Hollows/FP-CS 990209FE~ 09 11:28 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 (~10 TO 9?230435?0 NICHOLS, JACKSON. DILLARD, I-IAGER & SMITH, L.LP. Attorneys & Counselors at Law ! 800 Lincoln Plaza 500 No~'*.h ..&karo D~ll~s. Texas 75201 (214) 965-9900 Fax (2la) 965.0010 g--mail NYDH$ Februa~ 9, 1999 VIA FACSI1Vm.E 972/304-3570 Kent Collins, E.I.T. ' G raduato Engineer City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 P.O2/OJ H, t0*Jla NlCl401~ I¢,W88NCE W. ~ RE: The Hollows of NortMal~. Woodlands Addition; TU Electric Easements Dear Kent: Pursuant to your request, the undersigned reviewed the proposed instrument entitled Encroachment on Easement provided to NLW Development Group c/o Mr. Steve Parsons regarding the construction of Sora Drive, Crest View Drive and an emergency apparatus access road within a Texas Utilities Electric Company easement. The City may not construct or accept aatter completion, & public street or alley including an emergency apparatus access road ('ff the emergency apparatus road is to be a public road) units tho City owns the underlying fee simple property on which the road is constructed or has received by plat or separate instrument a dedication or easement for such right-of-way. If TU Electric Company is the underlyin8 fee owner or holds easement rights to such property, the City should receive a fight-of-way dedication or a license or easement which permits the City to construct, maintain and use the property for street and fight-of-way purposes. If an easement or license is 8ranted, the City's right to use such property for street and right-of-way purposes should not terminate unless the City abandons such use. The encroachment on easement reflected by the Letter Agreement dated January 6, 1999 is not strictly in the form of a recordable Ucense or easement. The instrument appears to be a letter agreement permitting an encroachment on the TU Electric Companie~ easement and not a license or easement for the construction, maintenance and use of thc property for street and right- of-way purposes. There is no lesal description for thc ares in which thc roads are permitted to be 11:29 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD i~14 965 0010 TO D'F,~J~O~r~ Kent Collins, E.I.T. 2/9/99 Page -2- constructed. Moreover, Paragraph 1 of the Letter Agreement acknowledges that TU Electric only holds easement fights and that the user 0e. City of CopPeli) is required to obtain whatever fights and permissions other than TU Electric's that are necessary. Therefore, the City needs to confirm that the ea.sement which TU Electric holds in such property allows TU Ele~-tric to grant a license or easement to the City for street and fight-of-way purposes. W~ile the other terms and conditions of the Letter Agreement for encroachment on easement are generally acceptable, we do not recommend the City construct a public street or, road on the basis of the Letter Agreement for Encroachment on Easement or ac~,ept any street or road constructed by the developer pursuant to the same. This is true for the emergency apparatus road i~the same is to be accepted ~s a public road a_e. er its completion. In an effort to expedite this matter, we are providing a copy of our letter to Jeff Hustead, Senior Right-of-Way Agent at TU Electric and to Steve Parsons. Upon your remm to the office, please contact me in order that we may discuss this in more detail. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DR,LARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. PGS/ttl JeffHustead Senior Right-of-Way Agent TU Electric Company Energy Plaza 1601 Bryan Street Dallas, Texas 75201-3411 Steve Parsons NLW Development Group 6309 Clear Ridge Dallas, Texas 75248 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGF, R & SMITH, L.L.P. TOTAL PAGE.03 **