Kimbel Add/Re-CS 920311The City With A Beautiful Future P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 March 11, 1992 Mr. Robert Howman Ayers & Associates P. O. Box 612409 Dallas, Texas RE: REPLAT OF KIMBEL ADDITION Dear Mr. Howman: This letter is to inform you that your request for approval of a partial replat of the Kimbel Addition, was approved by the Coppell City Council on March 10, 1992, with the following conditions: 1) landscaping plan as submitted to Council be subject to minor revisions regarding fencing, (see #5 below), 2) traffic study be done, with determination made regarding need for traffic light in the vicinity of Village Parkway and MacArthur, possible "flipping" of the school pad, 3) impact fees not be waived, 4) parking area be allowed 5' thick pavement, and 5) that the developer work with property owner to the north to provide a 4' combination brick pilaster and wrought-iron fence on the north property line with possible pedestrian access points, a 6' combination brick pilaster and wrought-iron fence along MacArthur Boulevard, and combination landscaping and berms along Village Parkway In order to continue processing the subject replat, please amend the replat according to the conditions which were attached to the plat by City Council, and return the specified number of plats and mylars to Taryon Bowman prior to September 10, 1992. If the plat is not submitted before that time, the plat will be deemed null and void and resubmittal will be required. If you have any questions re§arding this (214) 462-0639. Sincerely, · .I~C.P. r~~ Community Services matter, please contact me at xc: Taryon Bowman, P&Z Coordinator Dale Jackson, Chief Buildin§ Official KIMBREPC.ACT