Lake Park/FP-CS 910312I_~ ~'--I I ',..' E -'=; T P [;; 'D P E R T I E S ~ INC- p.02 know you have an/mpor[an~ meeting ~h[s evening, I em ~onfldem we can be poskio: ~o fv,~¥ard documents fbr yo~ar renew a~d cogent in the ve~ near I NC . THIS MASTER DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDt- TZONS (the "Declaration't) l~ ma~e a~ of ~he da~ he~n~f~ ~e~ forth by , and . %~HEREAS, in or~,r =o p~otect, prcserv© and urahan=e the value and desirabili~y of ~he ~=~per~M, Declaraats desire to subjec~ the P~operty to the ~estrlctions. covenants end ConditAona o~ this De~lara~on~ and WHZaEA$, D~clerat%%s recognize ~ha~ Certain ~overnment&l £unc- floss rel&~An~ to main~enance and u~keep o£ p~bll¢ ~oads, me~lans and beautlfAed areas which ahoul~ be p~rfor~ed by the local municipality canno~ fo~ va~lo~s reason~ be performed a~ this time by such municipality at~ Dec!~ants ~sh ~ a.~su~e ~ha~ such 9ove~mment&l type functions shall nev~ho:es~ b~ accomplished for the pro~ection their respective lt~ve~'~t~ in the Property, P~oper~y shall be held, sold ~nd conveye~ subject ~0 the £ollowi'n~ =~atrictions, covenants and conditions, which are fo~ ~he purpose of pre~erving, p~tect~ng an~ e~encXn~ ~he value and desirability o£ the Property, and which shall run with the Property and be binding '.n ali parties havtn~ any rtgl~t, ti:la or interest in the Property, ~y par: thereof, thei= heirs~ successors and assigns, and shall .to the benefit of the owns: or cwners of all or a portion of t? ? As used herein. %hm following te:'m~ shall have the meanings set forth be~ow, payable by the Aas~~n pur~an~ to the provisions o£ ~hia Declaration, th~ Chatter, the ,~y-laws or a resolution duly &dop~ed by the Board of D~r~tcrs c,r the Owners. ~b) "A~soc~a~ion" ~.h~ll mean ~orth herein, in ~h~ Cha~c,)r ant~ In 'the By-laws. (c) '~Soard ~ Dit'~:or~' shall mean the Board Of Direc- tors of the Association ,:e~,~e~ in ~he Charter and their suc- cessors as duly elected and ~:al~£1e.~ from time ~o time. (d) ~'~y-lawo" sha~i me:an the BM=laws of the Association initially a.d~p~ed bY the ~card o~ Directors, as dul~ amended from ~ime to ~Av~, (e) "Char:er" sl~ail =~an ch, ar:tcles of incorporation of duly amended £r~m~im~ to tim~, TUB. (~) "Dallas County ~ppraisal Dletrict" ·hall mean not ltahed but also a~ eu~seT~ently changed for as long as it con- tinues tO appraise the Property, an~ provided, further, that if it should ever s~op i~9r~i~!~ ,~h~ Vroperty, then such term shall mean that Dt. strlct~ Og~ir'~,~dy or official who apprats·· the Property t'or O~!l. as ~ou~ty ad valorem taxes. (9) "FAr~t Lien Indebtedness" shall mean any indebtedness secured by a tirst and p~'to~ lien or encumbrance upon & ~o~ purchase money of th6 Lot and/or for construction ~f the improvements on the Lot, (h) "Fir~ Ncrtgaqee:~ shall mean any bank, insurance company, saving~ and loan as~oci.attan, mortgage company, agency or instrumentality ~i th~ United States Covernment Or other institutional b~lde~ ~ Ftr~ Lien Indebtedness. appropriate re~or~ cf D~llaa ~o,.~nty, Texas, and any tract constitutin~ part ~I' the ~r~pe~ty whi:h has not been platted, together with an~ and a}.l !mprovem~nts that are now or may (J) "Owne~" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or mo~e persons or enti~ies. 0£ fee simple title to any Lot t:htch forms ~ part o! the Property; provided, however, such term shall not include any Darty holding such an interest merely as se:Urity ~or the pe~fc, rmance of an obligation. The !ol. lowin~ uses of all o: (..) Any ua~ ~hich Involves ':he raisin~, breeding or keeping of any animals or F'o,.ltry. (b) Irae~n~ly ~ang~rcus or unsafe uses, includtn~ but not limited to the use or ~torn~e Cf explosive·. (~) tt~i¥ ~ which constitutes a nuisance'by reason of dust, fumes, vibration, refusematte~ Or water-carried waste, (e) U~es ~,:. viv~ion of any federal, ~tate or local laws, includ~n~ spplicib!~ zcmin~, subdivision and streatacape ordinances Cf the Ci~y of C~ppel!, Texas as they may apply from right o£ any O~ner to a~ply fo~ and pursue change· in zoning, subdivision and str:e~t~:ape ~41nance~ at anytime. (f) Any u~e ~h~h involves a noxious odor, excessive. emission of ~moke, steam or vapor, ~r an excessive noise level. (a) Ail of the ~ropert~ withi~ ~50 ~ee~ on either side et a then exiettn~ etru~t o~ road~a¥ sh~ll a~ all limes bo kept in · clean and sightly ~ordi~i,~ ~ad ali ~eads or gre~s shall be ke~t mowed. No ~ox~, ,::c,,;:t~in~:~-~, .c~ns, implements, machinery, lumber ~r other materials ~,ha!l ~,~ permit:ed to remain exposed property o= ~trect except a~ may be ~cesa~ryduring aperiodo£ construction, approved by the Ar~:hlta~tur~,; Con%roi Committee In advance of & A.S SO__~. I..._A.)~.I 0~ _~R(2AN I ZAP! ON _A_ND MANAGEMENT Section 3.0L Board'o'f D!~-re~t~rs. The Board o£ Directors o£ the Association shall'~-determined tH~ccordance with the provisions a~lon shall have two classes of voting-mem~ership-end the member~, through their vo~ing powe~0 sh~ll control and operate the Association~ exceptio~ ~ Aa .... '~.' -lass A members shall be entitled to cna (1) vct~ for e~h One H~ndred Dollars, or maJ=r fraction therecL of value of tha~ pop,ion of the Propert2 owned by each such ~mber as a~se~sed ~'F the Dallas County Appraisal for ad valorem ta~ parpcs~s for ~he precedin~ year. ~hen two or more persons o= cnti=ies other than Declarants hold undivided interests in any Lc~, al~ such persoms or entities shall be Class A members, and the vote for such L~ shall ~e e~ercised aa they, ~on~ themselves, determine, ~ut in nO event shall more than one vcte be cast with respect to each One Hundred ($100.00), or ]~aJor fraction thereo£, o£ Value Of the Lot in which such mem~r~ o~n und~vided ln~eres2s. (b) Cla~ ~ The Class ~ ~em~srs shall ~e the Declaran~s. The Cla~s B memk, ers shall Be anti%led to one hundred (100) votes for each One Nun~red Qollars ($~00.00), or major fraction ~hereo£, o~ v~l~ of ~ha~ p~r~on of the Property owned by Declatants ~s assessed by ~he Dallas County Appraisal District for ad va!oren.~x purpose~ £=~ ~he preceding year. ' relate to a particu[ar Lot, to a lessee holding a ground lease en such Lot. provided that ~he primary term of such ground lease is for a period o£ not less than forty (40) Meats, Sec:ion 3.03 Men,~ersh~ ~ualiffications. £achOwner o£ a Lee shall be a member o~~so¢i~tion,' And aU~memberahlp shall con- ~inue so long a~ such p,~raon or entity continues to be an Owner. me~ership of an Owner in :h~ Association shall be appurtenant ~o and may not be segarate~ ~,~ record o~nerahip of amy Lo~, and the transfer of ang ~e:~ar~hi~ in the ~z~o~;iat~on which is no~ made as a par2o~ a Cranstezof a Lot ~hal~ ~e nuL~ and void. Ownershipo~ a shall be the sole q~a~Aficat~,n o~ b~ing a me,er of the Association. Each Owne~ shall comply ~'i:h all rule~ and re~la~ions as established by the Associa~ion fro~ time tO time, ' Section 3.04 Powers. Fha ~socia~ion shall have the power and au~hority t~y acc which As consistent wl~h or te~lred Whethe~ ~he same be express,d or implied, including but no~ to the ~ollowing, (a) The po~ ~o levy and collec= Assessments (of what- ever ~a~ure) for ~he constructic.~, raceme=ruction, ~aintenance, landscaping, repair ~nd/o~ repla~emen~ of the roadways, median s~ripS, dratn~q~ d~t~hes, lakes, wells and co~on areas provided for; (b) The Fowe= %0 kee~ a~c~i~g recorde With respect to ma~n:enance and ~e~a~=~ and (~) ='~'~e ~owe= ~c ados= =ules and =e~lat~OnS concerning the opera~ion of :he A~ociatLom, INC- P. 0~ ~ection 3.05 ~nf~cemenc. ~he Association, through ~he Board of Di~ec~ors, $~all ~¥e ~e right to enforce th~s Declaration. If the Board 0£ Directors shall fail or refuse to enforce this Declaration for an unreasonable period of time, after written request to do so, then any agg~levedO~ner-m~e~£orce this Declaration on his own behal£ by spp~op;iate a~tion, wh. tBer in law or in equity. Section 4.01 Cove,~ants ~or A~ossments. The Association shall possess the ri~-~, ~o~er, ~uthortty a~d'obligation tO establish assessments suffic/e~,2 in the ]u~gment of the Board o4 Directors to pay when due all charges ~nd ex,eases rain,ed to the operations oft he Association, Each Owner, by accep~anc~ ~f a deed or other conveyance inst~ment conveying a Lot, whether or not it shall be so expressed tn any such deed or other c.;nveyance Instrument, shall be deemed to coveJ~ant to pay to the Association ~he assessments. They shall be applied to the payment of cha~ges for ~hich the Association is responsible, includin~, vtthovt limitation, charges relating to the construction/ recons~ructl~ ~an~scaping, maintenance, repair and/or replacement o~th~ '~,ad,'~ys. median strips, dralnaga ditchee~ lakes, water wells and <.>mmon area~ e~ie~ing on the Land~ public liability and other in~uranae co~era~, el~lch Is required or permitted to be maintained by ~he Association, taxes, assessments and other governmental lmpo~itions not separately levied and assessed, u~ilities not separately a~sem~ed, ~rofeesional services (such as accounting and legal), ~na such ~har costs and expenses as may reasonably relate to the 2~oper ~peration, management and administration o£ the Association. The consent or approval O4 each Owner shall no~ be required for ~he e~tablishment of the assessments contemplated b~ this Section 4.01. Section 4,02 Purpose of Assessments. The Assessments shall be used exclusively £~ ~hs purpose ~£'pro~0~in~ the comfort, health, safety, and welfare of tl~e o~ne~s and for carryl~ out the purposes o4 this Declaration, the Ch~:uer end ~he ~y-laWs. $ecbion 4.03 Annual A~ses~m~t~ Initially each Owner shall pay to the Association an an:~ual A~e~;~mcnt of Five Cents ($0.05) per One Hundred Dollars (~100.00) si value (the "Assessment Value") of tho Lot owned by $.;~;h O~rlcr, as a~essed by the Dallas ¢o~nty Appraisal Dis~rict ~or ~d valorem ta~ purposes for the precedX~g calendar year. The ra=e of Ass,ssment for any year may be increased by the Associe~ion if necessary ~o accomplish the purposes of the Assessments. In addition, the Association may fix the actual Assessment £or any year a~ a lesser amount. 1£ there is a surplus Assessments at the end o£ any year, the Amsociatton shall retain such surplus and shall ~ae same to accomplish the purposes of the Assessments for the ensuln~ 2ear, ~owewr, ~he Association shall accumulate a surplus o~ Assessments at the end o£ any year which is more ~han two (2) tims~ ~he a~g=z~ate ~oGeezment Value of all ~ote for that y~ar (the "~aa!mum Ass~e,~men~ Surplus"). Should surplus reduce the Assessment f~r the ensuing year by an amount at least equal to the amoun~ by which the ~urplus Assessments exceeds the Maximum Assessment Surplus for that year, Section 4.04 C~m~.~ncement Date o~ Asaasb,,teni, The Annual Assessment(s) hereun~--~atl co~en~e January 1, 1986, an~ shall :~':"tint~e there&£ter ~rom ~ear to year. Section 4.05 D~4_~ Date of Assess.,ents. The Annual Assess- monte for any year shal~ b~come due a:~d payable on January 1 o4 S~ch year and shall be constde~.'~ ~elin~i.~nt t4 not paid on o~ before Janu~:~ 31 of such year. assessments autho;-!l~--~'~l~ '{~ ~-~cia~lon may, by vote 0£ l~l members as eec ou~ in ~e:~i.'.r~ 4.0: h~eof, tevy in any aseeesmen~ year T I_IE P t~: 0 F' E R T I E $ -, I NC: . or in part, ~he cost o£ any c~structlon or reconot~uction, unsxpacte~ rePeir o~ re~i~ceme~ o£ a, de~cribed improvement inelud- ing the necessity fixtures an~ ~ereonal ~operty related thereto, or £or carrying Out other p~trpos~s c£ tbo~ocietion as stated herein or in its Char~e~ or By-la~s Seccioa 4~07 Vote ~equived for Increase in Rate of Annua~ Assessment. The lncr~ in tl~e rate of ~)~g ~nnual ~ase~men~ mu'~-be ~y a majority of the total elip~.b%e votes o£ the membership 0% the Association as defined in Article ~lI hereo£, voting in pora.n or by proxy, alia meeting duly called fo~ such purpose, written notice of which shall!be given to all m~mb~s et least thirty (30) dame in advance and shall set forth the purg.~a of the meeting. ~e~tion 4.05 Vote ~eqpi_~;:.?~..~f~__~peclal Assessment. The Spe- cial Assessment authorized ~2 Section 4.06 he~eo~ must be approved by a majority o£ ithe total ell~,l>le votes of the membership o£ the Association asi~e~ined im Article 1TI hereof, voting in person orby proxy, at a meeting duly ~alled for s';:k purpose, written notice o£ which shall be given to all m~m~e~s a~ leas~ thirty (30) data in advance and shall ee~ ~orth ~he p~rpose of ~he meeting. Section 4!.O9 Own~'~ 7,~s~.~ul Ob_~i__~ation fc~. Payee_et of Assessments. The Assessments for spy ~o~ shall be the personal and t-n~ivid6~[-debt o~ the O~er o~ such [.0~. No Owner may exempt or exculpate htmSel£ or itael£ £~om liabi!i~¥ £or the AssesSments apains~ such owner's Lot, In the event of gefault in the payment o£ any Assessment, the O~ner of the ~ot subject thereto shall be obligated to p~y lnceres~ at ~he maximum ra~e permitted by applicable law on the amo~n~ o£ the Assesmmcnt f~om the due date thereo£ until the date o£ p~la~en~ o~ the ^ss~a~?e~. toge~her with all costs and expenses, inclvdinq, vithou~ ~iml~ation. attorney's fees~ incurred by the Association l~ ¢onnac~Jcn with ~okle¢~in~ ~aid Assessment. ~ectior~ 4,i0 Assessm,-~c l.ien an~ Foreclosure. All unpaid Assessments, together wi~h imPort, sc ~n~ ~he costs o£ collection, includin~, without limitation, a~torney'$ fees thereupon, aa provided in ~hiS Article IV, shal~ become & conttnuin~ lien and charge (the 'tAeeessm~snt Lien") against tho Lot subject to such Assessment. The Assessment lien shall bind the Owner responsible other liens and char~es apainsg the Lot scbject thereto~ excep~ only for (a) liens securing the payment o1 Fi%cst Lien Indebtedness, (b) any lien £or unpaid taxes, assessments and other governmental impositions and (c) any lien to w~icb the Assessment Lien has been subordinated by ~he Associa~ :~. Such lien and encumbrance may be enforced bM the Board by aw' ~ean, available at law or in equity, including, wl~hou~ limita~l'.~ i no¥~-~u~¢~al £oreclosure sale of ~he Lo~ of a de£aui~in~ O~'~r con~¢~ed i~ accordance ~i~h the previsions o£ V.T.C,A. Prope;'~¥ Code S~ccion $1.002 with the Board o£ Directors havin~ the p~wer to appoi~ a ~rustea to conduc~ such sale. The Association or any other Owne~ may be ~he purchaser at SUch foreclosure sale. The i~.a.cia~ion ~hall have the power to subordinate, in its sole disc?etlon, the Assessment &ion to any other lien, TO evidence the Assess-.~nt Lien, the Association shall prepare a written notice of Asse~sm~:~t Lien setting forth the amount of the unpaid Assessment, ~og¢~ber with the intezes~ and costs of collection, the name of ~he Owner o£ tbs Lot sub,ecl to such Asses.men~ Lien and a d.:~:.?I,,*~,'-~ ~,~ ~,.4~ r.*.- $.'~% notl' P. 07 MAR-- I 2--B 1 TUE i 6 : -48 F~ R 0 p E R T I ES ~ INC- a ~tateme~t settin~ forth the amount o£ any 'delinquent payable b2 an Ow~er, ~a Wel) as the amount o~ the monthI¥ Ar:h~:~c~ural Contr~ Comm4t ,~ ~o called), which shall ¢o~...~.,,. o~ four (¢) m~b~ ~nitial members o£ the Vaca~ciee~t~,l~~ ~,mbersh~p of the Architec~ral ;on~'cl Committee sh.~ll be created by the resignation or failure to act of any member o£ ~!~e Archit~ctural 'mtrol Com:,tittce. Any vacancy In ~he Committee ¢ r new Co~ittee and ~iled in the Deed Beco~ds of Dallas County, Texas. 'r shall hr.va the r~ght to declara~ion o~ i~s ~ec~sion in ~he Deed ~ecords 0;7 Dallas County, Texas, Declarmnto a~ree ~ha~ shall be appointed aa a me.er ~ ~he Architec~ural Control Co~ittee ~rom t~ia date ~orward until has conve~ed the laet residential lo~ owned b~ i~ ou~ of the land described in ~he S~ecial Warranty Deed. ~a~ed March 1, 1983, from '' recmrded ~n Volume the Dee~ Retch'ds of D~lla~ County, Texas. Section $.02 ~ubais~ion. No Building, fence, wall exterior light, or uther structure or other apyaratus, permanent or temporary eh~ll be commenced, stsc:ed, maintained upon the Properky (or any Lot const~tuting the~eo~), ~or shall any remodeling or ~c~netrt,ction exterior addition thereto, chan~e therein, or alta excava~ion, subdivision or resubdivielon thereof, landi including wl~hou~ limitation changes in or altera~ions si roadways and walkwaMs, be made until ~he plans and speci£i showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, col location and other material a~ributce of the same shall ha submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external alid location in relation to surrounding structures a~t topog~ the Architectural Control Co.~.~ittee. AIl plans end specifl submitted to the Architectural Con,roi .~om~..ittee shall inclu~ showing the proposed location on ~he P~cperty and the dimene all improvements and shall specify in addition ~o comet diagrams and speci£ications, al! materials to be iaed and ¢~lor schemes for all improvements. If ~he Architectural Control Committee fails to approve or disapprove such design and locatio:~ within thirty (30) dams a£ter such plans and sp ~ifica~ions have been submitted to it, approval o£ the Archit~ctur~: ~.,~rol ¢~it~ee will be deemed tO have been given, and this A~ticl~ ~lll be deemed to have been £ullM complied with. The Architectural Con,roi Committee ~hall have the right, all in the sole dis~retion of the Archite~tural ~ontr~l Committee, to disapprove any plan~ and ~pe¢ificatlons ~ubmitted to it for any o£ the following re~zr~a~ Ca) ii su:h plans and specifications ar, not in acco~:~ ~J~h any o~ the provisions these Covenants, any o~her covenant,ts ~r zes~riction$ a£lecti~g such Proper~y or UcC, or the codes, or/,,na~,~:~s and refrulati~ns of'~he City location or color scheme £0~ the p~Foeed improvements are[~ot harmony wish th· general ~ux'r*~ndinqa o£ the Properly or with the adjacent dwellings or str~ctures or wire,he topoqra~,hy; (c)[i£ the plans and speci~ica~iona submitted are in.ompletel Cd) t£ the appearance or location of any landscaping iR not in hsrmony~ith the ~eneral surroundings or topography: Ce) if the plans ,lo notprovtde for ads,ate structural in~egri~y o~ ~truc~ural muppor~ ~or the improvements; or (f) if ~he Archi~ec~ural ControlCo~i~eedJeal the interest, welfare or rights of any or all parts o~ the Property. sign, eithe~ ~ce~d or a part hereof, taping, grade, cations )r, end ye been . design aph¥ bM cations e plats i~nm of ruction MAR--12--91 T IJ E 1 6 -' 4 I Utl I :,/ E ~:T F' R O F'E R T I ES . I ~4 C . drawings, plans or specifications as It deems d.~oirable ~olediscretlontobe In satisfactiono~ the ~o~e~,olng. The decillon of the Architectural C~n~rol Committee shall be ~nal, conclusive and binding upon all Owne~o ~ ~-t~her ~he Architectur~l Control nor Declarants shall b~ ~ :~sible tn zny way ~or any defects La any plans or ~ec/~ic~tion~ :~ted~ revl~ed or approved in accordance wi~h ~b~ ~oregoin~r, nor ; ~n~ structural o~ otha~ de,acts i~ any work ~.~.ne according to ~u=~ plans and specifications. The signature of a~7 ~wo members of ~he Archi~oc~ural Con,roi ~<.mml:~ee on a~2 such plans and specifications with "approved" or "disapproved" w~i~en o~ a~amped ~he~e~n sha~l be prima ~acie evidence aero such approval disapproval being ~he a~t o~ the full ArOhitectural COntrol Section 5.03 De~le_jL~t~ion. The Architectuzal Cent=el Co-mit- tee shall have the right to~i-ieOate lt~ responsibilities hereunder ~y fil ~,g a written deeign~=io~ ~n the Deed Reco~s of Dallas County, 'rcxa~, w~ic~ has been signed by the members o~ tl~e ArchiteCtural Con~ro'. C L ~.' ~.. , ~. 04 EnForcame=t:. The Arch~'.:ectural Control ommx~.~e~ ~ :.~.l have-~rX~h~ ~o enCoreS the provisions ~ ~ha~e c~v'e~;.~s. IK ~ha Archi~,~ural Control ~c~mittee shall ~ail or re,use ~o enforce ~hese Cownanta for an unmeasonable period of ~ ~.~ ~ime a~ter written re~est to do ~o by the Soar~, ~he Declarants or any a~grieved O~n~r, ~hcn ~ch ~oard, Declaran~s ~ aggrieved O~er ~ ~ whe~hermaM en~orcein lawtheseor tnC°Venantsequi~y. *n ~e own behal~ b2 ~pproprtate action, ~ Section i~.o~ Limita~io~ of Li~. 14eLther the Peeler- ants, ~he As~i~l~ the ~o~d~S~ Directors~ the ArchiteCtural Control Coswitt~e nor any o~ the me,bars of suc~ board or co~ittee shall be liable in damages or otherwise to anyon~ aubmittin~ plana and specifications f,r approval or to any owner o~ other owner o£ land a£foctedbM thisDeclara~io~bM reasor~ o~mistakeOf Judgment, ne~li- genes or nonfeasanc~ arising ~u~ of or i~ c~:mectio~ with the approval or disapproval or fa/lure to approve ow to disapprove any plans and specifica~lons~ or i~ e~erci~ing any au=horit¥ granted by this Declaration, ~ection ~.01 ~roper=y Curren~!y_Subjec~ to De~la~.tio~. All of the ~roperty a~d any right, title or ln~er~s':.~herein shell, S owned, held, leased, sold and/or conveyed by De:Infants, and any subsequent owner of all or any part thereof, subJ{e,:t t~ this Declar- ation and the covenants, restriCtions~ charges ~nd liens set herein. P. 02 Section 6.0~~,~,.~...~,.u~__~_~ns ~o Pro. rt..= y S, ubJec~,t= Declar~tio~. Additional proper t¥ ~ollo~in~ manner~ (a) Ii any D~cl~r~r,t or any other per~on, firm o~ COt* potation il ~he owner ~f any pr,per~y which l~ desires ~o add ~o ~he aches of Chis Declarat~on~ i~ may do So by filing in the ~ff~cial. record~ of Dalla~ County, Texas~ a Su~lemen~ary ~ecAa~a~lon~ which shall ex~e~d ~he scheme ~ ~he covenants and c ~ P proper~y which Supplementar~ Declaration, and~ provided, ~ur%her, 1~ proplr~ ~l added to the scheme of this D~claratio~ b2 any parson, firm or corporation (b) ~uch ~.p]~.::mc~,.~:a~-2 Denigration may contain covenants and ree~riccione ~o which .~n~2 ~he added pr<per~tea shall be subject. Such c,veaan~s apd r~scr~r.~ior s may contain i,.,1A R-- i 2 --,D I T IJ E I 6 : 4- i i_l fl I ',.,' E S T F, R 0 F' E R T I E "~, - I I'-.I C . F' . 0 .'~ this DeclaratL~n s5 ma~ be neccsear¥ to r~flect t~te di££erent character, if !any, 0£ the added properties. ! however, shall ~uch Supplementary Declaration revoke, no event, modi£¥ or ~d ~o the covenants e~t~bll~¢d ~kis~Declaratl¢~ for ~ny of · ne ~ropert2 other tha~ th~ added properties. Onc~ ~dded, the ~dded p~c~er~ie$ sha~l be {ncl~ded within the d~£;~ned terms Property"a~d "Lot" as vsed h~reJ~o (c) Upo~ a me~ger or consolidation o~ the ~ith another a~sociation, its prope~ties, rights and obli- gations ~a¥, b~operation ~f la~, be transferred, to another surviving or co~oo~date~ a~oclaticn o~, aiterna~ively, the · '~tona of [the As~oci~tio~ as a Surviving ~CrporatiO~ ['- ~.-:laratlOn within ~he P~operty, to~ethe~' with tho 0'¢~:~ ~s and ..~e~trlcttons established upon an~ 6thor prop- erties a~ one scheme. No such merger or con~olldati~n, however~ shall effect anMirevocahion, change or ~ddi~ion to th· covenants established ~¥ ithis Declaration pe~'t~ining to the Property excep~ as may otherwise be permitted heretn~ M i SCE S~tion 7,01 ~~ilt~.~,d LM. iver. The invali~i~¥ o£ any one o£ =its covenants, !c~nditions or ~-~c~o=,s t',e~ein se~ ~or~h~ or ~he ~atlure to enforce any o~ s~la cove~ante, con~l~:/one Or res~rictions at ~he ~me of ~hc vAot~ki~n tte~aof, shall ~n no even2 a~fec~ an2 of the okheM Covenants, cond~tion~ or restric~AOna, nor be deemed a waiver of ~he~r~¢~ kc enforce the s~ma ~ection 7.02 ~ding Effect and Enforcement. Thins Declara- tion and the covenan~,~c0hB~'tions an~ restric~l~n~ Se~ fgrth herein shall run with and bi~ the Property. $ubJec~ to the provisions Section S.04, this DeClaration shall inure ~o ~he benefl~ c~ and enforceable bM 2he De~laran~s..the Board and each Owner,~ and their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors an~ assigns. Enforcemen~ of the come,ants, conditions and restrictions s. e2 ~orth herein shall be by any proceedtn~ a2 la~ or tn e~i~y agains~ any person or perso~a violating er aktem~2tn9 ~o violate ~ny such covenant, condi~i~n of restriction, either to ~es~ratn vlola~Aon or recover damages, or agains~ ~he Property, wt~h respect to ~he enforcemeng of any lies created $eChton 7.03 ~. Ail ~o~icea, approvals, dAsap:~rovals, applications and o~h~s~ar or ~!mslmilar co~untcatto~e~lred or p~rmitted by this Declaration shall b~ in writing and ~hall be e~fec~ive upon delivery, ~c~ion 7.04 S~c~ion Headia~, The ti~les, headings and captions which have ~en used' fhr'~ghcu~ ~hla Declaraki~ are convenience ~nl2 and~ are nec ~o be used In comstrutng ~his Declaration or any por~icn hereo~, Section 7.05 ~e~dments. This Declaration may be revoked or amended La the follow~ "-- (a) Until ..... .reserves :and shall ~lv~ ~;~ ~i¢,~, fro~ ti4~ t~ time~ unila~erally, wt~hou~ Jolnder hY othe~ ~ner.~ or pereo~s who may have an interest im the Lo~ or Pro~cr%.~.f any kind orCh3rac~er ~o revoke or amend this Declara~,n or chan~e them in any respect In ~hole or In par~, by in~umen~ d~ly acknowledged and recorded im ~he ~ecords o~ ~he Office o~ the County C~erk Dallas County, Texas. (75%) o~ the O~nc. rs maF from time to time, ~evoke or amend this Declaration [o~ any purpose bM tnstr~en~ bearin~ the ~i~natures Of sevantM-fiVe percen~ (75~) ~£ ~he Ow~ers~ d~ly ~ ~led~ed and re¢o~de~t~..~he.,.Deed Beco~s o£ the O££ice o£ 7~nty Cler~ of Dalla~ County, Texas. ~n ?.05 Te~'m. This Declaration shall be effective upon the ~,,~ ,:~: recordatio--~hereof, and ~s amended~ro~ time ~o time, ehr, ll c~tinue tn ~u~l force and effect to and in~ludiu~ December 31, 20~4. ~rom and after ~ald d~te, this Declaratio~, as amended, shall ur, less there is an af~irm~t~ve vo~e to terminate this Declaratiom by t:;,. ~henOwners o~ ~ifty-onepe~'cent (51%) of the~o~s. .~:ion 7.07 ~ef~J~L~ui~aes. X~ any interest purported to be F %his Decla~ion is~llen~ed under t~e Rule Against Per- ~ or &n~ xelated rule, the interest shallbe construed sa void and o£ no e~£ec~ as of the end o£ the applicable period o£ ~.,-pe~uities computed f~om the date whom the pe~od o£ perpetuities to r~n on the challenged tn~erest~ the u~ives in being" cc~-~p~ting the period o~ perpetuities shall be ~hose which wou~d be in dete~minin~ the validit~ o£ the challe~9ed interest. EXECUTED aa o£ T i..I E I t-lC . , ~,' · I0 lale~ ~00eve~opmom, eo~Iru~don lnd ~al~ pur~ gl Der, ~, ?h~ eo}u merce, Ind~lry, bmln~, trad~ or prof~lon on lny ~h The r~lrlaiIo~ here~n ~ont~l~ sh=[t ~ cumulative of~ ~nd [n a~idon Io~ such r~tr[cllo~ on ~=[e ~ may from I[mc ~ Hme ~ applicable un~r sn~ pumuan~ te the or,menial ~UIhO~'lly ',~,';n~ Jurbmctlon.cver a~y LOh . Io exterior wall. Ho R~qdence cc.~trueted on any other Lo~ shall ,onlaln I~ than square tee[ et fully enel~ed tl~ a~ea devoled lo llvlnl~pur~ meMur~ Item exterior walt lo exterior wall. The Iuily enol~ed :!~r area ~vot~ ~o llvlnl put~ shall ~ excl~lve of poreh~ ~erraccs, garage, and olher are~ not heated and air eon- lach~ ~arace of sufliclent size /or at lc~t two automobile, p~va~'and eulhorhallon o~ Ih~ Archlt~ClU,'al Control Cbmmilleo, ~ hereln~ltef d~ and wlnCaws~ E~i~ s~or~ e~ve lbo f~rsl Slery of a R~lden~e ~h~ll have ~hait have an all m~onry exterior exeh~ive of O~m ind win- Committee. 8(uc~o type exterlor~ may ~ ~rm[~;ed, 1{ approved by the Ar~ht- iC~lural Co~h'ol (e) No exterto~ ~tora¢e or any ilems et any kind shall ~ ~mlll~ cept with prior wrt~ten apnr~va[ ~nd ~u:horlzallon el the Archlteclural Control Commlllce. ~n~suchstorh¢a~Isapprovedand~uthOd~sh~l~lnare~ Th~ prov~ion shall aoply wldmut llntlt~llun, tO w~ pll~,'eamCn~ tratle~, ~al ~raite~, lravel trailerg, ~,~s, mobile.hareM a~d uemounted pickup of ownership, age, cor,~i{lua ur appearance ~hall remal~ on any Lei In any man- ner which could ~ c~r~ed ~ heine stored, ne¢~eeted~ abandon~ o~ otherw~ not In trequent ~e exeer[ pursuant ~o wrhten approval a~d authorization · Architectural Control Commitlee. lng, except tn receptacl~ mee[inff the ~pccirieatto~ of lbo City el Cop~ll, , Text, and Ihe Arehtleelu~al Con!tot Committee, and the plaeemenh malnt~ cumulate thcrcc, n. (g) No radio, stereo, broadest or loud speaker units and no amplltler~ Building wlthoul prior wH[Ioa approwi and aulhorlzallOn of lhe Arohlleclufal Control Committee. P. 05 M A R -- I '7-' -- '_:J 1 T IJ E 1 6 : ,4 ~ LI F-4 ]_ './ S. :-Z; T F' ~-: C' F' E E: T I E ':.-; - I N C . P . O 6 (h) NO cu,J~. ~l~.~"~'i~' iothc~ ih~n f~reh lI¢~tln~, patio llgi~ting' ~rttten approv~t, ~nd a~d~odx~!o~ o~ the ~rchlte~turai Control Commlti~, (I) No ~n~m~, repH~, ~h or bir~ o~ ~ny kind sh~il ~ ra~, or kopE on any Lo~ exoept pursuant lo prior written approval at the Archlleelu~ al Can~rol CommJl;ea, provided, however, thee do~s~ eats, b~r~ or ~h may kepi ~herein ~ houSehOld ~IS so lone M, In ;he al~ereHon ~ Ihe Architectural con~rol Commlltce~ such'~t ~ nob or ~ nol ~come~ ~ nu~anee, Ihreal~ c~herw~e objectionable.to o~h~r Owners, (~) No Lo~ sh:d~ be ~u:lher ~lvloed and ~o ~rtlon i~ (hen any such Lot dnctudln~ t~e Enrn~'e), or nny e~emenl ar ~ny ot~et Inler~flher~ (k) No owm~r shall p~rmi( any ~hln~ or eonoltlon to ex~t u~n iffy (9 N~ tree~ shrub, or p!nn: of any kind on any Lot shall ~ ailow~ to overhan¢ or otltcrwL~e encroach u~n any Sidewalk or any other ~trlan way :rom ~round level ~o a he,IH ¢ seven {3}~eet wlihout the prior writlen approv- al and authodzallon o~ ~he Ar~hite~tuai Conlrol CAmel:tee,, (~) ' ~ ~ i eratlon e ul men~ and nc ~ ~r g ~, ;.~. Y',F_~ .;, ..... 4 ~. ~nlnt~lned anywhere olher Ihan on equipment ~naa AA .~acea,.,aL,~,~'' y; .:~ .....ed o~ eo~e,.ale~ (subject grOUnd (such ~ on mO roou ~a~V, ,' .~,w,, - ed a rova~ Gs to a-el~hc'cittraI con:~Ol),.ln such'manner Ihal the , maehlner, y, [ixtur~ or equipmc~',t, ' -- ' (n)' No ~, ;~eelrlo ~wee~ t~ephon,~ watch ~war, cable lelevblo~ ........ ,.- -Ze~r.~e lin~ ~[ any nature or kind shall ~ plao~d, or omer uum~ u...~.:.. · ..... ,~-'~ ...... -~, excent alone l~e ~rl~e~er }~n~J. 'The ~tore:oin~ ;ha~ r,¢ pronlbl~ service p~ aha swlteh cabinets an~ ~rans~c, rmcr~ ?,'~er~ r~-qulru¢, (=} No op.r~ l~r~ or bumtn[ sh~]l ~ ~tmltl~ on any Lot at lay time and no tnclnerato~' ot U.~e equipment shu[l ~ pl~eed, allowS, o~ m~nltln~ ary ~hion of ou~d~ r~tdenHa[ ~arb:Cu~ or ~rtlis. taln~ bJ [h~ Develo~r prior ~o tho eonVCyanoe o~ It el ali O[ Ihe LOII~ ~0 exl~ any Lot wltkout prier wrillan ao, proval anu aumor;zauun u~ ~.u Control Committee ~xcepl ~or (I) dudn: d~e applicable Initial eoMtruetlon ~nd sal~ ~rl~, one ~?~r.~,~.tonni s~q (u~ not more th~n ~l/~n (~5) square SI~e) ~r Lo~ m~ t~ uill zed for adv.rtb~ ,~ ~nd sal~ pur~, ill) thereafler, IJ2~ by the Owne~ of the ,.~n~,",~ ~.o~ :o~ II~o applicable sale ~lluatlont and 'fill} matl~x~s end residential r, amepla'.~ m~y ~ placed and ma~nlalned in eon- able r~trtello~ ~ ~ si~9, ~ m~y ~ adopied Dy Ihe Arehl{eo[ural Conill ml~, Any end att o[ne? slg~ to ~ pinc~ u~n any Lei m~l subml[t~ IO and approved by iha'Archttoo[Ural Conlrol Commlliee pr[o~ (~) No rep~lr~ o~ ~n? del~hed machinery, equlpmenl ~? lnoludlnl wilhoul llml~Hon mojor vehlot~% sh~[I ~ m~d~ ~n ln~.~rlJo~.ol written approval and authoriza{lon of the Architectural Conifer Co,mitts, J M A R-- 1/2-- 9 I TiJE (d No v~l uxplgr~tj~,q~ drll:lr.¢, developmen~ or ~Nnlng o~atlon and no qu~rr~In¢ o~ mlnlP¢ o~ratto~ or ~ny kind, Includln[ oll Lot; and pO derrleK or other ~(ruc[ure d~l~ned tot {$) No ~r~,~t et tl~e L~n~ m~v,~ develo~ o¢ r~evelo~ olherw~ (t) N~ lot s~d~ ~ r.'~h'~t~'~-~ ~r u~ll~z~ In such ~ manner ~ (in the d~croHon~ry ~d~fman~ o[ tho 6rchi~cc~ural Co~tro: Committee) to p~nl vlcw), o¢ ~ Io u~re~o~:bly ~;~en~ mo morale of or M to eo~tltulo a nu~anee re~ldenl~ o~ the Land; p~d nc noxlo~ or mhe~w~o oJ/e~ive'eondiUon or aetlvlly ~ha;i ~ al~ow~Jd to exL~ or ~ ~ond~c(cd lhcreon, : (u) No L,at sh~ll ~ maintained or utillz~ In such manner ~ to violate a~y applicable s~n;u[o, o~[nanee, or r~uladon el the Unlicd St~ et America, tho Stnte ~t T~t~, 1he c.o~mty O~ Datl~% the City et Cop~ll, or any olhet iev- ,,{¥) NO tot shah [~ m~h.:~..m,;d o~ Util~z~ In violation o[ 1he Cov~ (w) M~or vehlc~e~ owned or In lh~ ~t~y oi any Owner can ~ p~fk~ only in ,lbo ~r~e or ~ar~¢e apron ]~ca~ed.u~n of ~¢talnln~ to such Owner's Lol~ o~ m psr~t~¢ :{re[~ d~!~nal~d by tho Arehlteelural Control ¢ommitl~, un~ I~ o~herw~o authorized by ~t~e arc:b!~ec~ural ContrOl Commlt~, No b~, ~ommll~ee In are~ aitraelboiy ~creene~ o¢ concealed (sub~cl ~o alt cequlr~ ~pprova~z ~ m a~'ch[teet~rat ~c~lrol) ~rom view et nel&h~rln~ pro~rty~ path* (7) No Dul~dlr~ shal; ~ ~¢mHt~ lO ~aii Into ~pal~ and any ;uoh Buildln~ ~all ~I ali ([m~ ~ ~:~pt J~ ~ aondlUon and ~palr, a~ualely (z) Ali uliill7 iin~ trem each ~{~idenee to the common utility sewage from such Residence) shah ~ maintained by lhe Owner o~ such R~I :.~,,5.,-,, ;:.c~oi~l~g mar-ectaaa shall be wood shingle, ~t'he ACC w~.i: e.,'w:mir~,~e vaciel:y ,tn the oe].ect~on of :oofing ~t, ot~ri~is. Z: a tJ. 3. e ~l~ng]e Js used, I;l~e el~J,ngle m~z~t De apprcve~ b'/ the ACC,' ~'f a eomooai~l~n ~nJ. ng,,e ~a ~e~, ~ ~c-of n,at.~r'ia].a shall be of al: leae~ 240 pound weJ. gh~ an~ ~hall L,e a Pceatlgue II nc an equiva- lent ~h~ngl~ ~ e WeaLhe~ed Wood or S3ate Gray co]O~. The 7'/3,3', Ali dwell.tags &hall be fu].Jy guttered. {ab) ~t'~_ ,~.Y.~.t;J.or~. Individuality ;tn street: a[~peacance j.s immune:ant, V~:lety tn :tonl: eleval:ions be :equired cn ad:joJnin,¢! ;lots. Atchiteetur. a}, sty]es shaJ.,t be harmoniou.~ at~ ahall b.~ ~rad.itlona], in nat:ucc. All dwelltngs aha.'~,l. ~c~.:[j.x~ the ,~me house numbetJng a.tgnage P . O'T' P#ILLIP$ DRIyI~ Fl#AL PL AT LAKE PARK ADDITION UNIYEST