Lake Park/FP-CS 900424GINN, INC. Date: To: From: CONSULTING PLAT/PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDUM April 24, 1990 Public Works Department John C. Karlsruher, P.E. Re: Review Comments for the Final Plat and Engineering Plans for the Lake Park Addition FINAL PLAT: Show minimum finished floor elevations on each lot based on Denton Creek 100 yr Ultimate Development Flow for Existing Conditions Channel HEC-2 model + 2 feet. PAVING PLANS: Sheet 4/7 - Revise Lake Park Road width between Circle Cove Drive and MacArthur Blvd. as per the requirements of Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on April 19, 1990. WATER AND SEWER PLANS: Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan, Sheet 1/3 - Show calculated centerline curve data for curved sanitary sewer lines. Sheet 1/3 - Address 20' easement issue on Line D and check to see if buildable area exists on Lot 7, Block A due to easements. Sheet 2/3 - Use one foot thickness of concrete encasement on sanitary sewer drop connections. Sheet 2/3 - Use D.I. pipe for Line A at crossing of storm sewer (in addition to concrete encasement). Sheet 3/3 - Use one foot thickness of concrete encasement on sanitary sewer drop connection. DRAINAGE PLANS: Drainage Area Map, Sheet 1/3 - Use Type C headwalls for storm sewer outfalls. Extend concrete rip rap flume to flow line of creek or toe of slope in the lake bottom as appropriate. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · I,B 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 Sheet 2/3 - Use 100 yr water surface elevation = 454.16 in lake and Denton Creek for storm sewer HGL calculations. Also, as per the Subdivision Ordinance in effect in 1982, the elevation of the hydraulic grade line shall be a minimum of 1.5 feet below the elevation of the adjacent street gutter. Sheet 3/3 - Use Type C headwalls on storm sewer outfalls. Extend slope protection to toe of slope in lake and Denton Creek. Sheet 3/3 - Use 100 yr water surface elevation of 454.16 in lake and Denton Creek for HGL calculations. Sheet 3/3 - Use Type C headwalls for storm sewer outfalls. Extend concrete rip rap flume to toe of slope in lake and Denton Creek. Sheet 3/3 - As per the Subdivision Ordinance #185, the elevation of the hydraulic grade line shall be a minimum of 1.5' below the elevation of the adjacent street gutter. As agreed to in a meeting held on Thursday, April 19, 1990, at the Coppell Service Center, the applicant will obtain a Conditional Letter of Map Revision from FEMA prior to the beginning of any construction beyond grading, paving and drainage. No Certificates of Occupancy will be issued until a Final Letter of Map Revision has been obtained from FEMA for this project. The Owner of the property shall furnish the City of Coppell a letter stating that he will assume all liability associated with his construction of this project in and adjacent to the floodplain of Denton Creek and will indemnify and hold harmless the city of Coppell from any damages resulting from the Owner's construction activities in and adjacent to said floodplain. This review has been conducted in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations o.f Ordinance No. 185 adopted July 25, 1978. FILE COPY TIlE DIT Y fill TII A ~EAIITIFIIL FIITIIIIE FiLE CO?'i FILE COPY SUB-DIVISION ORDINANCE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ORDINANCE NO. 185 6. Storm Sewer Design , Storm water in excess of that allowed to collect in the streets shall be intercepted in inlets and carried away in a storm sewer system. Storm sewer capacity shall be calculated by Manning's formula -- Q = 1.486 AR2/3S1/2 where n Q R S is the discharge in cubic feet per second; is the cross-sectional area of flow in square feet; is the hydraulic radius in feet; is the slope of the hydraulic gradient in feet per foot; is the coefficient of roughness (n : .013 for new concrete pipe) Sample computation sheets are included for inlet and storm sewer design calculations. I_n__.t_h_e_d_e_s.~g n_q.~..t h e_. storm., s ewe?_ s ys tern, .. th e.. e 1 e va t i o.n otf__the hydrau]_ic_ gradienKo.? th_e Storm sewer shall be .a m!nimum.of.l.5.fe_et._below the.elevation of the adjaEent s~ee t gutter: ....... Storm sewer pipe sizes shall be so selected that the aver- age velocity in the pipe will not exceed 15 feet per second nor less than 3 feet per second. Storm sewer systems shall be installed in all areas where the quantity of storm run-off is 200 cubic feet per second, or less. A storm sewer system may be con- structed when the quantity exceeds 200 c.f.s, at the discretion of the subdivider. 7. Open Channel Design Storm water run-off in excess of that allowed to collect in the streets in developed areas and run-off is un- developed areas may be carried in open channels (not in the street right-of-way). Open channel capacity shall be calculated my Manning's Formula and roughness co- efficients shall be as follows: Type of Lining Earth (Bermuda Grass) Earth (Non Vegetated) Concrete Lined Weathered Road Roughness Coefficient Maximum Permissable Mean Velocity 0.035 8 ft. per sec. 0.030 5 ft. per sec. 0.015 15 ft. per sec. 0.030 15 ft. per sec. 28 I l l l I i I i 9.04 9.05 SEVERABILITY If any section or part of any section, paragraph or clause of this Ordinance is declared invalid or un- constitutional for any reason such declaration shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or sections,' part of section, paragraph or clause of this Ordinance. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its publication. Passed and adopted this 25th day of July 19 78 , ATTEST: uorothy minions, CiJ>9 Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Lawrence W. Jackson, City Attorney 42