gns thc right and power to brinG aH zcfions at law or llen f.orcclosure ·gtinst such Member or other Mcmbers for thc collection of such dellnclucnt Assessments. Upon thc written ruqucst of any mortg,,gee holding · prior lien on an}, part of ~1, Propcrty~ thc A.tscclatlon shall rclx)rt lo said mortgeGcc an), Assessments remaininG unpaid for longer than stacy (60) days zftcr thc delinquency date of such Assessment. (d) I~. In further'~ncc of. thc Hen provided in Section 4.12("o) above, ami to s~cum th~ f~U ami tlmcl), ~.yment of ~11 Assessments and other amounts l~y~blc by cnch Owner hereunder, each Oweer docs haw. by grant and convey unto Declarant. in trust as Trustee (thc 'Trustee'), the ~tate own~l by such Owner, .,ubjeet to all casements and o~r encumbnaccs affeetlng such ~tate: provided, that each such grant shall be subo~d;-'~ted to thc llen of en)' mortgage, deed of trust or other Hen to thc cxtcat pz~vld..~l in Section 4.12(b) above: and for thc~c purposes thc pr~vifions of this paragraph shall be deemed to have created a deed of trust (thc 'Deed of Trna') covcrlng aL! of ~ gsta:cs with · I~)wcr of' sale Granted to the Trustee in acconJanca with the provisions of C'haptcr $1 of thc Tcxns Pmpcrt)' Code (zhc 'Code*) and ns it ma)' be amended from tlmc to time. The Deed of Tras~ created hcrc~ shall be upon thc same terms and conditions, and shall provide to the Association all of thc rights, benefits and pfivUeles, of the Deed of Trust promulgated .by '.he State Bar of Tc.v.u for usc by Isw,/ers dcslgnated as Form No. 2402. and all amendments, modifications and substitutions thereof, which form is hc~..b}, in, .'pouted by rcferenee for all purpmes hereof. The Association, ac'.inG ..,'~ulh its president, shall have the right in its sole discretion at an), time. and f.mm time to time, to ·ppoint in writing · SUbstitute or suco-ssor trusten who shall se-_-__-~_ to all rights and ~.sponsibaitics of thc then acting Section 4.13. ~. T'nc foliowing pmpcr~ subject to the l~s:la, rztion shall be cxernpt fmrn thc a.~.~.s.uncw, s, elm-ecs ;md liens created in this Dccl~mion: (·) All propcr~cs &.nflcatcd and accc~ocS b), thc local public authority, public utUitlns and devoted to public usc. tO an), 0wrier llablc for ~m A.s.~essmcnt, a ccr*~catc in w~t~E si~ b~ ~ o~ccr o~ thc ~blc c~ ~y ~ made b~ the ~ for the [ssu~ of such ~tcs. --- ARTI CI.!/V DUTIES AND DU'II.~ OF THE BOA.RD OF DIR.ECTOP,_g .. .. OF THE ASSOCIATION Sc=ilon $.01. ~. l'~e zffa of tbe Ai:,oclat|on skill ~ conduct~ by thc ~ of DL~to~ of thc ~hti~. ~c ~ of Di~o~ of iht ~h~ion s~l ~ el~ pu~t to the p~visio~ of the B~hws of t~ A~iafion. In ~ddltion to tbe ~wc~ ~d duti~ ~umc~t~ in thc ~icl~ of Inco~Hon ~d thc By~ws of the ~tion, or cl~whc~ pmvid~ for hc~, ~ withou~ llmhin~ thc ~enc~ily thc~f, the ~ of D~om of ibc As~tion, for thc mull ~ncfit of thc Mcm~m of ~c ~tion, s~li Mvc ~c fo~owlng ~wcm ~or dugs: (m) If thc Boa.rd of DLr=c~ors of thc A.~oci3~lon, in its sole diet. ion. dcen,~ it n~. it may ~= ~ch a=ion to =nfo~ the tc~s ~d p~vlslons of ~ ~]~flon ~d t~ ~cl~ o~ lnco~tlon ~nd thc By~vs o[ the ~i~gon by =~mp~ie m~s ~ =~ ~t thc ob~gagons of the h=~und=r, includ~l ~ith~t limi=tion, thc cx~ndim~ of ~nds ~on. the employmcm o~ lc~d ~un~! ~d accountin= ~i~, the commc~cmcni o~ legal ~u~ o~ a~on, t~ pmmui~tion ~d ~[o~m=nt thc ~gon's ~1~ which m~y i~ludc t~ ~blis~cm of z sy~em of z~or ~tlea ~fo~ble ~ ~ in~vid~ ~mcn~ ~ p~vid~ S~on 4.05 of ~cle ~ to thls ~l~tion, ~ to ~o~ ~or ~ le~ ~mag~ f~m ~y ~wncr for violigon of such pmvislo~ or ml~; Co) To zc'quL~, m~intxin ~nd otherwise m~age ~II of the Common ~ ~.nd ~ f:cilitic~, b,npmvcments and hndr, axpini: thor=on, .~'~d ~11 pe."son~ pr~pc,-~ acqulnxi or owned by the Boa.rd of Dir',ctom of thc Assocladon; (c) To convey, sell, u-~sfer or lease sll or ~ of thc Common ~, subj,-~t to sl:~prov~l by Members holding 6'7 % of the outstanding votes of the As.-,ocb. tion; (d) To execute ~I1 decl,m~tions of owr~c.-lhlp for tax zsses.smcnt purl'poses ~d to ~y my ~ ~ ~ ~d ~ p~ ~ ~d o~cr c~ or ~mcn~ ~ ~ ~e Common ~, u~ ~ ~n= ~ ~ly ~ to ~ or ~y of ~e Owen; (¢) To olx~in, for t~ ben:fi: of ~ Corr~on A,~, ~II wrier, ~ ~ ct~c-.,-ic se~i~s, r~fuse collcc~ions, b~d.~,~pc mainten.'u~c~ ser~ic~ ~nd outer 22 2 k5 S2181 32S~ services. ~/hich in thc opinion of xh¢ Board of Dimmors of thc Association shall be noc:~s.zO, or propor; (0 To make such dedications and grant such casements wh|ch in its opinion z~: ncccss.~,~ for street, r[~.ht-of-w-y, utilities, sewer a~d drain=se facilitics over thc Common ~ Io serve the ]~r'c~'~.~y or a~y pan Ihcmof; (~) To contract for and malntzin such policy or pollci~ of insurance = may be r~uln::d by Ihis D,:clamtlon or as thc ~rd of Di~'ctors of Association deems ncccssar7 or d~imbl¢ ;. funhcrlnl[ thc purposes of and ,pmtcctlng thc interest of the Association and its Mcmbe:'s; (h) To borrow funds to pay costs of o~r'ution sccur~ by ·ssignmcnt or pledge of its rights ag~nst delinquent Ownc~ to thc extent deemed advls~ble by thc :~ of Din:ctor~ of thc ,A4soc[ation; (~ To enter into contracts for legal and accounting scrviccs, maJ~taln one or mom ~ accounts, znd zcnerally, '.o have thc powcrs neccs~D, or incldcntzl to thc operation and management of thc Association -nd thc Common A.-c:. (j') To ts. kc action n~:ess, zr7 to protect or dc£cnd thc Common or other property of thc A~soci=tlon from loss or d~mage by suit or othcrwlsc; 0c) To suc and dcfcnd in any court of taw on behalf of the Association; (I) To cstnbffsh and m,dntain · wo~ing c~pi~.! and/or contingcncy fund in an ~moum to be dctcrmlnocl by Ibc ~ of Directors of thc (m) Te ..;~.kc rcssc~blc mits and m~ulations for the ot-x:.-ation of thc Common ~ and to 3~rncnd ssme from timc to th=e: (n) To make ~va. ilablc to c~ch Owner and any L-.,.;ividu~ ur entity holdin~ a mong,,gc or d~ of trust on ~y lot, tram or ~1 of ~ csmc out of or · ~ of ~c ~y ~ithln a ~so~blc time ~tcr thc cnd of tach fi~ y~, ~ ~u~t~ ~ ~n of thc ~i~tion: (o) To adju~ ~c anent, coll~ ~d u~ ~y ~su~ p~s to ~ ~agc or ~h~ lost p~ny own~ by thc As~hdon, ~ if ~c p~ ~ insu~cicnt to ~r ~gc or ~h~ Io~ pm~ny own~ by thc ~iadon, to ~ ~c Mcm~ in p~io~m ~oums ~o cover t~ dc~ci~; (p) To provide service-. /'or thc benefit o+' thc Mcmbem, [nclud.~g but l.[mitc<l to, sccurirT, cntcr,.a, im'ncnt, r~cr~ntion and education; .- 23 (o.) To contract wlth thc City of Cop~ll to m~,nt,tln open ar=as, flood' plains, stn~ medhns or other ~ located within the Property; ~.nd (r) To delegate its powers ~nd duties to comminees, o~cers or employees as pmvldexl in ~hc B).l-~ws of thc Association, ~nd to employ · rrm~er or other pc,sons ~nd contr~cl with lndei'~ndcn! contrac;ors or agcnu who ~vc p~fcsslo~ cx~cc to ~o~ gl or ~ ~n of the dutlcs ~d ~nsibili~i~ of t~ ~iation, p~vid~ ~i ~y ~nt~ wlth ~ ~n or entity ap~t~ as · m~r of m~ging ~gcnt s~ ~ Ic~blc without ou~ on not mo~ th~ skty (~) ~ys wNn~n noti~ by thc ~tlon ~vc a tc~ or not mo~ t~ one (I) y~ wit, ~c~ssive on~ ~g~s u~n the mu~ a~ment or th~ prell. PROPF-~TY RIGHTS IN ~ COIviMON AREA Section 6.01. b~_~~.,~. Subjoa to thc provisions or sccticn 6.03 of tJ~s Anlcle, eve~ Mem~r ~d eve~ te~I of ~e~ Mem~r s~l ~ve a d~ht a~ ~men~ or' ' and enjuyment ~ ~d to ~y inle~ ;n ~d 1o the Common A~ ow~ b~ t~ ~tion ~d such ~mcnt s~ll ~ appunc~n~ lo ~d ~I ~ with thc ~nvc)'ancc or such Mem~r's inletS, ~RO~, HO~, such ~men[ s~l no[ ~ivc such ~on the g~ht to m~e ~ie~tions, ldditlons or Jmpmvemcnis Io lh¢ Commo~ ~. S~;on 6.02. ~tlc to the CommOn A~. ~1~ sMIl d~iotc and ~nvcy Io the ~tiun. without conside~tion, ~scmems in tko~ ~nlons of the Common A~ nol own~ by ~!~ ~wer ~ ~ght Co.. ~he City or C~iI. or the SI. ~uis ~d S~lhwestem ~ds al such ~ir.l ~ ~e ~s is d~m~ ~ble ~ ~mp~alc by ~la~nt. Suc~ ~men~ s~l ~Jt ~o~ u~, cons~ctlon, m~nle~, ~ir ~d replacement of si~.i ~d ~pin~. ~r such oiher u~ Is may ~ ~bly n~s~ to accomplish Iht ~ of this ~,on. - S~on 6.03. ~lent o~ Mem~' ~ments. ~ ~ghls ~ ~men~ or enjoTmcnt c~t~ he~y s~ ~ subj~ lo ~e The riEht of the public to u~ th~' liner parks. .(b) The r~Eht of the Association lo p~scribe ~ulatlons govern/nE the use, opcmtlon s.nd m~.i.nten.'mc~ of the Common Azm. (¢) Li~ns of montag~ plac~l ,,~[nsl the Common ~ with w mon~ borrowed by thc A.~soch~on for the. purpos~ of i.mpmvl.nE the Common A~ ~nd (d) 'Ibc right of thc Assoc~llon Io cntcr into and cxoculc contz-a_rts with third parties (including Declarant, or -~n arfillatc of Declarant, so long ~ such contracts do not providc for compcnsatlon to 1C~cl,,rant, or its --,fril~te, which cxcreds compensation which would be paid to an ;ndependem third party for such servlc~s) for thc purpose or providing maintcnanc~ or such other materials or services conslstcnt with thc l~rposes or thc Association: The right of the Association to t~ke such steps as ar~ reasonably proto:t the Common Ar'-,..~ ag.J:-~st judgment or i'or~closur~. (0 Thc fight of thc Association Io d~ic=te and grant e. ascmcnts in ~1! or any part or the Common Ar=a Io any munlclp-',l corporation, public agency. governmcmal authority, or milily, :~s well as the existln: rights of Dallas Power & Light Co., the City of Coppcll, and the St. Louis and Southwestern wi;,h ~spect to certaln portions of the Common Ar~a. (g) ' Thc fight or the Association, with approval o1' Members holdlng 6"1% of Ihe outs~.nding vot;s of the Association, to convey, sell. tr'~nsfcr or alt .,, par~ of the Common Area. (h) The fight of the As.~ci~tion or Declarant to enter into agn~m~t$ with th,' City cf Coppell allowing the City to assume malntcnancc of th,' Common A,--,.a is Io assess thc Members thcr=for. INSTJI:LA,~C~: P,.F_PAIR A.N'D KESTOP,.ATION Section '7.01. ' .u~nce. The Association's Board of Din:~ors or its duly authofized a[,,~nts sh~Jl have thc authority to ~nd shall ob~in insunmc~ for all insurable improvementson ' the Common A.rv.a. This Lnsumnc~ sl~Jl cover Ios~ or d~.m--,ge by fir~ c.' other hazards, · including extcnd~ coverage, vandalism, and mallcious mi:chief ~nd shall be in a.n amount sufficient to cover thc full r',:placement cost of any r'~'~ir or construction in the event of damage or dr. strucfion from any such h-?-'d. The Board of Direaors of the Association shall obtain a public liabiliEy policy applicable lo the Common A~m covering the Association and its Membe.-s for all damage or inju~, caused by thc negligcncc of thc Association or any of its mcmhers or agents, as~d, if r-..ason.~bly available, dLrcctors' and off;ccrs' Ib, bUity insurance. The public llabilln7 policy shall have a combln:xi single limit of at lea.si One Million (~1,000,000.00) Dollars. Pn:miums for ~ i.nsura, nc~ sMll be common expenses of the Association. Thc policies may con:,xin a fey. sortable deduc'.ible, a.nd thc ~a'nount thor:of shall be added to the fa,--e atnount of the policy- in determining whgthcr thc insura.nce at l'-.st equals thc full ee'placeme~nt cost. 9218 [ 3287 Al! such insur-,mce coverage obt~in~ by thc So~rd of Dirt·ors of thc ~s~ztion s~ll ~ w~ncn ~ thc ~e of thc ~i~tlon or a p~f~slo~ m~gcmcnt ~ h~ by ~ ~iation, as tmst~, for Iht ~s~tivc ~nefin~ ~ics, ~ ~nhcr idcnt~ in sub~a~ph (b), ~low. Such insu~cc s~l ~ govezn~ by thc provisions hc~i~l~r ~ forth: (a) Ail policlcs shall be wHncn wlth a company llctnsed Io do buslne.~ in Tcx-',s 'and holding · mtinC of XI or bc:ter in thc Financial Category as csmbIishe, d by A.M. 13cst Company. Inc., ii' available, or, if no! available, most n,~arly equivalent rating. (b) Ail policles shall tx: for the tx:neff! of the Owners ·nO their mortg=gc~s, :ts their inte~sts may appca.t. (c) --_~clusivc -'~uthor'hy to adjust losses under pollcics ob~.ined by thc Association shall be vtst~cl in thc AssocL~tion's Bo,~rd of Dir,'----tors: providcx:l. however, no mortgag~ h,ving an intc~st in such losses ma), be prohibited from participating in Iht ~ttlcmcnt ncgotiatlons, ir any. rclatc:d thcmto. (d) In no cvcnt ~,hnll Iht :naurance covcralc obt.,Ined .nd maintained h) tl~c As~:latlon's Board of Directors hcrcundcr be bmughl into cumributlon with insurance puroh~,~l by individual Ownct~, occupants, or Ih:it monl;sgocs, and thc [nsur-~nc: carricd by th~ Association shall be prlm~ry. (e) Ali casuaJty insurance policits shall have an infhtlon guard endorsement, ~ ~bty avaihble. ~ ~ ag~ ~nt cndo~mcnt with an ~u~ ~vlcw by o~ or mo~ qu~ ~ns, at Ira[ one of whom must ~ the ~ es~tc indust~ ~d f~mil~ with cons~m~ion in the D~las County. (0 - '.-c Assochtion's Board of Din:c~or~ shall be required to m~:e every reasonable effort to sccur~ insurtncc policies that will provide for the following: (1) a waiver or subrogation by thc insurer as to ·ny chJms ag~.nst thc A. ssoc;~tion's ~ of Di~o~. its m~gcr, !~ ~ne~ ~d the~ ~s~tlvc te~ts, ~,~ts, accn~, ~d (h9 a w~vcr by ~e ~su~r of iu dghu to ~ md that no policy may be canceled, inv~/i~ted, or suspended on ac:ount o£ ~'~y one or mor~ indivldu~ Owners; 26 S2181 3288 (iv) that no policy may be canceled, invalidated, or surpended on account or any der:a or the conduct of any director, officer, or cmploye~ of the Association or its duly authorized manager without prior demand in v-Htlng dcllvcred Io thc Assochtlon to cum thc dcf~.t or to c~zsc the conduct and the allowance of a rea-~onable tlmc thereafter within which · curt may be efT~ted by the Residential Association, its manager, ·ny Owner or morea, gcc; (v) that ·ny 'other insur, u.ce' claus~ in any policy exclude individual Owners' policies from consldentlon: and (vi) that no policy may be canceled or substantially modified without at least ten (10) days' prior wrincn notice to the Association. In addition to thc other insurance required by this $~:tion, thc Bo,xrd of Directors of the A.uoclation shall obtain workmen's compensation insurance, if ~nd to the extent n~-'r, ssaryo to satisfy the r=ouirements of applicable laws, and a fidelity bond or bonds on direclors, ofl~oer~, =mployee~..:u other per:ohs handling or responsible for the Aisoeiation's fun4s. Thc aanount of fidelity cove=ge shall bi: at least the sum o£ three (3) months assessments plus re, ryes on hand. Bonds shall contain · wtivcr of all d,'fen.,,es based upon the exclusion of pe.'~ons s~rvlng without compensation and may not lac canceled or subsu, mially modifi.,,-i without at Ir.ut ten (10) days' prior wrlttcn notice to the Association. The A..~aclatlon shall also obtain construction ecxle endorsements, sir. ara boiler coverture, and Hood insurance, if and lo the extent neces,.sry to ~atisfy thc requirements of FNIM. A, F'HLMC, FHA or VA. Section 7.02. Insu..':nee l:~et'eds, lh'~c~'~s of insurance shall be disbursed by the insurance ca..~er to the .~- ~oclztion. The Association sl~l! use the net insurance proceeds to repair and t~alace any C .,~zgc or destruction of property, real or pcrso~ml, cover-od by such insurance. An)' bahnc: i'mm thc pmcc:eds of insurx.nce paid to the AssocL~tion, as required in this Article, rtmzining ~fter satisfactory completion of ri:pair and ·,z-placement, szmtl be. retain~l by the Asioclation ~ l:mrt of · general reserve fund for repair and replacemrmt of subject property. Section 7.03, lns,,fT, ll:i=I1LP_rll¢.~. If thc Insurance pr~ce~s sr~ [nsu~ctenl lo repair or ~b~ any loss or ~mate, Iht AJ~iation may levy i z~lal tl~tsmenl ii pmvid~ for In Article IV of this ~mtlon Io cov~ the insu~citnt to ~r or ~K~ ~y loss or ~age for which ~ ~ner is ~ ~n~r, such ~ncr Section 7.~. Mor~~. Thc~ may be ·reached to all policies of insurance aKalnst los~ or cb. marc by fire an4 other l~?s,'ds, a mortgal~::'s or l~4er's loss payable :!·use; provided, however, that amounts payable undec ri:ch chu%- to the mong~tg~e ah·il be paid 1o..., the ,A_~.-,oc:.ztion to bold for the payment of aL1 cesta of repair or ,"=TLac..ement. ~ .-~ao:atior~J o,~r..~ 27 92181 3289 r,,~,~&,~_ shall be responsible lo hold said monies or lo collect additional monies il' the procc:eds are insufficicm to pay for the cost of all repairs or replacements and shsJI ensure th.Il al! mech,~nics. matcriz] and slmU~' liens which may result lmm sald rc-~ or repl-ccmcnts, are satisRed. Sect, ion ?.05. E~.structio'n-of' Improvements ~n Inc~ivi~aI F-.~alc~. In thc ~:vcnt or dcs~ruction (to~J or pa.r~ial) to the improvements on ~,ny indivldu~.l Estate duc to f~r~ or any other c~us~, each Owner covcn~nts and agrees to commence -Il necess.~-y r'cp~irs, r~c:onstructlon or complete r~moval of. the cL~mal.:o5 improvements within four (4) months of. the date that the c~'nal~e occurs and to complctc such r~"pairs, r~construction or n~mova. I to compl~4ion withln · re~sor~ble time from thc commencement or such ~.,,rk. Repairs, r~constructlon or complete ~mova~ of' cl~maged improvcmcnts may bc commcnc~ mor~ th.~.n t'o~r (4} months ~rtc; the crme of occ~r.'~nc:c of c~m,ge ii' thc dcl~ys in commcn~mcn~ ~ ~usod by factors beyond the reasonable control o£ thc Owner of thc cL~nagcd lmprovcmcnts. Thc Bc~rd of Directors or the Association shaU not bc oblig, tcd to cnrorcc Ibc covcr~nts scl forth in this Section 7.05. USE OF CO~ON AKEA The u,nmon A.m.a may be occupied and used as follows: Sc~'~ion 8.01. Reslrict~ Ac~ions bY Owne~. No Owner shall pcrmlt anything to be done on or in thc Connnon ~ which would violate ~ny appllcab[¢ public L~w or zoning ordir~.nce or which will ri:suit in the cancellation of' or inc."~sse of any insur'.mcc ~"r'ic41 by the AssociaHon or which would be in violation of' any law. No waste shall be commlned in Common An:a. Scc~on $.02. Damnee to the Common A.r~"~..~ach Owt~r sh~l be ilnble to Assoc~.tlon for any cln.rnar" ~o ~c Common ~ c~uscxt by the negligence or willful mlsconduci or the Owner or such Ch ..cr's invitc~.s. Section 8.03. Rules of. thc l~-~ard. All Owners, tenants ,,nd occup&nts st~ll abide by any rules anti r~ulz:ions adopted by ~hc I~',~t. Thc Boa.rd sh~l have thc powcr to cnf'orce complb, nce with sa. id rules and r~ulaLions by al.[ appropr~te Ici:~l ~ c~uiablc r~mc~llcs, ~nd a.n Owner dc~ermL,~ci by jucLicb.l action to have vloL~ted .'~d rules a~d r':rulatlons sl'.tLI be liable Io thc Associa6on for all d3.mag,., and costs, including r--sonablc anorn,~ys' fc~s. Section 8.04. Suli:agZLLiQj:L.c, fRI_thLLLR~.~r...CommD~.z~..-,:4. Thc Soanl of Directors of the Association fray suspend thc right of any Owner, Its Icnnnts, ~uuti or Ilcen~e~ lo us~ the Common A.t:a or te us~ or ~tve common, amcnittcs during any pc.,-ied of' time that such Owner is in dcfauh of. its obllrR*.Jons pursuant to this Z:~:iaration including, but not limited to its obtik"~ons to pay a.~s.c~smcnts or to comply with thc ;u'c~tccrur-4 control previsions and protec",.ivc covcr, a. nts conu, ined hc~;.n. u,.,.~,,. 28 s21 I 32. o 221 ARTICLE IX USE OF PROPF-RTY AND E~"TAT~ -'PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Thc ?ropen), and e.~ch Es~tc si~u~ted ~h~n sh~l ~ cons~c~, d~lo~, ~cupl~ u~ ~ follows: ' S~ion 9.01. (a) The Residcntdal Es'.~les, lncludt,,g land and improvements, shal! owned ~.s Rcsldcntial ~su~tcs and be ownc~, us~c~ nd occupied for single-f~mily r~sidenflaJ purposcs, Apa~mc~l Complex purposes or Condominium Building purposes only, except u hcr~in~rler pmvlded. No Owncr or other occupant shall usc or occupy his Residential Es~tc, or pcrmil thc ~mc or any p~'~ thereof to usod or occupied, for ·ny purpose other Ih~n thc residcnti,,I purpos~ r~fct~nc~xl in this Sc~tion 9.01, except ~s her~in-',fter pmvlded. Resldenti'4 Es~t~4 n~y bc convencxi ~o Comm,'r~ial Espies or used for public or private schools or chur~hc~ (i) a~ thc option of Do:l~."ant for ,, period of seven y~'s from Aulust 1, 1992, or (i." by approv'~l of Momars holdini 67% of thc ourse, haling Assucln'..ion. Such changes will be sci i'or'.h in · SuppIcmcn'.zl r~corded with r-..SlXX:t to such ~t~. (b) No manufnc~urin~, trade, business, commcn::~, indust.~, profmsion, or other occul~tlon wl~tsoevcr will be conducted or ca~'ri~ upon any Re41dc~flal Es~tc or any part thcPcof, or in ~y buildi."~ or other struc~ur~ cna'ted thereon, save n.nd exes'pt s.~cs or lc:~.~in~ offiocs ~nd zp,~t~mcn~ ]~sin~ and ma,na~cm:nt offices, with thc prior w."l,cn ·pproval of ~hc An:hitectuml Review Commi~t~ and compli:~nc~ wi~h City of Coppell Zonlnl; Ordinznc~. SccLion 9.02. ~.~I~~. Thc Commr. r~ial Espies, includln~ l~d ~d impmvcmm~, sh~l.~ own~ ~ Commerci~ ~t~ ~d sh~l ~ u~ ~d ~up;~ for ~mmc~id pu~ only, ~d ~t ~ hc~in~ pmvid~ ~c ~ *~mmc~i~ pu~' ~1 ~ d~m~ to pmhlbi~ ~I u~ cx~ for ~ovcmm~, professionS, o~, busings, ~h ~d d~lopmmt, m~i~, iolf~o~ or mun~ club u~. A ~omme~ ~[e m~y ~ mnve~ ~ ~ R~id~ ~le or m~y ~ u~ for public or pHv~e ~h~[s or chu~h~ ~) It ~ ~m of ~l~! for I ~ of ~ven ~ from ~e dlle h~f, or (ii) by ~ of Mem~ holdln~ 67~ of ~e ou~dln~ vot~ of ~c A~on. Such c~ ~ ~ ~ fo~ ~ ~ S~lemm~ ~i~on ~ wi~ ~ ~o such ~ ~e Club ~ 15.~(n) ~e~, ~ ~ mnside~ ~ Comme~ ~m~ while ~e S~ U~ Scc:ion 9.03. conr~uc~cc[ on any (a)' Trailer courts, mobilc home ~ark~ and ri=creation vchlclc =mp~6nd~: ' ~) ~u~ y~s and ~yclin~ ~3ciliti~; (c) Commc~i~ cx~vatlon of buHdln~ or constm~Jon usu~ cou~ of const~ct~on of imp~vcmc?~; (d) Distillation of (c) ~mpin~. dl~, inclnt~tion or ~u~ion of ga~gt. ~wage, offal. d~d animals or ~; (0 Fat ~ndc~g; St~'~ or s~ughter-of ~imals; ~nlng of ~tml~m or of ia p~u~s; (i)Smelting of iron, {in. z~c or other Ccmclc~; ~r ~ps ~d migent ~o~cr (l)I~ls or honor (m)Alg~Itu~ u~ includl.~ anlm~ hus~d~; (o) M~ni~ons ~d ~t~ m~u~nl (~) Ce~te of Comoli~. No ~cle ~ ot ~cle X ht~f until t~ PT'ohibi,*e.x:l Uses, Thc following uss are prohlbh~ and m=y not b~ ~2181 3292 30 ' 223 hav¢ issued a Certificate of Compliance with these covenants ~.nd ~::.'iclions to the Own=r of ~ch ~t~ or such ~h~r ~nlon of the ~ny. S~ C=nifi~te- s~ ~ is~ only ~tcr complctlon (u dcr~ by thc Amcg~ Institute of ~h~l~) o~ t~c sub~ msldcnti~ h~pmvcmcn~ ~ ~ ~ is~u~ or dcni~ with~ five (~ buslncss ~s ~flcr ~hc Commln~ ~ ~¢~v~ ~ wHnc~ ~ue~ for such c~iH~tlon from lhe ~t~ Owner. ~ipt of such whiten ~uest for ~B~tion sh~ ~ conH~ in writ{rig by l~ CommiH~ ~nd cc~ifi~tion s~l ~ d~m~ g~ven if not d~n~ ~n w~t~g w~th~n ~d Hve (~) bus{ne= ~y ~) ~. ~e ~ig~in~ of d~n or the ~mov~ of any from ~y ~te is pmh~bi~' e~c~ ~ ~cs~ in conjun=ion with ~d~p~ng~ d~ge or ~n~=ion of improvements (c) D~IHn~ and M~n~n~ ~do~. No o~I d~llln~, water d~llin~ or development o~mtio~, oB mF~ng, qu~in~ or mining ~mtion$ of ~ny ~d de~. · ~r other s~m ~[~ for u~ ~ ~Hng for o{1. r~tu~ ~ or water (d) O~n~ve A~ivhles. No noxious or o~cnsive a~ivi~ s~l conduo~ o~ ~7 ~te nor s~ ~hlng ~ done Ihe~n which is or may ~ome ~ ~o~ce or nu{~ to the o[her ~[e Owners. ~e Review Co~, ~ its ~mble dlsc~on, s~! dcle~¢ w~t constimt~ a noxi~s o~ offe~ive a~ivlty. No ~im~s, ilvesl~k or ~ult~ of ~ ~nd s~ ~ m{~, b~ or k~t on zny ~te. excel ~t dogs, ors or other hou~hold ~ ma,' ~ k~, pmvid~ tla~ they am not k~, b~ or for comme~i~ ~ .~ ~d fumh¢r pmvid~ ~t lhcy do not ~me (e) ~. No cloth~ne may ~ m~ on ~y u~ess completely ~a~ r~m ~bllc view. (0 ~tennae. No ~e~e or towe~ s~ ~ ~ on ~y ~ate for ~ ~, nor ~ ~y ~t¢~ or tower ~ ~ to the out~[de of Commlu~. ~n~ b~ fen~ or s~b~ ~ ~ not to ~ g~e~)' v~ible b~ the ~b~c. the ~don. ~ co~on w{~h ~h~ storage ~d mmo~ or~h ~ 92181 3293 31 All F..~tes shall at J.ll times be kept in ~ heahl~'ul, ~,~nltJ,r~ and ~n~aivc. condition. No ~tc s~l ~ u~ or maln~n~ ~ s dumping g~und for g~age, t~h. juror other waste ma~er. ~I t~sh, garage, or wa~e ma~tr s~ ~ kept in ad~uale con~nc~ ~hlch sMll ~ cong~ct~ or mt~, pi·gtc or mason~ matc~s, with tightly-~tting llds. ~d which sh~l ~ malr,~ in a clan and ~i~ condition. ~o ~tc s~l ~ u~ for o~n stooge of ~y match·Is what~vcr, cx~t that nc~ buildlng matc~s u~ in thc const~nn of improvements c~ on any ~lc may ~ plac~ u~a such ~tc at t~ time constm~ion is commcnc~ and may ~ ,. ~in~in~ thc~n foe a ~blc time, so long as thc conduction pmgg~ without un~blc dc~y, until complctlon o~ the impmvcmcms, aRcr ~hlch thug martials sh~ll cithe~ ~ ~mov~ from the ~tutc. ot slo~d in a sult~blc cnclosu~ on thc ~statc. ~o gaRmg~. Imsh. dcbds, or olhcr waste mallet o~ any kind slmll ~ bum~ on any ~tatc. th) T~mt'.o_ rary 5truc~ur~L~Od Vehlclee. No tcmporat7 stn~ctun: o£any Lind sh~ll be et:trod or pl;~ced upon an), F. state. No trailer, mobile, moclul&t ot prcfabric~ted home, tent, shack, barn ot an)' other structure or building, other tha~ .~: r~sidentia.l structure to be built thc.~:~n, shall be pl~ced on any 1::~tate, either temporarily or pcrma, ncntly, ~nd no r~sldence house, g~r'~gc or other strucru~ appur:cnant thcrcto, sl~a. ll be moved upon a,ny ~.statc lmm another Io,:~tion: except, howcvcr, that Declarant r~."v~ thc exclusive right to crmct, place and m~;nU.'"-'~, z.nd to ~crmit buildc~ and Owners to erect, place ~.nd m-;nt~n such facilities in aM upon thc Property ~s in its sole discr,"ion ma), be n~-~':_e~s~r), or convenient du,"{ng thc pcr~o~ o1' ~nd in connoc~on with thc sales of' .~mlc$, construction and scll~ng o£ ~csldent~]. structure~ ~qd constructing Olher improvements on the P~opcrty. Such facilities may include, but not ncces~trily be limhed to, · lc' .por~ ofr~cc building, sto~gc are·. signs, pol~bic toilc! facilities and ,Jic o~ce. Doclarant, Owner~ and builtlcrs shall also have thc Icmpor~r~ ~ght to use · msidcnce %huatod on an F..~tatc ·s i tcmj)ort~ o('~ce o1' model home during thc ~riod of =nd in connection with construction ~,.d S. LICS or ]c~ing opc~',;or~ on thc PTopctty. but in no event sl'~ll · builder or Owner have such right ~ror · per;ed in excess of one (I))~c,~ lmm thc ~ttc of ~uhst~nti~[ complc~ion (s,~ dca'mod by ~he Amcrictn Institute of' A~hltcct~) of ~$ Lul. ~sidcntL~ ~'uctut~ on the l:h'Ol:X:~ty..~cept ~ hcrc~f~cr provided, ;my truck, bus, boat, boat ~,ilet, tmilcr, mobile home, c. unpmobile, c.,mpcr, mcrr.~tional vel,Jcle~ or my vehicle~ other tha.q conventionxl 3utomobi2e sidle, if brought within the Property, be stoned, placed or pa~ed within the g~."~ge of the appropriate .~te O~net and concealed from view by other F.~tate Owner=, un~e.t.s the A.rckitecrumJ Rtvi¢w Committee, in i~ sole discrv.~ion, dlr~cts otherwise. The Owner m·y d~ignate ~ (subject to a4~pmv~l by the Committee) ~,it~ .~"~t ~ improved with Apartment Complexes or Condomir. lum Buildings ~,h,'.m boa~, bcat tr~erx, rg:rta,..ior~' ve~icl~, c~'npmobLl~ or c~mpe~ may be p.trked or placed within the public view. S2181 329~ 32 225 (i) S~en~. No s~gn or s~gns shall be d~sp]=yecl ~o the public v~cw On ~y ES?~ ~xc~pt that: (i) D~cI~rant m=y ertct and m~ntain Z sign or signs deem~ rm~,on~bl¢ znd necesra.ry for the construe,ion, development, opc~t~on, promotion, leasing =d sale oft.~. Estates; (ii) Any builder, durins the applicable initial construction and sa. its period, may ,,t~![z: one prof,',sional sign [of not mor~ th~n five (5) ~uare fo:t in -"ze] per Esr,re for advcrtislng and .~]es promotion; (iii) Thcre.,fier. a dignified 'for sale' sign [ofnol more than five (5) sclu,~.rc fc~t in ;;ze], acocpt-bl¢ to the Archltec'turz.l Review Commitlc:c, rr~y bc utilized by the Estate Ownc.r of thc rr.:pec:ivc Estalc for the sale of thc Estate; (iv) Other signs identifyinE Commen:ial Buildings, Apa~ment Complexes or Condominium Buildings shall bc pe,"miued if mppmved a.s to siz,', composition, de..s{gn. illumination and location by the ^rchltcctur4 Review Commitlet. Signs conforming to IDc. s~gn Gui,~elin~ pmmulgaled by thc Committ~ shall be approvc~l: (v) Nolwilhstanding anything hcrcln contained to thc contrary, any ,,nd al! si;ns, {fallowed, shall comply with &Il sign ~t~ndards of the City of Coppcll, Texu, ~u such It~nd~'dl may bc appllcr, olc to Ibc Property; and (vi) Notwithsm'~dini: a.nythln{; conta.ln~ her~in to ~e conu'-~ry, th-' An:hitectut~l Review Commltt~: shall I~vc right in iu sole diso, ction from lime m time to a.ppmv¢ other si:ns within any Esm~ not othtr-,,isc pcrmilted above.. Ct) ~4mm~n~' PeoN. NO above-ground swimming pools sh. tll be ('k) F_xlemal Sculpture ~nd Like Aceezs~e~. All exterior sc'ulpturu, fourteens, fla{s and llfrd: ~__,*:,'"'~sori~ on thc Estates ~ subject lo approval of the Archiu:ctur'a] Rm, ie,w Commiilee. (1) An,Studs. No animals, rtTtile.m, liv,tslock, poultry or birds of any kind sh~l be ra. isc:d, brr. xl or Ir_---pt on any Es~m,,-, ~c~:pt that dogs. cats or otJ,cr hou.,,~hold pcu may be ir.~t in ~n.aSle numbe, ts. provided t~t they ~ not kept, bred ')r rruxlnmined for any commerrial purpo.~_ Flor--.~, reptiles, ponte, 82l$1 3295 33 ~ozts, shcc'p, ho~s, pi~s, monJceys, ch~cl:¢ns, duc~, peacocks, pigeons, Ou~ fowl s~ not ~ d~m~ as household ~ ~d ~ =xp~sly pmhibh~. No~iths~dln~ t~ fo~oin~, however. ~ ~ Bull do~s or g~m~ b~ ~hc ~ ~ ia ~ic die,don ~o ~ ~tc~us lo ~ns or other ~m~s s~l ~ ~i~. b~ or kcp~ on ~7 (mi Comnti~ncc O~inanccs rand Re~lafi0nS, ~I ~tcs sbu rumply with ~nd no ~tc s~! ~ u~ contm~ Io mny o~i~s or ~lztions of City of Cop~ll, Tc~s, or nny other ~ovcmmem~! ~ulho~17. (n) Truck Web:hr L~it, Trucks with tonnz~e in excess of thn~- qum4'ters ton sh,~Ll not be perrnlned to p~ overnight on the streets, driveway~ or otherwls~ within the Property. (o) [rYlammalory or Exolos;ve C.n~o. No vehicle of zny sl,,- which tm~sports inflammatory or explosive c:U'l;O m-y be kept withir~ the I:h-o;x:."t7 =t to) $creenine of Service Fz!uloment. A plan showin; the ioc~don m~nd m scn:c,.mg of'-Jl exterior utilhy mclc~, tr-~nsforrncrs ~u~d other cxtcrior mecl=nlc,tl equipment must be ~,pproved by the A.n:hi:ecturzl Review Commltt~:. No roof mounted mech~nir, zl equlpmcnt shail be pe~rnlued unless properly scn:cnod and approved by thc A.n:hi~ocmm.I Review Commlne¢. (q) UHlille~. (I) lrupr0ventents slltmlr, t.J on ail ~].~IA~e slutll connocteg lo thc water and ~wcr lln~ ~s s~n As I, mctlcAblc miler ~mc ~ ~x !~blc at the ~tAte l]ne. No privy, ccss~l or ~p(tc ~k's~ll ~ plnc~ or mxlnl~n~ u~n or in any ~tate. ~e insertion ~ u~ of ~y propane, ~, ~ O~ or other ~, ~nlc or cyber of ~y t)~, s~ ~uim th= prior wfincn mppmv~ of the ~t~m~l Review Commiti~. Ali telephone, el=ctrlc, c~ble or other s~rvlce Li~r.s sh~Ll be ins~lod undcrgm,'nd -',--.d sh~Ll meet ~.ll rtxlulr=mcnts of thc City of Co~tl, Tc~s. (ih') A I~ener-.J utility pL-m for :he construction ~nd instz.ihtion of all utility and other service, in-"ludin;, b,t no~ limited to, water, ~,nitJ. r7 ~-.~'er, storm s~w~r, etoctric, teleghone, ~ble :~ ;ms .~rvlc=s must ~ submitted to the An:hit~tur~l ]~vlew Commin~ for approvr. I prior to ins,,Ihtlon. ZC 92181 3298 (r) l~alnt. A J! p~nmcl improvements znd othc~ ~t~ s=~cm~ on ~cb ~=t~ s~U ~ ~nt~ b7 thc Owner thc~ zt b~s so]c co~ ~d ~ o~cn ~ is ~bly n~cs~ to cnsu~ thc z~ivcn~ and qualiiy of ~uch ~tc or impmvcm*m. ~e ~ppmv~ of the ~l~m~l Review Commiu~ olhe~'{~ ~ui~ for lmpmvemems under ~icle X, s~ll n~ ~ui~ for such ~alnfinE ~ IonE ~s neither thc color ~hcmc nor thc · ~nEemem of the colo~ of ~y impmvcmcms, nor ~he color of ~y thegn ~s (s) Con,!ruction T~rlo~. Once comm,.,cc.d, construction stroll be diligently pursue~l to :he end that it ma), not b: lcf~ in a panlally compl~ted condition ~ny longer th~n reasonably n~:~sary. (0 No Satellite Dishes, N'o s~Icllitc dishes sh~ll be insuJled or us~ on m~y pa~t of the Propc.'~y unless spocific~Ily -~pproved by Iht Az~hil~cmral Review Cornmin=:. Sc~ion 9.05. L'~ndsc~plnt,. 'O;Mls nnd Fences. (a) ~. A hndsc~ping plan approved by thc A. mhitocruraJ Review Commintc will ~ ~ui~ with ~ to thc imp~vcmen~ on any ~te. ~c details of the pl~ will ~ d~ndcnt u~n pmj~. with commc~ and higher d~nslty multi-r~ily pmj~s ~ui~ng mo~ dc~l~ ~d cxtcnslve pl~, ~d lower d:nsity singlc-f~m~y pmj~ ~uifing a pl~ for lhomughfa~ 11~ ~gc t~lmcnt lnd cnt~ (b) ~Mnien~nc~ of Y_~ndsc~nlne ~J~d S~d~ler ~vs{em. ~ping of ~ ~ mu~ ~ complcI~ when one hund~ ~ish~y (150) ~s i~r ~h~ ~ on w~ .'; m~ ~m~m is 95% compile. ~e Club ~ ~d ~ch Comme~ ~u~d~. Condominium Buildin~ snd A~mcnl Complex s~ ~v~ ~d con~ ~ u~e~nd w~er sp~er syslem for ~he ~ of pmvidln~ su~cicnt w~ter to a~ ~d~ ~. W~ther ~i~n~. ~ lo · bu~n~ s~ ~ ~ffy ~d~ wlt~n one hund~ eighty (180) ~ys from thc ~tC thc ~H~g h mpi~. ~c Owncm of Bal~ s~ ~ ~miblc for th~ ~d~g ~d m~t~ of [hcir ~l~ ~d adjamnt s~ u~exs m~nte~ ~nsib~ty ~d ~ ~ment for tach is mnvey~ to the / /. ~don ~d ac~ by i~ // ~. ~ N~ .~encm, wail or ho:Igc shall be er~xed. phcat or ~lten:d on a~.y .~sute without thc a~rov~l of thru Ambhmcrural }l~vicw Commia~. ~ cl~m~, w~ pBm, t~l s~, ~n~0or~g ~ulpment, ~fio~ fac~H~ or o~ ~im hc~d~ mu~ ~ enclo~ wi~ fe~, w~ or ' H218 I 32~ landscaping, aa may be r~lulred by the ~,~:~;...~,~ Review Commltt~, so aa not to be gcn=ra[ly visible by the public unlr~s otherwise approvez:l by th~ Commin~: in writing. - (i0 Thc ArchilecTural Review Commlne~ si'tall promulgal¢ specific l~.si£n Guidelln:s governing t~ composition znd location of sc.':calng wails, tenets and hedg~ to be Iocaled upon .~states whhin thc Property. Set. thing wails shall be incorporated into ~nd be harmonious whh the ov¢,'-all landscaping plan developed {'or the Prop~rti~. (iii) No chaln link, win: or other op=n £¢nclng will be allowed units exp~ssly approved by the Architectural Review Commlnee. Section 9.06. Slr'~t_~. $idc~alka and ~-x{eT~or kl~hfinc. (a) ComoosiYlon of gtr'c~,L ~adl ~r~s ~nd alleys sh~ll be concr~le paving or other materials approved by the Ar~h{{~r~l P.~v]ew Commin~ [n W ":~g. (b) Alienmcn! and ~L-¢ of ${~eY.,L Alignment a~ ~ of st~ts and alleys should conlb~ {o the s~ ~d obj~tivcs exp~ ~ ~slgn Guidelln~, must ~ appmv~ by thc A~hit~l Rcvlcw Commi~ and comply with ~11 ~l~v~t ~tlons ~d o~{nan~ of the City of Co~ll, Tc~. (c) Sidewa~k~. ~ch public st~t s~l ~vc a sidc~.~lk on ~ch side, Ihe s~ ~d I~don and male~s of which should confo~ %o the Guldelines, mu~ ~ ~mv~ by the ~hit~ Review CommiM~ ~d comply with lhe City o' ;~U. Tex~ (d) ~-.~~. A strut lightLng plan showing street light locations, ~pacing, sland~n:t t~ ~d light t~ ~d sko must ~ submln~ for 3~v~ by ~ ~t~ ~vle~ Commia~. No cxtcSor light s~ ~ inmlI~ or m&n~ ~'i~ I~ ~ny, w~ch Hght is found to ~ ob~io~ble by ~e ~t~l Rcvicw Commin~. U~a ~g ~v=n notic= by ~e Commln~ ~{ ~y exte~or light is obj~io~ble, ~ ~'ner of ~e ~te on which ~c is l~t~ w~ {mind,lely ~move ~d Hgh: or s~cld the ~e ~ such a way ~I ~[h ~ longer obj~in~ble. Section 9.0'7. Comm;l-.~{al Cor~stru~lon ~ta. ncta.,'d~. ALI commcrci&l slnact~r~s shall meet following sta.ndaxds, except as may be modified by the A.,:hitc~-urzl Review Commiac~: S2181 32S8 (a) Exterior !hfildine M~erials: F. xterior building materials and colors should conform to the Design Guidelines and must be approved by the Ar~hit~mm.l Review Co·mince. Cb) F_0..uJ:glgLi~.~. T'ne foundation system sh~! be d~signod by · registered professional engineer b:scd on recommendations givc~ in · soils tvport prepared by a soils cngin~ring firm. Thc soils investigation and ar~lysis, and' thc design of the founc~tion sys~.-n, sl~ll be made by n:gislercd professional engine:rs. No excavation sh~ll be made except in conjunction with construaion of an improvement. When such improvement is complied, all exposed openings shall be back filled and graded. (c) Roofs. The building roof, design, matcri~ls, color ·nd height sh~ll be approved in writing by the Architectural R~vicw Commince. (d) ~rkin~. (i) ~ ph. ns and specifications sub·laud Io thc Architectural l~view Commiu~ s~ll include s~ific info~ation ~ to ~nst~iun match. Is, ~ng~ction m~h~s lo ~ u~, dlzg~s of thc numar t~ ~d confi~on of ~ng ~ n~es~, ~ other info~stion as n~ to show co~o~ity with thc s~&~s d~ hc~in. (ii) No us~ shall be made of thc P'rope~y or ~y building consu'uctcd thcr~on which r=quim, s or attracts p,~"~ing in exc~..ss of the c~p~city of the facilities rn,,int~inocl therefor. (iii) l:~rking ~.rr~s shall: ~ paved with concrete or other materials approved in writing by tbe A.~:i~itecturn.I R~vicw Comminee, ~.nd sb. eJ] be cutt~xl and gut~ereg[ with concrete with speciJ3cations subj,-ct to and approved by tb~ A.rchitccmra2 R~vicw Committe~ in writing. 1~ sufficient to accommodate all p~rk.lng needs for employoes, company v~$cl~s, t-.4idents and visitors ~'ithout the us~ of on-st.n:~ pa.r~ing or driveway p,~king, if parking needs to bc incr:a.~d, additior, xl off-str:~ pazking sb~U be provided by O~l~ncr. Be {oc~t~ ·t ~e sides or rea.r of buiid.Lngs. However, whcrt zppmpr~.te, p~r~ing m·y be a.Uowed La front of the buildings U' g::bac, k and ~ncLt4:~ping provisions ~ ·cc.~p~ble to ~c A.r:hit:c:ur-a2 ]~view Commi:~c:. CL-cul~.r crives in front of 9218{ 3299 37 230 buildings ~ permissible ii' such drives make adcquate a.llowanc~ for parking ~back. B~ landsc'~ to provldc vlsu,l r=li-'L Plans for such landscaping shall be included with plans thc Architccmr'~l Review Commktcc for approval pursuant Article XI of this (e) DHvcwavs. All driveways shall be of a width approved by A.r=~hhectural Review Comminog and sh~ll bc permanently paved, curbed and guttered. Driveways shall not permil paris,,, offemry aisles or ~xit aisles (i) lhe paridng area complies with :he applicable setback rostricliuns and (ii) is upon a pull-off lane physlc, aily separated by a land~ped a.-ga at {c.mst four f,',~ in width from maid entry ,isle and/or cxlmt aisle. The number ~nd location of curb cuts and modian cuts shall I~ d~ermined by the A.m~hit~'ural Commltt~ in the exen:ise of its .sole digrution. (0 .l,~din? l~.k~ ~d Ams. loading docks and arras shall not be located on the gruel side of any building or structure, cxcc-pt that the A.rohiteelural Review ¢omminee may approve such location in writing Csubjecl to expre.xs screening requimmcms) on one side of corner buildings or struclurg$. (ii) Loading ar~l may not encroach s~back m'~xs, except that thc A~hil~t,~l ~vicw Commin~ may a~vc such cnc~chmcnt in conn~ion with thc a~mv~ of st~ side l~d~g a~s for comer buildings a~ d~h~ in thc P~r ~h. (iii) Loading docks and am shall be ~cre~ned in a manner approved in writing by tl~ A.mhitecmral Revk. w Commin~ considering such things as location (stnz=t '4de or and views from adjacent and nearby propeniea. S,::mion 9.08. Re,_iden'~i~l Conslruction Standards. All residential structures shall mc~t the following r'~uLmm~nu (exc=p~ as may be modLqed by the A~hitecm~l Review Cummins): (a) Found~tlons. The foundation system shall be designed by · ~giste."~l professional ~ngin,.,-r ~ on r~commend~fions given in a soils p~ by a ~ilm engineering f'u'm. T'he soils inve~igatJon and analysis, and the design of the foundation system, shall be made by rugi.mte.,'ed pmfession,l 38 =' 2_1. B2181 3300 (b) Roofs. Roofs shall conform to the I~slgn Guidelines. The us~ of v~rious ruoflng materls,ls within the ~eol::~ny sh~ll be pcrrninedl however, no roofing malefic! sl,,ll be used wit?,~ l .~rsl obl,tlning thc .M'~hhcciural l~vlew Commincc's approval o1' sa,nc. T~: .-'--ahltecrur~l P. cvlew Comminec will only approve r~/'mg materials .which zr~ of hlgh grade ~nd quality a~:i which consistent with the exterior design, culor and appearance o/' other impmvcmenti within thc Property. In addition wofs shall conform to thc following: Composition shlngl~s shall be o£ a quality conforming Io roof Design Guldclines which shall be promulgated by the Commln~. D~"k or ~2.nh to~.-'i ar~ prci'c.'m:d and white shingles will not be allow~i. (ii) Wood shingl~ for roofing shall (ilo Wcx:,d sh;~kes for moi"mg shall b~ fir'~roofod Ho. 1 Ha.ndsglit ~ C~i,~r sba.kcs. (c) H.'~e~or Buildln~ Ma~erlsls. ~r. tcrlor building matcrisls ~ng colors shal, conform to thc Design Guidc[ine, s and musl b~ ,ppwvod by thc Archilecrural Revlcw Commin~. In addition the cxtc.-ior or Lmprovcmcnts shall conform to the following: (i) R=idcntial impro%'emcnts sMll not be aclom~ with stylistic orn~,-ncntation or dc;ails fl'~t ar~ out of cha. mclcr with thc community image. Exterior w~Ll surface m~teri~ls sh~ll be llmitcd to ' 'o approved mat¢.'-k'tls, excluding trim. f~c¢ bri~k. Brick ~xtcrlor walls musl b¢ of }'~rd f'u"-~d (iv) Stucco cxtc.-ior walls sh~ll be thc wadition~l ~tu~e (~) coat prc~x'__,__~ unless ~nother pn~cess is rpcci~c,~Lly ai~roved by ~ Ar~:kit~c,'ur~l ~vlcw Commin~. (v) Wood shingle siding siu, ll b¢ No. 1 l~¢~'tlon R~:t C~la.r shingl~. (vi) Wood shaXc siding shatll be No. I F..~t Rrad C;d,tr s~k~. (vii) Bo.Icon;es shall be des;§ned to have no mom than fifty pert=n; (50%) open railing: unl,-ss otherwise approved [n writing by th= Architectural Review Coromiuo~. (viii)' ~hh:mcys shall 'be cl~,~l in materials compatible with thc r~sidential improvements or which ;he chlmncys ar~ a par~. (d) Mailboxes. A plan showing lhc location and design or all mailboxes and clustcn::d roailbox system. -lust be ~,pproved by ;he Archi,e. clural Review Committe~. Housing for mailboxes shall be archltec~r-ally integrated with the individual residential project and sl~ll be of similar construction. m,,terials, design ,,nd form to said rr_sidcnlial project. Se~ztlon 9.09. Additional Construction Sland~rd~ for Ce.'~.;n A~arlmen! Complexe~ and Condominium ~uildln~s. Notwiths~ndlng ~n~hlng m ~he cont~' con~n~ in ~his ~iclc ~ ~h~ foBowln~ ~s~cfio~ ~d s~s sh~ll a~ly ~o A~ment Complex ~d Condominiuro Building p~j~ of · density of ~ Ic~ ~ slxt~n (16) units ~r ac~ ~ dcfin~ in t~ · ~lioble ronin~ o~i~n~s of thc City of Co~ll, Tcx~s: (a) ~inlmum ~rkine R~oulr~ments: ' (i) all p-',rking P~uit=mcms musl bc satisfied with oW-s;rn.'~ parkln§ (ii) no parking stall be allowed within iron; or side y-,rd se; back lines unless approved by thc A~hltectural Rcvlcw Commiuc~; (iii) each parking row shall be terminated by a lzndscmped island on either side, each island with · minimum of one (I) ir:e, cxce~ ~ othc~ a~mv~ by th~ A~hit~ Review Commig~. Oa) Boors on ?~"~int, ~trucn~r~. Thc form. pitch, composition and dc.~ign or' all roofs and supposing strucmr: on cover~ pa.ridng strocrur~ shall be compatible with that of the project to which such st,"uctur~ rotate. (c) Tr~~~nctes. Trash dumpst¢."s shall be loc.~ted in am. as which ar~ not tdgMy visible and screened on at [~st thru: ('3) sides by walls constru~ed of ma~erlaJs compatib!~ with th¢ appuner, am msia:hr;al structure. Section 9.10. F~ilur~ ~o Mzintain --_~tat¢. If, at any time, an O~ner of any E~tate shall fail to conu~l wee:ds, ~ and/or other unsightly rrowth, th~ Aisociation shall lave the :ut.boH.'-y and Hght :o g~ onto ,-aid ';<ute for the purpose of mowing and cleaning ,.aid F. state 92181 3302 033 ~nd sh.~l have the authority ~nd right to assess ·nci coUca from thc ~r of cx~ of mowing or cl~g ~id ~tc on ~ch ~ivc ~;on of ~ch mowing or cl~g. I~, ~t ~y ~c, ~s or o~hcr unsightly ~h on thc ~tc cxc~ six ~nchcs (6') in hciEht (n~c inch~ (9') with ~ to ~ undcvc]o~ ~tc), thc ~tion ~h~ ~d =utho~{y ~o mow ~d c]~ ~he ~:=te, as ~(o~d. ~c ~ssm=nts. Io~ethcr whh such inlc~ thegn and ~s~s o~ collation thc~, s~ll ~ z chic on the a continuin~ Lien u~n ~ch ~c a~nst which ~ch such ~smeot is m~dc. ~ch such ~smcnt, to~e~her with such ~ntc~st thegn and m~ of co~ion cominuln~ ~l oblig~tlon of thc ~n who was thc Owner o~ such ~e at ~he [{mc when the ~ment ~cu~. ~ch ~d cvc~ Owner uF ~y ~tc, by thc ac~ othcr convcy~ of such ~tc s~l thc~by covc~l ~d ag~ to pay such A~mcnts. lien s~Hn~ ~y such As~m~lg s~II ~ su~i~tc ~d infcHor to thc llcn or any montage ~d ~y ~new~s or cxtensions thc~f c~istin~ pHot to thc ~smcnt ~tc. Section 9.1 !. ~. All struts and r~sc:mcnts shown on any Plat(s) ('Phi') of thc Property approved by the City of Coppeli, Texas, ~r~ rr4~,~,ed for th-' purposes indicted. All casements shown on a.~y Plat for the purpos~ of instalhdon ~d m,;ntcn.tnc: of cable television and pubLic utiliti~ and zll ~semcnu herr. after granted for such purposes by the undcrsi~nocl shall be strictly observed ~nd slnlI not be in ~ny manner obstruacd so ,,s to hlr~r any such casements..~ h the responsibilily of each Owner Io m~nta.ln aJl cascmcms upon his ~sm-, free from ziJ nuisances, whether common hw nuls..~nces or nuls.tnccs as defined under state ¼w or ordlnanccs of the City of Copt:ell, Texts. Tho City of Coppell sh.tJl have thc right lo cnfor,:c these and a.ll other covenants and r=.strlctions stated in this l:~cLtmtion and a.ll subsequent cov=umts and rcstric'tlons. Scalon 9.12. Build;ri, l:~rrni~s. Thc buLlding inspector of the Cily of Coppe:l, Tcus. or other applicable municlp~ authority, is hcrcby zuthorb.:d ~.nd cmpowcrcd Io ~lb~c or revoke as the c~se may be, ·ny ~d ·Il pcrmlts for construction of improvements o1' my kind or cl'.~rac~cr to be cra·ed or '~lacod on any or thc P'rx:q~rty, ~' such L,'nprovcmcnts do ncx conform to and comply with the .~,,'crants and R~trictlons s~4 Forth in this Dcclzradon. ART1 CZ.~ X Sccdon 10.01. ~l~..~. Thc O~nc~ of each E~ntc ~nd thch' ~cr~ms s~ll, · t their sole cost and expense, keep thcLr pmpcny in · wcU-m~n~ed, s~c, clc.~, ~,-~ ·nr~ivc condition at n.I! times. Such m~intcr~ncc includes, but is not l~nilod to, thc (·) Prompt rcmov~l ol' ~I Utter, tr'a~h, refuse xrd w~ste; Cb) Mowing gra.u on · m~'uLtr basis; (c) Tree ~ shrub prunln~; 23,-'I (d) Adequately watering l~ndscaped a~s: (c) Keeping exterior lighting and m:intcna, ncc faciliti~ in working order, (0 'Keeping la'.~n, garden ~d lands~'aped zr~s alive, free of weeds, and att~ctivc; (g) Keeping pazking arras, driveways and roads in good ,":p~h'; (h) Complying with all government he. alt, and police tequirc~ncnts; (i) Rep:dr of exterior damages to improvements; Cle~nlng of abutting waterways ~md landsc~,pecl m-r.z.s lying between public or l~ds~ a~s a~ exp~sly d~ig~t~ to ~ Common ~ mainmin~ by a~li~ble govemmen~ authodti~ or the ~iation; ~d Striping of ~ng a~ ~d ~ti~g of imp~vement~. Section 10.02. ~. If, in the opinion of thc Association, ~my such Owner or Torrent has failed in ~y of thc forgoing dufi~ or ~s~nsibiliti~, then thc ~iation may give such ~n written noti~ of such f~lu~ ~d such ~n mu~ with~ ten (10) ~ya after ~clving such notice, ~ffo~ ~c c~ or m~c ~gemcms whh the ~Ktion rot m~ng the ~ ~d mainten~cc ~ui~. Should any ~ch ~ner fail tO ~lfiB th~ duty ~d ~nsibility within such ~fi~, then thc ~iation, though iu aut~ agent or agents, s~ ~ve ~c fight ~d ~wcr to enter onto the p~mim ~d ~do~ such ~ ~d malntc~n~ without ~y Eab~ity for ~ag~ for w~ng~i cnt~, t~ or othe~i~ to ~y ~mn. ~e Owncn ~d tcn~u of t- ~ of thc ~ny on wMch such wo~ is ~do~ s~l jointly ~d ~vc~y ~ ~ablc or thc co~ of such wofl: (such costs ~nstimtin~ z ~ individual M~ssment M ~ ~ S~on 4.03 he~0 ~d sh~l pmmpUy ~imbum the ~iation for such ~. If such ~ncr or ~t s~l f~l to ~im~ t~ ~iagon ~,thin tMny (30) ~ys ~er ~ipt of a s~t~nt for ~ch wo~ f~m the ~tion, the ~d i~t~n~: shall ~ a d~ of ~ or ~d ~ns ~o~fly ~d ~vc~y, ~d s~l constitute a ~cn ag~nst t~t ~ion of t~ ~y on wMch ~d wo~ ~as ~ffo~. Such lien s~ ~vc the ~e a~fi~t~ M ~c Gcn for ~sments ~d ~i~ as~ssments ~ forth in ems ~tion, ~d thc ~tion s~ ~ve idenfi~ ~we~ ~d ~ghls ~ ~ m~s, including ~t not limit~ to thc ~ght cf fo~losum. ARTICLE ARCI-u ~ ,-C-i'L,'R.A3. R.E'v'I:k-W CONLMII'X'E:E Section 11.0!. Ar~hltec"~r~t (her:;- ca/loci 'thc ,~'~hi~..u.,~{ Comrni~e~" or "Commi~'), shall be compo~d of three (3) 42 ~ ,%, S2181 3306 individuals selected and ·ppolnted by thc Board of Directors, in accordance with thc procedure set forth below, and each shall m~---.t with the approval of Declarant. The Committee sh~ll function as thc repmsen~tlv¢ o[' the Owners for the purposes herein set forth ~ we'll as for all other purposes conslstent with thc creation and pr-..servafion or' first-cb, ss residtntlal ~d commercial developments. .......... The members of thc Aa'c,hh~tura.[ Committee shall be appointed b,v · majority or the Boa.rd of Directors. In thc event t~.~t thc Board c~nnot agree on an ·ppolmrncnt, I2~o:t·.,'znt si'all appoint such member. Ali members shall be appalntea:l ['or one },ear te,,"ms. Thc Beard of Directors si'mU appoint · member to succeed ·vv member whose term Ms cxpln:d or othcrwlse ended (by death, removal or n~dgnatlon). Each member of the Committee shall act reasonably ·nd in good l'aith in Ix:rI'or'mlng his duties a~nd obligations under this Article Scx:tlon 11.02. ~asls of At~orov~1. No building, structure, p,srk~g su'ucmm, Dsrking lot, fence, wall or improvement of any kind or nature sh~I be emceed, placed or alt,-r~ on ~ny ~.s-.ntc umil all pla.ns and spcc~c~tlons and a plat pLn. n have bc~n submitted to ~nd approvcxt in writing by thc Committee, or · majority of its members, as to: (a) qu~.llty of workmanshil~ and m:ue~als; Ct)) conformity and harmony of thc external d=sign, color, type and appe. a.m.nce of exterior surfaces and t.~ndsc.~plnl::; (c) location wiflt rcspeet Io topog.-aphy and finished grade cle,,afion and effoct of location and use of neighboring F. states ·.nd improvements situated thereon; drainage arrangements; and (d) he other s~ndards set forth within this Deel~.r~fion, (and any ~ncn,amcnts hereto). The Commltt,-" is authorized and cmpowered to consider ~d review any and all -speels of construction, construction of other improvements and Ioc~fion, quality and quantity of landa, caplng on the .~states. which may. ~ the reasonable opinion of the Committee, adversely affect the Livln~ enjoyment of thc infants olr the Owner(s) or the general value of thc Property. Also, the Comminee is p~rmined to consider ~chnologlcal advances in d~illn end malcrials arK:[ such corniest·hie or alL~n-aLlve l:chniquts, m~hods or materials ma), or ma), not be [:x:.'-mitled, in a~corcla.n~ with t~ n~os~able opinion of tl~ Commitiee. ~ Committee ska. ll have lhe authorit~ ~o maya fmal dechions in Lntcrprcting; thc general interlt, effect and purl:)os¢ Of the restrictions and coveu.~nts dc~:ribed in Article IX hereof. Any improvements constructed in accord,~n~ with pla.ns and slx:cLrlcatlons approved by the Commitlee Ln ac:x)n:b, nce with its then :,pplimbl¢ stnndzrds ~ requLrements sh~l no: be requLred to be efta. hi:ed be.~u,--* such st.~n~ are there·fief a~nended. Thc Commlnce 92181 3305 236 0,)"2 ? r:vicw and act upon submined pb~s and speciHcations in accordance with the appllcable tlmc p~rlods specified in Sec'lions I 1.04 a~l ! 1.06. Se·ion I 1.03. Ee. fln~flon of 'Improvement's, Impwvcmcnt s~l m~ ~d Include buildln~s ~d ~f~ ~tmcm~, p~g ~:. i~dlng ~s, go~ coups, mil~d tmc~c, fence, w~Is, ~1~, dgvcways, ~pin~. ~n~, ~e~, 'sw~mlng ~ls, tennis courts. sig~, c~g~s of ~y exlcgor color or mi~ or ~fl~liv~ il=s, ~. dmitri, ufili6~, ~ds, nllcy p~ths, and any new ~ion or c~tcgor impmvc=~ signific~ly ay of the forgoing. It d~ n~ ~ludc public ~la~mcn~ or ~ny olhcr ~h~m~4 or cx~ In ac~uming pm~i~ ~ which d~ not ch~gc cxtcdor colo~ or ~lcdor a~s. Ii d~s i~ludc ~ odg~ improvements ind all hlcr c~n~cs lnd impmvcm~. - Sc~ilon I 1.04. PreHmln-..rv 'Plzn ~;ubmlssloP.,L Thc A.r:hhectural Rtvlcw Committee is authorized and cmpow~ed to and shall cnnsidcr, r:ncw and commcnt on pr:limln~'y plans submit'tad in duplicate on a.q iPJ'o ,rr-41 basis 1o usist Owners, developers and pros'p~ivc purth:s:r~ of portions of thc Property in complying with applicable covenants ~nd r:strlctions and to nsslst: ,;.c compl~ion of fm.~iblllty studies undertaken by such ~x:,"sons or entitles. If the pr:llminary phns ~nd r'r~:ificatlo:-.s ar: approved by thc Comminee, one s~t Ihcr"~f will be r:tained by :he Commi~ee, and one comp[cie s~l of plans will b¢ m~rked 'Approved" and r:mmed to the Owner or his dcslgr.,ted r=p."esentatlve. If found not to b¢ in compIi·nco with thls Deehr~6on, one s~ of such p.-.llmlnary pb. ns and specifications shall be m~.rked 'Disapproved", and r:mrned accompanied b)' · rcason:.ble statement of items found not ,o comply with this Docb. mfion. The Committ,',"s approval or dlsapprov~l, as required |,er:in. shall be in wr/,;ng. Ir the Committee f~,ils to approve or disapprove such pi·ns and spocificafions within thirty (30) days ~ter thc date or submission, approv~,l of thc matlers submh~ed shall lx pr:sumed. Commits on and -',pprov·l of pr:limlnar~ plans and spoclflcatlons shall 5: binding upon thc / .hitecturtl Rcvlcw Comminee provided that conforming final plans and spa:~cations ~ submlned within ninety (90) days of ;uch pr:Ib'nlnary comments or approvals. Sc~ion 11.05. ~. Final plans and spocificatlons sh~l be submined in duplicate to the Comminee prior to Ih,: constru.-'lion or an)' improvements on an H. st~t,', which plans ~ r'peeLf~catlons sha.U Lncluc~, to thc extent applicable to thc proposo:l improvements as determined by the A~ckiu:ctur~1 Rm'icw Comminee, tho following: (·) A lopozmphical plat showing contour ~rad,', ([with one foot (I') contour inteP,-a.ts uakas otherwls¢ specified by the Comminee) and showing the location of ~ll proposed improvements, structures, p~tios, driveways, p~rl~g ~ and strucrur:s, fences and walls. ~r, isting and t'mished gmdts skaJJ be shown at thc corncn of such H.st~tc and at comers of proposed Lmproveraents. Dmlr~c provisions shall be included ~s well as cut ~nd rill dct~ils it' any appr'"~:iablc change in thc comour is conlemplalc~l. Co) ~.xt,-rior elevations or all pmposc,~ bulIdlngs ~nd sttucru.-,ts. (c) A descrlpdon or ¢.xtcrlor materials, colors, t,'xturcs and sh:~pes or all buildings and s~ruc~ms. (d) A landscaping plan, includln§ walk'~ays, fences and walls, elcvatlon changes, v,'atcrlng systems, ,'cr, ctatlon, ground cover, t'umilure ~,nd sculpture. (c) l~ricln[~ ar"~s -~nd driveway pla. ns. (f) Scr~:nlng includin§ size, loc~tlon and method. (g) Utility connc~tlons, including muting ot' eleclHc~l, g~s and fete-phone cables. Ill) E.~tePior illumination, ii' any, including locnllon, m~nuracmn:r's F~tum number and suppor~ photometric lest c~.~. (i) Any public s~r~t or udlitlcs to b¢ built with 'thc compl¢tcci cnl~inc"Hng d~sign for s~id impmvcmcms. ]::oundation borings and design bc. aHn§ thc ccrliric.~tc of a rcglslcmd geotechnlcal englnecr. (k) Tm.~' confiner Slomgc loc~lions and related s~r~cnlng. (!) I:h~posod us~ of parcel of (m) lDL~cnslon~l Ac)or plan or ~11 enclosed spaces including one ez~.mpl,- or c:nch rr~icl~.nd-~l unit t.vl~, och r~:,'~.~don or s~.-vicc building, and any g~-~g,-, or l:~'tcin§ f-~cLlidcs. (n) I::im pmtectlon system. (o) Loc.~tion and ru~rnc of ~I pmpos.sd st,t~:ts, alleys, wa.Lk"a.'ays and c2.~m enl.:. (p) St. ruc~ur'.J des[Dn, bc.~ing thc con.cate or' a r~glstcrccl structural 4S ':'-33 S21~I 3307 (cL) Such o~cr matlcrs as m:y he required by thc then appllcablc zoning code of the City of Copp~ll or such other municipal or governmental authority havin~ jurisdiction over the Prup~rry. (r) Signs, including $~ze, shap:,?olo'r, content. {cx:aIion, mat:rials and il]umination. (s) I~yout and design of any golf course. (0 Any other d~t~ or information nc. quested or dc~m~d r:asonal;.y necessary by thc Architectural Review Commiu_ee. The Committu~ may dc£cr thc datc for submission of any of thc manc~ described in S~'tion l !.05(a)-{s) by notice in writing to the pcr~on or entity r~qucst{ng such dcfc.'u-,J of submission date. Section 11.06. At,~mval l~cdum-. 'Thc Comminee is authorized to r-'~quesi the submission of ~pics of p~ const~ct{on matc~s. ~ such t~c ~ t~ p~m and ~{fi~tions · :q ~ ~n~ by thc Comm{~, one complete 'A~wv~' ~,d ~lum~ to the Owner or him des{~l~ compl~ w{~ this ~5~t}on, one ~t of such pl~s ~d 'Di~v~', accom~,)~ by a ~sonabic s~icmcnt of {toms found ~t to comply with th~ If the Commin~ f~ls to a~mvc or di~pp~ve much ~}~m ~d ~ifi~tion$ within thi~y (30) ~ys ~er thc ~lc of submiL~{on, a~mval of thc mau~ submi.~ s~ ~ p~mum~. ~y mat~ m~i~t/ons or c~g~ to thc a~mv~ ~ of mubmin~ to thc Commiu~ for {u ~tiou ~d a~v~. in pl~s ~d ~ifi~t{ons for ~{d~ii~ }mp~vcm~ must wHtlnj wilh~ ich (10) bus: :~ ~ys or such m~}~tions or Thc Commiuc¢ is authorb.~ ~nd empowered to ~nsidcr and ~vicw ~y ~d ail of cons:m~ion, cons~ou of other impmv~cnu ~d {~tlon, q~ity ~d q~tity of ~d~p~g w~ch may, ~ ~e ~ble opinion of ibc Commiu~, adve~ly ~ ~e liv~g ~joym~t of o~ or mo~ Ow~s) or I~ logi~ ;dv~ h d~{~ ~ mzied~s ~d such ~m~ble or ~five t~ques, m~h~s or mmt=~ m~y or m~y n~ ~ ~in~, a~ wi~ thc ~ble op~on of the Commin~. All Lmpmvem:nu approved by the Commir:e~ shsJ. I he diligently commenc~ after obtalnin~ ~ ncoc.msary govemmcn~.l approvals them. for and u%m..afier s?.n.il {'~ pursued to complct, ion. Sec:ion 11.07. IDesirn Gu~r:,t!lnes. The Commitlee may, from ti'ne to time, publlsh and pmmul~.te Dcsigu Guld:lin:s (hcr~in so c~llr.~, and su.:h Dcsigu Oui~iin:s shall he cxpb. na~ry ~nd illusive of the gener4 [ntcnt of thc development of thc l:rupeny ~nd arc 46 ,- : S218{ 3308 °33 intended as a ~uide to ~ssist the A.rehltccmml R.~vicw Commlttcc in r~viewlng plans and spocLfic~tions. In any event, such Design Guidclb~.~ ~ not be binding upon thc Committoc and shall not consthutc, In every event, the 1~si.s for approvz/ or dlsapprovzl o£ plans, spec.~fi~t.l.ons znd other mascri~l..s sub_mined to thc Commincc £or approv~l.. . . Section 11.08. Vari~n;es. Upon submission of · wrinen request for s~mc, the Commln~e ma.v, from time to time, in its sole discr~.ic~, permit Owners to use, construct. en:ci. or insuxll improvements which ~r~ in variance lmm Lhe covenants, condltio,s and restrictions or ar:hlte~,-xuml stand,~ds which are provided in this I::~tlon in Article XI or which may be promulgated in the furore. In any esso. such wu.' ~:~ shall be in t~si¢ ~onl'orm..P.y with and shaft blend effectively with the general us~, ·~hite~--u."al style and design of thc community, Written r~uests for variances shall be docmed lO be disapproved ii' the Comminoe has not expr-'ssly and in writing, approved such r~luest within thlny (.~0) days of the submission of such r~uest. No member of the Committee: .~h~ll be liable to any Owner for any claims, causes of action, or damages arising out of the grant of any ,,'aria.,~= to an Owner..~ach r~uest for · vaxiancc submitted hereunder shall be reviewed sepa. rately and aport {'rom olhcr such requests and the g~.nt of · variance IO any Owner shall not e~rmltutc a waiver of the Committee's right to strictly enfore~ this Deeia. l~.tlon and ·~hitecraral r,:ndaxds provided hereunder, against any other Owner. Se~ion i 1.09. Noneonfor'mlne and Unaeorr,ved Imor~vemen~. Thc A~sociation may r~luir~ any Owner lo restor~ such Owner's improvements Io the eondillOn exlsling prior to su¢lk Owner's improvements to the eonditlon existing prior 1o the construction thereof (including, without limitation, Ih~ demolition and removal of-"~y unapproved improvement) if such impnavemcnts we,'~ eommene~l or construeled in violation of this artlci¢ XI. tn addition, the A..~,oeiation may, but h~s no obllg,,tion to do so, cause tach r~storation, demolition a,d removal and levy the a.mount of thc cost thereof a,s a spoclai i~ivldu~! assessment against the .~statc upon which such improvements ~,cr~ commenced or eon.r, cueted. Th,. Associallon may refuse to sere'pt for maimcnance -~y landscaping located within r. asements designated Common Ax~ if such landseapin~ is ur ,.pr~ved or noneodorming. No ac'lion will lac ta.ke~ by the Association wi~ rr. speet to noncont'ormL,g or unapproved imp~vements until thc completion of th~ foUowlng review and ap,~:l process, if th,' violating Owner eI~-~ by written noti~ to Lhe Axsoeiation, to ir~'*.irut¢ such process: Wit,'~ ten (10) days ot' wrimm noli~ of appeal by the violafin~ ~ner, ~ch Owner ~d ~e Commia~ ~ ~eh ap~int a duly ~Mt~ to ~e~e ~hether a vio~ ~s. ~e~ t~o (2) ~hil~ then ch~ a mu~y a~ble ~ ~hit~ wi~ ten (10) t~ cxp~gon of ~d ten (10) ~)' (b) With~ thirty (30) days a.~cr the dat.: of al:rpolntmcnt of thc third a.r:.h.iteet a majority of thc u%--~ ~) ~.:?~.:te~-ts shall d~crminc who. her · ~2t~ 3.~09 47 (c) If a violation is determined to exist then the Association shall, in its rra.v=nablc discretion, dev'rminc the manner Ln which the violation ah:all be z=medled. $cctlon 1 I.ID. ~s?_Li,l]~l~. Nchhe: Declarant. the Associatlo.n, thc Committee, or the Board. nor thc officen, dir~tors, members, employees and agenLs of ~ny of them. shall be liable in damages !o ~n),on~ submining plans and SlX,'cifications to ~ny o£ them ~or approval, or to any Owner of ~mpcny ~'ecieg b). th~se z~strlctions to an)' o£ them for approval, or mlsu%ke in juggment, negligence, or nonf,'-.,.'.~ncc ,~rislng ou! or or in conncclion with Ihe approval or disapproval cr failure lo approve u, disapprove ~-ny such plans or r'~clfic~tions. Eve~ per,on who submits plans or spcx:ific.tions, and cvc~, Owner of any or s~id protx:ny agn~.s that he will not bring :my aclion or suil alIainsl Dechu-~nt, the Associalion, the Commlnee. the Board, or LI~ of~cc~, directors, mcmb~r~, employees and agents of any of them. to re~over ~ny such dzmalles and hereby releases, ~miscs, ~nd quitclaims all claims. demands z, nd causes of action arising out of or in conn~ion with ~ny .jucl;ment, ne;ligence or nonfeasanc¢ and hereby w~ves the provisions of any law which provides Ihal a general n=lcase does not extend to'claims, demands ~nd causes of action not known at the time the given. Section ll.l I. Ce~iflcate of Comr~!;=nce. Within (lO) business days after an Owner's written nxlucst and upon substantia.1 completion (as such le..-Tn is defined by Ibc American Instlmm of Archlt.-~.ts) of improvements, the plans and specifications for which ar= subjec~ to. review by the Committee, the Committee shall insp¢~ s. ch improvements Improvements ar= construc~rxl, cmctc~ll placed or ahcrrd In accordance with ~ppmvod plans and Sl~'cil'icalh~n: the Cmmnitm= shall hum ~ cc:rll~calc evtclenctni compliance with Ihe provisions hereof. If Ihe pmJecl ,,uhjecl In revle~ Is a pimped pmjecl, dsc Commltlee slmll [nsp~cl each I~h~ as plm..,cs ~ro sulmantlall¥ conspl¢l~ (ss such ten, is dc~n~ b~ lira Am~rkan lnslllulfl o~ A~ht~Is) an~ If such p~, i~ludlng, bul nol limll~ m. ~lni f~cllifl~s, landscaping ~nd sig~g~ ~1~ Io ch pM~, is ~ound Io ~ in subsmm~ll~ coaro~il~ ~i~h p~vlously · ~mv~ p~s. s~ .~fim6ons and oiher submissions. ~ cenifi~le ~vid~nclni such cemplian~ will ~ iss~ bi Ihe Commin~. S~tion i !.12. No~ic= of Noncomolla~ce or Noncompleiion. Notwithst.~ndlng anythln~ to the conu-z~ contained h~.~:in, ;~ter thc expiation or one (1) year lmm the chic of subsm.mi~l compl~ion (~s such term i~ deCu.~d by the American InsHmm of A.n:him~,s) of construction of any improvement wifltln ~ l~ropeny. ~d improvcmcms shall, in favor of pun:hasers and =n~mb~nces i.n ~ fsi~ and for v~lue, be deemed to be in compli=ce with all provisions of tkis Article XI, unl=si a=~l notice of such noncompli.~nc= and noncompl~ion, executed by the Comminee or its 4:'slgrated r'=prescntailves, shall ,ppe.~r of ox:oral in the office of the County C1¢~ uf lira Counly, or unl¢~s legal procex~lln¢s st,-II I~ In~lltulod Io cnfon:e compliance or completion. !;eedon I IAI..a~_,'.'~_;~,.ment ~tnd .IX._sien:.ion. ~ Commin~ m~y from gm= to time, by ~e vote or wfi~en ~t of aa;0 or subcommlt~ct.s which shall have full authority to ac/ on behalf of mid Corem[ucc in all matters dcicgatnd.. Sec/ion 11.14. Review loc and Addr~_~,i. Any pla.ns and Sl:CClficatlons 'shall be submincd in dupllc-~c, in writing, for appru.'al togc/her With atr. asonablc proccsslng fcc as s~t by the Commin~:. 'l'ne rcvlcw fcc sMll cover only thc cost of' cmploylng nonaffiliatod consultants to rcvlcw plans and spc~iflcatlons as well as incidental expenses assoclaicd with thc rcvlew process. Thc address ot' thc Commi~cc sMll be th-.. principal place of buslncss of the Association from time to time desiCnatcd in writing to the Board of Directors. Such address shall be thc place of the submitul of any plans and s~, ;iflcatlons ~nd the place whe~ thc currcnl rules and rtgulatlons, if any, if thc Commincc shall be kc'pt, Section ! 1.15. Inst'~'ljon. After fcic'phonic not[cc to thc Owner, any member or agent of th~ Commlt~cc may from tlmc to tlme at any rc~sonablc hour or hours emcr and inspect any pmpcny subjc~--t to thc jurlsair, lon o£ said Ar:~hltcctuml Commi~ to confirm improvement or maintenance in complia, ncc with thc provisions here,of'. Section I !.]6. Governments! Auihori6cs. Zl~c:l.tm. nt, its fum~ Ownc~ ~d thclr su~ ~d assigns, by ~hc~ ack.ncc of thc~ m~ d~s. ~d the A ~iadon s~ll ~ ~nd by ~d subj~ to all la~'s, mits or ~tions. No [mpmvcmcn~ or addition or c~c or ~c~llon ahc~ or maln~n~ on any of thc D~H~, includinc the Common ~s. which is in ~ ~olatio~ or any or Iht laws or o~i~c~ of ~hc City or Co~H, ~c~s or ~y other a~llcablc Covc~nmcn~ laws, ~lcs or ~hdons. No~wi~s~din$ ~hinC lo Ibc comm~ hc~in con~in~, ~mnt, Ibc ~fion, thc Commin~ a~cn~ ~ cmploy~ sh~ll ~vc ~ obi[cation m cnro~ or lo ~ Ibc viobHon or any such law, o~cc, ~lc or ~tion. $c~ion 11.17. "o LL~billtv For llMshm Def'c~s, PI~ and ~ifi~fions a~ n~ :~mv~ for cnc/n~g . or stmc~ d~iEn or query Of mzlc~s, ~d by ~vin~ such pa~ ~ ~i~tions nclthcr ~hc Commin~, ~c ~ ~r ~hc ~iation ~um~ l~billty or ~s~nslbillty thc~for, nor for ~y d:f~! in ~y st~au~ mns~ma~ fm~ suc~ phns and MORTGAGE PRO'I"EC~ ON $cc'tion 12.01. l~oritv or' Mor~rai, e. Notwiths:andinC ~ny other provision of this Dcc~tion, it is hereby provided that a breach of any of thc conditions contMncxi in this DecL~tion by any Owner or of any rc..e, nug' by rmson of' such brc.~¢h, sh~ not defeat or reno;er invalid thc ~ca of any n:.ong'agc or ~ of trust made in good rzkh and for value. Any lien which u~ Association may ~.vc on any .r:statc for thc payment of Assessments will be subordinate to t~c llcn or oquivzlcm security ime,'-,.st of' :~y morx, gace 6n thc :-state recorded 24'"".-... 92181 3311 prior to thc date any such A. ss~'.asmems hex:amc duc and prior to thc date wrincr~ notice of such As.u~sments wa~ reco~ed in thc appr~.,-/ate re. al pnr~pcr~y ri:cords of Dall~ County, Tcx~s. Section 12.02. N'ot;ce~ to Iv~;tut~onal ~'-~'nde~. All institutional lenders holding mo~tga§~s on :my I::~tat,, or portion theft, shall b¢ given notice of the foEowing evenL~ if they deliver to the A.~sochtion a wr'incn ce, quest flint they r.oceivc such notice.% tosethcr with complete and accufit dcscrlption of thc pvolx:r~y s~curing their mortgage and an accurate address for such lender. (~) Notlce of Owner'_~ D~faul_t. "i"h¢ h-~sfitufion~J holder of a first mo~gag¢ of any ,~tc si,all be givcn wr,~tcn notlc¢ by thc Assocht/o.~ ut' ~ny default by ~ny Owner or such 1/,stale in thc perforrnanc~ oran obligation s~t forth this Dcclatatlon which h not ¢uv.~ within 60 days. Co) l',;otlc~ of Ch:n~,e Tn Declaration. D. ach institutlor~l leru:ler holding ~ first mortgage sh.~l be given 10 days written notic~ by the Association prior to th,' errs-rive date o£ any cl-a.nc¢ in thc Sc~ion 12.03. ~TLTI~. Upon writl,'n rcxtu~t to the Association, an), i,'~itufio--1 lender holdlnl: a fir~', mortgage h cntltl,,,4 to: (a) [nspoa the boo~ ~nd r~cords of the A_~soci~t/on during no,"m~l buslnc.~ hour~; ~,d Co) r~.~ve an annu~.l fin~nch, l statement of the Association. Section 12.04. RT~hts of' EHcible Mor~e .~olde~ ~d Upon wr/rten r~quest to the A..ssochtion, id,'ntifylnI: thc name and address of the holder, insurra' or ~r'a, nior, any l=Iigibi¢ Mortgage Holder or E.Iigibl¢ Insurer or (3uaz'~ntor will be entitled to timely written not/ce (a) Any condemmtion loss or a,ny c,'tsu.,~lty loss which affects z mater/ti povtle o£ the P,'opcrty on which lhcr~ is a f'mst mortgage held, insured or gua.,zntc~ uy such F..ligibl¢ Mortgage Holder or l:lig/bl¢ Insurer or Gu~-az~tor, m appLicab!c; Cb) Any (k:IL'~quency /n the payment of mseasmemts or cl~rges owed by ~.n Owner, subj~-t to a fi~'t mor~g'age held, insured or ~ua.-~nt~ by such F_tigibl¢ Mortg-a~: Holder or F~llgible Insult or Guaz-,tmor, which r~maJns uncured for a Imriod of 60 daysl and (c) A l~p,~, caa~rcLStlon or mam.'~ modification or ~y insurance policy or fidel.ir~' t~nd ma. Ln:~iz~oc[ by thc AssocL~tion. Sec*.ion 12.05. (a) Ua~.s ~t Ic.xs~ t~o-tl'.Lrds of thc Fu':t morti;:4;c~.s Coa.s~ upon one vote tot - ',...ch mo,.-,~-~Cc h,-id) or Own=.~ (other C.3.n ':~clar-ant) of ~lat~.s subject 243 to th~s Decimation have given their prior wriuen approval, the A.~chdon shall not ~ entifl~ to (i) by a~ or omi~on ~m~r, sell or ~sfct the Common ~ (the g~ of ~en~ for public u~ties or fo~ other public p.~s consistent w~lh ~i~ ~l~n~on ~d t~ ~nlend~ u~ of the Common A~ s~all not m~[ng of this clause); (il) ch~gc the metb~ of dete~in[ng th~ obligations, ~smcnu, du~ ot otbtr c~ wnic~ may ~e subj~ ~o ~he ~l~tion: (iii) by a~ or omission, w~ve ot a~don the ~hemc in ~c ~tion ~ning to the a~hit~m~l d~ign or the exactor a~ct of ~mt~ sub]~ Io thc ~la~don. ~ or ~c ma~ntc~ of thc Common exttnd~ core.ge on ]n~ble ~mpmvements l~t~ on ~t Common ~ on a ~ni ~lacemenl cost ~s: (v) u~ th: Common ~ for o:~r t~ thc ~p~[r, ~laccment or ~on~ction of such Common ~. Co) Thc first mongage~:s may, jointly or singly, pay Ltx-.s or other ct'arg~ which at~ in default which mx), or I~ve b~:ome · cha. rg¢ against the Corer - Area and may pay overdue prcmlums on h.~-.-ad insurance cove,"agc upon thc l~pse of · policy for thc Common Ara and ['ir~ mortgages mxk.ing such payments sh~ll be owod immediate ~lmbursemcnt ['or such p~¥mcnt from the Association. Consent shall not be rt-qulrcxi to be obtained under Scctlon 12.05(a) above ir another provision o¢ thSs I:~:laration requires that prior consent be obtzln~d for any of the actions set oul in Section 12.05(a). In that event, thc r~tuisite consent shall be determined by such other provision. Section 13.01. ~I,~L~-~L~. lrascmentS for insra21adon, ma.(mcr~.nce, rcpa.h' and ~:mov~ of ~bic Iclcvision, u~d~, ~b~c Hght~f-w~y ~d d~ge facillt~ ~d fl~way ~mcn~ ovcr, under ~d ac~s~ ~c ~y ~ ~ by ~la~t for it.ll, i~ ~cc~ ~d ~, m ~ly ~C forth on ~o~ p~ts of ~c ~ny, ~nions theft or fo~ ~ ~tr d~mcnu of ~o~ in thc ~ ~o~ of D~ C~n~. Te~. FuU fight of in~ ~d e~ s~ ~ ~d by ~nt at ~ t~ ov~ ~e ~ to the ~bly n~T for ~e ~r~on, o~=~on, m~nt~. ~ or ~mov~ of robie t~lt~ion ~ ~y u~ty or d~ge fac~ty con~ wit~ ~y of the ~o~d ~ments. may ~ ~bly ~ui~ ~ ~move ~y obst~on ~t may ~ pb~ ~ such ~ments wight ~ ~mv~ of ~l~t or the owner of ~e ~l~t ~mera. whe~ such u~u~ o~s~on would con. rote ~t~t~n~ wi~ ~m u~ of suc~ ~=nt or wi~ the 92181 3313 prohibit paving or iand~-~ping within such casements, lZk:cl~t shall h~ve thc Hght to assign, convey, in whole or in part, th,- easements tu.~rv,-d by it heruund,'r to one or mort cable t¢{~vi$1on ¢ompan{u:, public utility compan{~ or ~{evant {overnment-.} authorities. ,~ll cable tcluvislon facillt{e.s and utiJJtics {ns~llex:J within the afo:'e_~a~d e.-z~crncms $1'm..il be ins~lh:d underground. Section 13.02. Incru_.s and Eurcss by ~hc A,sc,c_;n:lon. Full Hshts or ink.ss lnd shaft ~ ~d by thu ~iat{on at al{ timcs over ~d u~n och ~lc for maimc~n~ ~ in a~o~c~ wi~ the p~vlslons h~f, and for H~c ~in~ out of thc Ass~htion of its fun~{ons, dutit~ and obl{gations hc~undc~ p~vid~, t~l any such uni~ by Ihe ~iion u~n ~y ~i~ ~h~l ~ made with as {Stile }nconven{en~ Io ~he Owner ~ p~{~l, and any ~zge ~u~ thc~by s~} ~ ~ by the Ass~ial;on =t ~he cx~n~ of such ~tion. 5~{on 13.03. ~scmcnts ~t~r ~qc~uch~cnl, ~ mh~l ~ ~ip~aI ap~n~ant o~mcnt{ for cnc~chmcnt a{ ~tw~n ~ch ~%~[~ ~d such ~nion or ~nionm of thc Common ~ adja~nt Ihc~to or .M ~:w~n adjaccnt ~talcs duc to thc unLqlcnt{o~l p~ccm~nt or ~.]ing or shi~in{ of th~ ~p~vcmcnt{ const~, ~nst~.~, or allc~ thc~n acco~ with lhe tc~s of this ~la~tion) to a dis~ of not mo~ t~n musu~ from --v ~[nt on thc common ~un~ ~tw~n ~ch ~t~ and ~c adja~nt of the Commun ~ or M ~tw~n adjacent ~tc{. as the ~ may ~, ~nd{~ to such ~un~ ut such ~{nt: p~vld~, however, in no event s~ll an ~mcnt for cnc~achmcnl cxist ]f ~{,:h cnc~ch~ncnl ~cl,~ duc to willfu{ conduc{ Owner, tenant, or thc ^RTICL~ Y. iV PROVISIONS Section 14.01. ]:~lla' .n. 'J'he ¢ove,,~nts, conditions and rtstrictions of this lZk:claration sh~ll ~n with ~d bi~ the ~ subj~ lo Ihls ~lz~tion. of ~d ~ cnfo~ble by ~e ~iation ancot the ~ncr af any l~d suh}~ lo this ~fion, their ~tive t~y-five ~ y~ from the ~te ~t this ~{a~tlon is ~o~ ~ thc o~ of iht County CIe~ of ~ C~nty, T~, automa~]y ~tend~ for suc~ive by the M~n hol~n~ 67 ~ of ~ ~u~din{ vo~ of ~ ~tion ~ ~ a~] of ~{giblc Monga~ Holdt~ holdin{ mortgages on ~mta~ which ~vt at l~ 67% of the votes of ~l~s mubj~ ~o mortgage{ held by ~ ~s, ~U.,, County, Tcxa~, ageing lo a~lish Ihc~ cove~nts, condltloni and ~stH~o~ ~ whoi~ ota subs~U~ ~.ion Ihe~f; provide, hob, er:r, l~t ~ such ag~mtnu to a~sh s~ ~ eff~Jve u~s made ~ ~ one (1) y~ in adv~ of the eff~ve ~le of ~ch Section 14.02. ~ :'¢or:.'iuhsumdlng Sectio,, 14.0I of d'.is ,-Ltticic .~3'V, tl'LLm IZ~:~:lz~tion may be amended and/or chrmged Lq pan upon obt.~L,',in§ thc ~xp,-.-,.~ ~-riurm con~nt B218l 3314 of Members holding 67% ol.the out.~..ndlng votes of thc Association and, ii'necessary, approval of EJigible Mortgage FIolders;.pmvlded that Doc:laxant may execute and record amcndments to this Decla.mtion without such consent or approval il' the aJ'nendmcnt is for the purpose ol' coffering technlc:zl errors or l'or clzrit'i~tlr~n only. Section 14.03..~7.~. Enfonz=ment of these covenants =nd restrictions shall be by any procceding at law or in equity against any person or persons vlolallng or anemptin: to violate them. or to recover damages, or to enforce any llen created by these covenants: and f~.ilure by the Association, the Ar:hltecmral Review Committee or Decla.t-~t Io enforce any covenant or reslricxion herein contained shall in no crc,, be deemed a waiver of the r;ght to do so therc,~er. Dc~:larant, the Ar:~hitec~uml Review Committee, any Estate Owner and/or the Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce these covenants and restrictions in accordanc~ with the pmvlslon set forth within this Dec¼mtlon. Section 14.04. L~mltatlon of Reslrlctlons on Declarant. Docl,,rant is undert~ng the woHc of developing land for rr4ick:ntlal and commen:i~i purpo~ses nnd incidental improvements upon the Properly. The complc~ion of that work and the sale, or other disposal of such developed land. is essentb,! to the esublishrnent and welfa.t: of the l:~:~ny as arc. sidentLtl and commercial co,~munlty. In orcter ti'at s.ald work may be completed and the Prop:ny be established ~s., fully occupied residential and commercial community a.s rapidly as possible, nothing in this DceLa.mtion shall be under;rood or constr, iecl to: (a) Prevcnt Decla.'-ant, its contractors, or subcontractors from doing thc Property wh,,tcvcr is tea-4msbly necessary or advlsablc in connection whh thc compIctlon of s~d work: or (b) Prevent DecLtn, nt or its representatives imm erecting, constructing and m-',intaining on any part or pans of thc Property such ~ructures ~bic and n~' ~ for 1~ ~lldu~ of its busings of compl~ing ~d ~d ~blishing th~ ~ny ~ a ~idcm~ ~d commc~iM community ~d di~sing of thc umc in ~is by ~e, 1~, or o=hc~.i~: or (c) Prevent Decb. ra. nt from conducting on azty part of thc l~'opcny such business or comple.Ling .'~.id work; or (dj Prev,'nt Dccb.t-,nt from m~int~ining such sign or signs on any of the l:~opc..'ty zs may be ~,~,',,~ry for zhe sale, l~se or dis'posit:on thereof. The foregoing limitntions of t..~e al:rpllc~tlon of thc restrictions to DecOr sh.tU terminate upon the sale of ::~c:l~rant's entire interest to the l~ropeny. Any ac,ion taken by Decb.mnt pursuant to any provision of this $~'t. lon will,~ot, ,_~ .-. *- u~r~bly interfere ~,ith the C~.-'-,er's rights and use of his H. state. " ' , . 92181 3315 53 2,4" Section 14.05. Term;nat;on or and R~reonsibilitv of ~la~nt. If ~I~t should c~vey ~1 of i~ ~ght. title ~d imc~t in ~d ~o the ~ny to ~y p~nc~hip, individual or ~dividuals, co~tion or cobb:ions, th~n ~d in such event ~l~t s~I ~ ~licv~ of thc ~ffo~an~ of any further duty or obligation hc~nder, ~d such ~at~hip, individu~ or ~ividuals. cremation or co~tions, s~H ~ obligat~ to ~ffo~ aH such ~utics ~d obligations of ~la~t. Section 14.06. Owner's Comollanee. ~.ach Owner, tenant or occupant of ~ny portion of tie l:'ropeny or unit in an Apartment Complex or Condominium Building shall comply with the provisions of this l:~:laration, And decisions ~,Ld resolmlons or thc AssoclatL-,: or its duly au:hori:.~ rrpresentative and failure to comply with any such provisions, decisions, or r'~olutions, shall b~ grounds for a~ action to r"~:over ~ms due, for cb~mages or for injunctive All agr:emcnts and determinations lawfully made by the A~soclation in accorchmcc with voting proc. odurm e~ablishecl her~in shall b~ deemed to ~ bi~din~ on all Own=~. their ~ ~d ~ssigns. $~c':'~n 14.07. Seve~bili~y. Invalidation of any on,' of th~ Covenants or ~st~ions by~od~;t or cou~ o~:r ~! in ~ wi~ cff~ ~y o~hcr provision which ~11 ~m~n in full Section 14.08. ~-~.adinPx. 'l"hc headings contained in this 12~:laration am for r~ferencc purposes only a.nd shall not in an)' '*'ay alTcc~ thc m.'-.aning or intcrpr,:'ation of tiffs Declaration. $~---tion 14.09. No,iota to Membc.,~. Etit, ible Morteaee l-Iolder. Gus~tor or Insu~. ~ ~ ht~t~r ~ forth, ~y notice ~ui~ ~o ~ given m ~y mem~r, ~igiblc Mongage Hold~, Gu~tor or In~r under ~hc provisions of this ~tion s~l ~ d~m~ lo have ~ p~dy dcHve~ ~n d~sit~ in the U~t~ S~t~m m~i, ~s~ge p~d, addms~ IO ~ ~ ~own add: .~ of thc ~n who ap~ ~ Mcm~r, ~igible Mortgage Hold,r, G~mtor or Insurer on t~ ~ffis of thc As~iation al thc time of such m~ling. In thc event ~ ~ ~ multiple Mm~. multiple ~igiblc Mon~gc Hot.m, multiple ~igiblc G~to~ or Insum~ ~ith m~t Io a single ~tatc, thc As~iation sh~l ~ oblig~t~ to end ~ m o~y one (I) of ~c Multiple Holdcm and one (1) of thc multiple ~iglblc Guamto~ or ~u~. No6cc to one ~ ~ dmm~ ~o ~ notice to all. Mulfiplc Mcmax, ~igiblc Mo~a~ Holder, Gmto~ ~d Insulin may dmi~c one (I) of their ~up ~ thc ~mon m~ to nofi~ by m ao~ying thc As~htion ~ ~fiting of such ~n ~d thc add~s t~[ ~t if no such ~n i~ d~ignat~ thc As~tion may notify ~y one(1) of such music Mcmax. multiple ~igiblc Mortgage ~olg:m ~d mul6plc ~giblc Gmtom ~ Seczion 14.10. Di~utex. Manc,"s of dispute or disagr'eement between Owner~ with n:::pee: to L~te~,"~.ation or a~Ez:fion of ~he pmvislons of t~s ~:~on or the ~iation gyh~s ~ ~ ~Ln~ by the ~ of D~:o~, w:.~ ~ble d~c~fion s~ ~ ~2181 3315 Section 14.11. Comol;~nce wi~h FH'~C. I~.']V[A.. VA ~nd ]:"HA R¢.~t~ion~. Dccb~mnl ;ntcnds ~ thc ~y. thc ~ation ~Wor z~s ~I~z;on may ~ c~g~ ~ comply not in ~mpl;~) wizh ~I ~u;mmcnts of zhc F~c~ Home ~ Mo~c Co~mzion ('~') ~d F~cml Na~ion~ ~{oz~gc ~s~rion.('~-). Veterans ('~') ~d F~c~ ~ousing Admlnis~ion ('~-). ~ta~ and ~ ~nc~ thc~fom =g~ t~t, notwi~s~ding ~h~ng to the cont~ ~n~n~ hc~in, in thc =vent thc Pm~ny or ~y of the ~ylaws of the ~s~tion do n~ ~mply with the ~LMC, VA or ~.~ ~ui~ments, ~la~nt s~] ~vc thc ~wer. in its di~tJon (on ~lf of the ~atlon and ~ch ~d evc~ Owner) to ~end Ihe tc~s of ~:- ~l~tion ~d thc ~yl~ws ~ur to cmcr into ~y ag~m:nt wi~h ~{C (or ~ d~ign~). ~A (or its d~gn=J, VA (or its dtslgn~) ~d ~ (or i~ desi~) ot mortgages, ~bly ~u~ by ~L~C, VA or ~, to ~]ow thc ~ny, the ~i3tion ~or this ~l~Jon to ~mply with such ~ui~mcn~, Section 14.12. LT~ of Word *R~verthnse~ No Owner, occupant, tenmut or licensee of ~y Owner s~ll u~ the wo~ *~ve~* or ~y comb~ation or derivative their in the ~e of any ~mme~ or ~iden~l building or ~y ~mme~ or ~ident~ ~s{ness or or in ~y pdnt~ or pmmolio~ malc~ without the o~or wdn~ ~n~nt of pmvid~ ..,wever, w~thout ~ch ~n~nt, Owne~, te~, ~ccn~s or ~cup~ts of ~y ~]o~ of Iht ~ny may u~ thc tt~ ~v¢~ ;n p~nt~ or pmmot;o~ matcH~ wh:~ such is u~ solely !o ~ify t~t such Owner's, ~c~ts, ~iccns~'s or ~cu~Cs business, buildln~ or ~Dd~ ~s l~l~ within ~vc~h~. S~on 14.13. Condonation of Common A~n. In ~h~ ~cnt of ~ ~g by cm[ncnz dom~n of ~y ~ of ~h: Common ~, 1~ ~htlon s~l ~ici~ in ~hc ng~mcnls ~nd ~ilcmcn~ wllh thc condcmn[n~ ~u~ho~ty or thc coup. ~c ~'~ or p~s of ~Icmcm s~ ~ ~yablc to ~be ~zion for ~c u~ ~d ~nc~t of th~ ~'nc~. 5~ion 14.14. ~ion of ~umcnts. ~ ~nd R~o~. ~e ~l~tic~ sh~ll m~ ~v~il~blc copi~ of I~ ~lion, ~yl~ws, ~icl~ of I~o~tion, talcs ~nd ~lions govcmlng Iht A~btlon ~ wc~ ~ ~, ~s ~nd fi~c:~ s~cmcnts for ins~ion by ~ncm or ~igible Montage ~old~, I~su~ or Gu~to~ du~ng ~l~r bus{n~ hou~ or o~ber ~ble S~on 14.15. ~'nc~ AP~mcn~. A~ch~ h~o ~ ~ ~d hc~ for ill pu~s ~ ~ ~ Ag~mcn~ g~n~ c~ ~ghts to ~h~ Ci~y of Cop~ll as d~ SP~:CLA.L PROVISIONS .~PPL~CA.BL.~ ~ T'.,-~ CLL~ PROPE3.'i-Y' Sect. ion 15.01..C.;..~Lf~.~ For :.~c benefit of Do:h.,-~nL the C~ub Owner ~cl the Club Property, Z:~c:b. ra~t bert. by br..poses the foLlo~.,Lng covcr..~n:s, candJ:Jons and r::u-ic:ions on ~ po:'5ons of thc ]~;op:~ t~t ~ conti~uous or ndjz,'-n: :o :he Club ~:~'~. n)': 92181 3317 (-~) Golf will tx: played on thc Club P~pcrty and them ~ a l~clih~ t~t ~olf ~Is s~ck b~ pla~c~ will enter u~n ~[ons o~ thc ~y adjacent or conti~ous to the Club ~y. ~t ~ ~n ~m~ ~ t~ entire ~acc a~ve. ~d u~n such ~nlons of thc ~ny and Comm~ ~mcnt ~ is appu~cnant to the Club ~n7. ~ ~ment sh~l ~it the flight of golf ~lls though ~e ~ over the ~y ~ the ent~ of golf b~ls u~n an~or across the P~y ~d ~y improvements ~n~m~. or to ~ eonstm~, u~n Ih~ ~y. ~ an incidenl to the ~ble u~ of the Cub ~y as a golf coup. ~e ~s-ment s~ not ~it contiguous or ad~aeent ~niona of the ~y by an i~ividu~, ent~ onto Common A~s. for ~), pu~. including but n~ ~it~ to the retrieval of golf balls. Nothing he.in con~n~ s~! ~ ~n~ ~ M to limit lhe construction of improvements on Ihe ~y, or any u~ or ~]oymcnt of the P~ny. Cb) Neither l:~:lar~t, the Association. the Club Owner nor }.ny invitee ~of the Club Owner shall be liable or rer'taonsible for c~a, l~b~fi~. Ios~, ~a~ or ~sts ~ing out of ~l ~ju~ or p~y ~a~c or "~ny ~u~ by thc ~iu~ flight ~d cnt~ of ~olf ~h. ~ the inaivid~I p5cin~ the golf ~l ~ fllgh: if u~cr~en with ~ wan~ or dis~g~ for the p~bilily of serious inju~ or p~y S~;on 13.02. ~. ~e Club ~ncr ~d the Club ~y different t~tment under ~icle IV of thc ~l~tion entitl~ 'A~menu' ~ follows: (a) No. Jib--ding an~hin~ ~n~n~ in this ~b~ti~. including in S~ion 4.03(0, tbe Club P~y s~ not ~ t~l~ ~ a Commem~! ~mte for thc pu~ of d~e~ining ~sm~ts. Inst~d. t~ Club ~-~ ~ init~ ~n' .~ monthly m~nte~ce as~sment of ~ ~r month. ~) ~u~h~ notwiths~din8 S~ion 4.03(h), the Club ~y · ~smcnts s~ not ~ inc~ by mom ~ ten ~nt (10~) ~u~ly, inked of fifi~ ~m~t (15 ~) ~ually. Pusher, the Club P~ny a~sments s~l n~er ex~ ~g33.33 ~r mon~. (c) No~i~ding an~Mng con~n~ in tMs ~Imd~, Mcludin~ ~ ~ S~ons 4.~ or 4.0~, ~e Club Owner ~d t~ Club ~ny :ub~ to ~y S~ ~msmen~ or S~ lndlvldu~ Sec'Jon 15.03. 56 (il pro shop; (~J) rcsuunmt ~nd private club; (~ii) tcnnls cou~ ~ ~imm{ng ~I; ~v) m~n~en~ facilities (~nclud~n~ sto~e of mz~nt~n~n~ ' supplies); (v) v~icle, malnlcn~ce facil~t~ 0nc]uding undcrgmun~ ~tmlcum s~omgc ~ ~d ~lal~ surfa~ pumping ~uipmc~l); (vi) outside storage of ~, ~d, ~. fc~li~r ~d slmil~ ]~ds~p~n: ma~nlcn~ (vii) u~ ~c~ ~d vehicles in conn~ion w~th thc o~mtion of thc Club S~tlon 15.~. Tcm~ Club Hou~. Nolwithsmnd~ng S~tSon ~.~(h), thc Club O~*s u~ of a ~cm~ m~ul~ club hou~ ~]a~ wi~ a ~an~t club hou~ faci]~ty. S~on 15.05. A~hil~tu~) R~v~cw ~mi,~. N'ntwilhsmnding anything to the con~-~ con~n~ {n thc D~h~t~on, thc following pmv~slons shall apply: D~la~nt cunc~qly ~lo~ of thc Ass~htion and Io thc~by determine thc mcm~ of thc A~hh~tu~ Rcvlcw Com~tl~, ~d zhc Arch{t~lum] Review Commi~t~ is p~ntly ~m~ of ~ndivlduzls afH]{a~ ~th ~la~t. 'l~c ~ghts. ~wcrs and duli~ of~c Arch~t~tu~ Rcvlcw Commilt~ sh~l apply Io the Club Owner ~d thc Club Pm~y until thc A~hi~tu~l Review Commhl~ is no longer contm]l~ by ~la~t or until thc lcm~ club hou~ Io ~ plac~ u~n the Club Pm~ny ~s ~plac~ with a ~cnt facilily (wh~ch~r ~cu~ ]alcr). ~ub O~ ~d lhe Club ~ny shall not A~h~t~tuml Rcvlcw Commitl~ ~d whoever {n Ibc ~la~{on dS~tion is afford~ Io or appro:~ ~u~r~ of thc A~' z~tu~ Rcvlcw Commit~, zhc Club O~:r may ins~ud cxc~se such di~on ~d pmvid~ such approval, pmvld~ that thc Club Owner )h~l act ~n~bly ~d ~n :~ faith in thh c~c~i~ of such di~rct~on ~d app~vals. S~6on 15.~. ~. Notw~ths~dlng ~nc]udin~ S~tlons 4.01, 5.01(al, 10.02 or ~c~ons ~nmln~ ~n th~s D~l~tJon M ~ey ~n Io thc Club Owncr and thc Club Pm~ny sh~l ~ cxcluslvcly I~m~ (al lo r~ovcr dam~ for un~d ~sm~m; ~ ~vcr d~m~ for willful or ncglig~t acm; (c) s~iHc ~o~cc (d) ~u~ ~su ~d attorneys' f~s ~ pmvid~ for hc~in. ~e Ax~atlon, thc ~d, ~c ~nc~ sh~] not ~ to ~If-hclp to ~fo~ ~ covcn~u ~d ~c:~ons ~g~nst thc C~ub Owner ~d ~c Club Pm~y. ,: 5:3 0 57 92181 3319 ~ Fr. STAT'F~! LTD., a T,-x~ limiled l:x,xrtnemhlp By: P2:~lCoppell, Inc., Gener~! Par~n=r 52181 3320 £51 23: STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLA~ § - ' /., This inst.-amen/~ acknowlcx:Jg~d bcfor~ m~ on this /~ day of Sep/~m~r, 1~2, by le~ W. Ra~ale, Vi~ Pm~ident of ~G/Cop~ll, Inc., Gene~ P~er of ~ ~A~, L~., a Tex~ llmil~ ~ne~h/p, on ~h~f of such Iimit~ p~n~ · ~ ~c of Tcx~ ~/ ~ I I ........ t " ~ ~ :"-~ ~ ~'~ ~9 ,-5o 0 92181 3321 ~, P:~e ~ o~ the ~ R~o~ o~ D~llu Co~ty, TcxM. ~id t~ of l~d ~in~ ~ ~ni~l~rly d~ u foll~: · e ~ comer of W~d~e S~;~ ] ~ ~M~ ~ Volu~ 11 II0. P~le ~301, ~ a~ af D~II~ ~ty. Tc~: f~ ~ a 1~* im ~ f~d for 210.05 f~ ~ ~ 4' ~t f~ for ~EN~. N ~g' 03' 24' E. ~ ~;d W~fid~e ~;on 4 ~ ~ dls~ of 301.50 for ~ ~ENCE. S ~* 56' 36' W. ~ din~ of :9[.t9 fret to a I~' i~ ~ ~ for co,er. ~SNCE. with ~d cu~e to ~c Ic~ ~lb & ~l~ ~zle of 61' 42' 55'. ~ ~;~ of I~ of 601.10 fret ~ ~ s~ Imt~ of 10[3.65 f~ toa I~0 i~ ~ MC for ~ENCE. S~9' 13' 41'W .l~[~li~of~;d~&~tid;s~e . ~ENCE. $ 33' 43' 41' W. ~ ~ ~ I~ of~d ~ & ~ ~1 a dis~e ~ENC~. S ?~' 41 ' 4 l* ~. c~n~MI ~ ~d ~ & ~ ~t ~ li~ I dls~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ old f~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ of~d I~0 ~m t~t; 2. X11.42 f~l m ~ P~ OF ,;.53 ,°_.34 92181 3322 TR.~ ~' 11 Su~t)'. Ab~t No. 3 Ii. D~lu Catty. T~u. Mid ~.B 153 K~ t~t o~ 1~ ~g all o~ a ~.~ K~ ~t of l~d d~ ~ d~ from Mil. ~c A. C~, et al ~ J. B. ~lty. ~ Novcm~r ~ Volu~ :~5. PnEc 317 of~e ~ R~ of ~Hu C~y. T~u. ~IM ~[ a ~fl o~a l~ k~ t~ of I~d d~n~ ~a ~ f~m W. R. ~yd. ~ ~. to J. B. ~ley. ~t~ Ap~l 21. 1942. ~d ~ ~ Volu~ ~. Parc 411 of ~c D~ R~ of Ddlu C~My. T~u. ~d tM ofl~ ~ DEOINNING, it a 1 ~' i~ ~ ~o~ at I~ ~tc~t;ofl of ~c ~ line o~ ~c St. ~uis & S~tc~ ~il~ (~lon ~clt R~IM?} I~ f~ 6~ht~f-~y ~ ~t ~t li~ or,id 20.1 ~ l~ u Pa~e 317. ~ R~o~ of D~lu C~ty. Ttz~: · ~ENCE. N ~' OS' 5r w. ~ ~ old ~ 1;~ ~d al~ ~e ~ I~ of M;d 2:.Z ~ ~ a d;s~ of Volu= 657. PaEe 1~. ~ R~o~. DalI~ County. ~ ~1 for ~cr '%e ~o~h~=ly I~oe o~ a 1~ f~ ~ & L ~t u ~o~ ~ Volu= 3117. Paje 110. ~1 ~[n~ c~ ~a~ of i ~e to ~ ~zh; ~o~ ~r ~ N 03' 3S' 42' E. ~EN~. ~ Mid cu~t M ~e ~tht ~;b · ~t~ ~le of 14' ~' ]6'. a ~i~ of ~9J0.~ f~. f~P~CEOF CON~NfNG. 1.037.3~ ~ ~ ~ ~.SlJ3 ~ o~ l~d. ~n o~ 92181 2~2B D,u~r¥c;on, oF · l';.001l ~,rc trKl of ILmJ o~ of' d~e J&rnc.s P&tt*b,~ Su~e~., ^t,e,~rac, No. ~ t.39. ~e J. C. Cook Survey. Abs,r~: No. 315, ~ S. A. & ~. G. Sur,.~y, A~.r~:~ ~a. 14.4~. L~d the $1nrlcm,.t Thomp~oQ Survey, · cle&cfibed ia deed from Mrs. L~e A. C~v,, ~ al.. to $. B. Lani~T. gated No~cmbcr 29. 1943. sag r~:orded ia Volume 2~5. ?nEe 317 of thc D~ed Records. Df, ll~ Cmmty. Tcu.s L-,d Aim F~fl of · 120.00 utc tract of Isad de.scr~1:x~l ia Deed ['rom W. R. l..~.vd, et uz, m J. B. Le~Icy, ,4.tec~ Am'i] 21, 1942, nad re·or·ted in Volume ~._34.6, Page 411. aid trl~ bcing part of · 106 Kre Irt~t of' la,nd dt.~cn.'Ix~ ~ Volume 20S6, Page 204 and l~n of · 64 8c~ u'~t rmmded ia Volume 2445, Pale 317, of thc D,xxl Re:o~L~ of Dallu County, Tcxu. b~ng mo~ l~rtlcularly descrit'~d u follow~: B£GL~NING st n 1~' [roa red ~et in ~e south li~ ofTP & 1. m.~me~! ~ r~:or~ed in Volume 657, Page IO6, sai~ p~ia! h~ng N 0~° 05' $1' W. n dis~ of 88.53 f~ f~m ~ mt~;~ of ~ ~ & ~em ~il~ (Croton Belt Rnil~y} I~ f~ ~tht~f~y ~ ~e ~t llne of ~r~ h Volu~ 2~, Pale 217, ~ R~o~, D&II~ CM7. ~ENCE N ~* 0S' ~S* ~, ~g ~d 20.1 K~ t~l s dis~ of 172.62 ~t to a I~* im~ ~ ~ for ~mer, ~i4 ~nt ~ h thc ~h I;~ of ~;d ~ & L T~N~ N 71' 41' 41' ~. I]~I ,;~ noflb l;~ of~ & L ~t i dis~e of 2014.B0 ~! for co~t it u ~llc ~NCG N 33* 43' 41' E, ~on~ ~id ~ l~e of~ & L'a~I s dis~ o~ [13.41 RKo~. D~Iu C~ty. Tcx~; ~ENC~ S ~' ~' 19' E. ~ u: ~t I~ of M~A~ur ~,~ I dist~ of 3~.~ ~ fm~,~g~t~g~ .g~o~t~em~HEbt~r~S~9' 13'at"W. adi~o o[ TO.~ fro: ~ ~ ~d ~e ~ ~ ~ght ~1~ a ~1 ~Sle of 16' ~' ~* m ~ di,~ of 1~* [~ ~ ~ f~ ~mer, ~d ~t ~;ng ~e No~t I~ ora l]0.~ f~ D.P. ~ L ~CE X ~o 13' 41' W, ~ ~d ~ l~ ora I~ f~ ~ A L ~t ~d ~e ao~terly ~ N ~* 13' 41° ~ ~g ~ ~ [~ of~d I~ f~T. P. · ~ ~t i dis~ of 62 S21SI 332~ 23, T~ENCE S TI' 4~' 41' W, ~,ilh I~c ~outh [~a~ of z~id T. P. & X.. M.~mcz~ u rmord~ in ¥olumc 657. ?.~a o1' ~.~1. 92181 3325 TRACT IV .J.B. ~le~. ~ Novcm~r 29, 1~3. ~ t~ ~ Volu~ ~5. P~$t 317, ~ ~fl of& & ~ ~[h~-~y l~c u ~o~ ~ Vol~ 4~94, P~ge ~, ~ ~o~, D~llu County. ~ENCE N ~* 13' 4 I* E. wlc~ ~id ~t~l llne of D.P. & ~ ~ht~f-~y a din~ of 11~4.2 i~ ~ ~. uid ~;nt ~n~ I~nl~ ~ ~e ~ li~ of ~hut ~lev~, u ~ ~ Volun~ ~221, PAle ~ S 55* 4~' 53* W,. ~.~ of ~6~.~ f~ ~t~ ~lt of 61' 20* Ol'. ~ ~ di.~ of 111.94 f~ ~ a I~' i~ ~ ~t for ~ to I I~* [~ ~ ~ for ~m~, ~d ~;fll ~;nt ~ ~fi~n~ of a ~e ~ ~ IcR ~ba~ c~ltt 59' E. a di~ of 8~5.~ f~ ~ n l~' [~ ~ ~t for ~: ~ENCE ~ ~;d ~ to ~ le~ ~u;h · ~t~ ~le of 27' OS' 53', u ~ ~;s~e of 413.13 f~t lo ~ 1~* [~ ~ ~ for ~m~ m s 1~' i~ ~ ~t for ~mK, ~ ~l ~inI I~t~ ~ ~ ~ N~bt~f*My IMe of of 7~.~ f~ ~ ~e P~C= OF BEGI~ING: CON~N1N~ 711.~3$ ~ f~ or 16,~45 K~ of ~ (core,hUed) 'TP,.A CT V De~:ripllo~ o{'c 69.?$~3 ~rt Ir~ct of'l~nd oul of the D~tvid ~yen 5u~?. Abslr~ No. S~. the 5. A. & ~. G. R~ o[ O~llu C~y, Tezu, ~d ~; ~n or a I~ *c~ tm~t mod~ ~ Volu~ 20~6. fm to s I~* imfl ~ ~t for comer. Mid ~nt ~in~ I~it~ ~ ~e ~ l~e of MK~hcr Boulcv~ u ~ENCE N ~' ~* 19' W, ~ ~;d ~ ~;ht~f*wt~ l~e or MicA~ur ~uleva~, a dis~ or 50.~ a l~' i~ ~ ~l fqr comer. ~id ~in( ~Mt ~e ~Ei~X of a ~we lo ~e ~tht whom ~ 41' E. a dis~c of 9~1.05 ~GN~ ~ Mid cume Io t~ ~Eht ~Eh · cmt~ ~tle of 6l' 42' ~$0, ~ i~ d;s~ of 1~4.40 f~t to ~{ENC~ N ~0 56' 36° ~. ~ Mid ~l ~Zhl~f-~y llne of M~A~ur ~oulev&M. a dis~ of ~0.~ f~t to ~ f~ for ~ i~ ~ f~ for 'T'4£NC~ v,/~h the mid zou0~ ~,c of' $~ncl7 Z. aJ~t ?~o~cl ~muzh · c~mtr~l ~n~l, of 22' $?' 0~' na ~rc die.cc o~' 22~.32 fo,.z m · ]J~' ;ma rod ¢ound for corncrl. TH.~NC£ S 29' 13' 41' W, ~th ~;d Trlnic)' River Authority ~.'~t linc a d;,f...nc~ ol' 300.00 f.~ to · I~" iro~ Found for comc~ 300.00 fer4 lo a 1/2' iron mci found for comer:. TH£NC~. ]t 29* 13' 4l' £. n dN~nce of 3D0.00 fret to · I/J.' md found ia thc ~ou~ I[n~ o/'~id %.ndy L~. TH£NC£ $ 53° 31' tg' £. w~ ~;d ~outh li.,c orS.nd), t.~, ]toed. a d~sL~.nc~ of 7..50.30 fecz to the PLACE OF CON'TAJN~NG 3.015,19.? ~u~r~ fc~.4 or 69.:S1~3 ~,-~ of l~d. ,?.40 Ducrlplion of · :~67.:~06 ecr~ trot· of ~ ~t of ~ D~vld klean S~e~, A~t~t No. ~. W. Pe~ ~tb the Smal~e,~t line of s 130 fool DP&L rilhl-or.w~7 u recot~ ia Volur.-- 4594. Pile )02,. ~ R~orc~ of D&llu County0 Tczu: T~4£HC£ $ 53' 31' 19' 'E. -~oaI ~id Seedy L.~c Road a dis~u~¢~ of 296.05 fe,~ m · 3' irne p~oet found for ~'TE.-'-.NC£ $ 00' 4:}' 05' £, wit · l~arb Wir~ Fmct z. nd Iree lint · cliLu~C~ Of [24.60 feel tO · 1~' iron rod found for Comer, ~'~-tENC£ S [9' 47' OO' E · dlsL~.-'e of 2095.42 feel to a point L,", the Elm Fork of the Trinity River; *'~d£NCE dc, wG t~e t:~..a, ndets of the Elm Fork u follov~: 20' 42' 12' £, a dlstLn~ of :66.19 feet u~blc 06' 21' 41' 9/, · disua,'e of 639.00 feet u~eblc 04' 35' 12' £. & dlsm~e of 715.00 feel uaible to 10' ~.6' 12' E. disLLm::e of591.05 fee~ ua&Mc to set: THENCE N 89' 07' ,15' £. · dlsttnce of 911.62 fm to · I~.' in~ md ,a for c~rner on the cut ~.igh bank of THENCE $ 30' 21' 41' 1:. v,~tb ~-;d Mst high ~ · clhte~ of 560.64 fee~ to · 1.2' iron rod ~ for Corner. poiat beiaf ia the aa. al liae of the W. Pm'r7 Survey. AbstrKt No. 1152: THENCE $ 00' $2' 12' E. ~it~ s.~d mst l~e of thc Perry Sur~cr. · diN&nc· of [32.00 feet to · 1.2' area rod t'ouad for cermet:. fouad ia · ,rca¢~ [la·. sa~d poiat beiaI thc nort.bv,~m carnet of the City of Copt, eli's s,aalta~T ~ lift s~-tioe f..," tO ~n i~,e rod found, sa~d point belnI .e~ feet non~ o~' the c:~tct Ib~e of the St. Leu;, ~d Sout~v,~tern R~h'o,~ (100 fee~ wi~): ~ ~^ 67 9218i 3329 TH£NCG N $6' ~.i' I1' W, eontlou~i -toe~ ,-,id north linc of thc $I. Louis and $outh,,~:r4cm Railmecl i dlsu,.nc~e of :~631.63 I'mt to i I/2' iron rod r,,e4 I'm' comer, Mi,~ point be;n; thc wuthe, a.st comer of MacArthur ~lcverd r~;:bl-OJ*-,w~},, mom.dad ;n Volume ll4~..21. PaL'c 984. Dacd R=cords. Da!lu County, Tcxu: TI-i£NC; N 00' 0"~,' 05° £, ~4th the 'ea.st'f~ht~,r-'"~y llne of M~cArthur Boulevard. a cl;~t~c~ of ~9.12 f. et Io e 1/2' lee md ~4 for comer'. 'T'H£NC£ N 01.° :34' 46' W. with thc s~d ~ r~itht..ot'*~,,~y llnc of )4~.:Arcbur g. oulevlrd. · dls~a, nce of ~,02.93 feel Io · I/2° ~ ~-t iror cor~er Mid l,:,oinl be.~n~ cbc b,c;innin~ of' · c',rvc m thc ri;he ~who~e center bears $ I I ° I0' 40' £. e clL,'-,d.nce of ~20.00 focK rod set for comc~ TH£NC£ N 2'/' 08' 01' £, ,,,4~ Mid e,~ r;zh~-of.,,,.~~. 1lee of ~Ar~ur Boulevard, · disun,-- of ~0~.45 I'mt to w,: dir~n=t of 8~0.00 f,x-t: I/'Z' ir~ ~ net ~'m. comer; Mid pc~nL h,c~n~ Ioc~cl in the aouthe~.at linc of THENCE I~ ."~' 13' 41' E, ,,4th ~;cl mu~he~.~ llne of DP&L, Com;',~], Hghl-of-,,,,ty. I ~J;,~,~c~ of 3602.93 fe,~4 to ,.he PL.AC; OF BF. GINNING. ant." coe,.b~;n$ 15.003.099 ~q~r~ f..-,~ or '~67..3~06 acra~ of i~'~l. 92181 3330 ' .:!:_.:: TRACT Vll D~o~ of ~ 1.$~ ~c~ t~ of I~d ~t of ~e w. Pe~ $u~. A~t~cl No. 1152. D~II~ C~I~, Sin~l~o~ ~o~n Su~c~, A~t ~o. 1493. DeII~ Co~t}' ~EH~ N 30' 2l' 41' ~. slont ~d ~ ~Zb ~. a ~i~t of ~.~ F~ ~o a l~' i~ ~ ~ for ~E~CE ~ ~9' 07' aS' E. luY~Z ~ ~ hi[E ~. x d~s~ of~6.~ f~ ~o ~c P~CE OF 92i81 3331 " ,.-.6,.) "i'1~ cr rill ~ ~o~d. nf Dallu Cnumy. Tflu, ~d ~ing ~ ~ni~lul~ ~ u roll~ ~IN~ OF BEGINNING; af~ti~ t~l ~ hy W.T. T~, M ~o~ ~ Volu~ I=;, Pale 4~3[, D.R,D.C.T., a dis~ of 1741.~ f~ m a ~m o*f ~y f~ ~ (K f~ R.O.W,~, u d~i~t~ ~ ~c leR, ~v~g ~ cbo~ ~g of Im~ of 62.3~ f~t, f~ ~ ~EN~ Noflh ~* 07' 21 * W~, ~finuln to ~ ~g o~ I ~' o ~ left, ~v~g t cho~ ~Jg of No~ 19' 36' 0~* Wmt, ~ I ~o~ I~ of ~, tl~g ~[d ~e Im~ of 117.47 F~, for ~ ~, N~ 370 39' ~0' W~, ~ of~ ~li~ ~b~ ~ ~ ~C~ ~ (~" R.O.W.} ~t~i~, ~ ~ ~g~nE of t ~ m ~ Hlht, ~v~g ~qCE. ~o~ ~9' 54' ~' ~[. ~or~ 0~* 31' ,l' Ve,t. i dlit),Cl iO0.OO Feet ~o I ~ef.t ~-, e -' "63 ~[. S~vth il' ]3' ~1' Ciwt. I dS~tmace if ~2l.~l /~et ~e i ..i~l fir z ~#CX~[. #leek O~' 12' CZ' [itt. · dJBtt~co ~ 74.~ rPet tei ~*.lat f,'~ 4 '~,:~ 3~70 --' 8717~ 3E;79 "133 .-.- ' ,:'.7 [7.',-' ~;80 · ' ~717~ ~58Z for 4 d~ of ~&.33 ~t. to 87 17~ 3683 ~v~h at' 4~'110 ~qst. for & dtatanCe of 40.t] ft. tO 1 :':''.'~-P ',-.~'h 'I® %1'1',' /'-,ce, [..r A elr.,3.-.,-.~ I.~ q].~t..rt.' f" e f.'-.'.t · · -.-: · d ~,f~t of 6717~ 3685 8717~ ,3EeE :X:XC~ T~C~Ct ~er:b SI eo'4~° ti,K fer · d~%&Me e[ if leech il ~t'$6' l),t, · c.~teI~ .~.~e et 19 ~'0~'. · · ~lt~Ce If ~i. AZ fL. TdzCT 1-3 ~er cer~rl ~vr%h $1 DO'It' SoMak ~l 0~'13' ¥ctt ~ir~k it ~3'd$° VeSt · -r.r c.ser ;...% ~. '..' ._ ;..'--."~ ....__ - ~.~_~,~.~-~ ~-. : .~,~-~---- .-:;~*'~. ;--:,~ .... · ' -~'~.~. '-.~.~--.'. - -~-"~.--~-:~ ' g/it~ '. ~ · -.' .~:~"'~,~q~sA ~ .~"-- ~-. for ~-r~fz~;~- ~-~ ~ .*~.. ~.~.~.- ..... .~ ~ ~. .~ ~%. . ..,... .... ~. ~...,..~.~.,~~::.,~.. ;' 87i7~ ~G or o%hor~LoeJ o~ roe 85n73 El I B 92181 3355 8~073 85073 kl..I, 8 92181 ,:,.,. $ ! ~l~rMe~, A~ 'eck~ed~ed to M ~hat he euecv~ed the