Lake Park/PP-CS 871110Minutes of November i0, 1987 The Citv Council of the City of Coppell met in a regular called session cn %uesday, November lO, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Coppell Town Cepter. The fol]ewinz members were present: Lou Puggan, Mayor Dan Stanton, Mayor Pro Tem Dean Wilkerson, Councilman Walter Pettijohn, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Bill Smothermon, Councilman Jim Cowman, Councilman (late arrival) Mark Wolfe, Councilman Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, Assistant City Secretary Linda Grau, and City Attorney Larry Jackson. Mayor Duggan called the meeting to order and everyone was asked to stand while Councilman Wilkerson gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Mayor Duggan led those present in the pledge of allegiance. Mayor Duggan informed the Council and citizens present of the Ordinance governing Agenda Item No. 3, Citizens Appearances, and the requirement procedures. Mayor's Report Item 1: Mayor's Report A. Mayor Duggan informed the Council of the complimentary letters he received from the entire 5th Grade Class of Pinkerton Elementary School stating their appreciation in being allowed to participate in the City Council meeting of October 27th "Students in Government" program. The Mayor further indicated that the City Council meeting scheduled for January 26, 1988, will host a similar program with Austin Elementary and Lee Elementary partaking in this program approximately two months later. Mayor Duggan informed the Council that the program has been very well received by the school system, and thanked the Council for their time in making the program a success. B. Councilman Wilkerson informed the Council that in addressing the Meadows Homeowners Association he was informed by the Association of their concern over no sidewalks from Lee Elementary School to Parkway Boulevard. They indicated that the children have to ride their bikes and walk in the street in this area, and it has become a dangerous situation. Councilman Wilkerson requested that the City Manager and staff look into the allocation of funds to provide a sidewalk in th~s area. Councilman Wilkerson also requested staff to consider a streetlight at Sandy Lake Road and Meadowglen Circle which, is extremely dark, speeding on Parkway Boulevard and the installation of stop signs in this area. City Manager Alan D. Ratliff indicated that staff will monitor traffic studies in this area and, once again, review traffic studies on Meadowrun and Parkway Boulevard as requested by Councilman Wolfe. BOARD APPOINTMENTS Item 2: Swearing In Ceremony of Board and Commission Members. A. Board of Adjustments 1. Lanny Mayo - 2 year term construction begins, the Developer will attempt to complete the construction within fifteen (15) months, the end of 1989, or the City bas the right to terminate. If for some reason the City has not accepted the lake for three (3) years after the completion the Developer or the City bas the right to terminate. Mr. Allen was requested approval in concept of this agreement subject to review by Councilman Wilkerson and City Attorney Lawrence Jackson. Following further d~scussion it was the consensus of the Council to accept the conceptual agreement which w~ll come before Council for final approval along with the final plat. B. PUBLIC HEARING - Consider approval of a zoning change, Case #PD-103, at the request of Parks of Coppell J/V, from (SF-0) Single Family Zero Lot Line Homes and (SF-7) Single Family-7, to a (PD) for Single Family Homes, located near the northwest corner of DeForest and MacArthur, north of Parkwood II. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - August 20, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approved (6-1) STIPULATIONS: That the issue regarding the proposed City Park be resolved with the Park Board and the City Council. Mr. Mike Allen, representing Parks of Coppell, Joint Venture made the presentation to the Council requesting a zoning change from (SF-0) Single Family Zero Lot Line Homes and (SF-7) Single Family-7, to a (PD) for Single Family Homes, located near the northwest corner of DeForest and MacArthur, north of Parkwood II. Mayor Duggan declared the Public Hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak in opposition of this proposal. There were none. Mayor Duggan then asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of this proposal. Kimber Valchovick, 600 Harrison Drive, representing the Parkwood Homeowners Association spoke in favor of the City accepting the resolution for the park and lake area. There being no other persons who wished to speak at this time, Mayor Duggan declared the public bearing closed. Following further discussion Councilman Smothermon moved to approve a zoning change for PD-103, from (SF-0) Single Family Zero Lot Line Homes and (SF-7) Single Family-7, to a (PD) for Single Family Homes at the request of Parks of Coppell, J/V, located near the northwest corner of DeForest and MacArthur, north of Parkwood II. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried (6-1) with Councilman Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tom Stanton voting against the motion. C. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Consider approval of a Preliminary Plat for Lake Park Addition, at the request of Parks of Coppell, J/V, located near the northwest corner of DeForest Road and MacArthur Boulevard. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - September 17, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Denial (5-1) Mr. Mike Allen, representing the Parks of Coppell Joint Venture, made the presentation to the Council. Following further discussion Councilman Emothermon moved to remand the preliminary plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission for additional information and insight. Councilman Morton seconded; motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon and Cowman voting in favor of the motion and Councilman Wolfe voting against the motion.