Hollows/PP-CS 980715JUL-I~-g8 12:3g From:WS&M DALLAS 21aTa$$174 T-212 P 02/02 5400 Renaissance Tower !.201 Elm Stree~ Ddlas, Tcxa~ 75270-21~9 DALLAS HoUSTO~ AUSTIN Y./X~¢O Cn'Y WINSTEAD SECHR T & MINICK (214) 74%5400 Fax (214) 745-5390 Dicect Dial: (214) 745-5745 aandcr$o(t~wlnstead.¢om July 15, 1998 VIA ]FAX 972/304-3570 Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppcll, TX 75019 Re: Hollows of Northlake Woodlands Preliminary Plat Dear Gary: It is my understanding that the above-referenced preliminary plat was denied by the City Council last night even though it met all City ordinance requirements. In accordance with law, please furnish to this office the certified reasons for denial as soon as possible. Also, it is my understanding that the City Council met in executive session on this mauer, presumably to discuss the reasons for denial. Please furnish to this office the reasons the Council met in executive session under the Texas Open Meetings Act. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience regarding this matter. Sincorely yours, Arthur J. Anderson AJA/plg CC: Pete Smith, Esq. (via tax 214/965-0010) Steve Parsons (via fax 972/931-5455) Pat Atkins (via fax 972/226-1946) ::ODMA\Pt~DOCS\DALLA,.q_I ~3042540\ l