Lake Park/FP-CS 900402 (2)OAN M. DOWDEY & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERS 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 (214) 931-0694 April 2, 1990 Ms. Shohre Daneshmand City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas Re: Lake Park Addition Coppell, Texas Dear Shohre: After the March 29, 1990 D.R.C. meeting, I reviewed the comments that were suggested by the City Staff and their consultant. I have concerns about the following issues. I have approximately eleven locations where the centerline radius is less 425 feet. The reason for this decreased radius is to accomodate the design of the final plat based on the approved preliminary plat. I used an acceptable radius to moSt cities, such as Plano and the City of Dallas. The subdivisions in the City of Coppell listed below have radii similar to those in question. NORTHLAKE WOODLANDS, SECTIONS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8. NORTHLAKE WOODLANDS EAST, PHASE 3,4 & 6. MEADOWS SECTION 1 & 4. PARK MEADOWS SECTION 1. 'PARKWOOD SECTION 1 & 3. RAINTREE VILLAGE SAMUEL BLVD. @ MacAUTHUR SHADOWRIDGE ESTATES SHERWOOD PARK SECTION 1 SUMMER PLACE WATERSIDE ESTATES, PHASE 1 WHISPERING HILLS WILLOW-WOOD NO. 2 WOODRIDGE, SECTION 1,2 & 5. Cont'd we could ask for a variance from the Subdivision Ordinance, however, I did' not notice any variances listed on the final plat for these Subdivisions. Please consider this issue at the staff level to avoid a variance request. 2. The centerline radius selected for the sanitary sewer lines was selected based on the engineering criteria that P.V.C. pipe manufacturers recommend. I am requesting that we be allowed to develop our system for the following reasons. A. By locating the sewer lines (and water) parallel to the curb lines, the following construction related items are enhanced. a) Repair of the system is easier because you limit the irregular trench/ pavement locations. This allows for a regular sawcut (if necessary) pattern. b) Other utilities can be prepared to locate their facilities a given distance from the City facilities. c) As long as minimum radius criteria is met, you avoid excessive use of manholes, an area that is susceptable to clogging. d) All service repair occurs at a uniform distance from the curb line. e) Initial construction reduces the number of situations where manholes would be located in pavement and/or sewer mains falling in front yard easements. B. The additional cost of manholes is significant in subdivisions with curvilinear streets. C. Additional manholes require additional grade differential (enter/outer) where slope is extremely critical. D. The only advantage of straight alignment is for "cross-country" installation where a curb line is not present to locate the system. 30 Mr. Glen Hinckley, Univest Properties, Inc. has an agreement with the City of Coppell whereby he is allowed to make certain development decisions based on the 1982 Subdivision guidelines. This includes the allowable i foot increase (FEMA standard) in the water surface and the allowance of 0.30% street grades (although we do not have any grades that are this flat). I feel that we have addressed your concerns, and we are submitting two sets of plans for your review. Very truly yours, William A. Anderson, P.E.