Highland Oaks/FP-CS 850306e CITY OF COPI'ELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Subdivision Name Preliminary. Plat Highland Oaks Date March 6 __1 FINAL PLAT .V/ REPLAT Applicant Address Treece & Company, Inc. 14850 Montfort, Suite 171 Dallas Texas 75240 19 85 Street Phone I __(2141 - 991-0091 City State Firm Preparing Plat Treece & Company, Inc. Address 14850 Montfort, Suite 171, Dallas, Texas Street dlty State (214) - 991-0091 .Phone 75240 P'roperty Owner. Morgan/Arapaho Joint Venture Address .1201 South Broadway Carrollton TX 750O6 Street City State Zip Phone i 2,45-88__54 Developer Morqan/Arapaho Joint Venture Address 1201 South Broadway_ Carrollton Street. Texas 75.00§ City State Zip Phone I 245-8854 Ail Correspondence relative to this appl!catto9 should be directed to whom: Name Treece & Co. mpan¥, Inc. Address 14850 Montfort, Suite 171 City, State, Zip. Dallas, Texas 75240 Phone ! (214) - 991-0091 General Location of Property of Lodge Drive South side of Sandy Lake Road, just west 10. What is khe present Zoning District? PD-iR Are you requesting ar zoning change? no If yes, what ~s the Case File Nol Zonin~ district requested? Proposed Subdivislon Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres {for each use) Single Fatal ly_ p_up p.x t. tu 1 t i - raml'l y Comnm rci n 1 Pub1 ie Street Parks, l'ublic Condominium (spe¢if~ new or converson) 22 0. 138 min. 22 q.6 SIGNATURE City of Cop[3ell, Texas All of the restrictions, conditions, covenants and charges setforth herein shall affect the real property described on the foregoing exhibit referred to as the "Development Plan for Highland Oaks Addition". The real property and all improvements constructed on the real property shall be improved, construcled, occupied and used in strict compliance with the following: C;e~eral: The improvements of each lot shall be used exclusively for the purpose of a single family detached residence. Each lot and building area shall be as defined on the Development plan. _ Dwelling Size- Each dwelling unit shall be centrally heated and air conditioned. ,No dwelling shall contain less than 1600 square feet gross of fully enclosed floor area, exclusive of garages, devoted to living purposes. S_~tor~a__ge Space: Each dwelling unit shall have at least 75 square feet and 500 cubic feet of outside fully covered and enclosed storage space (excluding all storage space and attic space within the dwelling unit). Such storage space can be located in the garage area. T__.y. pe of Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent of the exterior walls of all structures shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors and windows. Twenty-five (25%) percent of each story above the first story may be masonry if approved by specific use permit. Stucco type exteri.ors are permitted by specific use permit only, and approval of the Architectural Ravia,, Committee. Rc, ofing- Roofing materials shall be wood shingle or 250 pound composition and shall be consistant in color througout the subdivision. The minimum roof pitch shall be 7' x 12'. Fencing: A wooden screening fence having a minimum heighth of 6 feet shall be constructed around the rear yard of each dwelling unit. No chain link fencing will be permitted as perimiter fencing. _C~!m_n~eys- All chimneys on exterior wails or protruding from the roof shall be co'~structed of masonry throughout. La_'~c2scaping: Upon occupancy of dwelling construct;on, the front yard shall be hydromulched grass. At least one 8'-10' in height and 3½-4" caliper shade tree shall be planted, and foundation shrubs shall be planted at appropriate sF, acings to screen the full front foundation elevation at mature growth. Utility Services: All utility services shall be located undergound, except such e!ectric telephone and gas equipment as may be required along the perimeter of the subdivision. Trash Recepticals: No trash recepticals shall be located in the front yard nor shall be visible from the public street. Parking_ Area- Each dwelling unit shall have a private enclosed garage to accomodate at least two automobiles and which shall be accessed from the alley. Each garage shall contain not less than 440 square feet and shall be attached to the dwelling unit. _A_[_chitectural Review- Deed restrictions shall be placed on the property ~,hich .sha[l establish an Architectural Review Committee ~hich shall review all proposed ~m.~rovements to the subdivision. No construction of any structures shall occur ~ithin Highland Oaks Addition without the approval of the Architectural Review Committee. Maintenance: The Real Property shall at all times be kept in a clean, sightly and ~-k[C;i-e~ome cc~ndition and all weeds or grass shall be kept neatly cut or mowed. No boxes, containers, cans, implements, machinery, lumber or other building materials shall be permitted to remain exposed upon the Real ProF~erty or any lot so that they are ,,isible form any neighboring lot or street, except as necessary during the period of construction. No lot or any portion of the Real Property shall be used, in whole or in Part, as a dumping ground for rubbish or construction waste material.