Hollows/FP-CS 981110Date: To: Company: City of Coppell Facsimile Cover Sheet 11-10-98 Gary $ieb Phone: 972 304-3678 Fax: 972 304-3570 From: Steve Parsons Phone: 972 250-2325 Fax: 972 931-5455 Subject: The Hollows at Northlake Woodlands, Final Plat This Page +: If you do not receive all Pages, please call. Gary; We request item # 27 (The Hollows at Northlake Woodlands, Plat) be withdrawn from tonight's agenda at this time. We had previously been informed by Pert that verification of ¥ consent to pavement within their easement was needed prior to recording the plat, however, this afternoon you said that the written consent would be needed before you could recommend this item for approval. cc: Bob Hager c¢; Ar[ ^ndcrson