Lake Park/FP-CS 910909COU~I'¥ C)P DALI~.S ltOM~OWNE~'~ &OREEMII:NT O, AFLTICU~ ti ~tion 1. S~don $. WI.SECO t.A~O ~l~¥et.O~, ~C, is m6 oww ot ~ !~ ~ ~W C~, ~ ~ ~$~ L~ DE~I*~T, INC, wnfl~q ~ es~b~s~ r~blc ~J on ~ ~~ ~ ~ w~ ~ ~, ~e follo~g ~o~ ~ p]~ ~ o~ la and ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ Jn~ca~ o~), ~ave ~e followln] .~o ~ ]~O ~ m~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ "~lblt The ~imtron {~all ~ fo~ is n non-pmfi~ ~dofl ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ of ~ As~la~fl Is ~mit~ ~ t~ own~ ~e ~t~ ~y ad~t by-laws ~ ~ab~ ~gula~ ~ ~[~ ~d ~ ~ ARllCLE Section AItTICr~ IV Sectloa 1. sectlce {. F-~.h .owner Shad h~ve ~ m ea~nt ~ pn~, w~ ~ dde m o~ ~t, ~ .minnie ~.mo eomm~ ~tx. ~a ~ not ~ city I~ ~c ~o ~ ~lc~l~, ~i~ s~tl ha~ ~a~n talk ~.~ably ~rfo~ wm~ nouce ~m g~mon ~, ~n8 ~ m~nt~mn~ o~Iga~,.~e ~ ma7 ~1~ ~I ~ma, / / · o City ~mes ~a m~n~ o~n~, and s~ll hn~ no aud{~ity ~ ~f~ ~ ~n~c ~fl~, ~ ~ k ',. Afllcle ~iO~, V.A.C.$.. ~umc4m~.~ th, p~on: ~fom whom a,knowlc~,m~nu ~' ia~fl m~ ba mmic. ALL e~ LAKE PARK A~D~T~O~, an ~dd~t~on to the C~t~ Of ¢oppel], Page 2650 o~ ~he Hap Ae¢~d~ o~ Dal~s County. Texas. EXHIEt]:T LAKE & LAKE AREA l~e~ng a ~act ef lel~d ~tuated tn the N~ll~a~ A,.Tr~mble Survey, Ab~tr~c~ No, ~nd the Het~ of O~l~rt C, Noolse~ Survey, Abstract No, 1042 tn the Cit~ of Znc. to H, Douglss Adk~ns~ Trustee, as Yeco~ded fn Volume 7~188, Page 2365 oP the Dead ~ecords of~allas Cou~CX~ Texas~ and belng mo~e pa~tlculs~1~ desc~l~d as ~otlows= ~EG~NNZN6 at the ~st ~O~th~S~e~ly co~ner of PRRK~OOD-SECTJON T~ afl Addttton to the Ctt~ of Co~pe11. as recorded tn Volume 84~32, Page lsd' of the Deed Recorde Dallas Count~, Texas, THENCE South 35e 04' 45" Hast, along the no~h~estett~ 11ne of a 20 foot alla~ said Park~od-$ectton Two~ a dtstaflce of 383,69 feet to an leon rod let for angle potnti THENCE North 18° 22' 14" Nest ~ d~sCanee of ~9.9Z fee~ to afl 1toff rod set for potntt . . THENCE North 15' 09' 63" NeSt a d~stance Of 1008,05 feet to an 1ton rod se: for angle potnt& THENCE North 15~ 14' 58" Nest a distance of 233.68 feet to an l~on rod set foe corner; T~NCE North 7a* 01' 3~" East, a dls:ance of ~8,48 feet to afl 1roil rod set for angle potnCl THENCE North 63~ 46' 39" East a dtstance of 100.00 feet to an leon rod set for angle pOtnt; THENCE North 35' 16' 40" E~sT a ~tstance of 49,94 feet ~o an frOfl rod set for angle :, potntl THENCE North 30' 36* 3g" EaSt a dlstance Of 342,00 feat ~ an 4ton rod lit fo~ comer; THENCE North 32' 31~ 39" East a dlstaflce of 114.16.f~et to an iron rM set for TflE~C; South 57e 26' 21" ~aSt I dtst~nce .of l~.~.feet ~:,~ ,1ton rod set for angle pof ntl THENCE South 550 46' 12" East a dts:ance of 816,92 feat to afl 1ton rod set fo~ corfle~; THENCE South ;6e 1~' 30" Nest a dts:a~ce of 144.88 feet to an l~n Pod let for Ingle pot ntl THENCE South 3~* 84' 15" Hast I dtstance of 180.98 feet to an 4ton rod let for angle polntl THENCE $outh 44' 34' 37" NeSt a dlStance of 13$,00 feet to an Iron rod set for angle . point; T~CE South 19' 34'. 37" ~est a d~atance of 70.00 feet to the POZNT OF BEGXN~ZNO ~nd centafntflg 1.403,801 square feet or 32.~269 acres of land. , I d d