Huntington/FP-AG 930112CONSENT AGE~DA January 12, 1993 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of a f~ual plat of Huntington Ridge Addition (formerly Parks of Coppell - Section III), located at the southwest corner of Denton Tap Road and Parkway boulevard, at the request of Centex Real Estate Corporation. SUBMI~FED BY: ~ [~VALUATION OF ITEM: Date of P & Z Meeting: December 17, 1992 STAFF ~.: Planning Director. Gary OTHER REP.: DATE: Decision of P g Z Commission: Approved (3-1) (Tunuell Opposed) with (1) condition: 1) agreeing to submit the Homeowners Maintenance Agreement prior to Final Plat approval. The agreement has been submitted to staff. DATE ...... k Plea~ ~e attached staff report for further detail~ BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET N/A FINANCIAL REVIEW BY -~ LEGAL REVIEW BY: *(.L~D~ RE~UFrJ~T FOPJW RP,~ED L 91 REVIEWED BY CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT HUNTINGTON RIDGE ADDITION - FINAL PLAT (Formerly Parks of Coppell. Section lid P & Z HEARING DATE: December 17, 1992 C. C. HEARING DATE: January 12, 1993 LOCATION: The southwest comer of Denton Tap Road and Parkway Boulevard. SIZE OF AREA: 26.17 Acres for 80 lots. P~QUEST: Approval of a final plat. APPLICANT: Mr. Derek Earle Centex Real Estate Corp. 1660 S. Stemmons Freeway Suite #150 Lewisville, Texas 75067 (214) 221-5556 Engineer: Mr. Bill Anderson, P.E. Dan Dowdey & Associates, Inc. 16250 Dallas Parkway Suite #100 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214)) 931-0694 HISTORY: Subject tract was zoned as (TC) Town Center for almost ten years. Centex Corporation recently purchased the property and received City Council approval to change the zoning from (to) Town Center to (PD-SF-9) Planned Development Single-Family-9, and to remove the existing hill. TRANSPORTATION: Huntington Ridge will be served by two points of access into the subdivision, off Denton Tap Road, which is a primary, six-lane arterial (P6D). ITEM 8 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Presently vacant; future single-family South - Vacant; Commercial zoning East Vacant; TC zoning West - High School, Commercial zoning COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows Town Center as most appropriate for this ANALYSIS: Many of the main issues regarding Huntington Ridge have been resolved as reflected in the conditions of approval for the final plat; such as the screening wall issue, landscaping, minimum lot size and single-story houses along perimeter lots. Aside from the conditions of approval, the applicant has not submitted a Homeowners Maintenance Agreement at this time. Therefore, along with the conditions as stated on the final plat, staff recommends approval of the final plat subject to submission of the Homeowners Maintenance Agreement, which we understood will be similar to the one already submitted on Centex's earlier plats. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the final plat 2) Deny the final plat 3) Modify the final plat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final Plat hunt. stf Councilman Weaver stated he would not be able to make the January 19, 1993 special meeting. He stated that he feels the Special Study Committee for 1/2 cent sales tax is dysfunctional. Councilman Weaver also stated that there was no judging on the Christmas decorations this past Christmas. Mayor Wolfe stated that the Chamber did make a judging, but it was not in time to be placed on a Council agenda. Councilman Weaver made a proposal that one Councilman and one volunteer from each Board and Commi~ion form a committee to judge the Christmas decorations. Councilman Weaver asked the staff to draft something in this regard to be acted upon by the Council. Councilman Weaver addressed the issue of appointing Board and Commi~ion members in executive session. He would like to keep current system. The City Attorney gave an opinion regarding the matter. Councilman Weaver discussed the policy prohibiting smoking in all public facilities. Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager, stated the policy was in the works. 16. Liaison Reports Rec_vcline Committee - Councilman Garrison reported that the Christmas tree mulching was held again this year and he thanked Rick Wieland, Parks and Recreation Manager, and his staff for their assistance, and also Lambert's Nursery. Park Board - Councilman Mayo stated that the Park Board met on January 4, 1993 and a dedication is being planned for Kid Country on April 18 (April 25 rain date), 1993. It was stated that there is a club that would like to stage a re-enactment in August of this year in Grapevine Springs Park of Sam Houston signing a treaty. Finance Committee - Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon made comments regarding the salary survey and asked how the council would like the salary survey done. Paragon Cable Franchise - Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon stated that the cable review committee will meet on Monday, January 18, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. This will be a public hearing on Cable TV in CoppeH. Economic and Business Development Board - Councilman Thomas reported on the Economic and Business Development Board regarding the information provided by the City and what information the Chamber provides. It was reported that the Economic and Business Development Board has a meeting scheduled for January 14, 1993 at 7:30 to discuss the economic opportunity for the 1/2 cent sales tax. Library_ Board - Councilman Weaver stated that he, Planning Director Gary Sieb, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Smothermon, the two architects and a representative from the building committee all met on December 14, 1993 to discuss the design of the library building. It was announced that a design had been agreed upon for the building and that the city can now move forward. ! Consent A~enda 17. A. Consideration and approval for release of f'mal payment to Teague, Nail, and Perkins for the completion of the Topographic/Contour and BaSe Mapping Project for a total sum of $2,947.00. CM011293 Page 6 of 8 Ce Ee Consideration of a request to allow a variance to Section D. Additional Streets and Alley Requirements, Subsection 1;j Appendix A, of the City of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance which specifies a minimum thickness of 6" for parking lots, said variance request to allow 5" of concrete. This variance is requested by Rev. Lee Carey for the First United Methodist Church at 420 Heartz Road. Approval of an ordinance of the City of Coppell changing the speed limit on Gateway Boulevard and Airline Drive as follows: Amending Section 8-1-3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell establishing 40 miles per hour as the maximum prima facie speed limit on Gateway Boulevard from Freeport Parkway to Denton Tap Road and on Airline Drive from Freeport Parkway to Denton Tap Road, said roads being public streets within the corporate limits of the City; making it unlawful for any person to operate or drive a vehicle on said public streets at a speed greater than said designated speed; providing that any speed in excess of such designated speed shall be prima facie evidence that such speed is not reasonable nor prudent and is unlawful; providing a repealing clause; providing a penalty or f'me not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense and declaring an effective date and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid gQ-1192-04, for repairs to City Hall to Michael K. Painting Company, in the amount of $15,350.00. Consideration of a request by the Lions Club to waive signage requirements for publicizing the Lions Club Pancake Breakfast to be held on Saturday, February 6, 1993, as requested by Mayor Pro-Tem Smothermon. F® Consider approval of vacating a plat of the Kimbel Addition, located at the northeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Village Parkway, at the request of Unzicker, Schnurbnsch and Associates. Ge Consider approval of a f'mal plat of Huntington Ridge Addition (formerly Parks of Coppell - Section HI), located at the southwest corner of Denton Tap Road and Parkway Boulevard, at the request of Centex Real Estate Corporation. He Discussion and consideration of Ordinance No. 93584 of the City of Coppell, Texas, reaffirming the adoption of the City of Coppeil employee Policy and Procedures Handbook as amended, attached as Exhibit "A"; approving and adopting amendments, attached as Exhibit "BN; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and declaring an effective date. Item 17C was postponed until the Council meeting of January 26, 1993 and Item 17G was considered separately. Councilman Robertson moved to approve Items 17A, B, D, E, F and H. Councilman Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve Item 17G. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-2 with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Weaver and Thomas voting against the motion. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Regular Session and opened the Executive Session. CM011293 Page 7 of 8