Lake Park/PP-CS 870917~11~ UNIvEST DEVELOP '~'I~, ~ ~0% ~ \%%'~ ...... . ~eptemDer 17, 1987 Mr. Alan~;D. Ratliff City h~anager City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 R~: MacArthur Boulevard Extension Dear Mr. Ratliff: The Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II ("PCJV") owns a tract of land consisting of approximately 25 acres in the northeast part of Coppell (the "City") which will be bisected by the proposed extension of MacArthur Boulevard to the north. The location of the property is shown on the enclosed map. ~'or the purposes of this letter the property PCJV is divided into two portions, as indicated on the map being identified as the %~est Tract and the East Tract. At the present time PCJV has the West Tract under contract for single family development purposes. That pro0erty is the subject of a pending. zoning case and preliminary plat. At the present time PCJV intends to retain the East Tract and is plannings, towards its eventual use as a coranercfal location. The East Tract is the subject of a pending zoning request for C ~rcial zoning._ The purpose of this letter is to confirm certain matters related to the platting and development of these properties, which confirmations are required by our contract of sale on the West Tract. We hereby request that you advise us, on behalf of the City of Coppell, whether our under- standings related to the development of these properties correctly reelect the development requirements w~ich will be placed on these Droperties by the City. The matters to be confirmed are as follows: 1. Cost of Construction of l.]acArt[~r Boulevard - It is Our understanding that ~]e City has an agreement with Lomas & Nettleton, the owner of the property to the north, whereby Lclnas & Nettleton will agree to pay for the cost of the extension o~ MacArthur Boulevard fr~n its present termina- tion [~x)int at ~Forest Road northward across Denton Creek. 12770 COlT RD. · SUITE 1215 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 · 214/233-5771 Mr. Alan D. Ratliff September 17, 1987 Pao. e Two Further, it is o~ understandino that neither the East Tract nor West Tract/S~all De responsible for any cost of construc- tion of sa/id extension of MacArthur Boulevard, by assess- ment, f~/C~:, or otherwise, except for the possible cost of water ~sanitary sewer lines, as described below. For the purposes hereof, the cost of construction of MacArthur Boule- vard shall include, but not be limited to, paving, drainage, construction of a bridge or a box culvert over Dentom Creek, filling the roadway above the 100 year floodplain, and any associated engineering expense, fees, or permits. Hoover, ~ we understand that said cost of construction to be paid by Lomas & Nettleton shall exclude the cost of any water and any sanitary sewer lines in MacArthur Boulevard required by the City, if any. Our engineers b~ve not yet been able to fully ascertain whether the City of Coppell has any requirement for water lines or sanitary sewer lines in the MacArthur Boulevard extension. Since the land to the north of Denton Creek is in the Lc~as & Nettleton Road and Utility District ("RUD") w~ assume that land will probably receive its utility ser- vice frcm the RUD. In this case, we would assume there will be no necessity for extension of water or sanitary sewer lines in MacArthur Boulevard Deyond what would De required to service the development of the East and West Tracts, if any. Please advise us if this is correct or not. In the event that the City does require water or sanitary sewer lines in MacArthur Boulevard adjacent to the East and West Tracts, it is our understanding that those properties will be responsible for paying those costs upon platting and development. However, in such event we would assume that those expenditures would qualify for potential reimbursement under the prorata reimbursement ordinances of the City. Please advise us if this is correct or not. 2. MacArthur Boulevard Right-of-Way - Our contract of sale for the West Tract calls for that property to be sold net of the MacArthur Boulevard ri_ght-of-way. The development~ ~'--%-~St T rat{ i~ ~iate and the platting of the West Tract will occur prior to the completion of the zoning and other matters pertinent to the development of the East Tract. Therefore, we understand that the City's approval of the platting of the West Tract shall contain no condition for the dedication of right-of-way for the extension of MacArthur Boulevard. Rather it is our understanding that the MacArthur Boulevard right-of-way shall be dedicate or Mr. Alan D. Ratliff September 17, 1987 Page Three otherwise conveyed to the City at ,o cost, when the follow- ing events occur which are necessarily precedent to the future of the development of the West Tract and the East Tract, i.e., the right-of-way shall be conveyed to the the City within 60 days after the later to occur of 1) the approval of the proposed final plat for the West Tract, 2) the final approval of C con~rcial zoning on the East Tract, and 3) the acqusition by the City of the remaining right-of-way for the extension of MacArthur Boulevard which we do not own. The commercial use which we plan for the East Tract is dependent upon its road frontage on the MacArthur Boulevard extension. If this letter correctly describes the City's requirements and agreements related to these particular issues pertaining to the East and West Tracts and the MacArthur Boulevard extension, and if the City Council of Coppell has authorized your execution hereof on that basis, please so indicate by signing_ in the space provided below and returning, one original copy to us. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Yours very truly, PARKS OF COPPELL JOINT VENTURE II Michael R. Allen ACCEPTED AND A6~REED: CITY OF COPPELL Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager Date: I-~'-~.--~ PARKS OF COPP~Ex^s '~ ~ COPPELL ... r'--~._._w _. _~.~/ ZONING MAP