PD114-CS 920311-, First Gibraltar, F.S.B.
The City With A Beautiful Future
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
March 11, 1992
Mr. Lou Lebowitz
SLJ Company, Trustee
8214 Westchester
Suite #900
Dallas, TX 75225
Dear Mr. Lebowitz:
This letter is to inform you that the ordinance regardin§ Case #PD-114 was
approved with the following conditions, by the Coppell City Council on
February 11, 1992:
1) 50% maximum coverage per lot,
2) 1600 square foot minimum house size, with 25' setback for houses of
less than 1800 square feet, and 20' setback for houses of greater
than 1800 square feet average,
3) escrowed funds to build street west to MacArthur Boulevard with no
building permits issued until construction is underway on said street,
4) 139 single-family lots maximum
5) 35' maximum height
6) 20' minimum rear yard
7) no lot smaller than 50 X 105
8) no lot size less than 5250 square feet
9) 5' minimum side yards, 15' on corner lots
10) landscaping of linear park (utility R.O.W.)
11) 6' minimum masonry screening fence around lift station and T.R.A.
12) minimum finished floor elevation on all structures
13) no alleys on lots 17-46 [adjacent to T.U. Electric easement)
A copy of the approved ordinance is attached for your records.
If you have any questions regardin§ this matter, please contact
(214) 462-0639.
G y L~Sie~b~, A.I.C.
D' ect%r of Planning & Community Services
me at
Taryon Bowman, P&Z Coordinator
First Gibraltar, F.S.B.
Building Inspection