Jack in the Box/PP-AG000509AGENDA REQUEST FORM May 9, 2000 ITEM # __Z_~___ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Jack In The Box Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Preliminary Plat, to allow the construction of a 2,742 square foot fast food restaurant on approximately 1 acre of property located on the south side of S.H. 121, approximately 320' east of N. Denton Tap Road. SUBMITTE~ TITL['. Dkector of Plann~tg STAFF CO~ and Community Services Date of P&Z Meeting: April 20, 2000 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. A PPRO I/?D C!TY COUNCIL DATE 11,~ I 'c .I. ,u;, i)(,,.~ Id Zq..~ otr~ve. Ce,s"/"; cole(',.,....r'd with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell Clark, Approval recommended, subject to the following condition: (CONDITION MET) Staff recommends denial. DIR. INITIALS: ¢~, Agenda Request Form - Revised 2/99 FIN. REVIEW4 CITY MANAGER REVIEW: ~/~ Document Name: @JIBpp CASE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Jack In The Box Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Preliminary Plat P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: April 20, 2000 (originally scheduled for Planning Commission on March 16, but withdrawn at the applicant's request until the April public hearing) May 9, 2000 Along the south side of S.H. 121, approximately 320' east of N. Denton Tap Road. Approximately 1 acre of property for development of an approximately 2700 square foot franchise restaurant. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: LI-S.U.P. (Light Industrial, Special Use Permit) APPLICANT: Mr. David Bunnell Denton Tap Dev., L.L.C. 3721 Shenandoah Dallas, Texas 75205 (214) 520-3611 Engineer: Thomas Holland C and P Engrs., Ltd. 3501 FM 2181, Ste. 280 Corinth, Texas 76205 (940) 270-8211 Fax: (940) 270-8201 HISTORY: There has been no recent development history on the subject tract although a zoning request accompanies this platting proposal. TRANSPORTATION: State Highway 121 will eventually be built here as a six lane divided freeway. The subject tract is adjacent to the eastbound one way service road of this highway and consists of three lanes of pavement. Item # 6 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- State Highway 121; City of Lewisville zoning South -Denton Creek Middle School; SF-7 East - Denton Creek Middle School; SF-7 West -vacant; "LI" Light Industrial zoning COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for regional retail uses which includes restaurants. DISCUSSION: This is the companion piece to the Jack-in-the-Box restaurant rezoning case heard immediately before this request. Because of the number of unresolved concerns regarding the zoning case, staff recommended denial of the rezoning. Assuming Commission follows our recommendation, then this plat would warrant denial also. The re-submittal of this plat is almost identical to the first one, and because of staff's concerns with the resubmitted zoning case regarding unresolved development issues, we must again recommend denial of this plat--legal descriptions on the plat do not track, we have concerns regarding proposed access to the 121 Bypass (see zoning comments), and the awkward access from Denton Tap Road give us concern. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: As stated above, if rezoning is denied, then this plat must be also. Because of the number of issues not addressed by the applicant, staff recommends denial of the plat at this time. Because of the comments stated above, staff recommends denial of the preliminary plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat (Note: contained in the resubmittal packet for the zoning change) 2) Departmental comments (no Departmental comments) Item # 6 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE VICINITY ~--------.~...._..7...2. MAP ....-_=======================. .. Rockbrook HGhl~nd Dr /:~,/ ~ ~d~ ~ Site BASIS OF BEARING COPPELL MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH ADDITION VOLUME 98219, PAGE 0056 Wd nar_:. Z<~ o~.. Z~ .LEGEND FI P = FOUND IRON PIPE FIR 1/2"= FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD FIR 5/8"= FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD WITH ORANGE PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "CARTER & BURGESS" FND "X" = FOUND SCRIBED X SIR = SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "C & P ENGINEERING" WHEREAS DENTON TAP DEVELOPMENT, LLC. ~s the owner of a tract or parcel of land s~tuated ~n GC Woolsey Survey. Abstract No 1402 m the CRy of Coppell. Dallas County. Texas, and bain9 part of the 7 225 acres tract described in the deed to Denton Tap Development. LLC on Indiana limited liability company, dated August 25. 1999 and recorded in Volume 99171 Page 2598 in the Dallas County Deed Records, and bern9 more particularly described as follows COMMENCING at a found 5/8-inch iron rod capped "Carter & Burgess" on the south right-of-way line of Vista Ridge Boulevard (variable width right-of-way) at the northwest corner of the "Coppell M~ddle School North Add,ban", an add,ban to the C~ty of Coppell recorded m Volume 98219 Page 0056 m the Dallas County Map Records, THENCE Northwesterly an arc d~stance of 264 98 feet along a curve to the r~ght and along the south line of Vmta R~dge Boulevard to a set ~-~nch ~ron rod w~th o yellow plasbc cap stamped "C&P Engineering' for the POINT OF BEGINNING, smd curve hawng a radius of 2879 79 feet. a central angle of 05' 16' 19", and the long ~.O~O~)\¢.,~Q. chord bears North 79' 05' 30" West 264 89 feet, " ¢ ~' ~v THENCE South 15' 52' 59" West 296 10 feet to a set e-inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "C~P Engineering" on the north side of said 'Coppell Middle .,,o?, b~s ~' VAR a DOE s~oo, North Addition", / 8L~ W/O ~ VD ~%:~. ¢ . THENCE North 78' 46' 59" West 74 77 feet along the north side of said "Coppell Middle School North Ad dibon' to a set 9-m ch iron rod w,th a .l Iow p lasbc cap oco~s~ TH~. O. ~ stamped "C~P Engmeenng" at the most westerly northwest corner of said "Coppell M,ddle School North Addlt,on", ~ ' THENCE North 46' 57' 37" West 10522 feet to a set ~-inch iron rod w~th a yellow plasbc cap stamped "C&P Engineering". A = 2'53'59" THENCE No~th 18' 14' 12" East 251 85 feet along the west mdc of so~d 7 225 acres (r¢ct to o set ~-mch iron rod w~th ~ yellow piosbc cop stomped "C&P ~ 84-~5'~" E 79 52' . R = 2879.79' Eno,near,no, (DOC NO 94_R0000002) ~ = 5'58'26" b = 145.75' THENCE Southeasterly en arc al,stance of 14575 feet along the south hne of Wste R~dge Boulevard and olong o curve to the left howng o rod~us of 2879 79 feet, o R = 2879 79' centrol ongle of 02' 53' 59". end the long chord beers South 75' 00' 2t" E~st 145 75 feet, to the Point of Begmmng ond Containing 44,925 squ~re feet or 1 0315 I~~ N 84~ L - ~82 98' CHD = S 75'00'21"E ~cres of land more or less ~ ~5¢ ~1.~. ~ CHD = S 71'44'09 E / 145.75 ~ ; ' ~ ~ ~ NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN S ¢ ~ ..... °~'MT ~F That' DENTON TA~ DE~LOPMENT L L C ~s the owner of the herein described property does hereby adopt this plat designating the harem described property as j ~,' ~ ~~ ~ k l N / R 0 W DEDICATION C~ll~ ~ ........... ~L~L ~ ........ ~ .... f ¢o~e Da as CaD'tv Texas and does hereby dedcate to the pubhc use forever the streets and ~ .v ~- ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ [ffi I ffi i, Off OOOl[lO~ tu kU~ bl~y u ~ vv . " ' bi c and rwate ubhtles I ~7~ ' ~~~1/2 _c~ / 1'~62q..ft BEGNNING .,, .... hn~fl h ..... The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for pubhc utdltles, garbage and rubbish cotie~tlo~ ~genc,es, ~nd ali pu I ~/~ ~ .......... ~ ~ / ~ ~L~/ / .... /~.. ~"~z ...... .__,,___ ~ ........... ~ -~.1¢ ....... and fire lane easements is the respons~bd~y OT the proper~y owner No puddings. i'v/ ~ UNU~b A~Ubbb 15 01'~~ ¢ / / / b l ~ / /L for each parucular use /ne maintenance o~ puvIuy ul, tu: u~,, .y, ~ .... . .......... *~ ........ f .... hown said easements be na hereby reserved ~/ / % rAqFMFNT AQRFFMFNT / ~ ~ ~ ~ / / +¢ .... h¢.hs or other imnrovements or Growths sha be conszructea or placed upon. over ur uu~u~ L.~ :~= ............. . ....... ~/ / %..~?,TZg-;'X;.V-A;%~-4.,=/ ~ I ~ c~,~ / / A = 5'16'19" ~ ............ ~ ~'~'~,~,.~, ...... x ~¢~mmodabon ~f all Dubhc ut,l,t es us,ng or des,r,ng to use the same All and any pubhc ut,l,ty shaD, n~ve tn~,r?~t ~o r~mo~e and Ke~p / ~ ,, ';;;ESS~ ~3~9 ~ ~~ / ....... ~,,IT maintenance or efflcienc ~f its resp;cbve s~tem ;n the easements and ~11 pubhc utdibes shall at all times have the right of ingress and egress to or from and ~ ~I--A/ A~ %~10 ~'-f ~_~JoC..% ~ L = ZD4 U~ ........... r~ll~/ u-on the so,d eosement~ for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, potrolhng, momtoimng and adding to or removing oil. or parts.of ,ts r, espective, sy~?2~ / ~ ., 1Rq~ E~ /~ ~ % ~;¢~¢~¢P ~~ CHD = N /9 o~ 5u w CONTROLLING w~thout the necess,ty at any t,me of procuring the perm,ss,on of on.ne Any pubhc utd,ty shall have t~e right o¢ in~res~ ~na egr~l to ~;~c~rs~P~¢~s.~e~,l;t OhS / ~ ~ '%~~ ,* in ~ ~- .~ 7 3~ ~ ~ 264 89 MONUMENT purpose of reading meters and any ma,ntenance required or ord,nar,ly performed by the ut,hty This plat approved SUDJeCt ,0 al, pla,trig . , / ~ ___ / / ~ .... C~ ~ ~ ~ ~N _~ F I P and resolutions of the C~ty of Coppell Texas / ~ CROSS ACCL~ /~- / , ~ % ~== . ~ /~_% .... ' I-A 8" / ZONED: El ~;~1'~/ /022~ ~~ EXECUTED this the ........ day of ................. 2000 J I R=2942 7~/ I ~Zq ~ ' / I .,~' ~/ / .' I Denton Top Development .~ ~5o~ ~' /~ %~ . I , ~o~ g~o~ . / ~ ~, ~ /~ _ _ ~;~;;~ ............... ' ] ~ ~ ' -~/ /~ ~/~' BLOCK 1 I~1~ SETBACX I A~' ~ W /~ ~lo~l~ I~1~ BY ZONING ¢ I ~ ~ STATE OF TEXAS I u~ ,9~ ~/ ~ . /~w~: ZONED LI ~1 'v , V~ ' COUNTY OF DALLAS J , q ~[ ~ .~I~L~ .~.. /~1 ~ ~'.a~ I .............................. ,*,, -Notarv Public ,n and for the said County and State on th,s date personally appeared Dav,d Bunnell known, to me, to.be the [ J . /(. ~/~.. I~; ~: /~- ~ q'bTM u~ru~ ~. ~nu uuu~,~ .......... ~' - _ . .' ................ ~ ~.~ ~ .... I~ to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration I I ~1 /~ /~ ~ .. ~m /z /0.2 .0~ ~( ~ ; person and officer WhOSe nome is SUDSCrlDeO ~0 zne ~oregumy l.~[g;,lu,,. Ul,~ I / ~, /4 :,,~ /~, ~,~zo sq. IL./~I~ ¢~Vo~ ~l there,n expressed and in the capac,ty therein stated / C,oss,ccEssI / /~ H /~ 1 0315 acres/~.~ ~o~,' ~ Il-B, /~ 1 ' ~7~ ~¢ 99~' ~1 GI~N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE th,s the ...... day of ............. 2000 /S 89'18'12"~E [ rN 90'O0'O0"W k8561 / - / N ~ b/ 5/ W /~1~ _~¢ ~M~ ~ Notary for the State of Texas .............................. ~ 5373'~'] ~ 21444' 1023;~/ / /, h05 22' /~'1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ © ] CENTEX IDEVELOPMENI COMPANY ~ / / O' /~ ''~ ~[ My Commms,on exp,res ................................ ....... C2 .... ~ - ~] ' ' F 1/V I~-~s ~12401' ' ~~ x ~ - ~] ,ACCESS · *, , ~ S 90'0000' E 11990' %~'/ / - ~ ~-~ / / ZONED U Gl ~,-~ o J I ~' ~UT~ A~SS~D · % .~ /,.~ 3'~T~ ~l '~ ~0b~ ~ z / FIRE LANE EASEMENT ~ ~ % ~, ¢ v SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE shown ~ . J BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT .~~C19 N 78.~9.~- ~ ~ ~ '~ I Thomas C Holland, do hereby cerbfy that I hove prepared th,s plat from en,.octuot on th~ gro~n¢ surve~fff t~ I~d. ~%~%.~e~o~:r ~u;e~e Texas , ~ -- ~Y ~ ' 1OTTIn rules and re UlO~10ns OT The blt WlOfl ~OfIIHIIS~IUH U/ [H~ ~16'5'" ~ ,~C 15' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT / /~ ~~ ~' ~ClR 1/2.,, ' (~'k ~-~-~ ............. ~ ¢ ~% 77'~ I ~- FROM DENTON TAP DEVELOPMENT L L C ¢ ~.. /~~o,, / qO% ~no ....... r ~{~ ' ~ / - /~ TO CENTEX DE~LOPMENT COMPANY ......... .. ,.,~ ~ ~ O~ ~ I~ ~eglstereo vrofesslonal LOnd burveyo ~ No 2036 O / ~/~ II ~L OZ LO ~ ~ ~ o ~ VOLUME 99171 PAGE 2442 105 92' 'S I ~ ~/2" ~ od2 , ~N 8!4~%1~ W~ ¢ ~6 STATE OF TEXAS FIR 15' SANITARY SE~R and th~s dote personally appeared Thomas C Holland known to me to be EASEMENT I _ BEFORE ME, the undermgned authority, o Notary Public ~n and for the smd County State, on -I 1/2" ~he person and officer whose nome IS ,,bso¢lbS~ '0 the foregoing instrument and acknowledged ,o me that he executed the some for the purpose and BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT { ZONED ~,F 7 there~n expressed and in the capacity therein stated ZONED LI ~ GI~N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the ...... day of 2O00 ~ Notary for the State of Texas ~ My Commission Expires I ~C- ~ . CC WOOLSEY SUIRVEY, ABSTRACT 1402 CLARINDA SQUIRES 'SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1527 ~~- EA, SEMENT The undersigned, the City Secretary of the C~ty of Coppell, Counc,ITexas' herebYthe cerbfies daythat ofthe preliminary plot of the2000,"Jack end~n thethotBOXtheAdd~t~On,councd, LOtby formal1 BIOCkocbon,l" on 4~%~O~ = 15' SANITARY SE~R odddlon to the C,ty of Coppell wes submitted to the C,ty on ..... · then ~ FROM DENTON TAP DE~LOPMENT L L C and there approved the prehmmary plot and by separate motion designated the Plonmng and Zoning Commission to be the Mumopal Authority responsible for the q~%~%' TO CENTEX DE~LOPMENT COMPANY approval of the Final Subd~ws~on Plat of such land and the Final Subdw~s~on Plat of such land need not be brought back for final approval of the C~ty Councd unless. ~0~ .~.- . V~UME 99171. PAGE 2442 through ~nacbon on the part of the Planning and Zomng Commission, such Fmat Subdw~s~on Plat ~s deemed approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for ~x~'-~0~ ~ failure to oct w~thm the 50 day period required by Iow ~ C~O0~ ~ Witness my hand this day of 2000 : _ - ~ o~ City Secretory 0 Z ~ qO% C,ty Secretory ¢ F,nol Subd,vls,on Plat approved by formal act,on of the Plann,ng and Zen,rig Camm,ss,on on the ...... day of 2000. thereby ~ accepting the dad,cat,on of streets, olle~ porks, easements, pubhc ptoces and water and sewer hnes, os shown and set forth m and upon smd plot and authorizing ~ts Cho~rmon to note the acceptance thereof by s~gnmg his nome os herembelow subscribed The undersigned, the City Secretory of the C~ty of Coppell, Texas, hereby cerbfles that the preliminary plot of the "Jack ~n the Box Add~bon, Lot 1 Block 1" on oddRion to the C~ty of Coppell was submitted to the C~ty Councd on the day of , 2000, and that the Council, by formal action, then and there approved the preliminary plot and by separate motion designated the Planning and Zoning Commission to be the Mun~opol Authority responsible for the approval of the Final Subd~ws~on Plot of such land and the F~nol Subd~ws~on Plot of such land need not be brought bock for final approval of the C~ty Councd unless, through ~nocbon on the port of the Planning and Zomng Commission, such Final Subdivision Plot ~s deemed approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for fodure to oct within the 50 day period required by Iow Witness my hond this day of . 2000 C~ty Secretory C~ty Secretory Final Subd~ws~on Plot approved by formal action of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the day of , 2000, thereby occepUng the dedicobon of streets, alleys, porks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, os shown and set forth m and upon so~d plot and authorizing ~ts Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by s~gnmg h~s nome os herembelow subscribed Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commlsmon dote C~ty of Coppell, Texas Secretory, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas ATTEST' dote l MUTUAL ACCESS & Cha,rman Planning and Zon,ng Comm~ss,on date .~_ FIRE LANE EASEMENT C~ty of Coppell, Texas CURVE CHART RADIUS LENOTH DELTA BEARINO DISTANCE C1 2879 79' 12 57' 00'15'01" S 75'59'07"E 12 57' ATTEST C2 2879 7g' 60 18' 01'11'51" S 74'24'35"E 60 18' Secretory. Planning and Zoning Commission dote C5 2879 79' 72 99' 01 '27'08" S 75'44'04"E 72 99' C~ty of Coppell, Texas C4 2913 47' 7g 53' 01 "33'50" N 75'40'43"W 7g 52' C5 2937 47' 68 67' 01 '20'22" N 75'4T26"W 68 67' C6 2879 79' 94 55' 01 '52'52" S 77'23'47"E 94 55' C7 10 00' 17 14' 98'11'35" S 25'48'00"E 15 12' C8 30 00' 28 08' 53'38'00" S 50'04'57"W 27 07 FLOOD PLAIN NOTE C9 5000' 22 97' 43'51'47" N 2534'33"W 22 41' According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map btled "C~ty of Coppell. Texas", Commumty-Ponel Number 480170 0010 E Map C10 1000' 19 18' 109'52'51" N 53'17'47 E 16 37' Revised Aprd 15. 1994. the land described ~n th~s map of survey ~s located w~thm o Zone "X" (unshaded). which ~s defined on the map os "Areas determined to be Cll 30 00' 40 06 76'50'31" N 51'44'45"E 37 15' outside 500-year flood C12 30 00' 47 12' 90'00'00" S 45'00'00"E 42 43' C15 30 00' 49 23' 94'01'21" N 47'42'29"E 43 89' '.14 30 00' 17 71' 53'49'38" S 68'22'02"E 42 17' ;15 5000' 54 01" 64'56'59" S 53'27'59'W 52 22' "Floodplain Development Permit Apphcabon No has been filed with the C~ty of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on . 2000 F I R / C16 30 00' 33 92' 64'47'05" N 55'09'21"W 52 14' 1/2" _~ C17 50 00' 46 76' 89'18'12" S 45'20'51"W 42 17' C18 54 00' 51 69' 53'57'15" S 75'11'24"W 51 23' ) ~ C19 5000' 25 47' 44'49 55" S 78'47'45"W 22 88 Floodplain Administrator date ~ C20 50 00' 48 51' 92'15 58" S 52'38'50 E 43 26' "The developer, budder, seller, or agent, shall ~nform ~n wr~bng, each prospective buyer of subdlws~on lots of property located w~thln special flood hazard areas of th~s ~'~ '~ C21 50 00' 47 85' 91'2.5'16" S 59'11'OT'W 42 94' site that such property is in an ldenbfled flood hazard area and that all development must conform to the prows~ons of the City of Coppell Floodplain Management  C22 30 00' 48 31' 92'15 58" S 52'38'30"E 43 26 Ordinance" C23 2879 79'48 95' 00"58'26" S 78'49'26"E 48 95' c~4 5ooo' 28o5' 55-~2'25" s2~'25'49"E 27o~' PRELIMINARY PLAT C28 2957 47'142 45' 02'46'41" N 77"50'58"W 142 42' AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS UTILITY SIGNATURE BLOCK NAME DATE SIGNATURE TU GAS/ TU ELECTRIC GTE PARAGON CABLE COMPANY SITUATED IN THE G.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1402 OWNER SURVEYOR DENTON TAP DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. C&P ENGINEERING, LTD. iATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET J F I.R 3721 Shenandoah ENGINEERING - SURVEYING 1/2" Dallas, Texas 75205 3501 FM 2181, SUITE 230 Contact: David Brunnell Corinth, Texas 76~05 (214) 520-3611 Contact: Thomas C. Holland Phone: (940) 270-8211 Fax: (940) 270-8201 FILED VOLUME PAOE DCMR Revision Date: 04/27/00 Date 02,/16/00 Job No. 00013 Scale 1"-,, ,= 60' Sheet I of 1