Hager Contain/PP-CS 880811GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Date: To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM August 11, 1988 Taryon Bowman Kevin Peiffe~ Hager Containers Addition We have reviewed the preliminary/final plat and construction plans for the above referenced project. Per the sub-division ordinance and master thoroughfare plan, Royal Lane is classified as a major thoroughfare and thus requires a 110' right-of-way. A 100' right-of-way currently exists. As a result, the staff has requested an additional 5' of right-of-way to be dedicated along the frontage. This request will be made to all properties fronting Royal Lane as each property goes through the platting process. For your information, the reason the city requires 110' of right- of-way vs. 100' is to allow adequate width in the parkways for City utilities, other public utilities, sidewalks and landscape and irrigation. Experience has shown that this additional 5' greatly reduces the chance or need to "stack" utilities, etc. due to parkway width restrictions. The other comment we have is in regards to the construction plans. The fire lane is required per the sub-division ordinance to be 6" of concrete (3000 psi) on a 6" lime stabilized subgrade. The staff does not support crushed stone as an acceptable alternative to this requirement. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900