Hollows/PP-AG 980714AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: ITEM CAPTION: July' 14, 1998 ITEM # Consider approval of The Hollows at Northlake Woodlands, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of 71 residential lots on 32.327 acres of property located along the north side of the DART Right-of-Way; between Mockingbird Lane and MacArthur Boulevard. DENIED SUBMITTED B ./BY~Gary L. Sieb / TITLF~ Director of P~ and Community Services STAFF R E C4)~J~D~.' APPROVAL STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: June 18, 1998 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (4-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey voting in favor. None opposed. Commissioners Kittrell Commissioner DeFilippo resigned. Nesbit, Stewart, Lowry and and Turner were absent. Approval subject to the following recommended conditions: 2) Ccnnccticn cf Scra Dri-:c tc Crcstvic':: Ccu~t. (CONDITION MET) That the applicant provide sufficient access for municipal fire and hazardous material emergency response. DIR. INITIALS: ~~ Agenda Request Forrd- Revised 3/98 FIN. REVIEW:~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: ®hollows.pp CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: THE HOLLOWS AT NORTHLAKE WOODLANDS, PRELIMINARY PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: June 18, 1998 July 14, 1998 LOCATION: Along the north side of the DART Right-of-Way; between Mockingbird Lane and MacArthur Boulevard. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 32 acres (71 residential lots). CURRENT ZONING: SF-9 (Single Family-9). REQUEST: Preliminary Plat approval. APPLICANT: Developer: N.L.W. Development Group 5309 Clear Ridge Dallas TX 75248 972-250-2325 Engineer: Tipton Engineering, Inc. 6300 Broadway, Suite C Garland TX 75043 972-226-2967 Fax 972-226-1946 HISTORY: City Council rezoned the property SF-9 on May 12, 1998. There is no previous platting history. TRANSPORTATION: Mockingbird Lane is a C2U two-lane undivided collector built to standard within a 60'-wide Right-of-Way. East Belt Line Road is a P6D six-lane divided primary arterial funded and scheduled for County construction to standard within an existing 120'-wide Right-of-Way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South - East - West - Northlake Woodlands East Phase 10; SF-9 Railroad, undeveloped; C TU Electric R.O.W. & MacArthur Plaza; A & C Northlake Woodlands East Phase 8; SF-12 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for medium density residential uses. Item # 14 DISCUSSION: At the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing in April, which preceded City Council's May 12 decision on the zoning for this property, access to the property was a matter of major concern. Council has effectively eliminated that issue from Commission consideration because the property is no longer proposed as a Planned Development District. While Council ultimately may have to wrestle with the question of compliance with fire codes, the Commission's job is to assess the proposed subdivision design relative to the Subdivision Ordinance. Sora Drive is proposed to be 2300 feet long, but it is not a cul-de- sac street. It forms two sides of a city block at the far end. The subdivision ordinance limits block length and cul-de-sac length, but otherwise does not limit street length. Under this interpretation the subdivision as proposed can be approved. However, the subdivision also can be improved. Additional access would make it better. In the planning staff's view, the best place to add access is from Mallard Drive, but repeatedly the applicant has refused to cooperate in this regard. We believe that it could be done and that the applicant simply does not want to incur the additional development cost nor suffer the resulting loss of lot count from the two subdivisions that would be affected. Furthermore, with or without access to Mallard Drive, a street connecting Sora Drive to Crestview Court would enhance the subdivision layout. It would enable new residents to take their children to Mockingbird Elementary and Middle School East without traveling on the residential streets of the adjoining neighborhood to the north. It is difficult to believe that the applicant, who proposed such a street just two months ago, is now unable to provide it. On the other hand, the City bears the responsibility for having approved the subdivision to the north without additional access points and for having removed access to the property from the east. On this account we believe that compromise is in order. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: The planning staff recommends approval subject to compliance with Engineering comments and the following conditions: 1) Connection of Sora Drive to Crestview Court. 2) City Council waiver of fire codes relative to subdivision access. Item # 14 ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Departmental Comments 2) Preliminary Plat 3) Tree Survey Item # 14 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Hollows of Northlake Woodlands. Prelimina~. Plat, to allow the development of 71 residential lots on approximately 32 acres of property at the northeast corner of Beltline Road and Mockingbird Lane, at the request of Tipton Engineering, Inc. DRC DATE: May 28, 1998 and June 4, 1998 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: a ~r'~r:, P&Z 1. May need to consider some type of traffic calming devices on Sora Drive. 2. Provide right-of-way comer clips at all street intersections. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI2TEE FIRE PREVENTION COMMENTS ITEM: HOLLOWS AT NORTHI~t~ WOODL4ND$ " t/i MAY 28 1998 DRC DATE: MAr 2~, 199~ ~ ~l CONTACT: TRA~$ ¢ltllMP, FIRE MAI~HAL. (214) $~-~_~93 COMMENT STATIIS: ~ PRRLIMINAR~ ~ 1. The Coppell Fire Department can not support this proposal. A minimum of two means of egress/ingress must be provided. With location of the railroad, E. Beltline Road, the power lines, a uatural gas line and metering station and a petroleum pipeline all in very close proximity of the project, the probability of an event requiring the rapid evacuation of the citizens is very high. Attempting to evacuate 71 families through a single street would be virtually impossible. At least one additional full width ingress/egress roadway needs to be provided on the back (Fast) third of the property. P.O. Box 478 CoppelI, Texas 75019 972-462-0022 June 15, 1998 City of Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission Re: The Hollows At Northlake Woodlands Dear Chairman and Commissioners: There has been a lot of discussion on this subdivision over the last several months. Much of that discussion has centered on whether or not a second means of egress is really necessary. There have been comments from other staff members that in their opinion, this requirement is not necessary. I respect the opinions of each and every member of the City staff. Each one is an expert in their particular field. However, their field is neither emergency management nor public safety. There is a certain level of risk in every developmenL The Fire Department, in particular the Fire Prevention Division, is charged with determining what level of risk is "acceptable". Each one of you has heard me state that each subdivision needs a second means of egress. I will be the first to agree that some subdivisions could maintain an "acceptable" level of risk without the second means of egress. Unfortunately, this subdivision is not one of them. Placing seventy-one families in a development adjacent to a major thoroughfare, a railroad, the primary natural gas line that feeds the City of Coppell as well as being right next to an underground petroleum pipeline and primary high voltage line with only one way out is, in my opinion, well beyond an "acceptable" level of risk. Much has been said about existing subdivisions being larger than this one that have only one way in and one way out and nothing has happened in those developments. While that is true, it does not make those subdivisions any safer. The City of Coppell has a very short history. The majority of subdivisions in this City are less than ten years old. These subdivisions are going to be with us forever. We must plan for what may happen over the life of the development, not just for a portion of that time. That is the whole basis of determining what an acceptable level of risk will be. As we ali know, the older something gets the greater the chance that something will fail. While I can sympathize with the developer over the loss of the access easement to the East of this subdivision, the fact that the City gave away his easement does not lessen our responsibility to the citizens of Coppell. Each member of this commission is charged with planning for the City of Coppell. This planning 'responsibility includes providing for the safety of our community. It is the professional opinion of the Coppell Fire Department that this development must have a second means of egress located in the eastern third of the subdivision. This will bring the project to an "acceptable" level of risk. Should an emergency occur that would require the rapid evacuation of the residents, it would be impossible to get emergency equipment in at the same time you are trying to get seventy-one families out on one street. Coupled with the fact that the only street out of the subdivision goes directly under a major transmission line and into another development enhances the need for a secondary access to this property. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Division Chief Fire Marshal