Hollows/PP-CS 980717214 ?45 ~390 WINSTEAD SECHREST & MINICK A Pmf~ond C'Qrpor~an TELECOM )4UN W~A/_T!ON_ ~Sl~. _ITT. AL PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: TELEPHONE FAX NUMBER: NUMBIER: FROM: ARTHUR J. ANDERSON The informa~rn contained in -..his fac$tmde m~ is a,l~;omey prMlelled ~d confiden~ infor~on inmnd~ for ~e u~e of the i~vidu~ or en~ ~ ~ve. If ~e r~ of ~ ~ is no[ ~o inmn~ ~L or emp~yee or ~en~ ~nslble ~o deliver ic m the inmn~ r~ip~ ~ ~ ~y n~f~ ~ ~y di~mina~on, Oi~crtOu~on or co.in8 ~f ~is co~n~on is ~W prohibit- If ~ h~ r~ ~is f~ in error. ~mmeOl~ely noB~ ~s by mlepho~. ~d r~rn ~e or~ ~ m ~ at ~ ~ve ~ via ~e U, S. NUMB~R OF P~S: ~ IN~UD~ gOeR ~. PL~ ~k ~Y W~DN ~R ~g AT ~ 1~4s.s~ ~ ~N ~ P~I~E IF YoU ~ ~T ~E~ THE TOT~ NUMBER ADDITIONAL MESSAGE: ...... ORIGINAL W1LL NOT FOLLOW DAgfi2S60078 Mall ~ Hind Delivery Ckq, mil~ Ddh,~7 ~ Ocher 5400 gen~,.~-~'c Tow~r 1201 Etin 5~tee~ l)-all~, Tcx. aa 75270-2199 Mtxmo CIT~ /INSTEAD SE T & MINICK July 17, 1998 t214~ 7.°,)-)400 Fa~. (21all 7at5-5390 D~rcct Dial (214) 745-5T45 VIA FAX 972/304-3547 Mr GaD' Sieb Director of Plarming Cxty of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppetl, TX 75019 Re: Hollows of Northlake Woodlands Preliminary Plat Dear Gary: The correct City Council date for reconsideranon is July 28. I apologize Ibr the error. Sincerely yoms, Arthur 1. Anderson AJA/plg Pete Smith, Esq. (via fax 214/965-0010) Steve Parsons (via fax 972/931-5455) Pat Atkins (via fax 972/226-1946) OD M ^~ PC DOC S~,D^L L A $_ I ',3 o43911 \ 1 t79 19734-1