Lake Park/PP-CS 871013Minutes of October 13, 1987 The City Council of the City of Coppe]l met in regular called session on Tuesday, October 13, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Coppell Town Center. The following members were present: Lou Duggan, Mayor Dan Stanton, Mavor Pro Tem Dean Wilkerson, Councilman Walter Pettijohn, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Bill Smothermon, Councilman Jim Cowman, Councilman (late arrival) Councilman Mark Wolfe was not present. Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons, and City Attorney Larry Jackson. Mayor Duggan called the meeting to order and everyone was asked to stand while Councilman Smothermon gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Mayor Duggan led those present in the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1: Approval of minutes - September 22, 1987 Councilman Smothermon moved that the minutes be approved as corrected; Councilman Morton seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton and Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton and Smothermon voting in favor of the motion. MAYOR'S REPORT Item 2: Mayor's Report A. Mayor Duggan provided the citv manager and mayor pro tem with copies of a publication that can be used as a guideline for a City to develop a "feel" for the growth and development of the community. Mayor Duggan stated that after reading the book, he felt that the Council is on the right track in its development strategies for the City. B. Students from Mrs. Betty Nash's 5th grade class at Pinkerton Elementary School will take part in the Council meeting of October 27, 1987. These students will be studying the local government process. Council and the City Manager have been invited to have lunch with these students on that day. C. A reception for the Council to meet board and commission applicants will be held at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Council meeting on October 27, 1987. D. The MacArthur Boulevard-Beltline Road intersection was opened last week. Some problems are still being experienced with the signalization, but it is anticipated that these will be worked out. E. Councilmen Smothermon and Morton gave a report on the recent Chamber tour to London and the possible investments in the future in this area. F. Councilman Wilkerson requested that a listing of all the applicants, by board or commission and the number of positions open, be provided to them prior to the appointments on October 27, 1987. ~ Item t4: Consider approval of a zoning change, Case #PD-105, at the request of Meadowg]en Properties, from (S¥-9) Single Family-9, to a fPD-SF-9) Planned Development for Single Family-q, on property located at the southeast corner of Parkway and Samuel Boulevards. Date of Planning and Zoning Commission - September 17,1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Denied (5-1) Mayor Duggan stated that the public hearing on this item, which has been opened at a previous meeting, would be continued until the regular Council meeting of November 10, 1987. Item 15: Co~sider approval of a zoning change for PD 103, at the request of Parks of Coppell J/V, from (SF-0) Single Family Zero Lot Line Homes and (SF-7) Single Family-7, to a (PD) for Single Family Homes, on property located near the northwest corner of DeForest & MacArthur, north of Parkwood II. Date of Planning and Zoning Commission - August 20, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approved (6-1) STIPULATION: That the issue regarding the proposed City Park be resolved with the Park Board and the City Council. Mayor Duggan stated that the public hearing on this item has been opened at a previous meeting. He then asked for those persons present who wished to speak in favor of the proposed zoning change. There were none. Mayor Duggan then asked for those persons present who wished to speak in opposition to the proposed zoning change. There were none. Councilman Morton then moved that the public bearing on this item be left open and continued to the regular Council meeting of November 1987; Mayor Pro Tem Stanton seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton and Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon and Cowman voting in favor of the motion. PLATTING - PRELIMINARY Item 16: Consider approval of a preliminary plat for Lake Park Addition, at the reauest of Parks of Coppell J/V, on property located near the northwest corner of DeForest Road and MacArthur Boulevard. Date of Planning and Zoning Commission - September 17,1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Denial (5-1) Councilman Smothermon moved that this plat be denied without prejudice and that the payment of any additional fees be waived provided there are no additional expenses incurred by the City; Councilman Cowman seconded and mot~en carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton and Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, and Cowman voting in favor of the motion. Item 17: Consider approval of a preliminary plat for the North Texas Mail Processing Center, on property located at the southeast corner of Royal Lane and Bethel Road. Date of Planning and Zoning Commission - September 17,1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approved (6-0) Mr. Russ Cook made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the proposed bulk-mail center will be a full service postal facility as well as a maintenance facility. Landscaping plans have been submitted to the City, the development will be built in two phases, and a temporary construction permit has been applied for in order to allow for the rough grading to begin. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman Smothermon moved that the preliminary plat be approved; Councilman Cowman seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton and Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon and Cowman voting in favor of ~he motion.