Kimbel Add/Re-AG 920310AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration and approval of a partial replat of the Kimbel Addition. located at the northeast corner of Village Parkway and MacArthur Boulevard. at the request of the Coppell Independent School District. $~" . .,.~ ~, ... ~.. APPROVED CITY CO~ClL}' ~' ..~-~;~~ ~F ~.: ~P]annins ~ct~, G~'~ Sieb DATE: Date of P & 7. Meeting: February Z0, 199Z Decision of P & Z Commission: Approved [q-2) OPPOSED: Tunnell r~ Gross; with the the following conditions: 1) landscaping plan be provided at the time this case goes to City Council on March 10. 2) no traffic study be done, 3) impact fees be waived. parking area be allowed 5" thick pavement, and 5) that the developer provide a q' black vinyl coated chain link fence along the north property line, a §' combination brick pilaster and wrought-iron fence along MacArthur Boulevard. and combination landscaping and berms along Village Parkway Please see attached staff report for further details, BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: N/A AMT. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BY LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQUEST FORM REVISF.~D REVIEWED BY CM: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT KIMBEL ADDITION - PARTIAL REPLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: February 20, 1992 C. C. HEARING DATE: March 10, 1992 LOCATION: The northeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Village Parkway. SIZE OF AREA: 10 Acres REQUEST: Approval of a replat to allow the construction of an elementary school, and the following waivers: 1) 2) 3) Waiver of development fees Allow the parking areas to be paved with 5" of concrete vs. 6". Permit the use of brick pilaster along with wrought iron fences along MacArthur Boulevard, in lieu of a solid masonry wall. APPLICANT: Coppell I.S.D. 200 S. Denton Tap Rd. Coppell, TX 75019 Ayers Associates Mr. Robert Howman P. O. Box 612409 Dallas, TX 612409 HISTORY: Subject parcel was replatted for single-family lots in 1981. TRANSPORTATION: MacArthur Boulevard serves as a major arterial to this tract, and engress and egress will be provided alon§ Village Parkway only. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - vacant; Proposed (PD-SF-7) South - Restaurant & ground storage tank; (C) & (MF-2) East - vacant; (MF-2) West - vacant; (TH-l) ITEM 12 ANALYSIS: Coppell Independent School District is requesting approval of a partial replat for the Kimbel Addition, to allow construction of an elementary school at this location. A steady increase in Coppell's population necessitates the construction of this school to alleviate crowding at both Mockingbird Elementary and Lee Elementary Schools. The overall architectural look of this school will duplicate that of Barbara S. Austin Elementary School on Moore Road, and the school district will begin construction of this school immediately after City Council approval. Several variances to the Ordinance have been requested. Comprehensive Subdivision 1) Waiver of development fees. STAFF COMMENT: The City has waived certain development fees for the School District in the past. Staff is waiting for a specific request, which outlines which fees C.I.S.D. wants the City to waive. Allow the parking areas to be paved with 5" concrete vs. 6". 3) STAFF COMMENT: The City has Granted this request on other school projects in the past. Staff has no objections to this request. Permit the use of brick pilaster along with wrought iron fences along MacArthur Boulevard. STAFF COI~: Details of the fence, which is mainly constructed of wrought iron, will be provided at the meetinG. Because of this location and the proximity to MacArthur Boulevard (future 6-lane divided roadway), staff is concerned about the amount of traffic Generated by a school coupled with a major arterial runninG alonG side it. We, therefore, recommend approval of the replat with the condition that a traffic analysis be submitted prior to final approval of the replat by the City Council. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the replat 2) Deny the replat 3) Modify the replat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat KIMBREP.STF February 14, 1992 Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning and Community Services City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Coppell Elementary School #6 Brick Screenwall Requirement Dear Mr. Sieb: On behalf of Coppell I.S.D., I would like to request a hearing of the Coppell City Council on a variance for the above mentioned project. Coppell I.S.D. would like to request that they be allowed to provide a brick fence along MacArthur that is constructed of the same brick as other fences in that area, but that they be allowed to provide brick pilasters only with wrought iron infill between the pilasters. The school district does plan provide two solid panels at each end of the fence as a transition. The details will be identical to the fence along MacArthur located just a small distance north of the school's property. I am attaching a copy of the fence detail for your review. I appreciate your consideration of this request. Should you need any other additional in- formation, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, SHWC, I~ G~Keep Senior Vice President GK:kc Attachment SHWC, INC. ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS 5601 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. ° FOURTH FLOOR · LAS COLINAS" R O. BOX 619087 ° DALLAS, TEXAS 75261 · (214) 550-0700 OHICFS DALLAS HOJS-OiN CORPUS CHRISTI BROWNSVILLE 'WASHI%GTON, D C VILLA(~N PA February 14, 1992 Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning and Community Services City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Coppell Elementary School #6 Dear Mr. Sieb: On behalf of Coppell I.S.D., I would like to request a hearing of the City of Coppell Coun- cil on a variance for the above mentioned project. Coppell I.S.D. would like to request a change from the present requirements of 6-inch thick concrete paving to 5-inch thick concrete paving in the parking and light traffic areas. All bus and service drives will be constructed with 6-inch thick concrete paving. All concrete paving on the site will be in- stalled on lime stabilized sub-base. Our engineers indicate that the 5-inch thick paving is satisfactory for these selected areas. Coppell I.S.D. applied for and was granted this same request at Austin Elementary, Coppell High School, Mockingbird Elementary and Wilson Elementary School. I would appreciate your consideration of this request. Should you need any additional informa- tion, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, SHWC, In ~. ce President GK:kc SHWC, INC. ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS 5601 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. °FOURTH FLOOR'LASCOLINAS°RO. BOX 619087 °DALLAS,TEXAS75261'(214}5500700 Of FICFS DALLAS HO,,JS-ON CORPUS CHRISTI BRO~/VNSVILLE 'WASHINGTON, D C February 14, 1992 Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning and Community Services City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Coppell Elementary School #6 Brick Screenwall Requirement Dear Mr. Sieb: On behalf of Coppell I.S.D., I would like to request a hearing of the Coppell City Council about the possibility of waiving impact fees and other charges not directly related to costs incurred by the City for the above mentioned project. Coppell I.S.D. very much appreciates the City's waiving of these fees in the past and would like to formally request that those same fees be waived on this project. The school district very much appreciates your consideration of this request. Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to call me or Mr. Echols. Very truly yours, SHWC' ~~I ~iKceee PFiesident GK:kc SHWC, INC. ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS 5601 MAC ARTHUR BLVD,. FOURTH FLOOR ° LAS COLINAS ° RO. BOX 619087 ° DALLAS, TEXAS 75261 o(214) 550-0700 OFFICES: DALLAS HOUSTON CORFUS CHRIST BROVVNSVILLE VVASHINGTON, D C. DELTA - 59'D8'40' TANGI~T =, 24)9. , FINAL PLAT COPPELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NO. 6 ADDITION