Hollows/PP-CS 980716M~¢o rINSTEAD SECHREST & Mm CK Jul), 16, 1998 VIA FAX 972/304-3570 Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning City Of Coppel] 255 Poa-kway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Gary: Hollows of Northlake Woodlands Prdiminary Plat Pursuant to thy telephone cunYersation with City Attorney Pete Smith, yesterday'~ request for certified reasons tbr lh~ Council's den/al of the above-referenced preliminary plat is withdrawn. h is my rtnderstanding that ~he p,r,eliq~La/y,,pla~ vote will be reconsidered with the preliminary plat being approved at the Council s ~'28, 1998, meeting. Because I ara going out of town, please coordinate with Mr. Parsons and Mr. Atkins any issues that might arise between now ancl Augusl 28. if you have any questions regardin9 this matter, please let me know. Sincerely yottrs, Axxhm- $. Anderson AJA/plg Pete Smixh, Esq. (via tkx 214/965-0010) Steve Paxsong (via fax 972/931-5455) Pat Atkins (via fax 972/226-1946) 179