Lake Park/FP-CS 900402ENTE~PfllSE&, IN¢~ FAC.,~IMILE COVER PAGE OUR FAX NO. (214) 490-?249 (INCLUDING COVER PAGE) NO. PAGES: PLEASE DELIVER T~iE FOLLOWING PAGES .... YOUR FAX NO: PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY AT (214) 991-4600 TELEPHONE OR FAX NO.' (214) 490-7249 IF NOT PROPERLY RECEIVED, ' CONTRACT OF SALE STATP~ OF T~-XA$ ) ) COUNTY OF- DALLAS ) .. THIS COl{TRACT OF SALE ("Agreement") is made by and be:ween the PARKS OF COPPELL JOINT VENTURE !I (hereinafter "Owner") and the CITY dP COPPELL~ a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Texas (hereinafter "City") upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. ARTICLE I D~P~N~T~ONS The following terms shall have the meaning set forth unless the context clearly requires otherwise: "PrOperty', - The approximatgly 7,66 acres of land owned by Owner located within the City, as more particul-a'rly described in the attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference. -----'-'-~~ "Municipal Center Site" - The approximately 8 acres of ladd located Within the Property, as more particularly described in the attached E~hibit "B" herein by reference. , which is incorporated "Park Site" - The approximately 164.9 acres of land located within the Property as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "C" ' reference. , which is incorporated herein by by ~ .... 9-~g Pla~ - The zoning for the ~ ..... ~- - _. ~ne ~t--q~i~3~ of ~he C/tv ...... ~u~£~y, approved '-'q "L-~i~= ...... ~'-~'-~u..n~.~'..~9~2~_~nd evidenced Dy Ordinance No. ~04 A-i6~ dat~d July ~7, 1982,,.a~ more particularly set forth in the at~acbed Exhibit D , which incorporated herein by reference, _~opted b~~ %_Ordinanqe No. 204- a- .... amended, as~d~-~ ~ ~-..- -~"~ _' ~r~lnance No. 185. ARTICLE II PURCHASE AND SALE Owner hereby agrees to convey and City hereby agrees to purchase the Mu~icip~l Center Site and Phase I (hereinafter designated) of the Park Site, together with all add singular the rights and appurtenances Per. raining thereto, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, it being understood that OwBer is simultaneously granting to City optioos to purchase the balance of the Park Site (Phases Ii add III thereof hereinafter designated) under separate option agreements of eve~ date herewith. ARTICLE III A. M. unic~pal Center Site. The purchase price for the Municipal Center Site shall be Three Husdred Sixty-One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety--Two and No/100 Dollars ($36t,292.00). The Dumber of gross square feet has been determined by survey as provided in Article VI The purchase price for t~e Municipal Center Site shall be paid by City' to Owner on the Closing Date, as hereinafter defined, in cash or by cashier's check payable to the order of Owner. B. Park Site Phase I. The purchase price for Phase I of the Park Site sh~'~e Tw6 Hundred Thirty-Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and No/100 Dollars ($233,750.00) for the approximately 5!.34 acres designated "Phase I" on Exhibit The purchase price for Phase I of the Park Site shall be paid in cash or by csshier's check payable to the order of Owner. ARTICLE IV CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO OBLIGATIONg ~Y OWNER-- The obligation of Owner to consummate this Agreement shall, at :he option of Owner, be subject to the following conditions preced~n~, any or all of which may be waived in whole or in pars by Owner in its sole discretion. It is agreed, howevert that City shall perform any particular waived condition following Closing upon Owner'~ request any such item beinq a covenant '~hich ~ ..... : ..... ' I. The ~oning Plan ~hall be in full force an~ effec~ oD the Closing Date. 2. The City Council of the City shall continue to agree that the proper imterpretation of the Sub-Division Ordinance %~ith respect to the Property shall allow for the Property to be developed as fcllows, it being agreed that such interpretation add the resulting application of the Sub-Division Ordinance is the mormal and reasonable course in light of all relevant circumstances: (a] No perimeter alleys shall be required betwee~ dev~iopmen~s in different zoning classifications; (b) Residential lots may front on Moore, Deforest, Lodge, Heartz, Sandy Lake and Denton Tap Roads and Parkway Boulevard, provided that rear access driveways are provided for such lots; (c) Moore, Deforest, Lodge and Heartz Roads and Parkway Boulevard shall have sixty foo~ (60') rights-of-way with forty-four foot (44') wide paving, provided that Parkway Boulevard shall be a divided thoroughfare from Denton Tap Road to Heartz Road with two twenty-four foot (24') paving sections in seventy-four feet (74') of right-of-way; (d) On Moore, Deforest, Heartz and Lodge Roads and Par~{ay Boulevard, paving of only twenty-four feet {24') in width shall be required until such time as a final plat is filed of record for the property on the opposite side of such road; -2- (e) Denton Tap and Sandy Lake Roads shall have one hundred twenty foot (120') rights-of-~ay, i)rovided neither Owner nor it~ successors or assigns shall be required to construct, grade, pave or provide drainage for, or be.specially a~sessed for the construction, grading, paving or draining, of such roads; (f) Sidewalks shall not be required to be constructed unti~qucb'-~.~me as '~ 6j~!d'i~ 'pefmi'~-~'-'i~ issued m~y be ~o~st~ucted-at the street curb line; (g) Funds normally escrowed or u~ed for completion of perimeter streets upon approval of a final plat may be used to build other collector streets in the Property, provided that Owner enters into an agreement at the time to replace such funds when a subsequent tract within the Property obtains final plat approval. The deferral of the following perimeter street escrow or construction requirements a~d the following replacement substitution iz acceptable to the City. Other deferrals and replacements reouested by Owner will be reviewed by the ~ ' ~y on an individual basis for approval, such approval to not b~ unreasonably withheld. {i} Deforest Ro~d adjacent to ~he east side of Tract 17 - to be deferred at the platting of the approximate south one-half (1/2) of Tract 17 and to be replaced with the plat~ing of the remainder of Tract 17. ' (ii) Lodge Boad adjacent to the west side of Tract I1 - to be deferred at the platting of Tract 11 and to be replaced with the platting of Tract 9 {iii) Moore Road adjacent to the west side of Tract 17 - to be d~ferred at the platting of Tract 17 and to be replaced with the platting of Tract 10. (~v) Deforest ~oad adjacent to the east side of ~'ract 15 - to be deferred at the platting of Tract 15 and to be replaced at the platting of Tract 4 (except for Parkway Boulevard right-of-way). (v) Deforest'~oad adjacent to the east side of Tract i4 - to be deferred at the platting of Tract 14 and to be replaced with the platting of Tract $ (except for Parkway Boulevard right-of-way). (vi) Owner may substitute other tracts within ~he Prsperty for any "replacemen.~" tract provided Owner can reasonably demonstrate to the City that the substitute tract has equal or better development Potential as the tract for which it is substituted. (h) Enclosed storm sewers shall be provided by Owner in all areas where the quantity of the accumulated storm runoff does not exceed the capacity of a thirty-six inch (36") diameter reinforced concrete pipe on the maximum available slope, as determined by Owner's engineers; where such capacity would be exceeded, open d~ainage channels may ,be construuted at Owner's option for the collector channels in such areas within the Property; (i) Consent to borrow from or fill areas within any designated floodway will not be unreasonably withheld by the City; (j) The electrlca1 distribution system shall De permitted to be overhead along Sandy Lake, Denton Tap, Heartz, Moore, Lodge and Deforest Roads and Parkway Boulevard and a[ound the perimeter of each separately numbered ~oniDg tract; within each separately numbered zoning tract, 5he '' e~ectrical distribution system shall be underground except as pro%,ided above; (k) Filing of a final plat for an area shall constitute acceptance by the City of the streets for maintenance within such areas. It is agreed, however, that O~:ner and City shall not cause to be filed any previously approved p!a~ until such streets have been co;)structed iD accordance with the city specifications and accepted by the City of Coppell for maintenance as provided in the Subdivision Ordinance. · ' - .Y P .... by the C~ty shal~ apply to the Proper~y, pro~i~, ho~-~ver, any Park Fee of similar charge imposed by the City shall not ~ d 'v ~i-i!tih~-~c-?~o~?~-t~ noc~~ved to Proceeds of ~h" s .... ~ .... Y_Or$~ant. he~. y . uch .,_ce shall be used by Cit5? either to make' payments on the Note or to develop the Park Site. Any such fee due by Owner with respect to the first phase of development ~y O%~ner within the Property shall be payable at such time as Owner receives final approva% of its second plat submitted for an (m}. Owner shall not be required to build water and sanitary sewer lines wi~h the construction of Parkway Boulevard. Those lines to be located iD the Parkway Boulevard right-of-way shall be constructed when and those tracts adjacent to Parkway Boulevard are developed. 3. The ~ity Council of the~City shall have taken appropriate steps, including the adoption of such ordinances, if any should Se necessary, in order that: (a) Owner will net be required to participate in any manner in the construction of an extension of Moore Road north of the floodway line. (b) The City will have abandoned Lodge Road along the southern boundary of Tract 9 as shown on the Zoning Plan; (c) The City will have approved ~ dr-!~J~lan for the Property prepared by Thr~ad~l]-Dowd¥ & ASsociate~, Inc., which will include the l~6a{io-n of any fill or borrow areas needed for restoration of mined areas and the location of any berm that may be proposed to be constructed; (d) The City will have granted its conment to the use of fill or borrow areas located on the Pa~k S~te or elsewhere a~ may_be ~e¢ified by Thread~ill-Dowdl, & Associates, Ih~ and ....... - -' - .... -4- '[assessed vaiuation, if the Title Company has not made a final determination o.f the ad valorem taxes due, then Owner shall remain) obligated to pay the co~ect and final taxes following closing. by Owner; Other costs of closing and consummating the sale and purchase shall be borne and~paid as follows: (a) Owner's Title Policy shall be obtained and paid attorneys, fees. (b) Escrow fee, if any, zhall be paid by City; rilir~g Fees shall be paid by City; and {d) Owner and City shall each pay their own A! ~ICLE X CONTINUING AGREEMENT s he Conveyances contemplated, but sh i intends ~o ~ee~- .9. _The City acknowledges . ---a~n an~ devetn--. ~ .... ~ ~u cae owner tenants and f~- { ...... ~ .u~ purposes of leasi to be conveyed to c~ ....... . -. ha-anco of tbs ~u~un agreements and t a~ ~ ~ ~ne aforementioned nave agreed to sell theh~f-~nse~u~ntly the Owner would not 1 e t C i ~gr~ements contained i, this - · .- ~ lth~ut zimitation, the rov{sions of artlcles IV and %, ~nd this Article X. Theref~re,-Cit¥ hereb an~ Other method;.~'~--~~~---_~__new or amended .... ~ .... f the _ ecution of ~his Agreement by Owner, Should the City do so, or directly or indirectly act or fall ~o act in a manner whlgh would impair the position or rights of Owner contemplated by this Article X, Owner shall hav~ the right to repurchase Pha~e I of the Park Si%e for an amount equal to the purchase Pri~e paid by City Owner, which right shall be set forth In the Special Warranty Deed to be delivered by Owner P~Jrsgant to Article IX hereinaboue and in a short form recorda~le memorandum of this Contract of Sale to be executed and delivered at Closing form satisfactory to Owner. ARTICLE XI If Owner fails fully and timely to Perform any of it~ obligations hereunder or fails to consummate the sale of the MuDicipal Center Site and Phase I of the Park Site for a.y reason, except City's default hereunder, or City or Owner's termination of this Agreement pursuant ' to the terms hereof, City s sole remedy 'is to enforce specific J;er£ormance of this A~reement. -9- ARTICLE XlI 8REACI~ BY CITY If City shall fall to consummate the purchase of the Municipal Center Site and Phase I of the Park Site, the condition~ to City's obligation have been satisfied and City being in default asd Owner '~ot in default hereunder, Owner as its sole remedy may enforce specific performance of the City's obligations hereunder, except that Owner shall not have a right to enforce specific performance to require the City to purchase all or any part of the Municipal Center Site or Phase I of the Park Site. ARTICLE XlII MISCELLANEOUS Parties ~o~ This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, including all owners of any part of the Property. Prior Aqreemenus Superseded This Agreement and the aforementioned option agreements of even date herewith, constitute the sole and oniy agreements of the parties hereto and supersede all prior understandings and written or oral agreements between the parties respecting ~he withir, subject matter. Time of the Essence Time is of the essence of this Agreement. EXECUTED AND DELIVERED By City on /.~-.~O , 1982 Attest: _ EXECUTED AND DELIVERED By Owner on ./~/~i' , 1982 "CITY"- CITY OF COPPELL ~ PARKS OF COPPELL JOINT VENTURE ! ! -10- This Amendmen[ ~o Contract of Sale ("Amendment,,) is made between ~he Parks of . ~87, by and Texas joint ven~u ce ~o ppe ~~~.~- [[,,( "O~" ) a , and ~he City oi Copper[ ' municipal corporation and political subdivision of ~he Stere of Texas. ("Ci ~y"), a WH£REAS, heretofore on December 30, 1982, Owner and City entered into a Contract of Sa/e (the "Agreement',), PUrsuant which Owner, agreed to sell to City, and City agreed to purchase from Owner, a Municipal Center Site (herein so called) and Phase [ of the Park Site (herein so called); and WHEREAS, in connection With the Agreement, Owner granted City options to purchase Phase II of the ~ark Site (herein so called) and Phase III of the Park Site (herein so called); and WHEREAS, the Municipal Center Site, Phase I of the Park Site, Phase [I of [he Park Site and Phase ZZ! of the Park Site are described by metes and bounds in Exhibits A, a C and D respectively, attached hereto; and , , WT{EREAS, Pursuant to tile Agreement and the option covering Phase Il of the Park Site, the City acquired: (i) the Municipal Center Site on December 30, 1982, loc a tote[ PUrchase Price of $361,292.00; (ii) Phase [ of the ~ark Site on December 30, 1982, for a total purchase price of and (iii) Phase Il of the Park Site ca March l~ 1986, for a ~otal purchase Price of $388,800.00; and WI{EREAS, certain aPPraisals Prepared by Bill Do,son Associates indicate that the appraised fair market Value of: (i) the Municipal Center Site as of Auqus~ 5, 1983, was $960,000.00; (ii) Phase ! of the Park Site as of December l, [~82, was $743,000.00; and (iii) Phase [~ of the Park $i~e as of May 31, 1~5, was $2,035,000.00; and WHEREAS, Owner SOld the Municipal Center Site, Phase [ of the Park Site and Phase II of the Park Site to City at a Price substantially less then such Properties' true fair market value as indicated by ~he aforesaid appraisals; and WHEREAS, the sales price for Phase I~I of the Park Site also is substantially less than the true fair market value of such Property; and WHEREAS, ~he sale of the Municipal Center SZte. Phase [ of the Park Site and Phase I! of the Park Site by Owner to C~ty for a price substantially less than such Properties. true market value and Owner's agreement to sell Phase [[I of the Park Site ~o City for a price substantially less than Such property's true fair market value was in Part in consideration of and reliance upon the a~reements of City contained in the Agreement and the options coverin~ Phase II of ~he Pa~k and Phase Iii of the Park Site; and WHEREAS, initially City agreed to Purchase the Municipal Center Site, Phase [ of the Pack Site, Phase II of the Park Site and Phase ~j~ of the Park Site as undeveloped [and; and shall cause such drainage improvements to be constructed without material deviation from such plans. After City's engineer has confirmed that Owner has completed such drainage improvements without material deviation from such plans, City agrees ko accept such drainage improvements and to maintain, repair and replace the same. Where such land is not owned by City, Owner agrees to grant City easements (in form mutually acceptable to Owner and City) covering the areas in which such drainage improvements are located to allow City to use, maintain, repair and replace the same. 21. Water Line Reimbursement. Concurrently with the execution of this Amendment, City agrees to pay Owner the sum of $6,100.00 to reimburse Owner for one-half of the costs of extending a sixteen (16) inch water line in parkway Boulevard. City hereby / 22. Confirmation of Existin~L_ A~ents- confirms 'that ~=Cit~ will a~bide__by the agfeepent{ of .Cit~ ~hose agreements contained zn A~ticlas I~ .... ~ ~d"~'- of the on Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road, but ~ner shal~ have the right to ~ron~ residential lots on Moore, Samuells, ~odge, Heartz and Parkway Boulevard ~rovide4 that. rear access driveways are provided for~such lots. 23. Road Name Change. Owner and City hereby agree that Samuells Road is' hereby substituted for Deforest Road wherever Deforest Road appears in the Agreement. The fo£egoing sentence does no= apply to the reference to Deforest Road contained in paragraph 18 of this Amendmeat. 24. NotiCe. Any notice or communication required or permitted pursuant to the Agreement shall be given in writing, sent by United States mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail, retu[n receipt requested, addressed as follows: To Owner: Parks of Coppell Joint Venture 12770 Colt Road, Suite 1215 Dallas, Texas 75251 To City: City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Attn: City Manager or to such other address or to the attention of such other person as hereafter shall be designated in writing by the applicable party. Any such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been given as of the date of deposit in the United States mail. 25. Time of Essence. Time is important tO both Owner and City in the performance of the Agreement, and they have agreed that strict compliance is required as to any date set forth therein. If the final date of any perio~ which is set forth in any term or provision of the Agreement fails u~on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday under the laws of the United States or the State of Texas, then, and in such event, the time of such - 8 - EXECUTED as of the date first above written. OWNER: PARKS OF COPP~LL JOINT VENTURE I I CITY: CITY OF COPPELL City Administrator 3513S