Lake Park/FP-CS 900705The City With A Beautiful Future July 5, 1990 P O Box 478 Cocpeil, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 Mr. Glen Hinkley Univest Enterprize, Inc. Two Forest Pla~a, Suite 170 12201~b~rit Drive D~lla~, Tex~ 75251 RE: Lake Park Addition, Final Plat -- Impact Fees Dear Glen: I am cu~-~ently reviewing the final plat for Lake Park Addition, which was shSauitted to the City, in order to obtain the necessary signatures for exe- cution. As re~4~ed by the Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance, the pasm~nt of a] 1 applicable inx2act fees are due prior to final plat approv-ul by the City Council. We have careD~]ly checked our files and can find no record which indicates that all of the re~red fees have been paid. The assessments are as follows: Water & Sewer Availability Fee : $440 per lot x 91 lots = $40,040.00 Park Fund Fee $500/acre x 26.195 acres = $13,097.50 You mayutilize the option of paying one-bale of the Water & Sewer Availability Fee, which is $20,020.00, along with the ~ll $13,097.50 for the Park Fund Fee. A minimum amount of $33,117.50 is due immediately, or you may pay the f~ll. amount of $53,137.50.. As soon as ~e receive your payment, w~ w4 ] ] forward the final plat to the proper department for signatures. If the plat is not filed with the Dallas County Records prior .to November 8; 1990, it will be deemed n,~]l and void. Please let m~ know if you have questions. Sincerely, Taryon;/Paster ~ P~g ~d Zon~g C~ator bcc: Shohre Daneshmand, Acting City Engineer Amy Crowley, Accountant Building Inspections