Lake Park/FP-CS 900321Univest Enterprize Inc. Two Forest Plaza Suite 170 Dallas, Texas 75251 214-991-4600 CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 2. 3... Applican.t Subdivis$on Name' Pre liminary' Plat Da te '6. Address St~ee~ . _ . · ~p Phone . I (=/~) /-- '~Y Address Street " City S~a~e .Zip Address Phone ! ~ o. ap Developer Address Phone .. S tree ~ C£ ty All Correspondence relative, to whom: this apPl£catio~ should be directed to .General Location of Proper What is the present Zoning District? ~ zoning change? ~_0 If yes, Zonin9 'distriCt.requested? Proposed Subdivision Containst Land Use ~o. o[ Lots or Units ~.nR~e Family Ac es ( or each use) S1GNATUI~I~~ you reguestJng any is the Case File AMT. OF CASH ACCOUNT AMT. PAID CHECK BALANCE MONEY DUE ORDER Dollars $.~